Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Whimisical Wanderers ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Whimsical Wanderers
By Kathryn K Williams

Chapter Three

The bell above the blacksmith’s door jingled a welcoming tone and a muscular man with great bull’s horns at the side of his head rushed out to greet his new customers, “What can I do for you to... day...?” His welcoming fell from his lips as he saw Trish enter his store, “Not you again.” He rolled his eyes in disapprovingly, “Trish, how many times do we have to go through this. Please don’t waste my time until you are of Expedition Cla-” His finally word stopped dead as Trish thrust two passes before the man.

“Expedition Hunter Class Trish and Mage Class Wendy here to purchase some items for a quest, Blacksmith Tal.” She announced with a broad grin. She was glad they passed the Expedition Headquarters on their way to the blacksmiths for she was sure that Tal would not allow Wendy any items until they did not.

Tal took the cards from the girl and examined them carefully, “So you passed did you?” He inquired sceptically.

Trish nodded, “With flying colours.” She stated proudly.

“Uh-huh...” Tal mumbled warily, eyeing Wendy as he handed back the cards to Trish, “What about her? That looks like just a temporary pass. I don’t know if I can allow her any weapons over Novice class.”

Trish rummaged through her back and pulled out Wendy’s mission orders, “She has been ordered by Head Master Gaven Halford to journey to Wesmoors City where she will be given a quest by the Arch Mage himself.” She explained, holding the quest form out to the man.

Tal took the paper and quickly skimmed it, then scanned Wendy up and down, causing the girl to timidly hide behind Trish, “So you are to be this girl’s retainer, are you? You sure you are ready for a mission of this sort?” He inquired curiously.

Trish nodded firmly, “I’m ready and willing to protect her from whatever threat appears.” She said confidently.

Tal moved around a long glass counter filled with many items and browsed the wall of swords that hung behind the counter, “So how much did you bring with you?”

Trish stepped up to the display case and set a small green pouch down on the counter, “Five thousand seven hundred and thirty six mals.” Trish announced proud of her savings.

“F... f... Five thousand mals?!?” Wendy stammered in disbelief, “How did you managed to save so much?”

“I took every last stupid quest the school offered.” Trish explained miserably, “From picking up garbage off the streets to gathering bottles of ink from the Fornal Lake Squids. Anything and everything in order to prepare for this day, the day I became a Hunter.” Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she watched the blacksmith take a few swords from the wall and place them along the counter before her.

“These should be all in your price range.” He remarked as he added the last sword to the line-up.

Trish’s hand quivered in anticipation as she lightly touched the handles of the swords, “C... can I pick them up?” She inquired anxiously.

Tal smiled and nodded; “Now you can, Hunter Trish.”

“Thank you.” Trish took hold of the first sword and lifted it off the counter. The sword was lightweight and she could feel its balance even while sheathed. Slowly she pulled the sword from its scabbard and watched as the flickering lamplight reflected off the steel of the blade. The sword held a faint blue glow and it sung softly as it left its home. Trish examined the blade carefully before returning it to its place on the counter and picked up another.

Wendy sat heavily upon a chair in the corner as she watched Trish move from one weapon to another. At first she thought the way Trish fussed over the blades was rather silly, but when she saw the concentration upon the girl’s face and the way she gracefully took a few practice swings she soon found herself mesmerized by Trish in a way she never thought possible. She had never seen Trish training so always thought of the Hunters as forceful and simply powerful brutes, however at that moment, as she admired her friends fluid movements and began to have more appreciation for Trish’s choice in career path.

After a time Trish finally decided upon a blade, “I’ll take this one.” She stated pointing at a simple long sword.

Tal was taken aback by the girl’s choice, “Why not any of the others? They would protect you better then that plain sword.”

“That they would.” Trish agreed with a nod, “However, I can’t afford to buy just one sword. I would like a chain mail vest and some other odds and ends for the journey ahead.”

Tal smiled, “A wiser girl then I expected. The way you stared at those blades this past while I thought you would waste all your money without a thought. I’ll bring you a vest in your size while you pick out the other items you desire, if that is alright.”

“Thank you.” Trish picked up her sword and fixed the belt around her waist, placing her old sword upon the counter, and then glanced around at the other items in the display case.

The moment Tal disappeared around a wall behind the counter Wendy rushed to Trish’s side and whispered into her ear, “Why didn’t you buy one of the other ones?” She inquired, confused by Trish’s purchase.

“If we are to make the weeks journey we are going to need food.” Trish stated simply, then glanced at the girl’s pack, “And you need a new bag, plus a few protection charms wouldn’t hurt.”

“N... no... you don’t need to buy me anything.” Wendy protected worriedly, “You should buy one of the swords you wanted instead of worrying about me.”

“It isn’t a problem.” Trish stated, “I promised to protect you and I will in any way I can.”

“I... I don’t need anything.” Wendy insisted, “This sword looked so pretty. I liked the blue glow.” She stated as she began to lift the sword off the counter. The weight of the sword surprised Wendy as it slipped off the counter and began to fall to the ground.

Trish reached out a hand and grabbed the sword before it could do any damage. Without a word she place the sword back with the others and turned to face Wendy, arms crossed disapprovingly.

“I...” Wendy backed up against the wall, wishing nothing more then to have not have left her book next to the chair. Her face hot with a blush and she could feel tears stinging the corners of her eyes.

Trish quickly moved towards Wendy and wrapped her arms around the girl, “Shhhhh... It’s all right. Everything will be alright.”

“I’m sorry.” Wendy mumbled, “I feel so useless. I don’t even know the names of most of these items and I don’t even have the money to help pay for this trip and...”

Trish held the girl by the shoulders, at arms length, “Listen,” She said firmly, “I choose to help you on this quest and I promised to protect you. Don’t worry about the money, I don’t really care about it anyway and we can get more along the way. I want to help you on this quest... I want to protect you. So let me do that.”

Wendy stared up into Trish’s eyes, “Why are you so kind to me?” She inquired weakly.

Trish turned away from the girl to gaze down at the display cases again, “Because you are a nice girl and I don’t like the way the school is treating you.”

Wendy walked around Trish to get a better look at the girl’s face, “Is that all?” She inquired doubtfully.

Trish glanced into those big brown eyes and bit at her bottom lips as she tried to form the feelings in her heart into words for her tongue.

“Here is your armour.” Tal announced as he returned.

Trish quickly spun around to face the man as he held out a chain mail vest out to the girl, “T... Thank you.” She took the armour in hand and inspected the quality, “Fine craftsmanship as always Tal. How come you had one in my size?”

The man flushed lightly, “I suspected that you would pass your test.” He stated proudly.

Trish smiled, “I hope I don’t disappoint you.” The two talked shop for a moment while Wendy quietly watched. Trish added a few more purchases to her order, a new pack for Wendy, several days worth of food, bottles of healing potions and a couple of magical charms. Before long they had all they needed for their journey and Trish had a far lighter purse then before, but they were prepared for nearly any eventuality.

“Thank you Tal.” Trish waved to the man as she opened the front door, the chime filling the room for the last time that day.

“You have a good trip.” Tal stated heartedly, “You take care too, Wendy.”

Wendy gave a timid smile and a small wave as she followed Trish out the door and into the woods that surrounded the Village.


To be Continued . . .


This story is copyright of Kathryn K Williams. All characters and settings are her creation and should not be used by any others.

If you wish to view art from this series please visit my deviant arts site at: http://shinigami-shimai.deviantart.com/

For more of my stories visit my deviant hearts site at: http://www.devianthearts.com/viewuser.php?uid=159

Also if you spot any typos or other errors please contact me at katwilliams @ rogers.com