Other Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Daimonion ❯ Daimonion:Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

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"Gah, Damnit!" you yell and kick the books on the sidewalk in front of you, you slipped and dropped them. It was the first day of school and you were completely miserable. You caught a cold at the swimming pool last and it was raining. You missed the bus that morning so you had to walk.
You tried to talk your mother into letting you stay home, but she was strict on you about being absent from school. Now your hair and makeup is a huge mess. You hear a bus on the other road and you pick up your books to see if you can catch it, but something else came to mind. Ah-ha! I'll just skip and wait in the backyard until my mom goes to work.
You grab your books in fear of it being your school bus and scurry into an unknown yard. The bus passes and right before you drop your guard, you see no one other than your mom riding around the block!
"Well, hell," you mutter and rush into the backyard. You see that there are woods back there and without thinking, you rush right into them. You look at your watch and you were late anyway so you decide to try to find your way home through them.
The rain started to cascade harder as thunder clashed. You groaned and pulled your MP3 player out of your pocket. You put the head phones on and started listening to music as you walked around to find a place under a tree to set.
Finally after a few minutes, you see a dry spot under a weeping willow. How strange it'd be the only one there. You make your way to it and pull of your light-weight coat, then spread it on the ground. You sit for a moment, quietly taking in the fresh, thick air.
You're disturbed from your relaxing moment of getaway by a presence behind you. You pull your music player out of your pocket and hit pause. You listen to everything around you. All you could really hear were the birds and the rain tapping on the leaves.
After about thirty seconds you sit back and allow yourself to relax again. Only you keep your music off this time. You hear something walking closer from behind. You get to your knees and peek around the tree. You see someone standing there, staring in your direction.
You both hear a noise in the direction behind him. He jerks his head staring back. You stand and pick up your coat and take off. You walk very quickly. But you hear a man's voice yell out from behind.
"Crap," you whisper as you start to run. You make it a few yards before tripping over a tree stump. You hear footsteps beating on the ground behind you.

You start to get up but that person stands on your pant leg. You fall face down into the ground.

You turn to look, frantically trying to pull your leg from his grip.

He stood over you with a smile on his face. Then his eyes grow wide, "You... You're..." His lips draw back and his face grows a furious yet surprising expression.

"Let me go!" you cry in terror.

He quickly bends down and holds you still, "You're not getting away, not again!"

"What are you talking about? I don't even know you," you try to yell, but you choke about to burst into tears.

"Don't play stupid with me; you know what happened, what you did to us!"

"I don't even know you, man! Just leave me alone," you manage to say as tears stream down your face.

"Are you sure I'm a man?" he smirks.

You look at him puzzled, and you're now starting become brave and angry, "You don't look or sound like a woman to me."

He growls deep in his throat, "Wench! You'll pay for that with my sword!"

Without thinking, he lets go of your arm and reaches back off guard. You take advantage of the moment and land a kick right between his legs.

He gasps and you slap him. He lets go of you and you start to crawl away, then when you start to stand he jumps on top of you.

"I'll kill you!" he says in a shaking voice and holds the sword to your throat.

You then see above him a glowing aura. Then it zips behind the two of you. You look back to stare into your would be murderer's piercing, bluish-grey eyes. But that is stopped by another man's voice coming from behind, "Beliya'al, that's enough!"

He then looks back, and stands. He grabs you by the shirt collar and pulls you to your feet as he stands with you.

"Brother, I will smite you," Beliya'al growls.

"You will do nothing," the other man said to him.

The man looked quite like Beliya'al, but a bit older. He notices your face and he fixes a stare at your kidnapper.

"Let her go," he starts to walk to you.

"Stop, Reign! I'll kill her," Beliya'al says in a low tone.

"She's innocent, let her go," Reign says.

"Innocent?! She's innocent after what she did to us?!"

"She has no idea of what's going on."

"That's because she's a wretched human."

"Beliya'al, let her go."

Reign then leaps into the air, but Beliya'al dodges the attack Reign was about to do and hits you in the back of the head. Everything went black.