Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Puddles Of Blood ❯ If Only This Would Of Been A Nightmare ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Wooh! Another original story by yours truly. XD Yes, I know. I rock. Haha, just kidding. Or am I?


But anyway, I wrote this June 21, 2007. And I just found it again today looking through my journal draw where I keep all of my writing and whatnot in. So I thought, why the hell not? I’ll post this on fiction-press.com and media-miner.org. Why? Because I am bored.

No, this is not a one-shot. Maybe a two or three or four or ten-shot. But not a one-shot.

And then the story begins?

Heck yes, it does. . .


Chapter One
If Only This would have been A Nightmare

“Mother! Father!” A young girl cried. Tears stained her small face as she ran through rooms trying her hardest not to look at the blood sprayed along the walls and hardwood floors.

“Mother! Father!” She whaled again, opening a door. No response. No one. This just made her sprint along the long hallway faster.

More blood. It was almost like she was running in circles around the place her parents would be.

Last door.

She reached for the knob with a trembling hand knowing that what lies behind it would either be something beautiful. . .or something tragic.

The door creaked as she opened it. Oh, how she wished she hadn’t.

She screamed as she ran through puddle of blood to her mother. She lay on the bed, bathing in a pool of her own blood.

The, tan, silky sheets now a repulsive, rusty colour.

More tears. “Mother. . .?”