Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Sent from Heaven ❯ The First Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Updates: One small change in the description of Nicole (can you guess what it is?), along with short addition at the end.

Disclaimer: This story is the author's own creation and it belongs to her; I do not own the plot or the characters. (What can I say? I don't write; I edit. ^.^) Sent from Heaven is posted with permission from the author. (If I didn't have permission, I might still be screaming in my grave… from the… err… evil cats that hunt you down for copyright infringement. Yup.) No profit is being made from this story. (Damn it…)

Warnings: Aside from my cursing every now and then, there are no warnings for language. Mention of sex and some physical abuse in later chapters, so rating may eventually go up to Young Adult.

Chapter 1: The First Day

Well, where to start? I'm Nicole from Hawaii, but now I'm in Las Vegas, Nevada. How did I get all the way over here? Well, it's called my mom's job. Personally, I don't like it. Everyone here is always busy and so boring. I'm and only child, but any day I'll be getting a new sister. I'm also sixteen, and my hair is blondish-brown. I'm not that tall... or bright.


"Nicole, you're going to be late for school! You'd better hurry!"

"Mom, homeroom doesn't start 'till 8:40!"

"I don't care! You should still be ready!"

"I'm just making sure I have all my stuff. I don't want to be late for my first day of school. Duh."

"Don't talk to me that way!"

"Sorry. Coming!" I ran to the car, panting. "Ok, let's go."


We were driving to school and I turned on the best radio station, 569.0 -- the punk rock station. At least I think it's the best. Mom doesn't like it, though, so she turned it off.

"Mom!" I yelled. "Why did you do that?"

"Because that music is totally useless! There's no point! It's just all these people talking about their sad lives."

"Who cares? I have to go now. I love you. Bye, mom."

"Bye, honey. Have a good first day of school."

"I will."


I was walking the halls and looking for my new class, right? And this cute guy comes up to me and asks me where I'm going. So I tell him I'm looking for room 143.

"Oh, that's where I'm going for my first class, too. So, what's your locker number?" he asked as we walked down the hall together.

"67," I said.

"Seriously weird! I'm locker 66, right to the left of your locker."


The next day, after breakfast, I got in the car and was off to another boring morning in Vegas. On the way to school, we slowly passed all the drunks with no money because of gambling. I managed to snort thinking about how crazy wierd this town was.

Reviews, constructive criticism, and flames are welcome!

Kasumi-chan's notes: Since I currently cannot get a hold of the author, the second chapter may take a while to get out. (The whole story is already written, but not edited, which is my job, so I will reluctantly admit that any delay is most likely my fault. T_T)

Hope you enjoyed!
