Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Vampires Feel Pain, Despite The Popular Belief ❯ Chapter Uno ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kasey McClung
Pd. 8
Sometimes I wish I could just lie down and die. Then I remember that that is not the best thing to do, the wishing or the dying. If only I could know what had caused all of this pain, I'd put an end to it instead of to myself. Tell me now-what did you do while I was away? Tell me the truth; do you still love me, now that my mask has been removed? Help me soon-before I die from this hurt in my heart. Now please, since you will not follow, you won't answer my questions, leave me alone. Let me be, go away, let me rot.
Such a cruel, cruel bird you are, for you have laid terrible stone eggs within my very heart and soul. How could you? - force others to believe these lies for your own purposes? What a sincerely evil act on your part.
Explain to me, why would I listen to anything protruding from your lips, especially in the form of words? Do you speak the truth? How could I believe such an outlandish tale? Blood-drinkers are myth and myth only- but do not myths transpire from fact? Is that is so-then perhaps you do speak truthfully, maybe vampires do exist. However, giving in to such beliefs, I could easily be placed in an insane asylum.
Have you heard that term before-“insane asylum?” There are a few, or rather a couple, of definitions that could be assigned to the word “asylum”. The first is the one that I find most fitting, seeing as the word “insane” precedes it. An asylum is an institution for the care of the mentally ill or the aged. The others are as follows: Second, a place that provides protection or safety, a refuge. The third definition is a temple or church affording sanctuary for criminals or debtors. The final meaning is protection and immunity from banishment granted by a government to a political refugee.
I tell youQuerido, my dear, that I cannot trust your answers. These questions of mine must prove to remain unanswered. Do you honestly expect me to believe your words? You who broke my heart, now impossible to mend; you who drilled a growing hole in my soul. You might as well have killed me, at least then I would have been spared all of this suffering. Instead, all you did was leave, in doing so; you reduced me to nothing, to sustain this awful ache. Now I am simply a psychotic teenager who has nothing to do but dream of suicide. My life, as I am at the present, is empty, a bottomless pit, I'm bored with all of the falling. Why do that to me? My thoughts are confused as I put pen to paper. Yet you should be proud, since you were the one who taught me how to write in the first place.
May I ask you something?-Wait, I say that as though you would answer me, but you never have, have you? Oh well, maybe you will this particular time. Would you tell me the truth-would you ever lie to me? I wish to remind you of everything we have been through together. In fact, I have decided to do just that. You told me about vampires, werewolves, and dragons. You spoke of fairies, of elves, and many other things. Of these were love and hate, both you showed to me, love didn't shine through enough to save either of us.
Querido, forgive me for not forgiving you, but it's too difficult. I was very young when I loved you, young when I learned how simple it was to despise you. I call you “Querido”, how odd is that? It means dear, or sweetheart, yet you are my elder…perhaps my use of this word is just to control my tongue. I ask your forgiveness, but do not ask me to reciprocate, I can't, you know this, but I will speak out. This is not your story, but mine. You left far too soon to be deeply involved in my life. I think that I should start with my childhood friends, the ones who were there when you weren't. They are both the believe fantasy and distrust reality. They showed me that fantasy was never as painfully close as reality. I stopped believing you years ago, when they came and showed me how greatly I yearned for fantasy. Then again, all fantasies, like myths, are results of fact and imagination. Pablo Picasso said something once that I find extremely true, “Everything that can be imagined is real.” For some of us, that is a rather disturbing thought.
On that note I begin my story. My name is Aaliyah. I have seen many things through the veil of red hair and the perspective of a cloudy-eyed vampire. My friends have never seemed human to me, but if I was human, that statement would make so much more sense. Asianna, Rayne, Taryn, and Jon, these were my allies. Wait, if you had stayed with me, you might actually have known that. My, my, Querido, no need to feel jealousy at this point in time, had you been there you would be listed. Choose to believe it if you will,I speak the truth. I found out later that they knew things about me that I myself would never guess; they never spoke of these subjects. Yet to talk about my friends I should probably provide a fitting description of each of them. If I don't, it could be seen as rude.
Asianna was, mysteriously, an open book. She wore her emotions on her sleeve, and would confide in me everything. However, I never did determine whether she was on the side of evil, like you, in between like me, or entirely good as Taryn was. If Asianna's temper was aroused, she could easily shoot fire at the one who had flared her anger. She had a knack for hardening her heart to you if she chose to do so. Once she had made up her mind, it was useless arguing with her-she'd win if she had to die for it to happen, so stubborn. As said previously, Asianna was a cryptic scroll, I was one of the lucky ones, who understood her, esoteric as she was.
Taryn was different, and the same at the exact same time. Shy, quiet, and a good archer, that's about all that needs to be said. How does that phrase go- it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for? Yes, that's about right. Supply her with a weapon, a bow and arrow, a gun, such a brilliant marksman as she. Taryn had an aptitude for disappearing when certain subjects were brought up. Such as the subject of her parents, who were murdered by a dragon- or a werewolf? Most likely a dragon, considering they had been burnt to a crisp. Yet as intelligent as werewolves can be, I'm not so positive they weren't the culprits- they might like their food crispy.
Rayne was crazy- not like hyperbole crazy, but seriously insane. Hopefully I'll be able to leave it at that. Jon is Rayne's …or, was Rayne's brother. I don't remember if they disowned each other or not. They had a few issues, so every time that they argued, they claimed that each had disowned the other. Okay, please don't ask me for details, you won't get any; my memory tends to fail me.
You told me that some things that are considered evil aren't always evil-such as what you did, most would find that evil, I see it as extreme cruelty. I'll never understand you, Querido. I am afraid to mention your name just yet, it would be pointless, a waste of my time, plus, I haven't come to toleration terms with you just yet. I am speaking to you through this; I can't look at your face yet. However, I will, eventually, insert your name in to these pages, for I have absolutely no clue who else might read this. So it is important that I place your name in here, along with the others-gone from my mind. Therefore, there may be hope for me, hope that I won't dwell on these thoughts that cloud my mind and its ability to think properly. Oh, Querido, why did you depart from me? Even Rayne-do you remember her? She's the only one that you ever met…Jon never came around back then. Wait, need to get back to the point, where was I? Oh yeah….
Even Rayne the insane asked me once, “Aaliyah, think about it, if he really loved you so much, why then, did he leave so coldly? I swear that …insert appropriate word here…gave me frostbite.” Believe it or not, she actually did say to insert the appropriate term. It's odd, but then you have to remember that this is Rayne we're talking about. That was one of the last times that I saw her, Asianna ran away, Taryn left to track her with Jon, and Rayne's homing device that Asianna had put on her started dragging her off too. I guess home is wherever Asianna is.
Querido, when you left me, you left me alone in the world, I had to figure out who was trustworthy and who was best left alone. I needed to find Rayne, Rayne and Jon-the only two people that I knew other than you, traitor. Jon acted as my brother when I needed it the most, Rayne was the crazy one who had the ability to cheer me up. Though an elf, he was the only one that I could trust with every fiber of my being. Well, I suppose I could try to trust Rayne, but, that's like trusting Goofy with a Missile-Launcher…in other words, it's not gonna happen, well, not very quickly or easily. Don't get me wrong, I love them both to pieces. Jon questioned me constantly about how I was that day, if I was alright and so on and so forth. He wondered if I would ever be whole again. The intense questioning could be seen as uncalled for by those who did not know me, but he knew that I should not be as quick to hide from the world as I was. This was before we met Taryn and Asianna. They will come into play, I assure you of that, especially since I have already introduced them. Nevertheless, Querido, you shall have to linger in your mole-hole reading this until they come up later on.
At one point, during one of Jon's regular interrogations, I snapped. I broke down at his feet, drowning in my misery.-Plus, if I didn't stop soon, I would probably very literally drown from all of the tears. Streaming down my face like all the floodgates on earth had opened simultaneously. Jon lifted me onto his lap and cradled me; he sang a foreign song in one of the many Elvin languages. His voice was deep, soothing, while singing to me, as my tears slowly abated he looked down curiously. -Almost like he was checking that I was still alive. “Yes?” he asked. I realized that I had been looking, or rather staring blankly up into his jade green eyes, his long, light brown hair hung in curls, (chunks, waves, ringlets, whatever you should wish to call it) yet his strong features weren't hidden by it. I realized that he was really quite handsome; he was eerily similar in looks to Kyle Schmid. - Let me clarify, he looked almostexactly like Kyle Schmid. Creepy. “You sing beautifully.” was all I managed to choke out. He smiled at me, amused. Then, off course, in a rather far-off voice, he had to comment, that if I should choose to listen, I'd notice my own voice as I sang. “But no,” he mused-then added a little more than just a tad sarcastically, “you just always have to see the worst in yourself, and, to add to your little newsflash, when you are complimented, you simply turn scarlet and turn away without even a courteous `thank-you'.”
Then, as he had guessed, I turned away, red as a rose.-Alright, now if you, Querido are anything like me, you would point out that there are also pink, white, and yellow roses. Just please allow me to use this expression, since metaphors are often much too complicated for comprehension. -Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah.
Red as a rose, Jon pulled me closer to him, pressing his lips to mine. It's impossible to describe the thrill that surged through my body then-it was like there was nothing I couldn't do. -Now, Querido, I realize that these descriptions are probably torture to you, that's why I'm still describing. After all, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, in this case it's torture for torture. - He may have noticed this, for right then he held me back, then tenderly kissed my forehead.
This next part might seem a little off-target to you, but this is why I believe your stories so easily, Querido. Understand that I don't know you, and I don't want to know you; I do however, want you to understand the affect your leaving had upon me, my life. Querido, father, when you walked out, you left me orphaned, alone, confused, you didn't even explain to me what I was. You know who you are, you are my, were my father. I will never call you by that title again. You aren't deserving of the title that implies a man who cares and loves his child. Ah,Querido, it hurts, doesn't it? Don't worry; you'll get over it in due course. Let me continue with the story of my life-without the need to involve you.
I don't know that I am a vampire; for one thing, I am not evil enough to be one. For another, I usually walk in broad daylight, I usually drink water, except for the occasional soda or two, and I eat regular food. On top of that, I was born as any human is, not made like the Blood-drinkers. Obviously, I don't require blood to survive. Yet, when Jon kissed me, I was so close to him, I could feel his blood flowing through his body, could hear his heart thump inside his chest, my head fell in step with the pounding of his heart. I, Aaliyah, know that elves have pure blood-I could tell by the smell of it. After all, blood sings to me, so beautifully. Let me help you to understand this, Querido, since you are no drinker of blood. As your stomach growls in hunger, calls to you to fill it, your blood calls me, daring me to drink, and I can't pass up a good dare.
Yet I never took a bite, at that feeling of intense longing for blood, I felt my teeth grow longer, sharper. I merely dug them agonizingly into my tongue, tasting a salty sweet liquid. Oh, Querido, if only you knew how complicated it is to describe this, when I haven't had a drink in such a long time…it's killing me. I couldn't bite Jon, I just couldn't do it, and I wouldn't hurt Jon in that way. For giving in to that terribly large temptation would make me a traitor. I won't betray my friends as you betrayed me.
Oh, it seems as though my thoughts are in a confusing order. Let me remind you that you, my father, left me to die in the woods. I found my friends, and then felt my first extreme vampiric thoughts. So, it seems that I am being very repetitive. You'll get over it, and if you don't, deal with it.
(To Be Continued…)