Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Priestess of the Moon: Return of the Lunar Dragon ❯ The Priestess of the Moon ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

:The power of the Priestess of the Moon has been reborn. I have felt it.:
“Yes, my Lord,” Aubrey said, kneeling before the shadowy form of the dragon lord.
:The Priestess of the Moon has returned. I want you to find out who it is.:
“How my Lord?” Aubrey asked, “The world is filled with many people.”
:The Priestess must go to the tomb to regain her full power. She has not done this yet. Send an army to the Temple of M'sitsu. You will find her there.:
“But that temple is a sacred place,” Aubrey said fearfully, “I cannot send an army there.”
:You can and you will. Do not fail me Aubrey. Or your punishment will be very great indeed.:
Aubrey nodded and bowed to Daorth. “Yes, my Lord,” he said, “it will be as you command.”
:Very good,: Daorth said, and then he was gone.
Aubrey stood and cursed softly to himself. The Priestess of the Moon; she would definitely cause a problem. Well, one way to solve a problem is to get rid of it. Aubrey swept into the corridor and caught a servant. “Find General Winterleaf,” he told the servant, “and have him come to my chambers immediately.”
Kiya stood in front of the Temple of M'sitsu. The temple sat in the middle of a great plain surrounded by hills. It was made of white stone with gold gild around the door and columns. Kiya took a deep breath before stepping forward. Ryudo took the lead and they all walked into the temple.
They were greeted by an old monk who was short and fat. He had a bald head and he wore golden robes. Ryudo bowed to the monk and said, “Head Monk Kiro, I have found the Priestess of the Moon.” He then turned to look at Kiya. “This is Kiya,” he said.
Kiya stepped forward and started to curtsy to the monk, but Kiro raised a hand. “My Lady,” he spoke kindly, “if you are truly who Ryudo says you are, than the honor is mine.” He then spotted the bow Kiya was carrying and his eyes widened. “The Bow of the Moon,” he said softly, “You truly are her. Follow me child.” Kiro turned and started down the corridor that led deeper into the temple.
Kiya followed and Reiku started to as well but Ryudo stopped him. Kiya turned and looked at Reiku and then at Ryudo. “What are you doing?” she asked.
Kiro stopped and looked back at Kiya. Ryudo looked at the monk before saying, “You must go alone. No one can go with you.”
Kiya looked at Ryudo and nodded in understandment. She walked up to Reiku and touched the side of his face. “I'll be back,” she whispered for only him to hear. She kissed his lips lightly. “I promise.”
Reiku looked at her and took her hand. “You better come back,” he whispered, “or I'll never forgive you.”
Kiya smiled softly and then she turned and followed Kiro down the corridor.
The Head Monk led Kiya deeper into the temple. Finally he stopped at a door at the far end of the temple. The door was made of white stone and Kiya could see the dragon-bird creature carved on the door, surrounded by moons. Kiro turned and face Kiya. “This is as far as I go. The rest of the way is for you alone. Good luck.” Then the monk headed back towards where they came, leaving Kiya alone.
Kiya turned back to the door and raised a hand to touch it. As soon as Kiya's fingers rested on the door, it began to glow and slowly open. The bow in Kiya's hand glowed as well. The door fully opened, revealing stairs going down into darkness. Kiya took a deep breath and started to descend down the stairs, the door closing behind her.
Reiku saw the monk coming back and he rushed over to him. Before he could say anything though, the monk looked at Reiku and smiled. “She will be fine,” he said, “but she must do this on her own.”
Reiku nodded and looked at Keilila and Ryudo. “Now what?” he asked.
Ryudo looked at Reiku and said, “Now we wait.”
Once Kiya got to the bottom of the steps, there was a long hallway. The bow was still glowing, so it served as a light so Kiya could see in the darkness. She walked down the hallway, her feet making footsteps in the layers of dust on the ground; five thousand years worth of dust. It seemed like she walked for hours before she turned a corner and was nearly blinded by the light coming from the room she came to. Once her eyes adjusted, Kiya looked into the room.
It was large and rounded with a domed ceiling. The walls seemed to be glowing, causing the light. In the center of the room, there was a great stone coffin that had carvings of the bird-dragon creature and moons all over it. Kiya walked into the room slowly. As soon as she was a few feet into the room, she heard a loud crash behind her. Kiya spun around and saw that a door had closed behind her, sealing her into the tomb. Before Kiya could do anything, a wind picked up, whipping her hair and clothes about. The room glowed even more brightly and a voice appeared, seeming to come from everywhere, but no where.
:Darkness is falling and evil is approaching. The Lunar Dragon will fly again. And I will be reborn. You, Kiya, and me, we will become one being.:
“Who are you?” Kiya cried, shielding her eyes with an arm from the light that was growing stronger.
:I am the Priestess of the Moon. I am who you are. We are the same person.:
“How is that possible?”
:Close you eyes and you will see.:
Kiya closed her eyes and suddenly, she saw the memories from the Priestess when she had lived five thousand years ago. A beautiful maiden, with the Lunar Bow in her hands, wearing a long red skirt, a deep red sash around her waist and a kimono top with wide sleeves that fell past her wrists. There was a shadow dragon rising above her. The Priestess fired an arrow at the dragon. The arrow turned into a streak of light as soon as it left the bow.
The Priestess in the arms of a young man, love strong between the two of them.
The Priestess's lover, kneeling before her, and the Priestess's hands holding his head, a glow surrounding both of them.
The Priestess riding on the back of the Lunar Dragon, fighting against the Shadow Dragon, Daorth.
The Priestess, hair now silver with age although her face looked young, put a spell on the tomb where she will lay in death, for when she was reborn in a new form, her soul able to speak with the reborn Priestess and transfer her power into the new Priestess of the Moon; into Kiya.
More and more memories filled Kiya's head; her entire life from when she lived five thousand years ago. She also felt power filling her and knowledge of how to use that power came with the memories. Kiya cried out and her eyes flew open. The tomb's glow began to fade, as well as the voice as it spoke one last time. :You will defeat the evil of Daorth. The Priestess of the Moon lives again.:
Kiya gasped as the last of the light disappeared. She felt power moving through her. She looked at the Lunar Bow in her hand and noticed that her clothing had changed. She was wearing what the Priestess had worn five thousand years ago. It was made of the fur of the Lunar Dragon; the red cloth had been dyed from its blood. She also wore white boots that went to the top of her ankles. The clothing would protect her from the touch of evil. Kiya sighed and turned, finding that the entrance had opened again. Kiya walked out of the tomb.
She got to the top of the stairs and the door opened for her, without her touch this time. Once Kiya walked out, the door closed behind her. She turned to look at the door and saw that it was no longer a door anymore, but part of the wall, sealing the tomb until it was time for Kiya to lay at rest there. Kiya smiled slightly and started heading back to where the others would be waiting.
Reiku ran a hand over his unshaven face. He had been sitting here, waiting for three days, and he was growing restless. Ryudo kept telling him that it won't be long, but three days. That was long enough for him. With a growl, he stood and began pacing.
“Don't worry Reiku,” Keilila said softly, “she is fine.”
Reiku nodded but didn't stop pacing. He knew Kiya was fine; he would feel it if something had happened to her. But he wanted to know what was taking so long.
Soft footsteps sounded from the corridor. Reiku looked up and let out a cry when he saw Kiya walk out. He ran to her and held her in his arms. “Kiya,” he whispered into her hair.
“I'm back,” Kiya said. She pulled herself away and looked at him. “I'm now truly the Priestess of the Moon,” she said with a smile.
“Then, my blade belongs to you,” Keilila said from behind Reiku. He turned around and saw Keilila kneel to Kiya with her head lowered.
“I will channel for you alone, Priestess,” Ryudo said, kneeling as well.
Reiku looked at Kiya, and then he knelt as well. “My blade is yours to command,” he told her, lowering his head. Kiya lifted up his head and looked into his eyes. He saw that her eyes had changed from brown to burnished silver. Kiya looked at him and smiled.
“You will protect me from anyone who tried to do me harm. I choose you as my Guardian.” Kiya then held his head in her hands and a glow surrounded the both of them. Reiku gasped as he felt a warm feeling spread through him, but tightening as well, like he was being pressed from all sides. He then felt Kiya, knew of her presence in his mind. She had created a lifebond between the two of them.
Kiya looked at the three of them and said, “Stand up, please. Although I am Priestess of the Moon, I am still the same Kiya you met before. You have no need to kneel before me.”
Reiku stood and took Kiya's hands in his own. “Yes,” he said softly, “you are still the same Kiya, my Kiya.”
Kiya smiled and that's when they heard horsemen approaching. Kiya frowned and glided to the entrance of the temple. Reiku followed her, drawing his blade. Standing outside the temple, he saw an army heading towards the temple, in a full charge. “They know I'm here,” Kiya said softly.
“Aubrey,” Reiku snarled, raising his blade, but Kiya laid a hand on his arm.
“No, Reiku,” she said, “let me show Aubrey who he is dealing with.” She then raised a hand, palm down, her arm straight, fingertips pointing towards the incoming guards. Reiku watched as silver, snake like dragons began to materialize from nowhere and twist up Kiya's outstretched arm. “Spirits of the children of the Lunar Dragon; show the enemy our true power. Destroy the darkness that threatens us.”
The spirits of the dragons flew forward in a flash of light. They collided into the incoming soldiers and there was a large explosion. The screams of men and horses filled the air. Many of the soldiers fell, but the army kept coming. Kiya held her hands a foot apart and a sphere of pure white light formed in her hands. She threw the sphere at the army and it took down several soldiers before it disappeared. The spirit dragons were still there, diving at soldiers and spearing through them, killing them instantly. But the army kept coming.
“I didn't want to do this,” Kiya said softly, “but they leave me no choice.” She picked up her bow and notched an arrow into it. Drawing the bow so the fletching of the arrow brushed her cheek, she released. Reiku wasn't expecting that the arrow would become a streak of bluish light that streaked towards the army. It made contact and an explosion destroyed a great portion of what was left of the army, not even giving them a chance to scream. The two or three who survived gave up and turned around, retreating. Kiya lowered her bow and sighed. “They know how I am,” she said, “and they'll tell Aubrey.”
“It doesn't matter,” Reiku said, “it'll put some fear in Aubrey's heart, knowing that his daughter is the Priestess of the Moon.”
Kiya smiled and looked at the others. “I think it is time for us to continue on our journey,” she said.
Ryudo nodded and said, “Yes. This attack shows that Aubrey is getting nervous and desperate. The time is quickly approaching, and we must be ready for then.”
“Priestess, wait a moment.”
Kiya turned and saw Kiro come hurrying out of the temple. In his arms, he held a cloak. The monk stopped and held the cloak out to Kiya. It was white with red embroidery on the edges. “This was made for you,” Kiro said with a bow, “as a gift from the Temple of M'sitsu. We hope you will accept it and know that we are on the side of the light. We hope that you will shine your light on us and protect us from the evil that may descend upon us.”
Kiya smiled and accepted the cloak. She draped it over her shoulder and tied the neck laces. She then raised a hand that gave off a soft glow of light. “I place my protection on this temple, and all who do and may reside in it. No darkness will corrupt this temple or the people in it.” She lowered her hand and smiled at Kiro. She then looked at Reiku and the others. “Are you ready?”
Reiku nodded and he fell in step alongside Kiya, now not only as her lover but as her Guardian and her protector. She was now the Priestess of the Moon, the target for all evil, and he will give his life to protect hers.