Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Painters love ❯ chapter seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Warnning: Crappy ending, well to this chapter maybe if you want more... Let me know or else this is it. I'm running out of ideas. So here's a sappy sweet ending. And thus it is crappy.

An hour later Devon reentered the room. They were still talking. Leaving once again he returned two hours later. They were still talking. “Have you told her about our studio yet?” He interrupted.

“Studio?” Elena asked.

“Oh we’re sharing my studio now.”

“Hmm.” Elena gave him a curious look. “Since when?”

“Since yesterday.”

“What?” ‘But you seem so close already.’

“Yeah, I was kind of conned into it.” Devon sighed.

“No you weren’t. You totally agreed!” Lee said a little hurt. ‘That shouldn’t hurt like this.’

“So which is it?” Elena asked. But she could already tell from the blush on Devon’s cheeks.

“Okay so maybe I was coerced into agreeing.” Devon blushed.

“Hmm.” ‘He’s usually really stubborn though. Why not now?’

“Well it was a pleasure to meet you.” Lee said raising. He knew it was time to go. “Thank you for telling me about Devon.” Lee smiled he didn’t know why but he felt like he was better off.

“He’s right we should be going he’s still got to go home.”

“And you need to get your stuff. You’re staying the night at my place remember?” Lee added.

Devon’s jaw dropped. ‘When did I agree to this?’ His look said. But not wanting to let his Aunt know he nodded.

Of course Elena caught that but said nothing. ‘So there is someone who tames you eh?’ She thought as they left. ‘So is this what you wanted Lee?’ She remembered all the stories she told him. Even some about girlfriends. She could the jealousy in his eyes as she mentioned them. But all the same he wanted to know. “You’re a strange kid.” She told herself as she watched Lee grab Devon’s hand under the pretense he wasn’t fast enough.

When they returned to his house Devon gathered things for a few days. ‘I never know how long he’ll make me stay.’ He reasoned. ‘But why do I let him?’ So they took the bus to Lee’s house where they worked on their paintings.

That Friday Eliza confronted him about it. “So you’ve been over there a whole week now?” She cried.

“What’s wrong with that?” Tory asked. “They’ve been working nonstop.”

“True.” Eliza said. “But I don’t like the way he’s making you.”

“I’m not.” Lee’s voice traveled to her ears.

“What do you mean you’re not?” Devon cried.

“I say you are and you never say no. If you said no I’d let you leave.” Lee said honestly. Only that first night would he have stopped him.

Tory’s, Eliza’s, and Devon’s mouths fell open.

“You mean I’m staying because I want to…” It sank in to Devon. ‘I’ve fallen for him.’ Devon ran.

“What’s wrong?” Tory called after him.

“Devon.” Lee ran after him before he knew what he was doing. Catching and subduing him was easy. “Devon what’s wrong?”

Devon’s face was covered in tears. ‘Great I fell for him. He’ll never care for me.’

“If you’re just going to sit there cute like that I’m going to kiss you.” Lee threatened. No response. Lee pressed his lips to Devon’s. That got him out of his thoughts.

Devon pushed him off. “What are you doing?” ‘I know he doesn’t mean it.’

Instead of an answer Lee kissed him again. ‘He tastes like ambrosia.’ (NOTE: The food of the gods in Greek Mythology)

“Lee” Devon cried when he was released. “Why?”

“I-I think I love you.” Lee looked away blushing.

Devon was silent a moment. “Kiss me again.” Lee was surprised but complied all the same. “I love you.” Devon said wrapping his arms around him as they broke apart.

“Come live with me.” Lee suggested.

“If I can we’ve got to talk to my parents first.”

“And don’t forget Aunt Elena.” Lee added.

In the end neither of them cared seeing how much they cared for each other. Well Eliza cared but Tory made sure to consol her.

Their first night was spent…ahem…Well you know…painting. Until the wee hours of the morning then the next day spent celebrating. Then ever after their paintings sold in pairs.

A/N: I’d put more but I’m to lazy to change the rating. I hope I didn’t end it to badly. I kind of like it myself. But you may not but I won’t know unless I’m told. But if so many of you don’t like it I’ll redo it. So keep that in mind. Well TA TA for now!