Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindling The Bond ❯ The Sword That Will Break The Darkness ( Chapter 7 )

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“If I tell you where he is located. How are you going to kill him exactly? That sword of yours wouldn’t do you any good against the fangs of that wolf.” Virgil eyed the young man who was thinking extensively on the subject.

“Then tell me what will?” Kyle asked in the same tone of voice as before. The old man got up and shuffled over to a long, maple wood chest. He bent down before it as he looked for the keys in his pants pocket.
Kyle eyed him in curiosity, ‘What was this man’s plan?’ Kyle thought. The old man gestured with his fragile hands to come here. Kyle slowly moved out of his seat and walked over.

“Now,” Virgil stated as he found the correct key to slide through the lock, “Do you still want to fight with that sword of yours? Or do you want something better?”

Kyle smirked, “Well what do you have old man?” Virgil opened the chest and pulled out a sheathed blade.

“This is my sword when I fought in the war. It has the blood of many of my enemies. After the many wars that I have been through I vowed not to kill another man, women, or child. So I locked up this blade and this is the first time I have opened it since then. This sword is special, it brought many victories over evil, it is as if it was blessed.”

Virgil unsheathed the sword and they both examined it. Its blade was of a black tempered steel. The noon sun coming in from the window reflected off its beauty. The hilt was of ten caret gold with a polished animal bone for a handle. It was a double-edged blade just like his sword. Kyle walked over to his blade which was by the entrance of the cabin and compared it to Virgil’s.

“What is the difference besides the fact that yours is much more decorative.” Kyle asked raising an eyebrow.

“This sword is no decoration mind you. It’s the weapon that will kill ‘him’,” Virgil explained emphasizing on the word him. “This sword is the only thing that can kill Adann. He has walked through darkness just like you have to get to where you are now, but you have held on to the light were he has not. This sword can diminish the darkness in him and sever the dark blood that runs through his veins.”

Kyle nodded his head slowly in understanding, “I accept the sword but I feel that you know more then what you just have told me.”

Virgil frowned, “As your sword severs darkness his can sever light. It may seem ironic but his blade is of pure white steel, striking his opponents like lighting. His knowledge of swords and maneuvers goes beyond the most skilled.” Virgil handed the sword to Kyle as he gently laid his own on the chair.

“I’ll still bring my blade with me since I promised a finishing blow with it. Thank you. Now one last question that you still have to answer, where is he now? I heard he is never in the same place twice.” The room was silent as Virgil stared into the dying fire. “If I don’t know the face of my opponent where I am I suppose to find him.” Kyle said reasoning with him.

Virgil let out a sigh and looked at Kyle with a serious expression, “By an ocean to the east of here, his soldiers say he is never in the same place twice but thats a diversion, he does return every night to his castle. It is something you can’t miss, it’s the only stone structure standing for miles. He is not the only one there he has a small army of professional swordsmen. Some say they are the best in all the land, but these are just rumors.”

Kyle smirked when Virgil finished his sentence, “They must be rumors, I fought off three of his henchman already in one battle and for my sword it was no problem.”

“I am glad it was so easy for you,” Virgil said, “but I am afraid the forces that reside in that castle are far more powerful. But nothing compares to Adann’s power he is the most elite out of them all. All I wish of you is to kill him, I know that sounds horrible that the father wants his only son killed but he is not my son no more he is only a dark shadow of the son I once had.”

Kyle nodded, “I see, when I defeat him do you want anything for proof?”

Virgil looked at the black sword he gave to Kyle. “I want his white sword, the one that took away my wife.” Virgil was quiet as he spoke, “I want it as a memory for both there deaths.”

Kyle nodded again. Virgil walked back into the bedroom while Kyle stood there looking at his newly required weapon. Virgil came back with Kyle’s black cloak, a black long sleeve shirt, and his matching pants, that looked like they were washed.

Kyle looked up at the sun which was lowering in the sky, he wrapped the belt that held his two swords around his waist. “Thanks again, you have been a real help. But tell me why didn’t he kill you too since he killed your wife?”

Virgil who was in the doorway of the cottage frowned, “That night when he killed my wife he told me that he kept me alive because he wanted me to find someone strong enough to fight him, for revenge. I did not kill him right then an there because I was in complete shock and he quickly stole into the night.”

A silent wind blew around the cottage wisping Kyle’s loose ear length hair in his face, “I see, someone to fight him for revenge.” There was a pause as the wind blew more, “Don’t worry I will silence him quickly. You have found the person that is strong enough to fight him. It will be an all out battle between the light and the dark. ”

Kyle turned around and headed up towards the trail, expecting to hear no more from Virgil until he heard Virgil’s voice call out to him, “After all this is over I would like my sword back.” Kyle turned and smirked but he didn’t answer back, he turned again and ran faster up the hill and back on to the trail, continuing to run until he could not see the cottage any more.

Please R&R. I will put up the next chapter when I get some reviews. Constructive criticism is welcomed!