Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Unsaid Tales ❯ Chapter One ( One-Shot )

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It was nearing Halloween, and the weather was still warm. Halloween was going to be a good one this year, I thought. I walked under a tree and laughed as leaves fell around me. I loved autumn, truly I did. The changing leaves, the crisp fall air, and the warm colors.
The school bell rang and I hurriedly walked to school. Autumn was my favorite season, but I didn't want to be late because of it!
*** ***
“Have you seen the new kid Fable?”
I looked up from eating my sandwich and shook my head. I finished the food in my mouth and asked, “No, I haven't. Why?”
“His is oh so hot!” gushes my boy-crazy friend, Kathleen, Kat for short. She was also the only one in my group of friends who called me by my full name. I didn't know why, and when I had asked she answered saying that she thought it was cuter that way. I don't understand her sometimes.
“Kat's right. The new guy is hot, and then some,” Brooke added on my right.
I glanced at her in surprise. Brooke never complimented a guy before! “Wow, this guy must be scorching hot then if you're commenting,” I said taking another bite of my sandwich.
Brooke merely shrugged. “I'm just acknowledging the truth. I had him in my homeroom class. Looks alone, he seems to be your type Faye.” She took a bite of her own lunch which happened to be a blueberry-flavored bagel.
“My type? What exactly is my type anyway if you think you know it so well?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“You like the mysterious types that are taller than you. You also like them to be older than you and have fair blue eyes as well,” Kat listed methodically counting them off on her fingers.
A twitch grew in my eyes as I said, “If you two know me so well, then why don't you go take my math test for me?”
“Next period? Sorry can't. I've got APUSH, and you know how much I LOVE that class,” she said sarcastically, though a smile was on her face as she said it. I think she secretly loved that class without any sarcasm in it at all. The faker, I thought with an inward grin.
“I have AP Chem.,” Brooke said as she saw me look her way with pleading eyes.
“You people with your advance placement classes suck!” I whined getting rid of my look instantly. “If you didn't have it, you'd be in Algebra II with me to help me out in my misery and woe!”
“You'll survive, especially if you're able to describe yourself in such an amusing way,” Brooke said finishing her lunch. She got up and threw it away. She came back and said, “You don't need our help Faye, you're good at math. You'll get through.”
I nodded reluctantly and finished my lunch as well. “That doesn't mean I don't want help. Victory is sweeter when it is gained through less than legal ways,” I told them.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Kat said waving her hand nonchalantly at what I said aside. “Look, the non-existent bell is going to ring soon, so I'm heading out.” She waved good-bye at us before she left.
“Look's like it's just us now,” I commented absentmindedly.
“Not really,” Brooke said disagreeing with me with a small shake of her head. “I'm leaving too.” She then walked off in the same direction as Kat, but not before giving one last amused smile at me.
I had only one question in my head as they were leaving. “Why am I always the one being left behind?” I whined before I left for my next class as well.
Despite all my complaining about my classes, I'm actually doing fairly well in them. Well, more than fairly well actually. I've got all A's and honors in my main classes.
The algebra test, I knew I was going to ace it. I didn't have to be a psychic to know that. Teachers often ask me why I don't just move into a higher class, but I always tell them that I don't feel the need to. What's the point anyway? I was only going to school for necessities sake. If I had wanted to, I could skip grades all the way to my senior year, and I was only a sophomore.
I was smart sure, but there are probably smarter people out there.
I sat down at my desk and took out my sketchpad. Class wouldn't start for another five minutes, so I doodled while I waited.
The teacher hadn't come in yet, so when the door opened I expected to see the teacher. Who I saw was actually much more interesting, not to mention god-like in his appearance. I didn't ever remember seeing him before, so I assumed he had to be the new guy. They're right, I thought. He is hot, fiery hot.
He looked around the room and stopped when he saw me. He started walking towards me and I felt my heart leap in my chest.
He was coming towards me. Me! But why? I didn't have anything weird on my face did I? I was saved from imagining any weird scenarios when he stopped in front of my desk. “Hi,” I said, and instantly a feeling of pride swept over me. I was able to talk to him without saying or acting weird at all! “I'm Fable Lennings.”
“Hi, I'm Kale McCowen,” he said his voice sounding as heavenly as he looked. “I saw you admiring the falling leaves this morning.”
“You did?” I asked a blush coming onto my face. “I really love autumn. Do you?”
“Yeah, it's a nice season,” he said smiling. His smile was amazing, I thought absently. “By the way, you have a ghost following you.”
He's amaz— what?!?
“Uh… excuse me?” I asked my eyes shocked wide.
“I said you have a ghost following you,” he repeated.
“Are you kidding me?” I asked frowning. I could not believe what I was hearing!
“No, I'm not. I never kid about these things,” he said frowning as well. “Do you wanna know about your ghost?”
I was saved from having to answer when the bell rang and people starting to file in. Kale went to sit down, reluctantly might I add, and I sighed. Why did I always have to fall in love with the weirdos?!?
The teacher came in and class immediately started. He briefly introduced Kale before passing out the tests. I took the paper he handed me and glanced at it. All simple questions, nothing hard at all.
I took out my pencil and breezed through the test. I just couldn't get how a cute guy like Kale had to be so weird! It just didn't seem fair… to me!
I mean, the last crush I had turned out to be a loser and landed himself in juvie. Now this one was a weirdo! I had no luck seriously.
*** ***
“Wait up Fable!” Kale yelled as I was walking home.
“Why should I?” I asked without bothering to stop.
“Uh, because I asked?” he answered hesitantly in a questioning voice.
“Just because you asked doesn't mean I'll comply,” I said dryly.
He shrugged and said, “So, do you wanna know about the ghost that's following you?”
“No, now go away,” I snapped annoyed at him. “There are no such thing
s as ghosts anyway.”
“Of course there are!” he argued indignantly. “They're everywhere if you could see them.”
I decided to play along with him until he went away. At least then he might not act so annoying. “Then I'm glad that I can't see them,” she said snorting.
“Ah, but some are pretty amazing!” Kale burst out enthusiastically. “Anyhow, you really should know why your ghost is following you.”
“No, I don't want to know,” I argued in a deadpan voice.
“But you have to! You have to know!” he yelled in an almost desperate voice. Why the desperation I didn't know.
“Too bad, I don't want to,” I said with a non caring shrug. “Now leave me alone, my house is right here.”
“Are you really sure about that? Maybe I should come with you!” he offered.
I stiffened. As hot as this guy was, he was way too crazy for my tastes. “No, absolutely not,” I said before I pushed him away and walked into my home. I then locked the door and closed the curtains.
Outside, Kale shrugged and he tucked his hands into his pockets as he walked home. “Her loss,” he muttered. “She was pretty too, oh well.” His cryptic mumbling was then lost as he left.
A scream burst out from the house that Fable had gone into and Kale glanced at it bemused. He shrugged and continued. “She should have listened, it wouldn't have happened otherwise.”
To close this rather loose tale, one thing must be said about ghosts and those able to see them. These mediators between life and death had their own personalities and ways they dealt with things.
As you've read, Kale's was to merely go about his day stopping only to try to help a person if they wanted his help. Otherwise, he'd go about his day as usual.
Oh, you're no doubt confused about what happened to Fable though huh? Well, her ghost had not been a very particularly friendly ghost. In fact, he had been her ex-boyfriend. His thinking, if he couldn't have her, then no one could. Thus, the scream uttered from her house.
I've said too much and perhaps tied things up too neatly. Well, if that does not give a satisfactory ending, think further on it. Perhaps you can imagine an ending more frightful, or one where there is no fright at all.
However you go about it, have a Happy Halloween. Beware of the ghosts that go bump in the night…