Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Reality's dreams ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Natalia seemed very happy to see me she ran over and gave me a hug as Miyuki just bowed her head. Natalia dragged me over to the table with a smile on her face and sat me down. “We are trying to pick an outfit for me to wear in that pageant. Miyuki looked through all her younger brother's clothing and brought some of it over because he is just a little bit taller then me and because he is in the hospital he isn't using it. So fare we have established her little brother went through way too many phases when he wasn't ill.”
Natalia went over to the bed and held up the various outfits to prove she wasn't lying and she really wasn't. There where shirts with video game characters on them, stuff with chains all over it, a few team jerseys from this school with matching shorts, some clothing with the brand name right on it that was overly expensive, tons of black clothing with band names on the shirts, and casual clothing from the convince store.
“I still say the goth look suited you the best Natalia. The pants are nice and wide and it hid your hips well and the trench coat will flatten out your top. All you need is a black wig and we are done.” Miyuki stated and Natalia held them up to herself. “What do you think Bella? Natalia will look like a guy in that and that is the point.”
It was true she would probably look like a boy if she wore it so I agreed with Miyuki and Natalia admitted defeat and hung up that outfit as the both turned their eyes to me.
Devlin was my saving grace as he opened the door with his bag of clothing he bought. “I was shopping and I thought it would be hard for two girls with little money to pay for some outfit for the cross dressing contest so I came here with a few things.” Devlin walked in with the bag and opened it up pulling out the shirts from earlier and a few business suits.
“Well Natalia already has an outfit so why don't you try these on Bella? A suit would look great on you and it may be the only was to really conceal your chest.” Miyuki said as she rummaged through the bag and found a tuxedo and threw it to me.
“Try it on! I want to see what you would look like in a tux.” Natalia joined in this as well so I went to the bathroom and put it on. Looking in the mirror it did hide my chest well enough and my hips but now I looked like someone from a bad spy movie due to my hair. I could always wear a short wig I guess.
I walked out and Natalia and Devlin where clapping as Miyuki was whistling. “Perfect! You look great Bella heck you are going to beat me in that get up. Well you need a wig but still I am sure the drama club can find something.”
We all bundled up the extra outfits and hung up the ones we would use and returned to the tea. There was a knock at the door and Miyuki answered it. “Big brother! I thought you where coming here in a few days.”
Natalia turned her head away as the man walked in and sat down. “I went by your room but the note on the door said you where here. It is nice to see you again Natalia. I do not know these two though.” The man was about six feet tall and black short hair with the dark eyes to match wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
“This is Natalia's roommate Belladonna Lerunce and her partner's roommate Devlin Zamir a teacher at the night classes. This is my brother Tomoya, he graduated from here last year as a regular student but he does know I have powers.” Tomoya nodded and joined us at the table.
“Miyuki I heard that they still have that cross dressing contest while I have time off why don't I go with you? I want to make sure my little sister has a good time, the girls here are welcome to join us for the festival they are your friends right?”
“I am going to go with the mayor's son. I am so sorry Tomoya.” Natalia stated as Tomoya turned to looked at me. “What about you? Do you have a date or are you going alone?”
“I thought I would invite a friend from my old school. Maybe we will run into you. You should be happy to just spend time with your sister.” I didn't mean to seem rude but I did tell Adrian I would invite him to an event if one came up and I am sure he would get a good laugh out of it.
“It is alright I like spending time with Miyuki when I can. Learning the family trade usually keeps me from spending time with her or visiting Toki in the hospital.” Natalia gave a glare as Devlin was the one to ask the obvious question.
“What does your family do Miyuki, Tomoya?”
“Our father sells real estate and he dabbles in the stock market and has done well overseas with the stock prices. Our mother runs a maternity store that is starting to open up in some different locations.” Miyuki stated as she smiled. She did seem to have expensive tastes so it made sense she came from a rich family. I think that her father may have sold the house next to my parent's home now that I think about it.
Natalia pulled me into the bathroom carrying our pajamas in hand. It seems she wanted an excuse to talk to me alone.
“I hope you didn't believe what Miyuki just said. Yes all of that is true but the Asukura family is also known for weapons smuggling, of course no one can prove anything about it and the mayor worked out a deal to let them do it if he got a cut. Tomoya is next in line to become the head of the Asukura family meaning he will inherit that. The Asukura family is basically the major crime family in the tri-city area.” Natalia said as she slipped off her uniform and grabbed her nightgown.
“I just thought you should know. Miyuki wanted me to tell you for her because she has trouble saying it. You may have noticed I am not on the best terms with Tomoya, I am just upset he accepted to be the heir so quickly and the fact he doesn't wish to change anything. I also have issue with their business but it isn't my family and that is the way the world works.”
I gave a small laughed and grabbed my t shirt and shorts as soon as I was out of my uniform. “Careful you are starting to sound like me Natalia. Also I really don't see much of a problem with it. If people want something bad enough they will do anything to get it so why not make profit off of it. I do disagree with the fact you can get a gun with no license but again that is what happens.”
Natalia shook her head and picked up the uniforms. “You have a point I guess but I would watch yourself near Tomoya. The Asukura family has many enemies and the heir to the family is usually their target.”
We both had finished dressing and walked out to see Devlin had left and Miyuki was eating cookies with Tomoya. “Devlin said something about needing to get back to Ark. We should get going too but we will see you guys at the festival right?” Miyuki stated as she stood up and walked over to the door with Tomoya.
“Best of luck to both of you in the contest. Miyuki says she will be taking pictures and I want one with all of you for my desk. It is nice to see my sister has a few friends. We will be seeing you.”
They left and Natalia picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Yes Adrian are you free Saturday?” Natalia was in fact quite the devil under her guise.
“Hand over the phone right now! Natalia this isn't funny!” I wanted to invite Adrian myself but after finding out I was knocked out for a week that had left my mind as one can imagine.
I reached for the phone and she pulled it away and gave me a little smile. “Tell me why I should hand over the phone?”
So this was how it was going to be. I did have an ace up my sleeve though. It was low but it was also the best way to make you female roommate stop bugging you when there is a male who can hear you both. “If you don't I will start reciting your measurements to where Adrian can hear them and I will also call Gilliam and tell him what they are as well. Hand over the phone or I will yell your bust size.”
“Alright! You have no shame do you?” She said as she held the phone out.
“No I don't.” I brought the phone up to my ear and heard Adrian laughing. “Good to know you got a laugh out of that. We are having a school thing here Saturday and you said you wanted to come her and it is open to the public so what do you say?”
“Sure, I will see what I can do. Also between us what are Natalia's measurements?” Yep that was Adrian alright. He always did this even with me around he would always point out well endowed women and guess at their bust size. I am just another guy to him apparently and honestly that is fine with me.
“She is out of your league so I wouldn't worry about it. I hope I will see you Saturday.”
I hung up the phone after hearing a good bye from him and Natalia was looking over some papers from class. “You didn't miss much except Mr. Kirkland's speech about death with Devlin as the guest speaker talking about his partner's death. It was a rather interesting speech.”
Natalia held up one paper and began to read. “Remember even with power you are mortal and life is easy to destroy. We are all human and your life can end at any given moment.”
It was all to true. We may be gifted with something we don't understand but we are still human. I am a bit upset I missed it to be honest. It isn't that I like think about the fact death could happen at any moment but the fact that there was a speech warning us that it may in fact happen to us.
The next day was mainly the finishing touches to the booths for the festival so we got out of our classes to help put the finishing touches on everything for tomorrow. While Natalia and I where painting some signs Mr. Kirkland come over to us. “Ms. Lerunce I would like to give you the information you missed, Ms. Viray you can handle painting these can't you?”
Natalia nodded and Mr. Kirkland pulled me off to the outdoor lunch area where Devlin was sitting. “You missed a nice talk about death. I was hoping you would be one of the few to understand it. The speech was about how life can be taken in a short amount of time.”
Devlin stood up and was digging in his pocket for something as Mr. Kirkland continued to speak. “Do you believe all life is precious? If you do you are in for a rude awakening as I am sure you have guessed.”
Where was he going with all of this? All life is precious, the choices the person makes with that life are what messes it up to the point it is no longer precious.
“I only ask because we have found someone infected with darkness in your school and under that we would like you to get rid of it. We have no reason as to the cause of the infection but if you could free up Sunday to help that would me a lot to us.”
Someone from my old school was infected? Of course I would handle it.
“You have my cooperation but why tell me about death and then the case? Do you think I am going to die?” I had to ask what that was about. My power was premature after all so would make some sense is it was that.
“I just wanted to warn you some things end up in death. This also applies to the mind you will enter it is possible...” Mr. Kirkland stayed silent after that and Devlin spoked up.
“It is possible the darkness has overcome too much of the mind and they can't be saved meaning you would need to kill them in the mind world which 80% of the time lead to death in this world, 10% of the time it lead to mental instability, 9% of the the time to health issues and only 1% of the time will they come out clean from it. This was the case with my partner. He died because of my incompetence in setting aside my feelings.”
“I am sorry. I had no idea that his how he died.”
Devlin wiped his eyes a bit and sat back down. “Just keep that in mind. As I recall your partner's last words where...”
“He knew he was going to die and remembered that I loved it when he spoke terms in other languages. His final words where memento mori which is a Latin term for 'Remember you shall die'. Is it sad that was the most romantic thing I ever remember him saying to me.”
“Devlin... I know I am not the type to say this by far but do you need anything?”
“Get Ark.”
I nodded and ran off to find Ark setting up the stuff for the art booth.
“Bell what is going on?”
“Devlin is crying and he requested you. He told me what happened to his last partner and broke down. I will take over here just go and make him happy. I can't stand to see people cry, I am not good at dealing with it.”
“You are human after all. Oh have fun moving the sculptures for me.” Ark ran off and I took over helping unpack sculptures for the art booth. I did seem to shook some of the men helping out there by not complaining or asking for help even if I needed it.
I did have a slight issue moving one of them when I almost fell over a broke it but on of the student caught that before it happened but I did wind up hurting myself. There was a rock that I had tripped over because I couldn't see with a sculpture in my face. I was sent to the school infirmary.
It was just a bruise on my leg, sure it hurt but it wasn't that bad. When I opened the door I saw Miyuki sitting on the bed reading and the school nurse. “Bella what happened to you? Are you getting out of setting things up too?” Miyuki asked as she moved over and let me sit down next to her.
“I tripped and hurt my leg. It is a small bruise but the teacher saw me fall and made me come here.” I showed her the spot on my leg and the nurse came to look at it as well not saying a word.
“Well I just said I had bad allergies and got sent here to avoid working. Tomoya should be here soon and he said he would be willing to take me where ever I wanted to go today. I wanted Natalia to come with me but she doesn't like Tomoya. Do you want to go with us?”
Miyuki didn't even look up from her book when she asked me to join her and the nurse was done looking at me. “You will be fine but please take some pain medication if you must.”
I nodded and Miyuki dug threw her purse and pulled out some aspirin. “If you need any I usually carry some on me. You also need to give me an answer to my question.”
“I just thought you may want time with your brother but I guess I can't refuse an invitation if it is alright with both of you.”
Miyuki closed her book and took my arm as she lead me to what I guessed was her room and sat me down on her bed as she opened her closet. She had her school uniforms on one side and and what appeared to be pink, white and purple lolita style clothing on the other side.
“I am going to change really quick...You are free yo anything of mine you think might fit you or you can stay in you uniform. Also feel free to look around.” Miyuki went into the bathroom and I looked around the room knowing that I would never wear her style of clothing it was too lacy and frilly for my taste
She had a lot of expensive looking things in her room and the kitchen was filled the best cooking equipment anyone could want.
There was a knock at the door and because Miyuki was still changing I went to get it an it was Tomoya. “Good to see you again. I am sorry I am horrible with name could you remind me what yours is? It starts with a b right?”
“Belladonna, but Bella is fine by me. Also I hate it when people call me Donna so if you do that I will make sure you regret it even if you are some kind of twisted heir to your family.” I honestly didn't care who he was I was going to treat him as I did everyone else which meant the occasional threat I would never act on and then acting cynical so they hated me. I know my people skills don't exist.
“I am sure you would do just that, you seem the type who lacked proper authority in her life and stand my her beliefs even if it causes violence. I bet inside of you somewhere you secretly hate being female because women are upheld to different standards that are supposed to have been abolished and yet they haven't. So I am close to the mark there or did I miss the target all together?”
He was right about all of it. How did he know so much about me after such a short time? Was that all a lucky guess or was I that easy to guess? It always feels weird hearing someone describe your dark views of yourself perfectly, and it is more insane to agree with them. It was a weakness all people had and most strove to hide that weakness and fight when it is almost exposed so why am I not fighting it?
“I fear how you guessed all that from meeting me twice.”
“So you really do feel like that? I really was just guessing based on what Miyuki told me about you. You are the girl my family dreams of having around, someone who fights to the death for what they believe in.”
“It sounds so wrong to say that doesn't it? It seems so idiotic to die for you beliefs and yet so may people do and I would probably fall among them although I probably wouldn't have even noticed what I was fighting for. Can we get off the topic?”
Miyuki walked in looking shocked at the fact we where talking to each other. “Well let's get going you two.”
Miyuki had chosen for all of us to go see a movie. I honestly had no idea what we where watching, I feel asleep about 15 minuets into the movie. It was one of the many girl falls in love with something that isn't human movies. I can't even recall what the non human thing was because I feel asleep before the movie told us.
I was awoken by Tomoya tapping me on the shoulder. I had been resting my head on him it seemed. “You made the right choice to sleep, even Miyuki hated the movie. I hope I was more comfortable then the chair for you.”
“Sorry but if you really didn't want me to sleep on you, you should have woken me up.” I pulled my head away from him and turned to look at Miyuki who was holding her cell phone to where it looked like she had taken a picture before I moved. I will have to remember to get her phone and delete the picture if there was one.
When we where leaving Miyuki suggested we sop at her home for dessert. I was a bit scared of going there after Natalia's warning but a part of me really was curious what her life was like and what her home was like. Curiosity killed the cat as they say but I am not a cat.
Tomoya pulled the car up to what looked like a mansion. He got out and went over to open Miyuki's door and looked upset when I opened my own door. On the walk to the front door from the garage there where a lot of flowers and a woman tending to them who had light blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked to be in the mid thirties.
“Ah my children have come home. Mommy missed you so much Miyu, and you Tomo need to not worry you mother by going off at random times. Your father is inside settling a deal right now and- Oh you have company!” she walked over to me and grabbed my hands.
“I am Claire Asukura the mother of these two. I must be hard to believe because I look nothing like them but they are my kids. Please come inside it is rare that any friends of my children visit. So what is you name?”
“My name is Belladonna Lerunce Mrs. Asukura.”
“Belladonna...That is an interesting name. It could be beautiful or you where names after a plant known at the deadly nightshade that was known to cause blindness. Perhaps you are beautiful and deadly in that case.”
Miyuki cut off her mother. “Mom please don't scare off my friend so quickly.”
“Of course dear. Now you kids go have fun I have to finish planting the flowers. Oh Belladonna please make yourself at home here.” Mrs. Asukura went back to the flowerbed and Tomoya opened the door for both of us.
Miyuki show me to the kitchen where a cook was and she asked him to make something I didn't catch what she had asked for. Miyuki grabbed my arm and dragged me up the stairs to her father's office. “Daddy, are you busy?”
“For you Miyu I am never busy. I can fill these papers out later tonight.” Miyuki's father turned his gaze to men and gave a smile. “I don't think I have met your friend before Miyu. I am Akihiro Asukura, Miyuki's father.”
Mr. Asukura stood up and he was about as tall as Tomoya was and he had short gelled back black hair and he looked a lot like Miyuki and Tomoya. “I am Belladonna Lerunce, it is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Well Belladonna you are very well mannered. Please feel free to make yourself at home here. I should get back to work you two have fun and Miyuki no picking on your brother okay?”
Tomoya walked in the room as on cue and grabbed my other free arm. “They wouldn't dare pick on me Dad. I actually can stand this one and she can stand me. She is...unique and that make her very interesting. I don't see her picking on me. I am sure we will be good friends.”
I pulled my arm out of his grasp and his father looked a bit shocked to see me do that. “Come on Bella let's get some sweets.”
Miyuki pulled me away again and Tomoya followed us to the front room where tree where three plates each with a piece of cake on them. Each was the same type of cake and it looked like a mix of chocolate and strawberry cake.
Miyuki and Tomoya each picked up a plate and sat down on the couch ands I followed their actions. Each plate had a fork on the side so we all ate the cake. It was a very odd combination but it tasted a lot better then I thought it would.
“I am going to see if I can go get the cook to make us some juice. Tomoya you want orange juice right? What about you Bella?”
“Orange is fine by me Miyuki.” Miyuki got up and left the room as Tomoya was finishing his cake. He got a piece on his fork and held it to me. “I thought you might want another bite.”
I opened my mouth and let him place the piece of cake inside of it and ate the piece. Tomoya finished his cake and then set aside both of our plates. “Inside you somewhere you want to be a better person but the past is holding you back. If you hold onto the past Bella it will repeat itself and whatever it is I am sure you would not wish to relive it. Keep that in mind.”
“Do you like being cryptic?”
Miyuki returned with our juice and Tomoya drove us back to the dorm. I spent my night trying to figure out what he meant by saying that to me. I should change my thought to tomorrow I would be dressing up like an idiot in front of the student body.
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Notes: Tomoya Asukura...He has really stolen the thunder from everyone as my favorite character and he wasn't even in the original plan. I am so glad I added him.
Also now I guess if anyone aside from my friends avidly reads this the Bella/Adrian, Bella/Tomoya war will start now huh? You may want to hold off on a pointless war for a few chapters... I don't want to see a “Team Tomoya” or “Team Adrian”, this isn't Twilight people the main character just shares the same shortened name.