Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindling The Bond ❯ The Night Wolf ( Chapter 9 )

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The hallway and corridors were partially lit by only torches that hung on the walls. Kyle was not surprised that he knew where he was going in the large expanses of the castle, he let his keen senses guide him. His footsteps were the only sound echoing throughout the castle, it was too quiet and it made him on edged. His grip tightened on the handle of his sword as he thought of why it was so quiet when they knew he was already in the castle. ‘They will probably ambush me as soon as I enter the entrance hall.’ He thought. He started to run as he was tired of the wide endless extent of the hallway, but he soon halted as the torch lights suddenly extinguished. Darkness surrounded him and his sense of sight was cut off. ‘Great,’ he thought sarcastically. This unfortunate event was followed by the sound of a steel tipped sword dragging along the stone floor. Kyle brought his sword to his face and waited for the sound to come closer, but the sound stopped and this made Kyle wonder if it was just his imagination going haywire. Soon without warning the sound of footsteps grew and by the time Kyle knew it he clashed swords with the person. Sparks lit up the hallway for only a second, as he seen the person in front of him. He was cloaked in a dark red and his facial features were covered by the shadows that the hood produced.

The enigmatic person jumped back and disappeared into the darkness, “So Kyle you have come, for revenge I presume or maybe you have a few questions for me?” Kyle frowned and clenched his teeth together he knew the man who stood in front of him, he knew by the way he smelled of his brother’s blood. “Either way you will get your chance, but to find me don’t look towards the darkness, look into your soul for that is what lead you here and it’s that which will get you killed,” Adann paused and slightly laughed, “Just like your brother.” He turned and Kyle heard his cloak travel behind him.

“Fight me here!” Kyle yelled in frustration, “Or are you unable to fight in the dark.”

Kyle’s words were followed by a swift wind an a sharp blade at his throat. “Dare say that again and I will cut you in half were you stand. I posses the darkness and I could have killed you at least a hundred times already.” Adann withdrew his sword and faded into the darkness. “I just have a specific location were I want you to die and I thought it is a good place to tell you more about your family.” Adann’s disappearing voice echoed through the hollowed halls as Kyle growled in anger and ran towards Adann’s location. The torches lit back up as if by magic, leaving a frustrated Kyle to run down the remaining part of the hallway with his sword unsheathed.

He came upon one large wooden door at the end of the hallway, it was old and many small spider webs grew over it, as if it has not been open in years. Kyle went up and grabbed the handles and rattled it, the cobwebs flew off, and landed at Kyle’s feet, and with one thrust from his leg the doors threw open. He was greeted by a well lit ballroom. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, white walls with a gold trim made the room look like it was glowing. Kyle squinted so his eyes could readjust, as he was doing this he scanned the large expense of the room, but no one was there. He cautiously held his sword and walked slowly to the middle of the room. The floor was a clear stained light maple wood and his leather boots made a clicking sound when he walked. On his right a large pearl white curtain hung, filling the whole wall. Kyle took a few steps more and stood on top of an emblem that was lightly carved into the floor, it was the initials of N. W. ‘Okay N.W...Night Wolf’ Kyle thought unamused, ‘What other wonders does this castle hold...such a fool.’

He was about to proceed further, but the a large white decorated door that was on the other end of the room shot open. Kyle squinted his eyes and glared intently into the darkened out, newly opened door. A man dressed in a crimson cloak entered. His hood shadowed his facial features. Kyle still held his glare as he looked over the young man who clearly was the killer of his brother.

“Adann the Night Wolf I presume?” Kyle asked his voice dripping like fire.

Adann chuckled, “Yes, I see that you have finally found me. What a surprise!” His cocky tone made Kyle sneer.

Adann lifted up his red leather gloved hand and pulled down his hood. The bright beams of light illuminated down upon his face. Kyle’s eyes widened when he saw that his face was covered in scars.

“Why is it a surprise? Did you not know I would be coming for you one day. You did leave your name carved into the tree where my brother’s dead body was found.” Kyle’s voice seemed to penetrate the silence that filled the room. “And where are all your so called guards? It was rather easy getting through this decrepit old castle.”

Adann smirked, “I ordered my man to stay and to not interfere with our fight. I did not want you to waste your energy on minor events.”

“Are you saying that I am weak, I could easily take down an army of your men in minutes.” Kyle’s serious stare did not break from Adann’s pitch black eyes, he was not a victim of the black holes.

Adann gave out a short laugh, “I bet you could, since everything up to now has prepared you for this day. But before we end it right here and now, don’t you have questions you would like to ask me?”

“Why?...” Kyle’s grip on his sword became tighter as his voice projected revenge. “Why did you kill him?”

Adann walked closer to Kyle’s position as he fingered his scars on his neck, “Why you ask? Well it is rather fairly simple. I enjoy to see pain in peoples eyes. I do believe that my father, Virgil, has told you why.”