Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Edge of Insanity ❯ Eyes ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I pulled my black hoodie tighter around me as I walked down the streets, the cold night air blowing softly in circles around me. I shivered once again but not from the cold, I was still trying to calm down. I was not to keen with being yelled at but that seemed to happen a lot lately, as if everyone had suddenly gone bipolar on me or something. I mean, what have I done? I keep to myself almost all the time. Especially when it's around my birthday. That's what today is…was? It had seemed to be going alright, and that's really something if I'm saying that my birthday is okay. But I can also look on the bright side…well bright side for me… At least it means that I am one year closer to my death. If you were to ask me why I hated life so much I honestly wouldn't be able to give you an answer. I don't even know why myself. It may have something to do with the way my life has been but that isn't completely it. I know that there are plenty of other people in the world who have lives worse then I do.
I sighed, just thinking about things like this gives me a headache and leaves me even more confused then I already was. And a confused Jaedyn is never a good thing when it comes down to it. Looking down at the ground, I kicked an empty beer can that was in my path. I watched it as it flew and made a loud clank as it hit a metal dumpster concealed in the dark alley a little bit ahead of me and to the side. At that moment, I saw a flash of two red spots but they disappeared as quickly as they appeared. I stared at the spot for a bit, thinking a dog or some other street animal would come running out to chase after me, it has happened many times and I had the scars on my legs to prove it, but nothing happened. Shrugging, I let out the breath that I didn't know I had been holding and continued with my walking.
I had passed many brightly lit stores in my wondering but didn't enter any of them. I didn't even really have any reason to be out on the streets alone in the middle of the night. It was past the city's curfew for teenagers under the age of eighteen to be out, but I could care less at the moment. If a cop happened to pass by and tried to start any trouble, I could just bring up who my parents were and watch with amusement as they backed off. I guess that is one advantage that came from being the daughter of well-known rich people. I have no clue as to how some one can make so much money off owning a video game programming business, but it made money and that's all adults care about…who is the richest and who has the most power.
As I got closer to the alley, a glint by the dumpster caught my eye. I slowly walked over and nudged the thing lying on the ground with my foot. I kept an eye on the alley, still not sure of it, as I bent down and picked up the object. I walked over a few steps into the light and I noticed it was a necklace. The chain seemed to be made of silver but the thing I found most interesting was the trinket hanging from it. Metal twisted and wove itself around a black stone that I could have mistaken for Onyx if it weren't for the red that streaked through it like veins.
I was immediately wary of the necklace because I got a strange feeling from it, and because I couldn't think of any reason for someone to leave a thing of such obvious value by an alley dumpster. Shrugging I pocketed it and then looked back to the alley. I almost jumped when I saw a figure crouching in the shadows. It did not seem to be paying me any attention so I quickly but quietly left, heading in the all too familiar path back to my house. The sun would be rising in a few hours and the last thing I needed was for my parents to find out that I wasn't at home as often as they thought I was.
I stuck to the shadow of the wall upon reaching my home around an hour later. I quickly ran up to the wall that the balcony to my room was located on and climbed the trellis, careful with my footing as not to slip or make any noise. I got to the small balcony I grabbed the railing tightly in my hand and swung my legs over it. I opened the balcony door that is always unlocked. I got into the habit of keeping it unlocked once I got to the age where I started to run away from home.
Upon entrance, I flipped on the bedside lamp. I used the lamp for my regular fluorescent lighting. My overhead light had black lights in it for those times where I wanted to take pictures that had a glow to it. That's another thing about me. Besides my obvious music addiction, I love photography. I had many pictures of random things I took pictures of, in boxes under my bed. I didn't hang any on my walls, that space was reserved for my posters of anime characters, posters of bands, and pictures I printed off the internet of different bands and band members I listened to outside the states, mainly German and Japanese techno and metal bands.
I flopped on my bed after retrieving the book I had been reading for the past few days. It was really good so far and I was already half way through it. The only time I got to read it was at night though, otherwise I was to busy with school and family things.
Suddenly there was a strange noise outside my window. At first, I thought I imagined it. I shrugged it off and lifted the book back up. Then it came again. It was so strange I couldn't even decide what it sounded like. A growl? A rustle? I don't know.
Slowly, and as quietly as possible, I got up off the bed and started towards the open window. I held my breath so as to not alert whatever it was, if it was anything. Just as I got to the side of the window, my bedroom door slammed open. I jerked around to see my mother standing there, hair rumpled from sleep, robe hanging loose. She was not happy.
“What are you doing still up? It's three in the morning!”
“I was reading.” I replied with a scowl.
“Well, get some sleep.” She said as she reached and closed the door. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Why did people always think everyone needed eight hours of sleep? Really!