Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Romancing Lucifer ❯ Contract 22: Poison ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Romancing Lucifer

By: Revamp

Contract 22: Poison


A twisted smile crossed the angel's face.

She held an expressionless face as she walked down the sidewalk. Sajani seemed to disregard all that was around her, as if she was in a trance. Everything felt dead and lifeless, as if she was simply strolling through a sepia image of the decaying past. Sajani felt numb inside, as if she was merely a reanimated corpse.

Students passed her, and some occasionally glanced at her with a worried expression. A male student was headed to class with a book in his hand before redirecting his sights to the lone girl who seemed to stick out like a sore thumb among the other students. He ran up to the lifeless girl, who stopped and stared at him with soulless eyes.

“Hey,” he greeted her in a happy voice, “how's everything going with Seraj? Did you find him? Are you going to exact your revenge?”

“I can do that on my own. I'm fine with being independent. This isn't your fight,” Sajani told him to step down. No that Lucifer had a hold on her, he wouldn't need these idiots. The less people involved, the better off things were.

“What? I thought we were in this together,” he was shocked that she'd ditch him all of a sudden. He wondered what was wrong with her and why she'd do something like this. It came out of nowhere, so he didn't really understand.

“I've changed my mind,” Sajani's words were final. She wasn't going to be swayed by this boy. “I don't need your help.”

“But, you were so sure of it before-“ He almost seemed let down by her before he was cut off.

“I don't need you,” her words turned colder. “I've already made my decision, so don't try to tell me any differently.” In fact, she was getting irritated that this male was so persistent. Whoever he was, she didn't want any part of him. He needed to get the hint and get lost. She had an agenda to fulfill.

“You're acting really weird,” the guy noticed her blank expression and how strangely she was walking when he approached her. It was like the girl had been in a daze all day. “What's up with you, anyway?” Sajani usually had little quirks but today she had more than usual and at a disturbing rate. There was definitely something wrong with her. “It's like you made this drastic change. I don't get you.”

“I found a more effective way to deal with the problem, rather than confiding in you about it,” Sajani had alternative means beyond the help of this man. He was now rendered obsolete and she was simply going to cast him aside.

“What do you mean?” Didn't they plan this together? How could she not need to confide in him about it? This was a joint plan. No one else could possibly know about it unless she told them. Who would she even tell?

“I don't know how many times I have to say it. I don't need you around.” She was getting really tired of this man hanging around. He was interfering in her current plans, and he was wasting her time. If he didn't back down, then she was going to have to do something about him as well.

“This just doesn't make any sense-“ He tried to protest before he saw fire swirling around him. Students looked shocked and stirred up a commotion, running away from the situation. No matter, Sajani would make sure they didn't remember the incident later.

The flames illuminated his body in a brilliant orange as widened eyes stared into them. He couldn't move and was surrounded by raging fire that sparked up from nowhere. He'd never seen anything like this in his entire life. How was this happening? Why was it happening? Did Sajani know some kind of really effective witchcraft?

“What the hell is that?” A shaky finger pointed behind the girl, where a dark shadow stood, towering above her in height. Dark wings spread as the flames extinguished themselves on command. The youth wasn't sure what he was seeing or even if it was real. “Wh-What?” His voice shook with horror and astonishment. `I don't believe what I'm seeing. Is that…an angel?'

“Greetings, I assume that you've never seen an angel before. You obviously must believe in them or you would not have seen my wings,” Lucifer's expression was unmoving, with that same small smirk plastered to his features. He took a couple of steps towards the now visibly shaking teen, taking joy in his fear and bewilderment.

His book fell to the ground, and papers that were tucked into the pages blew out in the breeze, tumbling across the school yard. Not far away, the priest took notice of the angel's presence and his body immediately locked up. A gasp escaped his mouth and he immediately broke into a run. “The devil…The devil is here!” His voice shook and his breath escalated as he tried to make his way to the scene. “I can't allow it. I must do something to stop this from happening. If it's known that the devil is here on earth…I don't even want to think about it.”

“How in the world did you do that? It must be some kind of special effects or something. You can't be what I saw. I mean, what I think I saw, anyway.” For all he knew, the boy was hallucinating right now. He might not even have seen this angel for real. Then again, he couldn't deny that those flames looked real and if Lucifer was a hallucination, he was a damned good one.

Lucifer glanced over to him. “I'm surprised that someone like you believes in angels. It seems so unlikely of such a criminal.”

“C-Criminal? How did you-“ Not many people knew about his secret profession. Someone like him couldn't have possibly learned of such an intimate thing so easily. Who in the hell was this strange apparition?

“You don't hide it too easily,” the angel noted. “Yes, you're a criminal and a famous one at that. You've committed sixty-seven murders, twenty-two robberies and thirteen arson cases. Your sins didn't escape my eyes.” It was his specialty, after all. He could even account for the cases that were never proven, the ones he thought he had gotten away with, and all of the bodies that he thought he'd hidden so well. It was as if this angel was there with him through it all, and well, the truth is that he was.

“Wh-What? No one knows about that!” He had been working so hard at keeping his alias up. This man was dangerous. He knew everything that had happened and everything that he hid. To the angel, he was as clear as cellophane. Who was he? How did he know all of this? Was he simply a manifestation of his sins, haunting him from the subconscious of his mind?

The man felt as if he was going to throw up.

“There are many watcher angels that have been sent to earth to observe the acts of humanity, both for God…and Satan,” Lucifer pointed out that he had eyes everywhere. In the end, they would report to him with any findings regarding the sinful ways of humanity.

The shaken male took a step back. He could feel illness and bile churn sickeningly in his stomach. It was as if he'd been stripped away of flesh and muscle, revealing nothing but the bare bones. This angel knew him and knew him better than he ever could have known himself. The fact that someone held his life in their hands with such skill frightened him.

“I sense your fear and desperation. Everything is blurred, and you can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy. You want so badly to deny my existence but on the same note, you can't help but to believe it and the fact that I stand before you,” Lucifer had him where he wanted him. It was that moment of vulnerability that he loved, that moment that allowed him to bore his hooked claws deeply into his brain. The male was caught in a haze of confusion, unable to move or speak much. He was a shaking, unsure blob of organs before his feet and he loved the feeling of power he got from it all. The best surprise was when he revealed himself to those who questioned his existence.

“S-Stay out of my head,” the male's eyes screwed shit as he clutched both sides of his head. It was as if he thought that was an effective way to keep him at bay.

He looked to Sajani, who merely stood there and looked straight ahead like a motionless doll who was unaffected by what was happening. The student jerked his head towards her and looked at her with wild eyes. “What is wrong with you? Didn't you hear what he said? He's Lucifer! What the hell is wrong with you? Run away! Don't just stand there with that glazed over expression!”

That girl was either stupidly oblivious, or there was something more nefarious in play here.

“She won't be moving,” Lucifer gave him clarification on the latter.

“What?” He jerked his sights back to the dark angel.

“She's possessed by me.” That was why she wasn't going to require his help anymore. Didn't this silly boy know that she sold her soul to Satan?

“What?” The student could hardly believe something like this was happening. He questioned reality, and desperately hoped that this was all some nightmare that he'd soon wake up from. However, the unexpected things in reality were often the cruelest.

“She has no need for people like you.” Since the stubborn boy wasn't getting it, maybe he would now that Lucifer himself was telling him. “You'll only get in her way of becoming stronger and getting her revenge on Seraj.”

“Do you have something against this Seraj guy, too?” Seraj must be a pretty huge deal if he was even pissing off the devil. What did he do beyond what he knew? The youth was questioning his involvement in something like this. In fact, he wished that he hadn't even agreed to help her out now.

“I want him to suffer for my own personal interest. In order to obtain that goal, I must execute my plan and for that plan to work, I need all of my pieces in order.” The devil's work was never done, but when it was the pieces fit together with the accuracy of a puzzle. If Lucifer had to weed out a few little problems, then he would deal with them accordingly. He always got what he wanted, no questions about it.

The priest frantically dug around in the recesses of his drawers. He pulled out one after another as he sifted through multiple religious objects, tossing some of them aside with reckless abandon as he desperately tried to seek something important. Then, finally, at the bottom of the draw, shrouded in an intricate casing was a sword with a cross-shaped hilt.

His eyes lit up in that moment of brilliance as he proclaimed that it was a cross-saber. “This is just the tool I need to help them!”

Turning hastily from his mess, he ran back into the street with his weapon in hand. “I have to get there and defeat Lucifer! I just pray that I'm not too late.”

“So, what's going to happen now? What are you going to do with us?” In a way, he didn't want to know what the devil had planned. He wasn't ready for whatever words would slither from his mouth, but he knew that whatever would happen beyond this point was fated to be. No one was around to save him now. It was just him and the wall of sin that confronted him.

Judgment was eminent and all evil must be reprimanded for their practices. That's why someone like Lucifer existed.

“Well, I do need Sajani for my plans. However, you know a little too much about my doings. Even if you said something, no one would believe you. However,” the angel took a step towards the human, “I can't really say that I'm going to let you live.”

Fear overcame him and he took another step back, trying to put as much distance as he could between he and the murderous angel. However, the space between them was closing in more than he would have liked. The male could feel death crawling up his spine and turned to do the only thing he knew how - run.

That didn't get him far, as he collided with something a couple steps later and was knocked back onto the ground. His ass hit the concrete with a smack and he recoiled in pain before gazing up at the cold, orange eyes of the possessed girl. How in the hell did she move that fast? Wasn't she just in front of him not too long ago? He said her name in a mix of question and shock as he stared into her cold, dead eyes.

“Now, now,” she teased, “you can't run from fate. My master's plans will not be ruined. We'll make sure of that.”

“Time to end this,” Lucifer's smirk twisted maliciously as he took another step towards the youth and reached down, closing in on him.

Then he paused, his body jolted and a loud popping noise radiated through his ears. His eyes widened at what had just happened. How foolish was he not to have noticed the presence of the holy figure stabbing the cross saber between his shoulder blades. Pain that seared like a branding iron resonated throughout his body.

“I won't allow you to corrupt these children! Go back to hell where you belong!” The priest shouted at him in a valiant tone. Above anything else, the lives of all people mattered, even sinners like the man before him. There was no reason for the devil to take them. He'd make sure that he didn't.

Lucifer turned swiftly, smacking the priest in the face with his arm, knocking him down as he grabbed the cross saber and ripped it out of his back, a trail of blood followed it and stained the concrete in a trail of spatter.

“Run! While he's distrac-“ The priest tried to tell the teens, but his words were cut short as the cross saber was thrown through his heart, ceasing him. His lifeless body fell to the ground as blood poured onto the concrete.

`Damn, I didn't expect that. It seems like I left my guard down too easily. I didn't even see him coming.' Lucifer damned himself for his own oversight as he stared down at the dead man. “The clergy are just as corrupt as their biased god.” His eyes narrowed in contempt as the teen behind him scrambled awkwardly to his feet and took off running.

“You cannot escape divine intervention, foolish human. Don't worry; you'll be dead before the day is over and in the most tragic way.” Pain shot through the angel's form again as he grabbed his shoulder. “I've got to conceal my form and get back to Seraj's house.”

The angel then cast his glance to his puppet. “Since you're still under my spell, help me get there. I'll call you back when I need you again.”

“Yes, my lord,” the girl bowed subserviently and rushed to his side, making herself a support for the angel as they began to walk down the sidewalk and off of the school grounds. Lucifer tried to concentrate in order to walk, but his eyes kept trying to slam shut. That priest got a good move in on him and the cut was much deeper than he had first expected.

`Damn that priest…I wasn't aware of it when he stabbed me but..that cross saber must have been poisoned. I can't believe I was so careless that I let myself be stabbed by him,' the angel grabbed his chest as his heart beat irregularly, palpitating as it slammed against his sternum. `My heart is acting strange. It must be reacting to the poison. I've got to get to Seraj fast. Not that the bastard will help me any…'

“Will you be alright, master?” Sajani could feel the angel occasionally flinch and looked to him with faux concern.

“I'll be fine,” Lucifer responded. “Just a little bit farther…”

When they came into view of the house, Lucifer shoved her off and told her that he would make the rest of the way to the house on his own. She simply nodded and regained her footing as the angel staggered up the yard and made it to his door, nearly slamming into it with how disoriented he felt. He turned to the girl, eyes with black sclera looking at her stock still form.

“Go and return to your normal life for the time being. I'll alert you psychically when I need you,” he instructed as the girl bowed in agreement and told him that she understood. She walked off as the angel rested against the front door.

`I won't allow you to corrupt these children!' The priest's words ran through his mind as a vivid recollection hit him of that exact moment. `Go back to hell where you belong!'

The sensation of his arm knocking the man down in his last moment of life, and the sear of the cross saber as he ripped it from his back. The blood that stained the cold, rough concrete as he took the meddlesome priest's life with a single throw of his weapon. How ironic that the weapon he thought would save him most was his own undoing.

“I'm so stupid,” the angel breathed. `The blood is coming out quickly. Fast bleeding is either a good or a bad sign. The good aspect is that I'm bleeding that poison out, but the bad aspect is that I'm becoming anemic. I hope that I'll make it.'

Suddenly, his vision blurred and he nearly took out one of the potted plants that decorated the sides of Seraj's door. The angel stumbled over the offending foliage. “Damn…I've got to at least get inside.” The angel stumbled back into the door, hitting it with a thud as his knees gave out. His hands ran down the door as blood smeared in a long streak.

“I…made…it…” The angel's voice was raspy as he lay in the doorway.

Inside, Seraj jumped at the loud noise and jerked his sights back towards the front door. “What the hell was that? It scared the shit out of me. It felt like someone was busting down the door down. Should I go and answer it?”

He cautiously got up from the couch and walked over to one of the decorative tables, unplugging one of the big lamps that were scattered around and picked it up. If someone was trying to rob him, he was going to assault them with it.

Cautiously, the boy walked over to the door and reached for the doorknob. He turned it as he held the lamp over his head. “If I were you, I'd leave right now, especially if you're trying to break in!” He shouted, but was only met with silence.

`If this is some kind of practical joke, I swear.' Seraj kept his hand on the doorknob with a visage of irritation marred on his features. `I'm going to bust this over whoever's head I see on the other side of this door.' He wasn't playing around. If he so much as saw someone that he didn't know, they were going to get hit.

The boy opened the door, turning the knob slowly as his body tensed up, ready to go into action at the slightest hint of danger. `If Lucifer's playing some kind of trick on me, I'll kill him.' It was just like the angel to do something stupid like this and get his gears turning for no good reason. He really couldn't stand that guy's wicked ways sometimes.

As soon as he opened the door, Lucifer's torso came crashing through it. Seraj's eyes widened and he dropped the lamp on the floor, calling out the angel's name in surprise as he knelt down and shook him lightly.

“Hey, get up! This isn't the time for joking around,” Seraj shook him more. This really wasn't cute or funny. “I'm not falling for whatever you're trying to do.”

Just then, his eyes were directed to his wound. “Hey, what's that?” He turned and saw the streak of blood that had been smeared down his door. Then he looked to the angel's bloodied hand. “You're…probably not playing are you?”

Worry crossed his face. `I've never seen him hurt before. I don't even know how to help an angel who's hurt. What do I do?'

Orange eyes darted around; trying to gather his thoughts as he slowly picked the angel up and dragged him inside. He arms strained as he slowly got him in the house. This angel was really heavy for someone who was physically fit. Maybe it was his height, combined with the addition of wings that added to his weight.

Slowly, he drug the supernatural being through his house and managed to lift him up little by little onto his bed, disregarding if he got any blood on anything. That wasn't anything important to him now. He proceeded to take the angel's coat and undershirt off, revealing his flesh and feathers beneath.

“I don't know how to help you, but I'll do what I can,” he told the unconscious angel in a stern tone. The boy then fetched a first aid kit and started to bandage him up. For all he knew, the man just got stabbed by someone.

Who knew what kind of weird situation he got himself into now?

`I can't believe I'm doing this. I should hate this man, so why in the hell am I helping him?' Just as he thought about how much he shouldn't be helping him, Seraj was hit with a wave of flashbacks ranging from the moment they had sex, to his moans of pleasure and how the angel's hands skillfully ran over his body.

A blush covered his cheeks as he ceased in his actions. Slowly he reached out and ran his hand along the base of one of his wings, fingers trailing over the bones that connected them to his back. “Black…Dark as night…” He then sighed and slumped down. “Maybe…I don't hate you as much as I thought…Just don't die on me, okay?”

…To Be Continued