Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Scrolls ❯ Falore : A Poem ( One-Shot )

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The Kingdom of Falore - where rivers run free,
By pastures and grassy knolls.
A vastness of green, a fountain of life,
Holds stories from centuries old.
Ruled by the Royals since ancient times,
A burden was placed in their hands.
A gift from the Gods, the Scroll of Creation,
A relic which blessed these lands.
Knowledge blossomed like the flowers of Spring,
With the understanding of the spirits of life.
But dangers laid in the minds of a few,
Alchemists and Scholars alike.
As Wars felled many throughout thousands of years,
Like the leaves of a withering tree.
The knowledge was lost and locked away,
As time flowed into the Sea.
Now the land of Falore holds many secrets,
As does the rest of the World.
In a quaint little Village, West of the lake,
An epic tale is about to unfold.