Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Rambling Romance ❯ Dinner Disaster ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
As promised Colt had come to town to visit his family over Christmas holidays and, as promised, we had agreed to meet for dinner at a restaurant nearby. Because I was a coward and knew Tiffany was be accompanying him, I had convinced my roommates and two best friends to join me. Now that I was seated across from the happy couple, staring at the diamond on Tiffany’s left hand thanks to her unsubtle hand gestures, I was extremely glad that they had. They could keep me from killing her – or at the very least offer a witness of temporary insanity at my trial.

It was a Christmas gift, Tiffany had stated, smiling smugly when she’d caught me eyeing her ring. I didn’t ask for details and she didn’t offer any, probably because of the warning glares Sasha and Melinda were sending her way. Still, I could just imagine the spectacle Colt would have made of it. He’d probably taken her to a nice restaurant, despite the fact that nothing about Tiffany exuded class, and then declared his love and intent over a glass of champagne or wine while they enjoyed desert. He’d probably even gotten down on one knee in front of everyone.

She didn’t deserve him.

To my credit I had managed a believable smile and wished him every happiness. To her I could only nod and force out a short congratulations. After that I was pretty quiet except for ordering my meal and drinks.

I blame the shock, really. I was only partly there. The rest of me was somewhere in La-La Land contemplating unspeakable acts of vengeance. Things I would never really consider. So, I’ll say that it was the shock that kept me ordering drinks until my common sense went out the window. And, really, Sasha and Melinda could have stopped me. They should have. They know what a lightweight I am.

Some friends.

Things started getting fuzzy after the third Cosmo and I ordered another. After that things just sort of disappeared. Though I do vaguely remember that things weren’t so quiet anymore…

What had I done?

Despite the fact that I had two layers of curtains, blinds and a shade covering the windows in my bedroom, sunlight still managed to peek through and rouse me from my blissful unconsciousness. Or was it the resounding ring of the dog barking? I couldn’t be sure, but I did know that my head was preparing to explode. My brain was throbbing and would soon escape the confines of my skull – likely through my eye sockets. Squinting, I took in my surroundings and realized that while I was in my bedroom and lying on my bed, the bed was still made and I was covered with a quilt. I also realized that I was still wearing the same clothes from the night before. I was still trying to figure out why when Sasha walked past my door followed by our dogs, Boo and Bitsy.

“It lives!” She exclaimed, putting her hand over her hard and staggering back in mock fear. “Seriously, you look like Frankenstein’s monster.”

“I’d say more like Night of the Living Dead.” Melinda had wandered back from the living room at Sasha’s proclamation. “One of the zombies, of course.”

I tired to glare at them, but it came out as more of a grimace. “Shut up – and why are you yelling?”

That made them both laugh. “We’re not yelling. You’re just suffering from last night.”

“You let me get drunk.”

Melinda shrugged. “It’s your life to do with as you please. Who are we to say not to a little entertainment?”

“Besides, that girl deserved it. She was being a real bitch.”

I groaned, putting my face in my hands, still blanking on the previous night’s events. “What did I do?”

Sasha turned on my light and came to sit on the bed; Melinda followed. “Tiffany was being what I assume is her usual self and rubbing it in your face that he’d asked her to marry him. She was going on and on about how perfect the proposal was and she couldn’t wait to pick out a dress…and you sort of lost it.”

“Colt had left to use the restroom, at least,” Melinda added helpfully.

“Anyway,” Sasha continued, “you basically told her that she wasn’t good enough for him, she was a tramp, and you hoped he wised up before he walked down the aisle because she would be the biggest mistake of his life. Yeah, I think that about covers it.”

I shook my head, burying my face in my pillow, and groaned.

Melinda was giggling. “That’s not even the best part though.”

“Oh, God!”

She ignored me. “The best part was when we got ready to leave – as soon as Colt came back to the table. When he stood up to hug you, you grabbed his shirt and kissed him.”

“No!” I couldn’t believe it….how could I have done this to myself?!

Sasha was nodding and Melinda patted my back reassuringly. “He didn’t exactly try to fend you off. I think that pissed Tiffany off more than anything you could have said to her. The fact that he actually kissed you back really did her in.”

Well, that was something anyway. He’d kissed me back, at least, instead of shoving me away and calling me insane, which he could have rightfully done. Still, I’d have to call later and apologize for my behavior. No doubt Tiffany had given him all the gory details as soon as I was out of earshot. “Then what happened.”

“We drove home and put you to bed. You were practically comatose anyway.” Melinda laughed. “You really are a cheap drunk.”

“But a very entertaining one,” Sasha put in and I mentally reminded myself to get them back for this….as soon as I was sure my head would remain in tact.

“Just shoot me now.”

They stood up and Sasha patted my shoulder. “Nah, you’ll get over it eventually.”

And she was right. Eventually I would move on, if not get over it. I would be okay and I would find someone else even though I would always care deeply for Colt and would always love him. I would apologize and make amends for my behavior and I would let the chips fall as they may in regards to his wedding. I wanted better for him – I wanted me for him – but if Tiffany was his destiny, then who was I to argue with fate?

All I really knew was that, eventually, things would be okay.