Other Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trial ❯ Chapter 14

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It's Sunday, so I can update! Oh, what joy. I'm not done with my homework, but it'll wait for a little while longer. I'm amazed that I have any reviews on this since supposedly not a lot of people know about Golden Sun. Hope y'all enjoy the next part!
Crossoverfan: Hi, so glad you like the story. It warms me to the soul.
Kagome4Hiei: It's only been a week since I last updated! I think…anyway, is this too soon for you? If it is, I can always wait for two weeks, or even a month
Mortega: Nice to meet ya. Glad you like the story; I love Inuyasha, and since I was playing Golden Sun, I thought I'd try a crossover. I didn't think anyone would review it.
KagomeoftheSouth: Wow, I didn't think anyone would like this story, much less get hooked on it. Hopefully I won't let you down.
They're back, she thought numbly. Maybe I'll see them again. Still, she was afraid of what she would find, so she just took her bag and wandered over to the item shop. She stayed there until it grew dark, then warily walked back to the inn. Not wanting to run into them, she cautiously stuck her head in the door, but didn't see them. Breathing a sigh of relief, she ran up to her room with her bag of purchases and quickly shut the door. I guess I can skip dinner tonight. Her growling stomach negated that idea. Nope, guess I have to eat.
She walked downstairs and sat at an empty table. As she read the menu, she saw a new dish and decided to try it. After ordering, she looked around to see who was new. When her food arrived, her stomach didn't give her any time to sightsee; all attention was on the plate in front of her. Unfortunately, she was so engrossed in her food that she didn't notice Ivan come and sit down next to her.
“So, you're still here,” he commented, surprising her.
She jerked her head up and looked into his violet eyes. “When did you get here?” she sputtered.
He laughed. “Just now,” he assured her. “I'm surprised you're still in this place.”
“I'm surprised you came back.”
“We almost didn't,” he told her, “but we figured we might as well.”
“Did you accomplish what you were going to?” she inquired.
“We did.”
“Why did you stop by here again?”
He blushed. “They did it mostly for me. See, I was born here in Hesperia, so we stopped by again on our way home.”
“Well, I'm glad you did,” she said. “Have a safe trip home.”
She started to rise, but he stopped her. “Wait, I'm sure everyone else will want to say hello to you,” he pleaded. “Please stay?”
She sat back down reluctantly. “Will this table be big enough?” she asked.
“Good point,” he conceded. He got up and added another table onto the one they were sitting at. “Now there's enough,” he said, surveying his work with a satisfied look on his face. “Oh, look, here they come.” He stood up and waved his staff over his head because he was short and the place was more crowded than usual. They saw his weaving staff and pushed their way over.
“Oh, I didn't know you were here,” Mia commented as they sat down. “I would have thought you'd have left already.”
“I did leave, but I found what I was looking for, so I came back,” she answered cheerfully.
“It's nice to see you again,” Sheba said, leafing through the menu.
Kagome smiled and looked to see who else was at the table. Her gaze froze on three extra people, looking very healthy when they were supposed to be dead. Eric, Arianna, and Kyle were talking and laughing with Kraden, looking for all the world like they had never been turned into a dragon and killed by their children and their children's friends.
“Who are they?” she asked Piers, who was sitting on her right.
He followed her gaze. “Those are Felix and Jenna's parents and Isaac's father,” he explained. “We picked them up at the last town we went to.”
“Were they stuck there?” she asked, already knowing the answer but pretending to know absolutely nothing.
“In a way,” Piers answered. “Anyway, they're traveling back to Vale with us.”
She looked back at them and noticed that all four adults were giving her the strangest looks. Looking quickly away, she engaged Mia in conversation.
As the shadows disappeared, Kagome stood up and bid them good-bye, pleading weariness. She almost reached the safety of her room when a hand grabbed her shoulder. She spun around, ready to shock him with her new power, but stopped when she saw who it was. “Isaac,” she said, stunned. “What can I do for you?”
“Sorry to startle you,” he said amiably. “I was just wondering if you know where you're going next.”
“No, I don't have a particular destination. Why?”
“Why don't you come to Vale with us?”
That took her completely by surprise. “What?”
“It's okay if you don't want to,” he hastily added. “Felix is just worried that if you go much further, then you'll run into trouble that you might not be able to handle.”
Anger flared in her. “You can tell Felix that I can take care of myself,” she huffed.
He backed up, his hands in front of him as if to ward off her fury. “I have no doubt,” he assured her, “but Felix is concerned.”
“Why should he be? He doesn't know me.”
He shrugged. “Felix is just like that. He worries about everyone. Anyway, he said to offer if you didn't have another destination that you needed to go to. What should I tell him?”
She frowned thoughtfully. It said I'm on my own, so I guess it's safe to travel with them. Besides, it won't be quite as lonely with them, and they're nice. “Sure, I'll travel with you for now,” she accepted his offer.
Isaac grinned. “Great, I'll tell them. Bye.” He waved and started trotting back down the hall. She shook her head and opened her door. Deciding to breathe the cool night air, she let herself back out onto the balcony and observed how still the city was once night hit. There were no electric lights, so there was not much activity at night.
“Imagine seeing you here,” Felix's voice said from her right. Turning, she saw him looking at her.
“You know, I can take care of myself,” she informed him.
“I don't doubt that,” he answered. “Still I would never forgive myself if something happened to you and I could have prevented it.”
“You're going to be sorry for most of your life if you have that attitude,” she said, fighting back tears. I need to take my own advice, but I could've saved them if I'd tried harder! “Are you like that with everyone or just strangers you meet in random cities?”
“Everyone, for the most part,” he replied. He sighed. “It's going to be crowded tonight.”
“We have my parents and Isaac's dad with us this time, so we need different sleeping arrangements. Before, we all just slept in our groups, but now they have to do all this figuring.”
“What do you have so far?”
“It'll be my parents, Jenna, Mia, and Sheba in this room while Kraden, Isaac's father, Isaac, Garet, Ivan, Piers, and I are in the other room.”
She winced. “Ouch,” she sympathized. “Well, if you really need more room, I can take some people in mine.”
He looked relieved. “You don't know how much that would help,” he said. “I think it would be best if Mia, Ivan, and Piers went with you. Is that okay, or would you prefer all girls?”
“No, those three would be alright,” she assured him. “By the way, when did you plan on leaving?”
“Tomorrow. Is that okay with you?”
“Okay, I'll tell your new roommates where they're going. Thanks again.” He waved and went back inside, but she stayed outside.
What am I doing? I just need to take it easy; I'm starting a new life, so I need to get into shape. I guess I'm not looking at my pictures tonight. Every night Kagome had faithfully looked through her picture books that were filled with photos from her time and the Feudal Era. They upset her, and that's why she cried every night, but she didn't want to forget, like she had forgotten this place. She especially didn't want to forget Inuyasha. Inuyasha…
A knock at her door brought her out of her reverie. Crossing the room after she hid her outlandish things (her book, CD player…), she opened the door and saw her three new roommates. “Hello,” she greeted them. “Come in.” She stepped back and they followed her in.
“Thank you for allowing us to stay in here,” Ivan thanked her for the three of them. “You wouldn't believe how crowded those rooms are.”
“Felix told me, and I think that so many people to a room wasn't fair while I had this big one all to myself. Make yourselves at home.”
They settled onto different sections of the floor. Kagome had offered the bed, but they all declined, saying that this was her room, and she was letting them stay, so the bed was hers. “So, what brought you here?” Piers asked once they were all settled.
“Something bad happened at home, so I started traveling,” she said, trying not to cry again.
They all sensed that she'd rather not talk about it, and refrained from asking her about that anymore. Instead, they focused on why she looked so different than anyone they'd ever seen. She answered the best she could, but sometimes wasn't able, as she didn't think they'd understand.
While she explained things, Ivan wandered over to the closet and curiously peeked in, and promptly shouted and fell backwards. “What's wrong?” Mia asked.
“What is that?” he asked, his voice shaking, as well as the hand pointing inside.
Kagome walked over and laughed. “This?” she asked, holding her priestess garb. The boy nodded. “This is one of the traditional clothing of my home,” she explained. “I know it's more different than some things you'd seen, but why did you shout?”
“Those look like a man's clothes,” he said, looking sheepish. “I thought that someone else was in there for a minute.”
They all chuckled at that, even Ivan. “Come on, I think we'd better get some sleep,” Piers stated. “We're leaving tomorrow, and we all know how Felix likes to leave early.”
They bid each other goodnight, and drifted to sleep. The next morning Kagome woke before they did and quietly walked around, packing her things back in her bag. By the time they woke up, she was done packing and ready to leave. She followed them into the eating area downstairs where Felix was already eating. They sat down next to him.
“So, is everyone rested enough to continue?” he asked them, getting an affirmative from each of them.
“Are we going straight to Vale or stopping by another town before that?” Ivan asked.
“We'll go as far as we can. We'll stop at another town if we have to, but I'd rather we just keep sailing until we reach the coast of Angara.”
The other slowpokes joined them, and the all ate breakfast while they chatted about what they were going to do there; no one mentioned that fact that it might not be there; with the Golden Sun forming over it, it was very likely that the bursts of energy had destroyed their hometown, but no one was willing to admit that possibility.
After everyone had finished, they headed towards their ship with Kagome in the back, unsure of where they were going. Garet noticed that she was lagging and joined her, telling her the most outrageous things and making her laugh. He eased her towards the rest of the group, talking to other people and including her. She smiled; she knew what he was doing. The giant redhead was putting her at ease with the rest of the group, and she silently thanked him for his efforts.
Then they arrived at the ship. They all boarded and entered the cabin. Kagome followed the girls and put her stuff with theirs. When they left, she followed them to the deck, where Felix was standing at the wheel. “Is everyone ready?” he asked.
They answered affirmative, so they set off. Kagome took a position by the side, feeling the salty air blow on her face, just like the trip she was taken on with Saturos and Menardi. She froze when she saw the obstacle still in place at the mouth of the sea, but no one else seemed to mind it much. As she watched, the wings opened and they were sailing over it. As they were in the air, Kagome felt her energy slipping away but couldn't figure out why.
Seeing her expression change, Sheba asked, “Is something wrong?”
“I feel drained,” she confessed, “but I'm not doing anything.”
“Oh, it's the ship,” Sheba explained. “In order for the ship to fly, it uses our Psynergy. I didn't know you had any.”
Kagome just smiled. “We all learn new things every day,” she remarked.
She felt Sheba's eyes on her, and in her mind she felt a new presence trying to read her mind. I don't think so. She formed a mental block to keep the intruder out, and felt its surprise. Unable to penetrate her shield, it withdrew.
The nights were warm, and Kagome was feeling very claustrophobic in the cabin she shared with the other girls and knew they felt it, too. Removing her stuff one night, she hiked up to the deck and found a secure spot to put her bag. From then on she slept on deck. No one commented on this so she didn't bother going back belowdecks. They were close to Angara's coast, and the ship was anchored so they could sleep without worrying about drifting off-course. She was watching the stars when she felt another presence beside her. “They're beautiful, aren't they?” Felix asked.
She nodded. “Yes, they are. Back home you could never see them this brightly.” Only in the Feudal Era.
“We're almost to Vale,” he said. “Tomorrow we should be able to dock and make our way to Kalay. From there we'll be able to go to Vale and Mt. Aleph.” He turned to look at her. “Where did you plan on going once you've seen Vale?”
Kagome shrugged. “I don't know. I can't go home, so I'll either keep traveling or settle down somewhere. I have yet to decide what I'll do.” She faced him. “I've heard that Valeans are very secretive and don't exactly welcome strangers with open arms.”
He laughed ruefully. “That's true,” he admitted. “Still, you are welcome in my house, and I'm sure Isaac and Garet would say the same.”
“I'm touched,” she said truthfully.
“You know,” he started, “we've been traveling together for some time now, and I still don't know your name.”
She went cold. “Oh, I'm sorry,” she apologized, but didn't offer her name.
“Do you have a name? I know you said it didn't matter the first time I asked you, but I feel like I should know it.”
You do know it, or you did at one point in time. I have nothing else to hide, so I might was well tell him my name. “They call me Kagome.”
She saw him stiffen. “I knew a person by that name before,” he said. “She died three years ago.”
“I'm sorry to hear that.” With those words he seemed to collapse in on himself.
“It doesn't matter, I guess,” he said, trying to sound like he believed it, and failed dismally.
“Why don't you tell me about her?” she asked. It's not like I don't already know, but it'll give him something to talk about.
“She lived with my family,” he began. “She appeared out of the blue one day, looking like she was dying. The healers fixed her wounds, but she didn't know our language, so she stayed with my family to learn. We grew close, but then Mt. Aleph exploded, and we were taken to the Northern Wilds by two of its inhabitants. One of them raised us until she disappeared; then it was just me and him. We tried looking for her, but there was no trace left.” He stopped talking. Kagome looked over and saw that tears were close to falling from his eyes. He always was the sensitive type.
Acting on instinct, she leaned towards him and hugged him. He held onto her, taking comfort in her. “She must have meant a lot to you,” she murmured.
“She was the closest friend I had in Prox,” he said softly. “I was devastated when she died. I guess demons got to her, but we never found any body or blood. I had to force her out of my mind or else I would've wasted away. I wanted to, but then what would Saturos have done? He was close to both of us, and he was just as scarred by that as I was. I couldn't do that to him.”
He wasn't paying attention to whom he was talking to or what he was saying, or else he would've known she couldn't have known about Saturos or Prox. He didn't cry, but he still clung to her for support, and she willingly gave it. It wasn't her fault the Eye had taken her back to her world, but she felt guilty all the same.
“You can't go back down like this,” she decided. “How about you stay out here with me tonight? You're not bothering me, and if anyone's awake in your cabin, they won't ask any awkward questions.”
Felix nodded. Letting go of her, he moved a few feet away and lay down, looking up at the stars. She lay on her side, facing away from him. She was tired, but for some reason sleep wouldn't come. A cold breeze blew by, making her shiver. “Are you cold?” Felix asked her.
“Oh, no, I'm fine,” she assured him, but then another cold wind passed, making her shake.
“You're lying to me,” he reprimanded her gently, moving back over to her. “Come, I'll keep you warm.” She felt him slide his arm behind her neck and found her head resting on his strong chest. When did he get so strong? Now that I think about it, when did he get so open with strangers?
“Do you offer to sleep next to every stranger you meet?” she asked, craning her neck to look at him.
He smiled down at her. “No,” he admitted. “For some reason, I feel like I know you. You remind me of the Kagome that died three years ago. She was my best friend, and when I'm with you, I feel like I'm with her again, and everything seems right.”
“You sound like you were in love with her,” she teased, but got a serious answer.
“I guess I was,” he said softly. “She loved someone else, so I never went anywhere romantically with her. That would have been a different story if she didn't love that other person with all her soul. Poor guy, I don't know if he knows that she's dead. He was lucky while she was alive, though. She always thought of him.”
Kagome fell silent. It's the other way around. I'm alive, and he's dead. I didn't know Felix loved me. He shouldn't; he deserves someone who isn't haunted by the past.