Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Majic Combined ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Giddion, get up! We're going to be late for school!” I heard Maddox's voice calling me from the kitchen-WAIT-did he say we're late for school!?!
GRRRRARRRRR! Why didn't you wake me up sooner!” I was in a foul mood as I threw off the covers. I ran around my room in a panic digging through piles of clothes looking for a clean outfit.
“I tried, now hurry!!”
I grabbed my things and ran toward the door in a flurry. We made it just in time. As we scrambled into the bus, found our seats and sat down, I sighed in relief.
Maddox gasped “Thank goodness we made it!”
I nodded my head in agreement. I was a little worried, because I could almost feel something was different. I hoped that nothing would go wrong today because I had math team practice.
The rest of the day was average, P.E., Algebra, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Art, and French. Then we got home. Uncle was in his usual good mood, grumbling about how he wished we weren't his problem, and how it was our fault that his marriage was falling apart (which it wasn't), and everything else that went wrong in his lifetime. During dinner, Maddox was arguing with uncle about how not everything in his life that went wrong was our fault. I silently agreed with him, but didn't dare say it aloud. After a few minutes the fight grew louder and louder.
“Well… actually, Zach, they get good grades, and-”
A thought floated through my mind, `did he just say `WE?!?'

“Y-your kidding me right?!?” I blurted out.
He looked at me so pleadingly; I just had to give in.
“Then GET OUT!”
Maddox stormed out of the room and I ran after him with a blank look on my face. He just got me kicked out. I was scared out of my mind as questions flooded into my head.
Where are we going to stay? What's going to happen to us? What are we going to eat!
When suddenly I also heard, `Geeze, I wish that that Giddion would stop talking so much!' I was truly taken aback. I hadn't said anything! What could have gotten him so mad! Not only was I taken aback, but I was also saddened by the fact that my brother would think that of me.
”W-where… um, where are we?” I stammered nervously, unsure if I should say anything or not.
He gasped in shock and awe as he nervously looked around for the first time, and murmured, “We're in the Mages Forest.”
I nearly fell over at the mention of the name, “WHERE!?!”
He looked back at me with a nervous look, Yup. It's the Mage's Forest alright… I would know those haunted looking trees ANYWHERE…”
“That would explain it… Think something, anything.” I said with a smile slowly growing on my face.
“What are you talking about?!? Giddion have you gone mad!”
Try it! I thought with satisfaction in figuring out why he could hear my thoughts.
Maddox! I've figured it out! We're Telepath Mages! I exclaimed in my head.
So you're saying that we can say things in our head to each other? Cool!! I just did!
Fun, isn't it!
“So, I'm not going crazy?” Maddox wondered aloud.
“Nope!” I said cheerfully.
“Thank goodness! I wondered why you were speaking so much! You're usually so quiet! It was all in your… erm… our heads!” Maddox paused slightly and said under his breath, “Now uncle will never let us back in the house…”
Just as he said that, I heard something moving amongst the trees. I said in a steady voice, “What was that?”
Maddox looked at me and started to say something, then he looked up, and his expression changed from a carefree smile to a wide eyed stare.
“What's wrong?” I asked in confusion, “Why are you looking at me that way?”
“I-I'm not looking at you,” He said with fear in his voice, “I'm looking at…” He paused in a way that scared me half to death, “HIM!!”
I turned around slowly, and I screamed out of pure terror. I tripped and fell to the ground. I was going to run, when I heard him speak.
“Please, dear boys, do not be afraid of me,” He paused as he helped me up, “My name is Javot, What are your names?”
His voice was so pleasant that I easily said, “My name, sir,” I added remembering my manners, “is Giddion, and this is my twin brother Maddox.”
He laughed heartily, “of course you're twins!” He hesitated for a moment, and then he said, “You look… exactly… alike…”
His smile dropped, he looked at us as it were the first time he had seen us. It was at that moment that I got to have a really good look at him. His skin was pale and contrasted against his clothes; he was wearing a dark velvet blue mages hat with the symbol of the dark mage all over it, the moon. He wore a black cape, and had pitch black eyes that were as dark as a black hole. I saw, what was left of the color of his face, had completely drained making him a whitish color.
“Are you okay sir,” I said cautiously (after all we still knew nothing about him except that his name is Javot), “Are you sick?”
“No, no, no dear boy,” he said, seemingly snapping back into reality, “I am not sick, I just had the feeling that I knew you from somewhere…” His voice trailed off as if he had faded back into his previous thoughts.
“I-I wonder, Sir-,” I smiled, this was the first time Maddox talked to this stranger.
“No, no please call me Javot” he said with a large smile.
Erm, o-okay, Javot, I wonder, are you an, um, mage?”
“Ah!” He looked at Maddox with shock in his eyes and a growing smile, “How can you tell young boy?”
“Your hat Javot.” Maddox said shyly.
“Yes! My hat! Do you know what it symbolizes?” he said excitedly. Maddox shook his head.
“I do!” I declared proudly.
“Please! Do say! I think that it is wonderful that the youth these days are so well educated about us mages.”
“Ahem…” I began, clearing my throat for dramaticeffect, “Your hat symbolizes that you are a mage, the color of your hat symbolizes that you are a mage of the highest level, and the shapes on your hat symbolizes the type of mage you are… In this case, the shapes are crescent moons which symbolizes that you are a dark mage.” I was so impressed with myself I didn't notice that Maddox was half asleep from my lecture, and Javot's eyes were wide with amazement.
“WOW. That's all I can say. That was amazing! I didn't know you knew that much!!” His eyes were twinkling with excitement, as we heard Maddox let out a loud snore.
I thought, hoping that he wouldn't hear, How rude! He shouldn't have fallen asleep while I was talking! Especially with a guest here! Poor Javot has to listen to him snore! While I tried to nudge him awake, I didn't see a smile growing on Javot's face.
Get up Maddox,” I whispered in desperation, “Don't be rude…”

Javot interrupted, Now Giddion, it is getting late! Don't worry about him! We should all be sleeping!”
“Well, Alright, I guess… But, where are we going to stay! We were kicked out of our uncle's house!!”
Hmm… I know!” Javot said with excitement in his voice, “You two can stay with me!!”
“Are you sure sir, wouldn't it be too large a burden watching two thirteen year olds”
“Of course not silly boy!” he said, and with that he carried my brother all the way back to his camp, deeper into the forest that I ever thought we would go, if we got lost, we might not be able to find our way back because it was off of the pathway.
When we got there, Javot put my (still snoring) brother on the ground and covered him with an extra cloak that he had. After that we had hearty dinner and we began to talk about our pasts.
“Giddion, are you and Maddox mages?”
“Yes, If there is such a thing as a telepath mage.”
“Silly boy! Of course there is!! There are many kinds of mages!”
“Oh,” I said trying to hide the sadness in my voice, “That's too bad…”
“What's wrong?” Javot asked me.
“Well,” I started, “My uncle is afraid of mages, and if we are mages, he will chase us out of town.”
“What happened to your parents?” Javot asked me politely.
“They died when we were little; we were only about five… Mum and Dad were mages too. Dad was a tracer mage, and Mum was a green mage. That's why our uncle hates us. Our parents were mages and they-we are his mortal enemies.”
“Why does he hate mages?”
“Well, he said that his parents were murdered by a rouge mage who went crazy and killed one thousand people.”
“Well, why does he hate all mages?” Javot said with a confused look.
“He thinks that it could be any one of us that killed his parents.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Well then, how did your parents die?”
“Dad was on the Mages court, and was murdered by an unknown magical spell. Mum happened to be there, and tried to stop the mage, but she was too late. In the end he killed her too… with the same spell…” I could feel my chest tighten, and tears forming in my eyes, I hoped Javot hadn't seen, and I brushed them away and continued, “Of course, I don't remember that well, after all, I was only five.”
Javot looked at me sympathetically, and smiled a smile that sent chills running down my spine. Then he said, “Let's go to bed. It's getting late.”
“Um, yeah,” I mumbled and I laid down in bed, and slowly fell asleep thinking that everything that happened was too good to be true.
In the morning, I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, wondering if the day before was all a dream, then I saw Maddox talking to Javot and knew it wasn't a dream.
“What time is it?” I mumbled groggily.
Maddox grinned “Well, we missed the school bus!”
“Ha ha, very funny. Oh! Sometimes I wish I could just… oh, never mind!” I am always grumpy in the mornings when I first wake up and Maddox knew that.
“Good morning sleepy head!” He pinched my cheek which I swatted away, “Imagine, my own brother oversleeping! My goodness!” I could see a sparkle in his eye as he said that.
“Now, now boys! Don't argue so early in the morning!” Javot said with his usual bright smile on his face.
“Javot,” Maddox said (he obviously wasn't scared of him anymore), “will you teach us how to use our powers!! Please!!”
Javot thought about it for a while, and finally said, “Well alright! It would be fun! I have never taught anyone before though! I hope you don't mind my inexperience!” and added under his breath, “It would be nice to have a good battle later too…”
I looked at him suspiciously, and Maddox said with a smile, “Huh?”
“Ah! Nothing, nothing at all!” When he said this, he returned my look of confusion with his gentile smile.
Soon our training started. Every day, I even trained myself to wake up at seven. The first day of training, he taught us to meditate and how to control our telepathy.
“Focus your mind, close your eyes... absorb your surroundings! Focus, breathe, count! One, two, one, two… Good! Good job. No, no Maddox! Practice isn't over yet!”
By the third day, we ran out of food and water, so we decided to find a stream, and hunt for some food.
“I'll go find the water!” Maddox yelled back to Javot and I in our camp.
“Well…” I said, “I'll go hunt the food for lunch. Don't worry Javot!” I saw a worried look on Javot's face, “I've finally gotten a hang on hunting!”
I ran off and I found a thicket of trees, that I had never searched before. I shivered as the wind blew, and I worked on my meditation, breathing in and out, in and out, in and out… Suddenly I realized the wind was circling around me, and I was suspended what seemed like ten feet in the air, and when I looked at what was holding me up, I felt sick, because… THE GROUND WAS HOLDING ME UP!!
The area of ground I was standing on had shot forth and I panicked, and saw that the ground was going back down WITHOUT ME. I screamed, but realized that the wind that was circling around me was holding me up! I asked the wind to let me down SLOWLY and it did! I realized that I was not ONLY a telepathy mage; I was also a weather mage and an earth mage. I hunted some small animals, and ran back to camp in excitement, when Maddox crossed paths me and told me the most amazing thing.
“Giddion, I was wandering, and I found a stream. I was thinking about how we were going to cook lunch, when all of a sudden, where I stepped caught on fire! I gathered water from the stream, and I poured it on the fire. When the water ran out, I went to get more, and realized that water spheres were forming in my hands. Thats when I realized that I was a water mage and a fire mage! Oh! I did get water though! I didn't forget!” He said with a smile
“Wow, weird… I found out I was an earth and a weather mage!”
“Cool.” He said, I agreed, and we walked back to camp, about to explode with all of the exciting news that we had to tell Javot.
When we got back to camp, we told him everything over lunch (using our new powers of course). He was so excited that he said we should start training right then! Our training for that day was like our first day of training, meditating, learning to control of our powers. For some reason, I had an easier time with the meditating than Maddox (he kept fidgeting).
I was so excited the next day that I felt like nothing could go wrong. Boy was I wrong.
The day started out normally. I got up and meditated, practiced what we did the day before, then Maddox and Javot woke up. (Ha! Now I wake up earlier than them!) Then we practiced altogether seeing how much we learned the previous day. Later, we had some breakfast. We found some quail eggs, and had the leftovers from last night. Maddox and I were having a great time, but little did we know that this was the last meal we were going to have with Javot.
“How's breakfast boys!” Javot said with his carefree smile, “Are you enjoyings it?”
“Yup!” we said in unison.
“Good eat up!” he said cheerfully, “you're going to need it.” He said mysteriously.
I said cautiously, “What do you mean?”
“Oh, never mind, forget it!” he smiled at me warmly.
“That was good boys! You are great chefs! I have to go get something, I'll be right back! Oh! And here are some weapons to defend yourselves with in case of emergency…”
“Okay!” Maddox said cheerfully.
“Maddox, I thought, don't you notice something different about him?”
“Huh? What are you talking about? He seems the same to me! He probably just had to go to the bathroom or something.”
“He's been gone for a while Maddox! No one takes THREE HOURS to go to the bathroom!”
“Geeze! We've been training with him since the beginning of then Second week of Blue moon! Now it's almost the Last week of Crystal Sun! It has been almost a year! You've gotta be more trusting of him!”
Just as I was about to respond, something flew at us-Dark Matter, a dark mages most powerful attack.
“Maddox!” I cried out, “Get ready! We are about to use all of our training in an actual battle!!” I grabbed my weapon (a sword) began to charge forward when Maddox held me back.
“Giddion! Look at whose attacking us! It's JAVOT!!” When he said that, I froze on the spot. I wondered why Javot was attacking us.
“Yes, yes dear boys! I have been preparing you for an attack by me!! Iolia mattra ratera oppoi stropra!
That was one magical spell that we hadn't learned. I jumped out of the way just in time. The spell created a giant sphere of dark energy.
He began to laugh cruelly, “That's the spell that killed your parents, boys, and it is a display of true power. Only myself and my master knew how to do this until today! This spell crushes your opponents with a blast of dark energy!! Just try it! You won't be able to replicate it! You're not a dark mage!!! Muahahaha! I will be victorious!”
“Why would you train us, if you were only going to kill us?” I asked, my voice shaking.
“I wanted a challenge boy! I didnt want to kill you if you were a weakling! That wouldn't be satisfying!” the smile that I used to comfort me, now sent shivers down my spine.
I snapped “You killed my parents!! I'll kill you!” I charged at him ready to kill tears falling from my eyes.
Okdarrok sottenje koklinhe siteninta aquadeus!” Maddox yelled, trying to drown Javot with his powers. Javot deflected the attack with the wave of a hand, sending it back toward
Maddox who easily absorbed it.
Next, I tried a spell of my own, “aquadeus elewinduc debrise sendato JAVOT!” I cried, calling upon the power and destruction of a hurricane. This one, I couldn't control. I was able to conjure it, and I can influence where it goes, but I cannot control it until it tapered off when the spell diminishes…
“Yes!” I yelled, “It hit!”
I heard yelps of pain as lightning struck him and tornadoes were sucking his body into a vortex of destruction. As the miniature hurricane dissipated, all I could see was Javot, clothes torn everywhere, but he was still standing. He surveyed the damage. Then he said, breathing heavily, ”I… have m-many gashes a-and bruises.” He said, taking inventory of his wounds,
“How boy... how, did…” He coughed, and we could see blood, “how did you learn that?”
“I made it up myself. I was hunting and I said some random spells to see what would happen, and it created a miniature hurricane.” I stated with a growl.
“Yes boy, you certainly have gotten stronger.” I could see him struggle to stand up.
“Go ahead Javot, your move. Hit us with your best shot!” Maddox was getting more and more confident as he saw Javot grow weaker.
Maddox! I yelled at him in my head, are you crazy! He may be considerably weaker, but he is still a really strong mage!

Fool! He may be much stronger than us, but if he uses up all of his magic, we'll be able to defeat him! I could tell that Maddox is A LOT better under pressure than I am. Got it!?!
Yup! Let's go!!
I could really tell that Maddox had ticked off Javot because we could see his dark magic surrounding him in a cage.
Contatim eventide granulatera Maddera e Giddon! I was shocked that he knew our names in the ancient magical language. Even we hadn't! When he said that, a big blast of dark matter in the shape of a mallet came crashing down. I saw Maddox frozen to the ground, and I knocked him out of the way of the dark mallet, only to have it come crash down on me. It hurt like crazy, and felt like I would never be able to do anything ever, that I was a failure, and everyone thought so too& Even Maddox.
Giddion are you okay! Oh man! Get up!! Get up!! I felt Maddox shaking me awake.
“Ugh… I'm okay. Hows about you.” I said gently smiling at Maddox. (I was a little dizzy.)
“C'mon get up!”
“Oh right,” I paused as I conjured some wind to help me up.
Then together, Maddox and I said, “Commingle magical burstanto!” We weren't sure what would happen, but we just had a strong feeling that it would defeat Javot.
Javot's smile fell and said, “What is that spell! Tell me! If there is a spell I don't know, I must learn it!!”
“To bad dude!” Maddox said disregarding manners, “Even we don't know… You'll just have to find out, like the rest of us!” As he was saying this, our attack formed. It was astounding. It was a tornado surrounded with strands of our magic woven into it.
Javot's eyes grew wide, the color drained from his face, and he began to tremble.
”NOOOOOOO!!!” He wailed, “This cannot be happening! I cannot be defeated!
“Believe it.” I said resentfully. After that attack, we saw his body disintegrate into dust in the wind.
I wonder if Uncle and Aunty will ever let us back in the house now…” Maddox said, and we began to laugh like we never had before.
“C'mon,” I said, “Let's get out of this forest. We've been in this forest for almost a year. We should at least try to see if Aunty and Uncle will let us back in the house, but if that doesn't work, I know a place we can go.”
“Where?” Maddox asked, “I don't think anyone in town will accept us if it means getting uncle mad!”
“No Maddox,” I said, “Nowhere in town will accept us, but there is a place that will… The Mage's Court.” His eyes grew wide at the mention of the legendary court. “I'm sure they will accept us like they did Dad. Over time, they even made him High Judge.”
“Well, let's go then! We know Uncle will never let us in the house!”
“Well, okay…” We started walking through the forest, and found our way out; from there we could easily find our way to the Mages Court. When we got there, walking through the halls brought back old memories of when our father would take us to work with him. We told the Court our story and allowed us to stay with them, and when we got into our rooms, we were happy to know that we could stay there as long as we wanted.
Ten Years later…
“Guilty. Sentence 20-life, no chance of parole. Court is adjourned. Guards, take the defendant away please.”
“Hey, Giddion! Court today was brutal! Can you believe that guy killed five mages!! I'm glad you said guilty. Now if I had a say in it, I would've ha-” My annoying twin brother, Maddox, always had his own opinion about things.
“Oh, shut your mouth Maddox. I only gave him the time I thought he deserved.”
“You're High Judge on the Mage's Court! I'm only the Secondary Judge I can't go against the verdicts that you place, so you need to think more of the non-magical people who have been traumatized by these stray mages! We don't need more people like Uncle Zack in the world!”
I shivered at the mention of our mage-hating uncle and said, “Yeah, we really don't even need him in this world… He sure hated us a lot!”
He slapped my back, “That, I can't argue with…”