Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Reality's dreams ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When class had started a man walked in and stood in front of the class. “Your class will be interrupted today because Article five passed yesterday and we need measurement for your new uniforms. The uniforms will be the same as the private school so we already know the style to order.”
“Oh it passed did it? Well that you for telling us Mr. Kirkland.”
Wait this was Mr. Kirkland? The teacher of the class during the regulars school day. Well I admit he does look older then Mr. Zamir but he still didn't look 33, maybe 27 at the most.
“Well I will be going, the nurses will come to take the girls first then the boys. I am sorry if this has disrupted your schedule Mr. Zamir.” Mr. Kirkland didn't even wait for an answer and left before Mr. Zamir could speak.
Soon after that the girls myself included where taken to the health center and measured. It wasn't to bad but some girls where complaining about the fact they had to give up the clothes the had spent hundreds of dollars on for a uniform. I knew it was wrong to smile at it but I couldn't help it. No one should spend hundreds of dollars on one piece of clothing.
“Belladonna Lerunce, you are up.” The nurse said as I wanted over to the curtains and got my measurements taken. “Thank you, you can go back to class now.”
I got back to class to see Mr. Zamir reading a book. “Oh I told the other girls to head home and the boys where already taken. We would get nothing done today anyway. I also got a broacher for you about the school. You do know if you go to school during the day you won't have to come here at night right?”
No I didn't know that fact. It would make my life a lot easier if I could not have to come here at night.
“Wait what about regular class like math, history, literature, and science?”
“Your electives are replaced with the special classes. You will have regular classes here. You will also be sharing a dorm with someone who has powers. The only issue you could find is the dorms are co ed but even then if you have issues having a male sharing a dorm we can change that.”
“But if I transfer you are no longer my teacher and I actually like you as a teacher.”
“You will see me more then enough trust me. I share the dorm Ark is moving into because I don't get a lot of money from this job so they let me live in the dorms. I like you enough we could be friends considering I would no longer be your teacher.”
“I will think about it okay, I have family and friends to think about as well Mr. Zamir. So I am guessing if you and Ark are going to be living together that is why he call you by name and you call him by name.”
“Something like that, it isn't my place to say. Please sit down and relax for a bit. I was going to listen to some music and eat my dinner I missed. I am guessing you haven't eaten yet have you?”
“No, Ark took me away before I ate.” I stated and I began looking through my bag for a few dollars so I could go over to the fast food place near here and get something. It looked like I left my money at home.
“You could join me you know. It looks like you forgot your money.”
“I think I would break a lot of moral barriers doing that. I could however borrow money and pay you back.”
“Ark will be going to eat with us as well. It shouldn't be that weird. You would let me in your mind world but wouldn't let me treat you to dinner? I am not asking you out on a date or anything just dinner with me and Ark.”
Ark seemed to walk in on cue. “So are we going to dinner or not? What are you doing here Bell?”
“she will be joining us because it seems she forgot her money when you dragged her away from home. You owe her a meal so pay up.”
“Me! It is her fault she forgot the money.”
“Guys can we just go? You can split the bill and I will pay you both back later.” Where they this immature.
We eventually left for the fast food place and I shortly found out why they argued over who paid. For two really skinny guys they sure could eat. I mean I have a chicken sandwich and soda but I had lost count of how much they had eaten.
“So Ms. Lerunce how about a ride home so I can talk with your mother about putting you in our school?”
“If you really want too I guess you could. I would be leaving behind my best friend though and I am not sure I can do that.”
Ark choose the moment to speak up. “If that person is really your friend they will understand that this is better for you and they should be happy. They can still come visit you.”
Wow Ark as the voice of reason really seems odd for some reason. He was right thought Adrian should be happy if I get accepted to the private school. It would also be way better for my health to go as well so I don't skip on sleep.
“Alright, Mr. Zamir can you take me home and discuss it with my mother. I will call Adrian and ask him to come over so I can ask him for his opinion.”
The trip to my house was a normal car trip. Mr. Zamir had you regular 4 door car that was silver and he really seemed to love classical music as all the the music in his car was classical. Somehow classical went with his style though he had the neck length light brown hair and green eyes and it seemed suiting for him.
When we got to my house my mother was a bit shocked to see me home earlier with ark and a man she never met before. I am pretty sure most mother never want to see their daughter come home with the boy they just met in the afternoon and a stranger.
“You are home earlier and you brought guests. If I would have known I would have made extra for them I am pretty sure I can whip up some rice if they want to stay for dinner.”
Both Ark and Mr. Zamir bowed to my mother. “It would be a pleasure Mrs. Lerunce. This is our teacher Mr. Zamir.” ark stated as he put a smile on his face.
“Devlin Zamir, it is a pleasure Mrs .Lerunce. I wanted to discuss placing your daughter in our fine school if it is alright with you and my boss. She has shown exceptional skill and I think it would be best for that skill to be nurtured at our establishment. I would love to chat with you about it if you will accept my help with making dinner, I feel horrible for intruding.”
So my mother went into the kitchen with him as I saw Dad looked up from his paper. How do I explain this one, he already picked on Adrian enough and now I bring two guys he doesn't know home. I thought he would have been working later today.
“Bella is what Devlin said to your mother true?” why did he sound like he was going to ground me instead of being happy? He usually sound like this though.
“Yes Dad.”
My dad got up and hugged me. “Good job Bella. Now about the boy...”
“My partner for a school project. He is transferring to the main school next week. This is Ark Laurent.”
“He seems like a nice boy but those are always the ones you have to keep your eyes on.”
“I am actually dating someone Mr. Lerunce. Your daughter is a lovely woman but I am in a very happy relationship.” Did Ark just lie to my father with a smile on his face and fake a blush? How good is this guy at lying?
“Henry, Bella, Ark dinner is ready.”
We went in the dinning room to see Mom and Mr. Zamir setting the table. “Bella if you want to go to the school it is fine with me. What do you think Henry?”
“If you think it is a good idea Isabelle I have no objections except the cost.”
“If she wants to stay and it is fine with my boss the school would pay for it much like her current education. To my understanding she wanted to talk to a friend before making he decision.”
“May I be excused?” I asked both my parents.
I went to my room and picked up my phone to call Adrian.
“Hey Bella what is up?”
“Adrian I don't really know how to say this so could you come over here? It is kind of important.”
“Oh Sure, I will be over there as soon as I can.”
After dinner Adrian showed up while Mr. Zamir was helping mother with dessert.
“What is going on? You sounded so upset on the phone. Also who are these people?”
I took a breath and sat Adrian on the couch. “I might have an offer to transfer to Rosen Academy. I wanted to see if it was okay with you before making up my mind. Also this is my partner Ark Laurent and my teacher here convincing my parents Mr. Zamir.”
Adrian looked so upset, it was written all over his face. “If you want to go Bella the go.” Did he really just say that, It did come out in a strained voiced but really? I was lucky to have a friend like him and I really began to wonder why he acted like he did in my kind now. Did I never see this side of him before?
“Really?” I asked a bit shocked and pained at the same time.
“I can't stop you from doing what you want and if you go I can visit and see all the cute girls at the school.” The cute joke to avoid the pain.
“Thank you.” It was all I could seem to say.
Mom and Mr. Zamir walked in with a cake. “I called my boss and he agreed that we could take you in for free Ms. Lerunce. So let's have some cake and celebrate.”
“He is a teacher? He barley look 20!” Adrian stated looking at the man in the apron.
“I am 23. Do I look that young? Now Ms. Lerunc- Belladonna pick a piece.”
“Okay.” I chose my piece and we all had a little celebration for me going to Rosen Academy. It was sad but sort of felt good to know I would be moving on and growing up. I would be finding my own meaning without being held back by my parents or Adrian.