Other Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Kaitie & Rachel's Fanficcy :] ❯ Tightpants Dan and Layla ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kaitie and Rachel's Fanficcy :]
One day, Tightpants Dan was walking down da street, whistling. “Dum di dee do, dee dee do do di do…” Then suddenly Layla jumped him, saying, “GIMME YO WALLET!”
“Okay then…gimme yo. Hey wait I gotta rhyme. GIMME YO, GIMME YO, GIMME YO, RAWHIDE!”
“Well, soooommmeeebody woke on up on the wrong side of the bed today…Ah hee hee hee! Cootchy coo, who needs a wittle nappy wappy?!? YOU DO! AH, YOU DO!” Layla scratched his head.
“Well, I AM a bit tired…BUT NEVERMIND! GIMME YO WALLET PIMPIN EMO!” Dan smiled and put up his finger and shook it.
“Nu uh uh…you get a time out you BAD BOY!” Layla sighed. “You know what? Screw you pimp. I'mma go fine someone else to jack crap from.”
Hehe…bad boy…I'm gonna fly with da birdies! WE FLY HIGH NO LIE YOU KNOW DIS! BALLIN! Hehe yeah…I crack myself up.”
Otay, hope you enjoyed this crappy boredom short fic done by us.
Layla & Tightpants Dan property of Rachel and Kaitie.