Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Strangest Love ❯ School ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1: School
Chris or poodles as his friends call him was sitting at a table eating breakfast waiting for his friends to arrive He moved the his spctrum colored bangs out of his face. He toke a big bite of his french bread sticks.
“Poodles! You didn’t call me last night!” said a fiesty red haired friend. She grabbed a chair beside him.
“im sorry Nichole I fall asleep.” He said taking another bite of his breakfast’ “ What did you did you do over your weekend?” “nothing I just sat on my ass talking.” Nichole said boredly the bell rang and they lefted up and grabbed there stuff off the table and walked off to english. They stopped as poodles locker. After chris grabbed his books he turned around and ran into the main quaterback Kenny Hitkins.
“watch were your…..Oh hey chris!” Kenny jumped up and moved sideways “I didn’t mean to ran into you like that.”
“Its ok Ken I ran into you….well ill see you in math class.” Chris walked off with nichole and entered the english class Edward and Jewls were sitting in there group. The teacher gave them a group assignment they had two weeks to work on a story. Jewls was a blonde hair blue eyed beauty that had random black and white coon stripes in her hair. Edward was a msytry within himself he had long shaggy black hair and a slacker like look.
“So what are we doing again?” chris asked holding his head in his hands
“ I think were supposed to write a story.” Edward answered looking over at his pride and joy the pearl of his eyes.
“Omg guess what?” chris shouted out loud the whole class room turned around and looked at him. Chris closed into the middle of the table and looked at jewls. “I ran into kenny and he was going to yell at me but when he saw who it was he apoligized when it was all my fault.
“OMG no way” Jewls acclaimed looking at chris she always got excited at the stories he told them.
“yeah and he was so good looking to.” “No way” “yes way girlfriend” They both erupted into a volcanoe of laughter . The other two ere working on the already forgot