Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Reality's dreams ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

There are many things people would never believe to exist in the world. When they hears the words super power they think of someone with super strength or telekinesis, how wrong they are in that belief.
There are people who are gifted with special powers, but they aren't as grand as most people think and their lives aren't some fairytale. The ironic thing is that normal people are the cause of this strange power and not knowing it.
In the past there where very few cases of these power popping up but at the turn of the millennium more people where born with the powers.
These powers rules over entering the mind of other others. Each person has a world in their mind and that world has the good and bad of people in it. If the bad side wins the person becomes a common criminal dependent on how much power the bad side held.
In a more recent trend the bad side had gained power and taken over. It is our job to stop them.
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“Belladonna, dinner is ready. You have to go to the private school classes tonight remember?”
Private classes...that was the excuse that the people with powers used to teach the younger generation. They told you your child could go to a private school class a night that they would pay for. Almost no parent would pass up an offer like that.
After dinner I wound up going to the private school on the edge of the city and made my way to the night class. During the day this was a regular private school but at night it was the school for those of us with powers. We took a two hour long class here everyday except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was a full school day here and Sunday was your day to catch up on the sleep you missed during the week.
“Good evening class. Today we will go over the proper uses for your powers. I will ask you for your specific type of power classification and then I will pair you into partners.”
Down the list he got to my name. “Belladonna Lerunce.”
“Yes sir! I am a Songstress.”
“Good, you will be partnered with a Puppeteer. Ark Laurent you said you where a Puppeteer so meet you new partner.”
Perhaps while our teacher is rattling off the rest of the class I should explain the classifications we are using. A Songstress is someone who can open the barrier to someone's mind and alter their memories by song. The Puppeteer can control the various fragments of memory that manifest themselves as puppets once a mind world is opened.
Each party can enter the world each person has in their mind but they can't change it. They can only enter and hope that the purification of the mind succeeds . Purification is the event in which the partners find the root of the bad side and destroy it. It doesn't guarantee the bad side won't return but it does destroy it for a few months at the very least.
“Now that everyone has a partner we will go over the basics of diving into minds and explain our upcoming field trip to the hospital that a company run by some of the people with powers, they keep some subjects there telling them they are ill but really they just need their minds to be entered.” The teacher stated as he began to write on the white board.
“The Songstress will be sing a melody unique to them that opens the mind of the subject. Every Songstress will have a different tune. It is the job of a songstress to enter the world and sing the melody to nullify the bad side while a puppeteer must make sure to bring in the good side upon the bad being driven away. Now does anyone want to tell me how we find these people with special abilities?”
Ark was the one to raise his hand, he always seemed to know the answer to the questions but then again he probably studied more then I did. Most other teenagers here had given up on a normal life and spent any free time studying their powers.
“Yes Mr. Laurent.”
Ark stood up and spoke. “People are sent out to regular and private schools abroad as guest speakers in some field. Once there the speaker prepares items to give away that we use to see if the receiver of it has any kind of powers. If there is something in the school they locate it and contact the parents with an offer that is too good for them to refuse. This method however will soon be obsolete with the coming generations as we have agents working in hospitals testing children at birth across the world.”
Well he certainly did study, I probably should have done the reading for today but I also had midterms for my actual school coming up and I couldn't fail those. I may have this power but I want to maintain that simple mundane life as much as I can.
“Correct Mr. Laurent. I would start a lecture but we are running low on time so all of you feel free to go home. Oh before you leave remember to pick up your permission slip for the field trip. You also will be asked to vote for article 5 in the school rule requiring you all to start wearing uniforms when you leave. The uniforms would be free of course so personally I would vote for it.”
Oh yeah the school uniform issue that the girls where fretting over claiming it would take away their individuality. A uniform was just one less thing I had to spend money on so I would vote for it.
Our teacher was Mr. Zamir. He was a Songstress who was rumored to have lost his partner so he became a teacher instead of being given another partner by the higher ups.
He stated at the start of the years that he was rather young to be a teacher at the age of 23.
Most of the other students had left the class room at this point but the next bus going near my home wasn't for a half hour and it was raining so I wasn't going to stand out in the rain.
“Ms. Lerunce you are still here? Oh you live on the other end of the city right?”
“Yes and the next bus isn't for a while. I will go vote on the uniform thing and sit in the lobby if I can't stay here.”
Mr. Zamir didn't seem to mind me being there until a knock came to the door and it was Ark.
“Ah, Ms. Lerunce what are you doing here? I forgot my books and I needed to ask Mr. Zamir some questions. I will just wait until you leave.” He stated taking his seat and reading through the textbook. You know I should probably be doing that too.
We do have a binder full of info that we deem our textbook for the class.
“Mr. Laurent maybe you should try and bond with your partner? A good partnership can make your life in the world of someone else a lot easier. Also don't forget for the final she will jump into you mind and you into hers.”
“I know. I don't worry about it I think I can handle her but the question is if she can handle me? Really why did I get paired with girl like you? You never speak up in class, you are disorganized ,and to top it off you just seemed closed off.”
“A- Mr. Laurent, that is not way to treat your partner! Apologize to Ms. Lerunce. You will be paired with her the rest of the year.”
“It is alright, I should get going anyway. I need to pick up some things in the lobby.” So I lied? I wanted to leave as soon as I could but I also wanted to know was Mr. Zamir about to say Ark's name? So I hid outside the door.
“You really should be nicer Ark. No one will want to be your friend with that attitude.”
“I thought I made it clear Devlin that I am only here because of you asked me to go to this school. Why can't you be my partner?”
“I am your teacher, that is why. You may like Ms. Lerunce if you act nice to her Ark. Now why are you here? I have a meeting today and I think I told you that yesterday.”
“If that girl gets in my head you know what she will see.” Ark yelled as I backed against the wall. What was he talking about?
“I picked her because like you said she isn't one to gossip about you if she sees anything. Just try to get to know her okay? You need friends other then me. It may shock you to see what other people hid in there worlds and you may just yet learn why you will need as much emotional support as you can get.”
I noticed the time and went to my bus, whatever was between them was just that and I would probably see whatever it was during the final anyway. Everyone has a darker side and it is my job to make sure humanity never sees a great evil mastermind again.
It is a bit ironic to stop this we have to violate some many morales of society but it is one of those sacrifices for the greater good. I can be hard not being able to tell anyone you have this power but it is for the better they never know, if they did know they would just want to exploit it in anyway possible.
Of course some where driven to insanity with their powers so those where dealt with by removing their powers upon entering their minds and finding the core of power but I don't know much about that.
I went to sleep as soon as I got home. It had been a long day and now I and to worry more about keeping up with an average life and an extraordinary one. I always find it odd how people wish for superpower but when you have them you want a regular life. No one ever gets the best of both worlds.