Other Fan Fiction ❯ Atomic Galaxy ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Atomic Galaxy: Solar System III

Planet 24: Someone to Protect

It was quite late when he returned home, or very early depending on how you looked at it. The clock on the wall read 4:31 and the sun had not yet woken up that day. Regardless of the sleepless night and the long busy day that waited, he was victorious. He might have not escaped without a scratch, but he had escaped and he had the blueprints he needed.

He fell into the couch exhausted and fought to stay awake and open up the blueprints. His eyes demanded rest but he forced them to read the numbers, notes and symbols, analyzing his findings. Then he noticed the kitten sitting on the couch holding his plushie. He picked up the boy but before he could take two steps in the direction to his room, the child woke up.

"Otousan," the boy was still half asleep.

"Go to back to sleep, it's late or too early," his father spoke.

"Let me stay here with you. You were gone all day. I won't bother you." That sad kitten look could convince anyone, even a villain.

Or maybe he didn't feel like arguing with his son and risk having the boy wake up completely and turn back into his usual energetic hyper self. "Alright, but you have to be quiet, I need to concentrate." He placed the boy back on the couch and sat down next to him once again, turning his attention to the blue prints. He picked up a pencil from the coffee table and scribbled notes and calculations, accompanied by lines over the drawings. He would take this technology and make it his own and he would improve it far beyond what the Galactic Guardians could ever accomplish.

By the time the improvements on the blueprints were finished the pencil lines over the original ink ones changed the shape of the technological device almost completely. It would work better that way; he didn't know why who ever came up with the idea didn't think of those changes. Maybe it was the lack of a villainous purpose.

He glanced at his son, who had kept his promise to be quiet, probably because he was sleeping again. The clock now indicated that it was 5:47. He knew the kitten wouldn't last too long awake. He picked him up, more carefully this time so he wouldn't wake up, and took him to his room. He placed the boy on his bed and quietly left.

He returned to the living room and picked up the blueprints. There was no time for sleep; he would start working on the new device right away.

For a moment he paused remembering his escape earlier. The guardians clearly didn't think he could pull it off, but he did. For a moment he too doubted he could do it, his logic told him he would be inevitably cornered and captured by the Galactic Guardians, yet that didn't happen. Even if the rational part of his brain told him the escape wouldn't work, he somehow knew he would get away. He wondered why then he remembered the kitten who was waiting for his return. He felt sad that he couldn't save the boy's mother, but at least he didn't lose them both. Then he realized that was the reason he would always be able to escape from the Galactic Guardians, at least while the child was still a kitten.

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Planet 25: Second Chance (BettyxSparky)

Atomic Betty's Point of View

What if there was someone that cared about you and whom you cared for too? What if the things that made you break up in the first place, were things left in the past? Maybe we were too young, maybe we weren't ready, but it's different now.

This was supposed to be a rehearsal kiss for the scene in which my character discovers that Sparky's character somehow survived at the end of the first movie. But it doesn't feel fake at all. It's real, we both know it.

We break the kiss for just a few seconds and look into each other's eyes before kissing again. It's like we're the only ones in the universe, just Sparky and me.

The sounds of the studio fade away as we enjoy the moment and I can no longer hear X-5 chasing after a crazy short circuited X-8.5. I can't even hear Maximus going on and on about how he's the best actor and demanding to have a bigger part.

I'm not sure how many times the director tried to get our attention before giving up. In fact, I don't know if he really gave up or if he's still trying to get us to listen to him, but either way we don't hear him. It's just the two of us.

Granny once told me that when you find your true love, and you are ready to find and be found, it feels like the universe stops and you go off into another dimension. A place were only two live, your true love and you. Eventually you return to the universe of reality, but it still feels like you're in that place. That's what I feel, and I know that's what he feels.

End Betty's POV

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Planet 26: Little Meow

Maximus IQ, who had ended up in a magical accident that turned him into a kitten, jumped on Sparky's bed. Sparky didn't know how long the magic would keep him little and with no memories of ever being a super villain, but he hoped it lasted a long time. It was fun to have Maximus as his little brother who looked up to him and was so cute all the time. "Jump Sparky!"

"Okay, I'll go jump too," Spar hopped on his bed. "Hey this is fun, we should do this more often!"

Not too long after, Zulia came. "It's getting very late; shouldn't you two be asleep by now?"

"I can't sleep on an empty stomach. I need to have a snack before going to sleep." The jumping had made Sparky hungry or hungrier, since he was always hungry.

"I want a cookie!" Little Maximus was still jumping and looked like he had plenty of energy to continue jumping for a long time. That's exactly what happened. Even after they had the snacks and Sparky was feeling tired, Maximus wouldn't stop jumping on his bed, which made it impossible for Sparky to sleep since they had to share the room for the time being. "Jump Sparky!"

"I'm tired and sleepy. Let's go to sleep and jump some more tomorrow, okay?" Sparky asked.

But the kitten was too sugar high hyper to stop. "Jump Sparky! Jump! It's fun!" After another two hours of jumping none stop little Maximus finally decided it was time to go to sleep.

Everything was fine and Sparky was finally sleeping, until a little hand with sharp little claws fell on his face. "Ouch! My nose!" He removed the hand and saw that his little brother was still sleeping so he tried to go back to sleep also. A few kicks later, Sparky finally fell asleep.

"Mew, meow, mew," Maximus meowed in his sleep. He looked like he was having a nightmare.

"Maximus?" Sparky wake up. "What's wrong little brother? C'mon wake up," Maximus woke up suddenly and scratched Sparky. "Ouch!"

"I'm sowy" Max said, with those big scared kitten eyes.

"It's okay, your big brother's alight." That was what Sparky said, but he knew his nose would be a lot bigger in the morning. Hopefully he would still be able to see where he's going. "Were you having a nightmare?"

The kitten nodded sadly as if the nightmare was still too clear in his mind. "It was scary."

"Aw," Sparky hugged his little brother. He wished that he could stay little forever and never return to being a super villain, but he had a feeling that somehow he would end up growing up again. "What was your nightmare about?"

"Water, water is scary," the kitten replied.

"Don't worry I won't let water get you," Sparky assured.

"Thankies Sparky, you're the bestest big brother!" Maximus cheered. Everything was quiet for the rest of the night and they finally got some sleep without interruptions.

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Planet 27: Evil Laugh

Maximus IQ had called his sidekick repeatedly to discuss the next plan to destroy Atomic Betty and take over the universe, yet Minimus did not come. He took a deep breath and screamed. "Minimus!" His voice was heard all over the lair and Minimus finally came running.

"Sorry for the delay your evilness I was... I was..." He smiled and Maximus gave him a puzzled look. Minimus' smile grew wider until he started laughing. Both his faces were laughing as he rolled on the floor.

A few minutes passed as Maximus tapped his foot impatiently. "Are you done now?"

Minimus stopped laughing and nodded.

"Then tell me what is so funny?" Maximus asked.

Minimus made a face as if trying to hold more laughter.

"Tell me!" Maximus insisted.

Minimus opened his mouth to speak but exploded in laughter again.

Needless to say Maximus was getting very annoyed. "Stop that!" He kicked the sidekick. "Stop laughing! You will not laugh unless I know what the joke is and you will laugh less than me!" Maximus then hit Minimus on the head many times until he stopped laughing. "Now tell me what's so funny?"

"It's nothing," Minimus finally said.

"Oh no, you're not getting away with that! You were laughing because of something and I want to know what it was right now!" Maximus yelled, leaving Minimus's ears ringing.

"I was taking that stuff you told me to take to the basement and found an old video of you. Remember when you were starting out as a super villain and made a press conference to announce that you were going to take over the universe? You told me to stand in the background and be quiet while you talked to the press and then..." Minimus smiled in amusement; despite all the hits he received he still had the energy to laugh.

Maximus paled, "I thought I destroyed all the copies of that!"

"It was your first universal TV appearance as a super villain so why not keep it?" Minimus suggested. "Look at the bright side, your evil laugh has improved," his more mischievous-looking face added in amusement.

Maximus's face turned red, as the embarrassment from that day returned. The scene replayed in his mind. There was a younger Maximus just starting his teens, but he still looked like a kitten and he sounded like one too, which was what caused that disaster.

Maximus remembered his younger self speaking to the press. "I shall take over the universe!" Then he tried his evil laugh for the first time but it came out as a giggle that ended in a squeak.

"I don't think father ever forgave me for squeaking on universal TV," Maximus mused.

"Then everyone went aw!" Minimus received a deadly glare, followed by a hit on the head from Maximus.

"I shall destroy the last copy of the press conference and we will never speak of this again!" Just to make sure his evil laugh was working correctly, Maximus laughed. To his relief there were no squeaks this time.

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Meanwhile at the Galactic Guardians Headquarters, Admiral Degill was talking to Atomic Betty and her team. "I didn't call you here for a mission, there' something I wanted to share with you. Besides, this is too funny to be kept in the databases and not show it to anyone. Maximus was thirteen in this recording."

A hologram was activated showing a kitten that looked cute and not one bit evil. After declaring he was going to take over the universe the kitten attempted to laugh evilly but it came out as a giggle ending with a squeak. Everyone in Admiral Degill's office nearly laughed their heads off.

For the next few months Atomic Betty, Sparky and X-5 couldn't hear Maximus laughing without remembering his first evil laugh. The super villain never figured out what could possibly be so funny if his evil laugh was coming out perfect.

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Planet 28: Yang and Ying

Betty's Point of View

Kanushu-sensei used to say that there in a little bit of Ying and a little bit of Yang in everything, even in the rain. "There is good, there is evil. There is chaos, there is balance. There is Yang, there is Ying and we all live in between."

"There is good..."

It started raining just a few minutes ago; I like the sound that the rain makes. I wonder if it's raining in Sparky's planet. He and X-5 must be there right now, having an afternoon snack prepared by Zulia, Sparky's mahmoola.

I wish I could have gone, but my parents insisted that I stay home since it's dad's day off. I guess I could visit Sparky some other time; it's good to get to spend some time with dad every now and then. Sparky likes the rain too, but X-5 doesn't. It's understandable.

"There is evil..."

Purrsey hates the rain; he won't even come near the window when it's raining. There goes mom to cuddle Purrsey and feed him cat treats until the rain stops, telling him not to be afraid, because mommy's there for him.

I bet Maximus hates the rain too. Maybe that's why he has his lair in space instead of just taking over a planet or something. I can almost imagine him cowering in a corner yelling at Minimus to turn off the rain. Then Minimus would inform him that it's impossible and Maximus would hit him on the head over and over until it stops raining. Of course there's no joke if it's a planet where it is possible to turn off the rain.

"There is chaos..."

Last weekend I agreed to go on a picnic with my friends, two of them, at the same time, in different locations, by accident. I was busy thinking about my duties as a Galactic Guardian and didn't realize I agreed to meet both Dylan and Noah in different parts of the park at the same time.

Luckily it rained and they both got colds. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them to be sick, but at least I was saved from running back and forth like that time I watched only part of two different movies because I kept switching rooms.

I almost ran out of excuses that time. How many reasons can one have to leave the movie, then come back and leave fifteen minutes later? They're better from their colds now and I'll have to be more careful. Not just that, but sometimes it gets complicated to handle school and being a Galactic Guardian at the same time.

"There is balance..."

I'll be optimistic and keep doing what I like. Granny is very supportive and gives me great advice. I always talk to her when I need to let everything out to someone who lived what I'm living.

One thing that sometimes surprises me is that when I talk about something that's happening on Earth, X-5 always has statistics about it and Sparky always relates to the situation. I guess we're more alike than we're different.

I saw Kanushu-sensei the other day. He taught me a nice relaxing exercise, it works well. It's good to know I have trusted friends I can count on. In the middle of the chaos, they bring me balance.

"There is Yang, there is Ying..."

Kanushu-sensei once said that nothing is completely good or completely evil. Nothing in this world can be perfect. Someone should tell Penelope that, she seems to think she is perfect, but everyone else realizes she's not. I guess she's the only one who doesn't know.

There is always a bright side to every situation. Sometimes that bright side isn't the most obvious but its there if you look for it.

"And we all live in between..."

This universe we live in is filled with mystery and new things to discover. Good and evil, chaos and balance, Yang and Ying. It's all a part of it, we're all a part it, and that is what makes it complete.

End Betty's POV

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Planet 29: Kiss

Betty's Point of View

He just stood there horrified, as if he saw a ghost. "Maximus?" He didn't answer, he just stared. I couldn't help it but to look back over my shoulder, only to make sure there wasn't a ghostly spirit, or a horrible monster, or a hungry dragon, or something just as alarming, standing behind me. There was nothing there.

We were having a battle in outer space. He was the one who started it. He saw the Starcruiser and started shooting lasers at us. Sparky tried to lose him, but we both ended up trapped in an asteroid rain. Both our ships crash landed on a large meteor.

Due to the situation, we agreed not to fight anymore for today. After all, none of us wants to end up stranded here. The interesting part about our situation is that we each have something the other needs. Fuel, tools, batteries, spare parts and so on. If we are to get off this meteor, we'll have to work together to get the ships repaired.

The repair process is long due to the severe damage both ships sustained from the asteroids and from each other. We've been taking turns during the repairs and right now Maximus and I are taking a break. Of course I keep an eye on him to avoid sabotage.

Ever since we started working, Maximus has been complaining. Usually when a child complains, giving him candy will keep him quiet for a while and I thought the same thing would work on Maximus. Besides, if we're going to get along until we get out of here, I might as well show him to be nice with the example.

"Did you hear me?" I asked when he continued to stand there silent. Well I'm glad he stopped complaining, but I'm starting to worry. Why is he standing there petrified? What did he see or hear or smell, that scared him so much.

He finally starts to regain some color in his pale face and takes a deep breath. "No!" He yells. What's his problem? Doesn't he like chocolate, everyone likes chocolate and all I did was offer him a kiss.

Minimus comes inside the ship and removes his helmet. "Your evilness, you're supposed to go outside and help with the repairs. Should I take your turn again like last time, or do you want to go out this time?"

"I think I will go," Maximus surprised us.

"Want another kiss Minimus?" I ask breaking, the awkward silence that formed after Maximus' unexpected decision.

"Oh yes!" Minimus cheers happily and I hand him some chocolate candy.

"You kissed?" Maximus, who was about to go outside comes back. "Bad sidekick!" He hit Minimus on the head. "How could you kiss her? She's the enemy and now you're full of Galactic Guardian germs!"

Suddenly it all makes sense. "There's a chocolate candy called kiss," I explain.

Maximus looks at me for a moment. "Really? So that's all you were asking? If I wanted candy?"

"Yes that's all I was asking." Another awkward silence forms.

Just as Sparky comes by to see why Minimus is taking so long, Maximus ends the silence. "In that case, give me a kiss Atomic Betty."

I'm about to hand him some chocolate when Sparky yells. "Don't do it chief!"

"It's okay Sparky there's plenty to go around," I assure him, giving Maximus the candy and reaching into the bag again. "Do you want some kisses too?"

Sparky's face turns bright red. "Well I... if you want to..." I give him some chocolate but he looks a bit disappointed. I'm not sure why, since Sparky loves food. Maybe he just wishes the kisses were bigger.

End Betty's POV

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Planet 30: Why Do They Always Run?

He was a little frightened by her appetite when she started eating everything in the large picnic basket. In fact, she ate all the food and he had to send Minimus to bring another picnic basket. Luckily, he packed several. Always be prepared for emergencies, so said the little dating manual he read. 'That might be a little problem,' Maximus thought while watching Zulia eat, Bernadette would have a fit. Still, it was nothing that couldn't be dealt with.

After watching her eat for what felt like an eternity, it looked like Zulia was starting to slow down. Good because Maximus was running out of food. "Delicious," Zulia smiled. "Why aren't you eating? You must be hungry by now. Eat something, you need nutrients," she spoke this in a motherly tone of voice, but Maximus ignored that little detail. She took a sandwich from the basket and handed it to him not taking her eyes off him until he began to eat. Satisfied with the fact that he was finally eating, Zulia continued eating everything else.

Maximus was tempted to sarcastically say he didn't try to eat anything, because he thought she might bite him, but that wasn't a good idea. The little dating manual, which wasn't really very little, emphasized that he had to say nice things and if nothing nice to say came to mind, he should smile quietly and try to think of something.

Besides Maximus spent the last few days trying to convince him self that women don't bite and they don't have cooties. Even so, he couldn't help it but to wonder in the back of his head, what if they do have cooties? What are cooties anyway? Maybe he was better off not knowing.

Everything was silent save for Zulia's eating and Minimus carving something in a near by moon. Maximus tried to remember what the dating manual said to do next. He memorized many lines, but sometimes his mind went blank for a few minutes, until he managed to calm down, convince himself he wasn't going to die of cooties and remember the next line. A respectable villain needs a villainess by his side; he just had to remember that.

What was the next step? If only he could remember. Then she moved forward and closed her eyes. A kiss, that's what the manual said. He gulped and tried to kiss her, but only their noses touched. 'That might be a little problem,' Maximus thought once again, wishing that Minimus had match-made with someone of his own species or at least more similar.

She didn't appear to be bothered by it and only giggled. Species that were not her own didn't know how to act in such situations. 'Nothing that can't be solved in time,' she thought. They continued eating in silence after that. At least she liked the carvings on the near by moon.

However, Maximus was beginning to think he didn't study that dating manual well enough. It's like that feeling you get when you think you know what you're doing, until the teacher hands you the test, you read the first sentence and your mind goes blank. Then you realize you didn't study as well as you thought you did.

"Let me help you with that dear," Zulia cleaned the ketchup off Maximus's face with a napkin. "You suddenly remind me of my son for some reason."

"Your son?" Maximus asked. She had a son? She didn't say that before.

"Oh, yes I have a son. You should meet him, I'm sure the two of you will get along very well," Zulia proudly showed off the picture of Sparky, the Martian on Atomic Betty's Team.

'That is a big problem!' Maximus thought, and Minimus was in even bigger trouble. "I have to go now," He ran, Maximus got up, jumped in his space ship and flew away.

Minimus managed to get on just in time. Needless to say, the sidekick was confused; everything appeared to be going alright, so why did Maximus suddenly run away?

Maximus told Minimus about what he discovered later, just before he introduced him to the bachelorettes that would compete in one of those little dating shows with Minimus as the price.

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"Mahmoola!" Sparky called as the Starcruiser landed and he ran to hug his mother. "Are you alright, Mahmoola?"

"I'm fine Sparky, I was about to call a space cab, but I guess you could give me a ride back home," Zulia replied.

"I'm so happy you're okay, I thought Maximus kidnapped you!" Sparky looked around but didn't find the lynx villain. "Where did he go?"

"He ran away," Zulia sounded disappointed, but at the same time, resigned, having gotten use to this. "Why do they always run?" She wondered if he would ever be able to finish a date again being able to say that it ended well.

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Planet 31: Rainy Day Man (BettyxRodger)

Atomic Betty was alone in that small moon, or so she thought. That moon of a far away planet had a proper atmosphere to breathe in, she had gone there once before on a mission, but didn't stay for too long. Due to the meteor belt near by and the constant rain, not many bothered to go there. This place held nothing special in most people's opinion, but right now one thing it had was priceless to her, privacy.

She knew no one would bother her here so she could sort out her thoughts by herself. She didn't have to look strong for anyone; she didn't have to hold back her tears to make sure no one worried about her. She didn't have to be Atomic Betty the number one Galactic Guardian, or Betty the talented and smart girl from Moose Jaw Heights. She could be herself as she was right now, a human girl who had her feelings hurt.

Unknown to her, someone was watching. He always watched from afar when ever he had the chance. "Atomic Betty?"

She turned, as she did not expect to find anyone here. "Rodger, what are you doing here?" In a split second she was calm and composed, as if she had been fine all along.

"It's a nice place to visit to be alone and think about... things." He slowly approached the little cliff where she was sitting, staring off into a horizon so different from the one of her home planet. The orange clouds gathered in the sky, it was going to rain soon.

"Yes," She didn't want to sound mean, but she wanted to be alone right now.

"You know, you can talk to me if it'll make you feel better," Rodger offered. "Betty, you don't have to keep up the act, I know you're only human and so am I."

The rain started to fall from the skies but neither really minded. She knew he was always there for her. It's been that way for a long time, even if they didn't talk too much, he was always there if she ever wanted to talk to him. He was like her rainy day man. "I know, thank you."

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Planet 32: Friends for Never

"I'm a Galactic Guardian," she told him the truth he didn't know, even if she would think it was quite obvious. Maybe he was too focused on his goal to take over the universe to think that a Galactic Guardian could get pass his security.

"You're a what?" He asked in disbelief. It was years before the time of Atomic Betty and Maximus IQ. In this era, neither of them existed.

"It's true, but I'm sure we can work things out if you stop being evil." She had to tell him who she truly was, even if he changed his mind about everything he thought about her.

"You have five seconds to get off my ship before I personally disintegrate you!" He was clearly angry that she had kept that little detail to herself. Just when he thought he found someone to rule the universe with him after he finally took over, it turns out that she was the one that had been sabotaging his plans. She was the Galactic Guardian that some rumored had infiltrated his forces, it was her all along.

She hoped, yet didn't expect, that he stopped being a villain, but it didn't look like that was ever going to happen. "Can't we at least be friends?"

The deadly glare he directed at her was a clear negative. "Guards!" Of course she could easily fight a few guards. She was the best Galactic Guardian of her time and she got out of there without much trouble. Thus the unlikely friendship of Maximus Sr. and Beatrixo ended forever.

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Planet 33: Fashionably Early

Sparky had no idea that Betty would be early, for once, and came into the house with the key he gave her. "Call me up; I'm your guy, the toughest punk in the alien sky. I got brains and the face..."

Speaking of faces, Sparky's face turned bright red when he almost ran into Betty, too distracted by his own singing to watch where he was going when he thought he was alone in the house.

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Planet 34: Waiting

Pairings: Captain and Aberdeffia (before the ghost ship episode), Admiral Degill and Pontifadora. Noah, Betty and Dylan, (Earth triangle), Zulia and ? (not specified).

One may wonder what do a ghost captain, a gold fish admiral, two earthling boys and an alien woman have in common. They are all waiting. However, they each wait in a different way.

I wait for all eternity,
Waiting for your return.
Is it that there's an entity,
That won't give what I yearn?

I refuse to leave this ship,
I refuse this world to let go,
Even if I'm losing my grip,
I will always let my love show.

The ghost captain waits in his ship, refusing to leave the world of the living. He hopes and wishes that one day his love, Aberdeffia, will come back to him. His memories of her are fading, and so is the captain himself, but not his feelings.

He waits for her return all the time, there is no time for him, he just waits. He haunts the ghost ship calling her name; he doesn't lose hope in the hopeless situation.

He is the most patient of them all, the one that is willing to wait forever, the one who can wait forever. He is the patient one that has nothing more than Aberdeffia. It is her memory that keeps him going on, she is his everything.

It is hard to let go,
Of the once held close.
You go into denial,
Every day becomes a trial.

Your hopes are well hidden,
For this is forbidden,
But still you think it may,
Go back to the old way.

Keeping your place,
Here in space,
At the Galactic Guardian's base,
Love hides without a trace.

There is a gold fish admiral named Degill who once had love and also lost it, just like the Captain. However he doesn't give in to a life of simply waiting, he searches for something to fill in the empty place. He has a career as the admiral of the Galactic Guardians and that is what helps him go on. He knows that there are many people of many planets counting on him and he will not let them down.

Deep down he waits for her to change her ways and return. He waits for her to stop bounty hunting so recklessly and come back as the one he once knew, the one he almost married. The captain and the admiral are different, yet the same. One waits patiently for all eternity and the other waits in denial with hidden hope. He knows what his duty is and he will not fail. Maybe she just needs a little time away, he thinks sometimes, then his waiting will be over. Then the Pontifadora Degill knew and loved, and still does, will finally return.

Waiting for the unknown,
While she's out in her zone,
Wishing she were here,
Wishing to have her near.

But you'll never know,
The secrets untold,
A mission she holds,
Her destiny unfolds.

You will never know,
How much she lived,
You would never believe,
Why she had to leave.

While you're waiting in the dark,
Even under Earth's bright sun,
In a journey she embarks,
While you wait in the park.

Two Earthling boys, they don't know what the one they wait for is doing. They don't know of her adventures in outer space. They don't know why they are waiting or why she is constantly late. They don't know why she is so distracted, thinking of something other than the here and now. They don't know she has another life beyond this one, but even so they wait.

They're not sure what they're waiting for. They wait for her to finally arrive, to learn to be on time, to come up with an excuse, to do anything to indicate why she truly left in the first place, but they never get a hint, not a single real clue.

They might never know why they wait, but they wait none the less. They know there's someone else who waits and they sometimes wonder who will wait the longest "Me or him?"

She will have to decide some day. They don't know if they're waiting to be chosen, or waiting to be set free when she chooses the other. Or maybe she will choose someone else entirely. Unlike the first two, they are still in the friendship stage. Sometimes, many times, they wonder if it's worth the wait, if she even cares, but they can't help it but to continue waiting.

He has no replacement,
Not that she would try,
She searches for a fragment,
Hoping to someone find.

Does she wait or search,
Maybe she does both?
She does her research,
If she'll find, she doesn't know.

There is one who waits and at the same time doesn't wait. Her name is Zulia. She waits for someone to come to her life, someone like the father of her son, Sparky. At the same time she doesn't wait, she searches.

Unlike the others she doesn't know who she's waiting for and maybe that is why she does more than just wait, she wants to know. But when she finds out, what will she do? I guess she'll have to wait and see.

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Planet 35: I Don't Miss The Past

Betty's Point of View

For some time now I've known I'm different from everyone else around me. I am a Galactic Guardian and they don't even know there is life outside of Earth, but there's more to it than that. For some time now I've been feeling as if I don't fit in here, as if I don't belong here. Many times I've wondered if it was just a phase I would grow out of and then some day I would feel like I fit in, that day never came.

I want to get away,
Some place far away,
Need to start a new life.

I've given up trying to fit it. I'm not going to change who I am and live in a constant fake act all my life. The truth is I'm better off leaving. I already spoke to Admiral Degill about it and he consulted with the other authorities of the Galactic Guardians. They all agreed to give me permission so that I can tell my parents and closest friends about my secret.

Only the people who I trust the most will know. That way they can say goodbye and I won't just disappear from their lives without any explanation, I couldn't do that to mom and dad. Not that I'll be off in space all the time, I'll still come to Earth to visit my parents and friends. Anyone else who doesn't know the truth will be told that I'm away at college in another country.

Away from it all,
I'm not looking back,
Cause I don't miss the past.

During my last years of high school I've been wondering what I would do. Finally, I turned eighteen and right now I'm on summer vacation. My parents spoke of universities and the such when in fact I already have a career. I'll be not only working as an active Galactic Guardian, but I will also attend trainings, not only exercise, but there will also be academic trainings to learn more about the universe, other planet's cultures, space ships and many things that I could never learn on Earth. It'll be great, I'm sure I'll really like it and my parents will understand.

Leave it all behind,
Look into the light,
Running from the past,
Dreams to realize.

The pressure of fitting in, the constant verbal assaults from Penelope and her friends, the strange looks that people give me for no apparent reason, I'm leaving all of that behind me. Now I'm going to be doing what I love all the time, I'll be a Galactic Guardian twenty-four seven like I've always dreamed of. I'll be able to go on more extended missions and spend more time in all kind of distant planets, meeting new people and learning new things. It will be a wonderful and interesting experience, I'll never get bored.

Away from it all,
I'm not looking back,
Cause I don't miss the past,
I don't miss the past.

I'll still stay in contact with everyone so I won't be home sick, not that I've ever really felt that way. I feel more at home at my ship than in my room, except that my parents aren't there, but hey what are hologram communications for? With the new technologies it will feel as if we're standing right next to each other. Now I can be more open with them and tell them about my space adventures and all the interesting things that will happen.

Time to get away,
Do it all my way,
Gotta run away.

No more Penelope criticizing me. No more Dylan being my friend one second and forgetting me the other. No more Noah complaining about how I always ignore him. I really wish I hasn't messed things up with Dylan, but I guess he wasn't as patient as Noah with my constant disappearances and lateness. Then again, no matter how much patience one has, it will eventually run out. I'm sorry about that, but there's really nothing I can do about it. I can't stop being a Galactic Guardian; it's a part of who I am, a big part.

Away from it all,
I'm not looking back,
Away from it all,
I'm not looking back.

My parents and I didn't often sit down to talk, but before the time came for me to leave, after I showed them the truth and introduced them to Sparky and X-5, they told me to always be myself and chase my dreams and happiness. I felt as if they understood me better in that moment than in my entire life. I felt closer to them then more than ever before. Noah knows I'm leaving too; he also met Sparky and X-5. I know that both Noah and my parents will keep my secret safe. Even Purrsey said his goodbyes in his own way and we actually got along well on those last few days on Earth.

Cause I don't miss the past,
I don't miss the past,
And it doesn't miss me.

The day of my departure I asked my parents to see me off with a smile instead of being sad, after all, I would still talk to them very often. I wasn't sure if Noah would come, but he did. There he stood smiling as if silently telling me he understood that it was time for me to go and that we're still friends.

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Planet 36: Silence is as Sweet as Candy

"That is why I am so perfect! Any questions?" Maximus finished his speech in his super villain meeting. "No questions? Well of course there are no questions, my perfection is perfectly clear, no one could miss it. Now let's move on to the evil plans for this week. Who has done something evil lately?" There was a long silence and it wasn't because no one had done anything evil, it was because they were all sleeping. Maximus cleared his throat and screamed. "Who has done something evil lately?" The word lately was heard several times in a loud echo, following the sound that woke everyone there. Some of Maximus' real abilities were yelling, complaining and throwing temper tantrums. Other than that he was mostly ego.

Infantor yawned and raised his hand. "I did something evil! I drew on walls but Atomic Betty made me clean it. She made me erase my art. She's mean and I don't like her!" Then the alien baby threw a temper tantrum.

Maximus, who had no patience for temper tantrums, yet expected everyone to put with his, did something he did well, yell and order Minimus around. "Minimus make him shut up!"

"I'm not his babysitter," Minimus' angry face grumbled.

"Well I am certainly not his babysitter either, where is his robot nanny anyway?" Maximus inquired.

"Terminanny's at a repair shop because of a short circuit and you're supposed to keep me entertained until she comes to pick me up." Infantor stopped crying just long enough to say that, then continued the temper tantrum.

"Minimus, keep him quiet! I can't put up with this until that robot comes back!" Maximus yelled.

"But you're even louder," Minimus' angry face pointed out.

"What did you say?" Maximus yelled.

"Nothing, your evilness," Minimus' normal face replied. The sidekick ran to the temper tantrum throwing alien baby and tried to reason with him. "Don't cry Infantor, we all hate Atomic Betty and we'll destroy her soon so don't cry."

"I want to destroy her now!" Infantor cried.

"So do I, but I can't come up with a plan with all this noise!" Maximus was at the end of his patience, if he had any to begin with. Given the fact that everyone's ears were still ringing from when Maximus yelled to wake them up, listening to Infantor's complaints was nothing in comparison, so the other villains quietly watched in amusement. Occasionally a laugh would be heard before they all inevitably burst out laughing at Infantor's temper tantrum and Maximus's complaints. There was something about helpless forced babysitters that was so amusing.

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Speaking of people who are forced to baby-sit, on Earth, Betty was helping her mother baby-sit her new cousin. Purrsey was hiding after having his tail pulled by the baby and Betty wished she could hide too. She sighed as she tried to clean the mess the baby made while her mother tried to keep him calm, but the child wouldn't stop crying.

All the while Betty thought, 'I'll take babysitting Infantor over this kid any day. In fact I'd even baby-sit Maximus during one of his temper tantrums.' She looked at the crying baby in her mother's arms and gave that last thought a second thought. 'Nah, Maximus' temper tantrums are much worse than this. At least I know Minimus is more miserable than I am right now'. Betty could only hope that her aunt came back soon and took that little monster away.

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Meanwhile, the lynx super villain looked like he was going to throw an all out temper tantrum of his own and those were dangerous. "All right that's enough, let's continue the meeting!" Iciclea tried to make her voice be heard over the noise. The ice queen was getting tired of this, it could only be amusing for so long.

"He won't shut up!" Maximus pointed at Infantor who curiously stared at his finger quietly for a moment. Maximus blinked and looked at Infantor just as the alien baby reached for the finger pointing at him. But before Infantor's little green hand could touch his finger, Maximus quickly moved his hand away and Infantor resumed his crying.

"Here have some ice candy," Iciclea created a little block of ice, about the size of her hand, and gave it to Infantor.

That successfully stopped Infator's crying, but Maximus looked upset. "What about me? I'm the leader here and I should get candy too!"

Iciclea rolled her eyes. "Don't you get it the ice candy is," she stopped and smiled. "It's very delicious, here you go." Iciclea formed another block of ice and gave it to Maximus, who tried to lick it and couldn't get his tongue off it.

Maximus tried pulling the so called ice candy off, but it wouldn't come off. Infantor was having the same problem, but he thought it was a game and wasn't bothered by it at all. Iciclea smiled, satisfied with her work. 'Silence is as sweet as candy,' she thought.

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Meanwhile, to Betty's relief, her aunt arrived, "he wasn't any trouble right?"

"None alt all, he's a little angel," Betty's mother replied with an obviously fake smile. The mess all other the house strongly contradicted her.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him. We should get going now." Finally, the sweet silence would be restored.

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Planet 37: Into the Sand (BettyxSparky)

"Which way do you think they went?" All the endless corridors of the ancient Pharaoh's ship, said to hold both treasures and power, looked the same to Sparky. This was one big space maze full of traps. How would they know where to find Maximus and Minimus?

"I'm not sure, but we can only find out if we start searching. There's not much time, we can't let them take control of the ship!" Atomic Betty led her team deeper into the ship, but there was still no sign of Maximus or Minimus anywhere.

"I think we should try a systematic approach to this. We should be able to calculate our location by paying close attention to the ship's structure and analyzing it. We should also continue to head in the same direction instead of turning different ways. That way we'll make sure not to end up going in circles," X-5 suggested.

"Right," Atomic Betty agreed. "Which way do you think we should go X-5?"

"I believe we should go this way," the robot turned right and continued down a dark area of the ship.

"Why did you have to choose the creepy way?" Sparky complained.

"I did not choose the appearance of our path, I only suggested that we should go this way due to the ship's structure. We should watch out for traps they could be anywhere." As soon as X-5 gave the warning, Sparky stepped on a switch on the floor opening a trapdoor. Sparky and Betty fell in and the door closed itself automatically, leaving X-5 trapped in the upper level. "Captain! Sparky!" X-5 searched for the switch that Sparky stepped on, but the small button on the floor remained pressed down. Apparently it wouldn't be reset until the trap's procedure was done and that was not good.

"Chief, where are we?" Sparky asked. It was very dark and it felt like they landed on a large pile of sand.

"Don't panic, Sparky, we only fell. We just need to climb back up. Try to find an exit." Betty used her Galactic Guardian bracelet for a light.

There didn't appear to be another way out and the trapdoor that brought them there was closed. There were a few openings on the walls about three inches in diameter pouring sand into the room. "We have to get out of here!" Sparky grew more worried.

"Maybe X-5 can hear us," Betty called, "X-5!"

"Captain! This door won't open." They could hear the robot trying to force the trapdoor to open, but it was stuck.

"Step away from it X-5, I'm going to try a laser!" Betty aimed her bracelet's laser and tried to cut the trapdoor open.

"Captain, no!" X-5's warning came too late. Betty's laser bounced off the wall and back at her. She quickly jumped out of the way and the laser turned to smoke when it hit the alien sand. "Captain, Sparky, are you alright?" X-5 had tried to cut the trapdoor open with a laser from the other side before and it bounced off.

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Meanwhile, Maximus and Minimus were exploring the ship. Maximus had already accidentally triggered a few traps and Minimus had to get him out of trouble. The laser X-5 used continued bouncing around the ship until it reached their location. However, after bouncing on the walls so much, it was a lot weaker so it wasn't really dangerous, but it could still sting. Maximus was looking at some writings on a wall when the laser entered the room, bounced off the ceiling and hit his tail. "Ah! My tail!" Maximus jumped and ran around in circles screaming. "Something bit me! It's on my tail! Get it off! Get it off!"

"But there's nothing on it, your evilness. It's just a little burn," Minimus replied. "Serves you right," his evil face added. Maximus hit Minimus on the head then started blowing at the end of his tail to make it cool down.

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Meanwhile, Betty and Sparky were still trapped. X-5 had found a small plug that he could use to connect with the ship's computer and try to disable the trap to free them. But he didn't have a lot of time to hack into the system before the room was filled with sand and they were either suffocated or crushed.

"Chief," Sparky began.

"It's okay, Sparky. X-5 will get us out of here don't worry," Betty tried to reassure him. There was little room left, and if they didn't escape soon, the sand would create so much pressure they would be crushed by it.

"It's getting a little hard to breathe in here, or is it just me?" Sparky asked.

"It's because the oxygen can hardly come in by those pipes that pour in the sand and there's no other way for air to reach this room," Betty explained. "Our space helmets should give us oxygen until X-5 gets us out."

"Wait, there's something I need to tell you first, just in case." Sparky confessed. "I really like you and..." There was a light coming from the ceiling as the trap door was opened again and Sparky almost regretted X-5's timing.

End of Solar System III

Disclaimer, I do not own Atomic Betty or the Sailor Moon song Rainy Day Man. Otousan means father. Planet 27 was inspired by an episode of My Life as a Teenage Robot, where there's a little robot named Killgore that wants to be evil, but everyone thinks he's cute. Planet 30 is an alternate ending to the episode "Slime of the Century". Special thanks to Barry for the ideas for Planets 32 and 33. About Planet 35, the 'poem' is an original song I wrote, hence why some verses are repeated. Planet 35 takes place in the future but it was written during season 1 and does not include the events of season 3. I also wrote all the other poems that go with the stories.