Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Taki High ❯ Volume Three, Chapter Twelve: Fire Girl ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Fire Girl



I love fire. I discovered it in my youth. I couldn't stop staring at it. So warm… So bright. Oh! I love it so much!

Ever since I came here I rediscovered fire. They kicked me out of my home because of my love for fire. They didn't understand. Fire is my everything. Why couldn't they see that? What were they so afraid of? Fire was everything to the world. Couldn't they see that?

Here, I'm starting to remember my love of fire.


Today was Kohaku-chan's birthday. Goody! I have just the present for her! Hope she likes it. I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her with me. Kohaku-chan tried to fight me off.

“Get off! Let go!” she yelled. I pouted at her.

“Come on,” I said.

“Leave me alone,” she said. Kohaku-chan pulled away and started walking off.

“Kohaku-chan!” I shouted as I ran after her. She didn't slow down. I grabbed her wrist again. Kohaku-chan tried to pull away.

“Let go!” she shouted.

“Aw, come on,” I said. “I worked so hard on this gift!”

“I don't want it!” she said.

“Please?” I asked. “Just give me ten minutes. It will be worth it. I promise. Please?” Kohaku-chan sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Then will you leave me alone?” she asked. I nodded at her like a little puppy Kohaku-chan gritted her teeth.

“Fine!” she said. I broke into a huge grin.

“Thank you!” I said. I bowed my head.

“Whatever,” Kohaku-chan muttered.


This took so much work to make. It had to be perfect. Something told me to do it. I couldn't resist.

This took weeks too.

First, I needed a location. Had to be big. So much space. Next, I needed materials. They had to be the right type. Easy to work with. Finally, I needed that spark. Most important thing. Without it, what's the point? The whole thing is useless. No, I need that spark.

Took weeks but I did it. Last night, I stood back and smiled.


Today, I could show it off.


I led Kohaku-chan to my gift to her. I held out my arms and smiled.

“Ta-da!” I said. She blinked at me.

“Why are we here?” Kohaku-chan asked.

“Your present,” I said. She sneered at me.

“A junkyard between two old buildings?” Kohaku-chan asked.

“Uh-huh!” I said.

“Why?” she asked.

“Behold!” I said. I smirked and pulled out a lighter.

“What are you doing?!” she yelled. I snickered.

Click. I threw my clear and gold lighter over my shoulder.


The junk blew up into flames behind me. I burst into laughter.


It was beautiful. Everything went up in flames really quick. I turned and marveled at my artwork. It felt like home.

“I love this!” I shouted with my arms in the air. The flames spread to the buildings and trash. Oh man! So beautiful!

Kohaku-chan, on the other hand, didn't enjoy it too much. She stood in the streets, screaming. Kohaku-chan turned and ran. She wasn't the only one not happy with my art. Oh well.