Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Misinterperted Situation ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1
It was like any other ordinary sunny day after school. Susie and Sydney walked side by side next to each other with Sydney talking about her day.
“So, how was your day, Susie?” Sydney asked a smile inviting on her lips.
Susie shrugged glancing up at her sister with squinting eyes. Compared to her sister, she was a five inches shorter making Sydney five foot six. Her own sister wasn’t as tall as some high schoolers with their high-heeled shoes or their platform sneakers.
“Okay.” She looked at her straddling feet watching them move swiftly and softly. Her eyes stung by the sunlight badly enough to make her stare at the ground while on their way to their home. “My teacher gave me a lot of homework.”
Sydney sighs empathetically. “Ugh, I know. My teacher gave all of us like a stack of packets to work on. So not fair.” She complains tucking her thin strands of brunette hair behind her ears. “But then again, it’s pretty easy and all.” Anything was easy for the sister for she had all straight A’s.
Both sisters had different appearances. Susie was a dark haired girl with jade green eyes and heavy bags colored under eyes. Sydney was a brunette with striking light blue eyes and attractive features. Susie always thought Sydney was born the prettiest out of everyone in high school and she wasn’t the only one who agreed. Her smile was the only feature Susie envied from her sister the most.
“Why so glum, Susie?” Susie hadn’t even heard the question being asked.
Shrugging, she sighs as her only usable response. Her back cowed her with soreness from all around her forehead appearing in beads of sweat from this mild heat. All she ever wants to do is go home, go to sleep and never wake up. Only in her dreams is where you see her smile and talk feverishly.
From far away, a parked white van stood next to a house. Standing out of the closed door was a guy who stood at the same height of Susie with layers of heavy tattoos covering both his arms and neck area. He was lit a small cigarette and puckered it into his lips inhaling the toxins and exhaling out.
“You girls know how to get around here?” The sound of his deep pitched voice startled the two.
They both stopped a few inches away from the guy. “Sure. Are you lost?” Sydney asked.
He shrugs whipping around to reach in the window a map out of the glove compartment of the passenger seat. “Yeah. I guess you could say that.” He lightly chuckles to himself while Sydney chuckles along. Susie, however, saw an insidious look in his eyes that spelled out trouble.
Sydney points out different directions of the map explaining to him like a tourist guide as he nodded along. Susie looked at the guy catching each other’s eyes meet up. The guy briefly blinked away from her prompting his arm around his rear mirror staring at Sydney with some kind of devouring look.
“And that’s all you have to do.” Sydney culminated the directions. “I hope that’ll help you.”
The guy grins nodding his head. “It sure will.” He glances up at Susie with a sly smile.
Everything suddenly halted as if the world stopped spinning. A hard grip tightened around Susie’s neck having the intention of someone strangling her. She felt her throat dry up and her face turn red. In the background, she can hear Sydney scream for her sister. Susie couldn’t even open her eyes to the sight of what was happening. A cloth with a heavy scent fogged her vision up when attempting to open her eyes to actually see. The faint black pitch crowded her eyes, her breathes slower and her body collapsing in defeat.

For what it seemed like hours, Susie can feel herself wake up, but her eyes still remaining shut tightly. What she felt was a hard gravel and cold floor hitting her cheek and legs numbing her body from the chilliness of the atmosphere crowding the air. No matter how hard she told herself to wake, she only feared what she might wake up to find herself in. Not only where, but how she got there in the first place. And Sydney. She had no clues to where the presence of her sister was and her body shook at the thought.
Small cowering whimpers echoed the small room she was in. Susie’s eye lids slowly lifted up to feel the darkness take over. Her eyes widened picking her hand up to the see the dark outline. Well, she wasn’t blind, but it was pitch black and eerie. The noise of small and sobbing whimpers were heard again. She automatically sat up as a reaction.
“Sydney?” She whispered even though her whispers echoed back. She tried to stand up, but her knee buckled together slamming her knees in the hard and cold pavement. The sound of bones cracking ringed her ears. Instead of trying again, she sat back down against the wall bringing her knees against her chest. Where was she? Where was Sydney? Who was that guy? The questions exploded in her thoughts stirring a headache in the temples of her forehead. She didn’t want to panic at the time. She wanted to be at her home already and just fall asleep from an over-whelming day of high school tiring the living daylights out of her.
A bright light powered throughout the whole dark room with a dark figure standing in front of the light. Susie cupped her hand over her eyes maybe catching a better glance at the person. The dark figure slowly made its way to Susie leaving the bright light to color the dark room.
“You’re awake already.” The figure said rather than questioning. Without responding, Susie slumped further down against the wall finally observing the figure in front of her. Could it be the guy from earlier? The guy used all his force to reach down and grab Susie’s arm lifting her from the stone hard floor and pinning her against the wall. His hand made its way to her neck softly grazing and then tightening his grasp as she felt her throat dry up again. His fingers dug into the back of her neck slowly pulling her up with her toes dangling in air. “Haven’t you heard the saying ‘don’t talk to strangers’?” His voice asked a sickening smile appearing on his lips.
“But you… we’re just... we…” She held onto his arms trying to break free from his threatening grasp. It was no use except he kept laughing at her failed attempts.
“Why are you trying?” He taunts finally releasing her, knees once again scarped along the floor. Her airway took its time to open again and while doing so, she collapsed onto the cold floor panting heavily and coughing out the dryness coating her throat. A sudden forceful kick made its way to her ribs, the guy using all his strengths to land hard and loud kicks against her sides. She could feel the tears stream down her face, her body jumping at every kick. In a matter of seconds, she finally let out a loud scream to wherever her kicked hopefully someone hearing her. Every time she thought about how long he’d keep doing this and finish, she felt more relaxed, but he didn’t stop kicking fearing that he wouldn’t end.
After what it might’ve been hours, he finally stopped leaving the girl clutching her sides moaning loudly in pain and sobbing uncontrollably. She faced the wall gasping out loud and terrified shouts of pain. This all felt like a realistic nightmare and she ached from all over; something that she’s never experienced before.
“Think before you say anything else, sweet heart.” With those last words, the door shuts evacuating the bright light shining inside the room. It was all dark now.
Where was she and why was she held captive? Sydney was nowhere to be found only fearing the worst for her sake. Hopefully she had run away in time for them to capture her and take Susie as a sacrifice. Then again, why her? Why was she being held captive in a single room with no one, but herself? Had she done something wrong to anger the guy? The last time she made anyone angry was her parents infuriated at her for failing an Algebra quiz and that was it. Making someone else angry wasn’t her specialty. She never liked the sight of someone angry after an argument or anything that angered them in the first place. It frightened her actually and made all her insides jump. She feared for the worst for herself and possibly her sister.

Susie felt her eyes flutter open instinctively to the small bright light that shined the room earlier. Her heart raced fast and her breaths felt heavy in her throat fearing for the worst again. Closing her eyes made the situation seem not as life threatening as she sought it out to be. It calmed her for a while until she feels someone brush against her shoulder. Susie let her body loose after the feeling continued to her back where the pain throbbed. The feeling of a breeze attacked the lower part of her back realizing her shirt being picked up. She squirmed around moaning and crying.
“Stop moving around!” The same voice for a while ago commanded. She lies still while the guy placed a wet and warm cloth on both the lower part and middle of part of her back. “Turn over.” She did what she was told turning on her stomach while the guy sunk his knuckles into the wet cloth massaging Susie’s back. “Feels good?”
“Mm-hmm.” Susie didn’t even worry about what she had said, but the person didn’t seem to notice.
“So, what’s your name?” He started off.
Opening her eyes, she thought carefully to whether she should expose her identity or just tell the truth. Then again, something could go wrong if she used a fake name. “Susie.”
He nods pressing his fingers into her sides. She flinches afterwards. “Nice name.” He sneered pulling her shirt back down and placed both of his hands on her shoulders. The person began to dig his nails into her shoulders with Susie wincing in response. It was an unpleasant feeling, not that he cared. “The names Jared, by the way.”
Susie didn’t say anything else, but the farther his fingers went to her neck, the tighter the grip. Pretty soon, his whole hand was grasping behind her neck picking her up and swinging her to the wall. She falls with a hard thud bones cracking in several places. His maniacal laugh echoes the room and knelt next to her stroking the side of her face. She merely whimpered trying to swallow dry and frightened spit, but it was also hard to breathe on her own.
“The look on your face, that beautiful terrified look, melts my heart.” He says in awe.
Her eyes popped from her head, her mouth slightly gaped and her brows furrowing in astonishment. “W–why?” She stuttered in disbelief.
Jared sighs dusting his hands on his thighs before settling next to the limp Susie. “Long ago, there was an abusive mother and an alcoholic father. The mother thought it was a good idea to give her son a good whipping five times every day and the father lied on the ground passed out with booze and spit oozing out of his mouth. Once, he got so drunk that he penetrated his own son to his enjoyment. Later, the son left and now is happy.” Afterwards, he smiled so proudly as if he was told something exciting.
No wonder he’s so messed up, Susie thought. Her mouth opened to say something, but she held it back knowing the worse might happen. Sydney; she had to know where she was. “Where’s my… my sister?” Her voice shook and trembled each word harder to speak.
“Her? Oh, she’s just in another place getting special treatment.” His voice sounded satisfied after saying so. The thought of getting ‘special treatment’ couldn’t even cross Susie’s mind.
“What do you–“
“Ah, don’t speak.” He reminded holding a single finger to her lips. Good thing he reminded her. “You better pray for better things later. You don’t want me to get angry, do you?” She shook her head quickly. Jared smiles at her taking her cheek one of his hands and caressed it. “Good girl.” Getting up, he made his way to the door and left without saying anything else.
With him gone, Susie forced herself to stand up on her feet. Lying down for too long made her legs ache and numb as well as her whole body. She let herself fall back to the floor too tired to even lift her head up or worry about what might happen next. She needed rest and sleep just to feel energized for the next day incase anything could happen under her suspicion.

If it wasn’t night time, then Susie could’ve known how long she’d been captive. It felt like weeks in the small dark room. No one came up to check on her for a really long time, and pretty soon her empty stomach echoed inside the room. Food didn’t matter at the moment. She wanted to know where the evil guy kept her older sister at or what they were doing to her. Maybe she really is getting the same treatment as her or maybe they let her go. Who knows? She was still hoping for the best for her.
Suddenly, the door opened and the bright white light lit up the whole room. Susie shielded her eyes as if she were a vampire. Her heart raced wildly and she could already feel tears tugging at her eyes. Not again, she thought. Holding her sides, terrible flashbacks blinked into her eyes of the previous injury. Silently, she started praying to a god in the heavens. She prayed to not get beaten, she prayed to hopefully uncover clues of her sister and she prayed she’d stop crying. What was the use of crying anyways?
She wasn’t sure if it was the same Jared guy, but instead of swinging her from wall to wall, the person nudged her with their feet. It wasn’t painful, and she was thankful he wasn’t kicking her.
“Hey, get up.” It was a different voice and not Jared’s. This voice sounded less threatening and softer.
Susie lifted her head up from the cold pavement. All she could see was a white body outline of the guy in front of her. Darkness covered his body and a bright light explored the room once again. She opened her mouth to say something, but he shoved a huge hand in front of her small face.
“C’mon, you gotta get up.” He pleaded taking her arm in his grasp. The guy slowly helped her to her feet and even let her lean on his arm while she outstretched her shaky legs. “Try propping one leg straight and let the other one loose.” She did that and her weight almost tipped over. The guy gladly held onto her as they made their way to the door with the exposing bright light. Her aching bowled legs hurt as she hopped onto the short length steps. Susie couldn’t make the last step on her own. Looking over at the guy, who looked to be no older than twenty five, her eyes burned for help. He sighed and reluctantly grabbed her waist and moved her onto the final step. The bright light that she’d never imagine to confront stung her eyes. But the guy shoved her out of the door frame and into the mysterious lightened room. Susie felt her legs take a tumble over something and crash into another wall. She crashed to the ground like a little rag doll. “Can’t you stand still for just a minute?” The guy begged sighing frustratingly. Susie let her eyes form into slits and rivet at the guy in shame.
“It hurts… to walk.” She murmured into the cold floor. Susie heard the guy mutter a frustrated, “geez” and helped her to her feet once again. She made sure to dig her nails into his arm while her legs swayed side to side. The bright light oozed a migraine into Susie’s temples. “Where’s… where’s Sydney?” It even hurt to think straight.
Susie didn’t get a reply, but a simple groan. The unknown guy led her down a hallway. Susie felt somewhat thankful she wasn’t thick or exceedingly heavy for someone to be dragging her to places. She liked her pounds proudly and not eaten for days made her pounds less for her to worry about. Although she felt covetous, food wasn’t the only thing on her mind. Where’s Sydney? She thought out loud. She wanted her sister. She wanted to see and know she was in a better condition than herself.
“Who’s this Sydney?” The guy asked. Susie hadn’t realize she actually said her thoughts rather than keeping it to herself. But could this guy know where she is?
“My sister.” Her response burned her dry throat. She coated her saliva against the walls of her throat and said, “Do you know where she is?” Not only did the question gave the guy a remorseful look, but a kick under her legs.
She helplessly whammed into the ground once more. The guy had used his long feet to cause her to trip over–purposely. “Look, you can’t ask questions like that unless I ask them.” The guy warned. Susie nodded her skull against the cold floor. Helping her back to her feet, he then asks, “And is this Sydney your blood sister?” Susie nodded. Maybe he did know of her sisters’ whereabouts. “Well, next time, lessen the limit of your questions. I don’t want to keep tripping you and then helping you back up again.” And to Susie, it was like a minor threat, but one that didn’t sound like it would be taken seriously. Susie wasn’t afraid of this man hurting her, for some reason.
Susie and the guy staggered into a small bedroom. The guy released Susie’s grip from his waist and left her to stand on her own against the wall. She watched him walk into a small room in that bedroom and come out with clothing in his hands. Susie couldn’t make of what the clothes were, but they looked cleaner than her own. The guy handed Susie the clean clothes and ordered, “Change into them.” Susie stood still looking at the guy with unsure and perplexed eyes. Change? In front of him? Susie shuddered at the thought, but moved slowly. She stripped down her pants making sure the hem of her begrimed shirt covered at least half of her underwear. Wait? It’s not pants. Susie thought staring into the single pieced clothing. She looked back at the guy who watched her gawk at the dress in disbelief and cocked an addled brow. “It’s a dress.” He said. Sighing, she also stripped out of her shirt feeling more revealed than feeling her pants come down to her ankles. Throwing the dress over her head, the guy helped her pull it down over her body. He pulled her around and zipped the small zipper against her back. “I’m giving you this chance to ask any questions. Go.”
Susie remained silent. She thought carefully and thoroughly enough to pick out the logical questions that probed at her mind. “Where’s my sister?”
“I can’t answer to that one. Next question.” He replied quickly.
“What’s your name?”
He paused, looked at her with uneasy eyes and proceeded. “Dan.” With a simple name like that, Dan didn’t sound the least admonishing. “Anything else?”
She stared at her bare feet in thought. “Why am I here?”
Susie saw Dan gulp worriedly. He hadn’t expected for Susie to ask just yet. “Let’s just say it’s for a simple ‘enterprise’.” And that was the last of her questions. He hooked his arm through her own and conscientiously led them out of the room and back into the short hallway. Here we go again, Susie thought painfully. She shuffled her limp legs against the concrete and used the wall as her guidance to wherever Dan took her. Dan already had Susie’s arm around his waist, but he didn’t support her enough to walk on her own without the wall. “Where in your legs does it hurt for you to walk?”
“All over.”
He lamented deliberately. “Here,” he said and used one of Susie’s occupied hands around his waist and slid them over his shoulders. He crouched down in front of her and motioned for her to climb onto his back. Susie hesitated at first. She trusted him enough to help her walk, but not enough for him to carry her around like a young five year old. She had to though; otherwise she’ll be struggling with her legs. She pressed her front body onto his back, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and he slowly stood up hooking his arms under her lanky legs. She could hear him groan as if disgusted. “You smell really badly.” And he was right.
They persisted onto the bottom of a staircase. Dan carefully paced down the stairs almost losing his balance at the bottom of the last stair step. Susie breathed cautiously making Dan flinch. He tilted his head back and rose a brow at Susie. “Sorry.” She apologized.
He shakes his head. “Just don’t get so shook up.” Annoyance crossed his white face. Susie almost felt guilty for even having this man carry her on his back. She didn’t want to literally feel like the burden to him. A smell hung around his shoulders, the smell her father used to wear when she gave him a huge bear hug. The memory brought small tears at the corners of her eyes. Will she even see her family again?
As soon as Susie caught a glimpse of Jared, her body instantly repulsed. Dan got closer to him and Susie gripped her hands forcefully around Dan’s neck and her body trembled like a scared dog. The mental images, the pain throbbing on her legs, her breathes shorter and slow; he was her own nightmare. The kind of nightmare where you wake up breathing hard, you’re sweating and you want to fall down crying. Not only did Susie get an idea how a nightmare was when her sister went to treatments for her cancer, but this was the day to relive those nightmares again.
“She’s awake,” said Jared. Susie couldn’t see his face, but it’s like his voice was smiling in sick satisfaction.
“Yeah. Make sure to give her a bath or something.” Dan suggested. He dropped her legs from his grip, but she still clung onto him her arms still tight around his neck. He pulled her arms in a swift reflex and pushed her weak body in front of him. “Treat eam partier.” He mumbled and walked off leaving the two alone.