Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Ripples ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Katlyn Ashe - West Group
Plip, plip, plop.
Plip, plip, plip, plip, plop.
Tiny ripples dance across smooth, cool water. A songbird raises its voice to the heavens, accompanied by a chorus of a thousand humming crickets and katydids. The wind sighs in contentment as it blows through the winding trees. A small rock skids,
Plip, plip, plip,
then drops,
A car rolls down the distant street, its radio roaring, its driver oblivious to his surroundings. A buck raises his head to glare at the noisy trespasser that dares interrupt his dinner. A family of raccoons fusses in their treetop home. A minnow nibbles at the foreign objects in its home. Another rock flies over the glassy surface of the water only to drop immediately.
“Stop eating my freaking toes!” Jin shouts as she leaps further into the river to escape the hungry fish.
Fuu stands on a nearby rock, her laughter echoing off the trees. “Ha ha! That's what you get!”
“You must taste better than we do,” Mugen chuckles as she dips her hand into the river, searching for her next victim. Finding it, she propels it across the river to join its brethren upstream, “cuz they ain't bothering us.”
“Be quiet!” Jin mumbles, throwing her own rock across the gurgling stream.
“Hey! Watch where you're throwing those things! You almost got my phone wet! MoMo grumbles, her eyes flashing briefly with annoyance as she kicks the water, sending the sparkling drops spiraling toward her comrades.
And so it began. The four teenagers soon found themselves soaked. Well, all of them except Fuu, who was surprisingly dry. Their laughter created a song all its own as they continued to fling water at each other.
“I give!” Jin said, lying down in the river, sighing as the cool water caressed her skin.
Dude! Where's a camera when you need one!” MoMo said, throwing her head back to begin laughing anew.
“Hey Fuu!” Mugen said, flipping her hair out of her eyes, “Since you seem to be the only one still dry, will you get my camera from my purse?”
“Where is it?”
“In the car, I think.”
“Got it! Ok, smile!”
I smiled as I placed the photo album back into one of the numerous boxes that filled our house. “Hey Mugen,” said Shanna as she came down the stairs and I couldn't help but smile when I heard my old nickname. “Why don't you take a break from unpacking and join me, Jin, and Fuu for lunch?”
I sighed and took one more look down at the small book that held our early college memories before glancing around at the small apartment that would now be our home away from home during the upcoming school year. “That sounds fantastic, MoMo.”