Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Slayer ❯ The Fox and the Hound ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6: The Fox and the Hound
On the bed was another fallen, sound asleep, but that wasn't what scared me. What scared me was the two bats—dogs—whatever sleeping on the floor beside him. Elijah, acting quickly, closed the door silently and pushed me through the door behind him.
“Don't move, don't think, and don't make a sound.” He whispered. I pictured a blank white before me, to my left, right, and all around, closing my eyes. I heard him leave, and walk into the other room. Muffled voices could be heard, along with a soft growling. Fear began filling my heart, but I didn't think at all, just did what my instincts ordered and kept low. After a while, however, the door to the room opened.
“Girl, get up.” Elijah said in a cold tone. I opened my eyes, and looked up at him. He walked in, closing the door behind him; I could hear the growling on the other side of the door, raising my fears. “Calm down.” He whispered, crouching down next to me. “That in there is Spite. He felt your fear, so you must remain calm and emotionless next time. He already knows you're here, and because of that I said I would kill you soon, so be afraid.” It took a while for this to register in my brain. “He's gonna kill me.” I thought. I huddled myself together tightly, and remembered what he'd been like in the past. I shuddered at the thought, fear filling my heart to the brim. I buried my head in my legs, drawing them to my chest.
“Wow. She's a cute one, Chaos. Mind sharing her with me and these adorable pups of mine?” a voice asks, coming from the doorway.
“One: those hounds would kill her before we could have any fun. Two: you said you would be gone by noon. It's almost dusk. And three: I played with her last night. It's time she was put out of her misery.” Elijah replied.
“Aww, just a taste?” the fallen, Spite, pleaded. Elijah sighed.
“Be quick.” He said, getting up and leaving, closing the door behind him. My fears skyrocketed as I heard his leisurely steps towards me. “He's taking his time, trying to draw out my fear.” I realized. “Stupid sadist.” I thought, my anger beginning to build. It picked up my fear and brutally threw it out the window, demonstrating its strength. I sat up, getting out of my protected position, and stood up to my full height. He smirked, and I noticed that the things from before were right behind him.
“They're not things. They're hellhounds, darling.” Spite corrected. He had short, bright red hair and flashing green eyes with a slight implacable accent. His wings were unlike Elijah's in that there weren't just two of them. There were six. Two little black wings on his shoes, and four large silver ones on his back. Every once in a while, you would see a white or a black feather, but they were loose and falling out.
“What do you want?” I asked boldly, ignoring his comment.
“To play.” He replied, obviously amused at my nerve.
“I'm not a toy,” I said.
“Oh aren't you? You obviously don't know the situation you're in, darling. I'm a fallen and have two hellhounds with me. You are human, and have absolutely no weapon, and no defense.” I took a stance, tensing my muscles and preparing to move quickly. He laughed softly, and then bowed deeply. “As you wish.” he said, disappearing into the shadows. The hellhounds lunged at me, and I quickly jumped up, avoiding their snapping jaws and causing them to fly under me. I ran outside, noting that Elijah wasn't there to save me, and climbed up a tree, slipping off one of my shoes that I hadn't realized I was still wearing. I turned around to their sad attempts at climbing the tree, and whacked one of them in the jaw with all of my might. It fell, landing on its back; it crushed its wings, and yelped in pain. I would've felt bad for it had it not just tried to kill me. Then I whacked the other one, who was getting closer. It fell right next to the other one. They got up, and started running away.
“Yeah, that's right. Run, you stupid mutts!” I called, my heart beating fast enough to dance to; no, faster than that. Elijah and Spite descended from the sky, and I jumped down from the tree, slipping my shoe back on and taking a battle stance.
“Not bad, Chaos. She can deal with the Hellhounds, so I think she can manage a few bloodsuckers here and there.” Spite stated, looking me over and seeing that I had no scratches or bruises at all. “She's definitely resourceful, I'll give her that. Most people would've just waited for their doom instead of thinking and acting.”
“But she's got a long way to go, and she can't just fly away if she gets into trouble.” Elijah replied coolly.
“True, but that's why you're here: to teach her and show her what to do. Even if the Lord did find out, he wouldn't think much of it because she's a girl.” This was all confusing me. “What? What are they talking about?” I thought. Spite smirked, and walked up to me, leaning down and whispering in my ear.
“You are destined to do great things. Whether they are for good or evil that is your choice. Either way, you must follow a strict path in which you will be faced with horrors beyond your wildest imagination, and hard choices that no one but you can make. No one will be able to share your pain, and no one will try to help you. Take this time to learn all you can, and never forget anything. You will be rewarded in the end, my clever fox.” he whispered, kissing my ear lightly. Then, he shot up into the sky, swirling and looping back and forth, until I could see him no longer.
“He is lucky.” Elijah said in a jealous tone. “He can go to all three worlds, whereas fallen can only go to one and a half, since the rest of this world is restricted.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“If you ever get into trouble with the other Fallen, I want you to get on a plane and go to England, and never come back.” he replied, not explaining completely. I looked at him, confused, but then followed him back up into the apartment. I went to my room, and made the bed, checking out the whole place with the assistance of a lamp. My new room was a dark crimson color bordered with strange black and purple symbols that resembled the ones on Elijah's bound wings. In the corner to the right (looking at it from the doorway) was a black door. I hadn't seen it before because a) I had been too startled by the hounds to look around and b) it was hidden behind a redwood chest of drawers. In the corner to the left, was a simple bed with red satin sheets. Straight in front of me was a window that was covered by black drapes. The carpet was stained red and smelled slightly of blood, but I took no notice, looking to my front left corner. There, I saw a desk that had been painted black; atop it sat a silver Dell laptop with profiles of people on the screen. I walked over to it, noting several pictures of random people on the wall. Some had X's on them, some were circled, and some just had their faces. I sat down in the black swivel chair and spun to where I was facing the screen. The picture was of a man who looked to be about twenty-one with green eyes and sandy hair.
NAME: Matthew Johnson
SEX: Male
AGE: 573
SPECIES: Werewolf
ORIGIN: America, California, San Francisco
SIRED BY: Matt Greyson
STATUS: Targeted
I minimized that one, and saw another profile. This one was a man with tired, gray eyes that seemed to disguise the sense of power you felt from him. His hair was silver, and he had three slash mark scars on his left cheek…
NAME: Matt Greyson
SEX: Male
AGE: 1,552
SPECIES: Werewolf
ORIGIN: England
SIRED BY: Unknown
STATUS: Located
I minimized it, too, and was met with the cold blue eyes of the prince. I started backwards, nearly tipping the swivel chair over as I studied the cold smirking face of the prince from that nightmare. I shuddered slightly, and looked down at his profile.
NAME: Prince Zachary
SEX: Male
AGE: 1,015
SPEICES: Vampire
ORIGIN: England
SIRED BY: King Gabriel
STATUS: Located
“Wait…” I thought. “Does that mean that the prince is….alive?”