Other Fan Fiction ❯ Neurotically Yours: Original ❯ Royal Guards ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

General Notes: I do not own the Online Animation Foamy or any of it's characters. Please Read and Review or face my Squrrally Wrath. This will always be on every single story!
Neurotically Yours-Royal Guards
Remember there is a animation for this so I'm not going to be too discriptive even if this is a original. In the distance is the British Capital Building with a black tall pole fence around it. Standing to guard the enterence to the fence are 2 British Guards. You know, the kind that don't move, blink or live a normal life. Out of no where Foamy pops up in front of everyone looking very pissed
Foamy: That fucking Germaine has really done it this time. Trying to get rid of me by stuffing me in a crate and sending me to England. If she was really that smart she would of sent me to China, Afghanistan or Las Vegas for crying out loud. When I get back I'm going to put tons of cuts on her, stuff her in a crate with 20 pounds of meat, and send her to the pacific ocean and watch her get eaten by the sharks, then. (Looks over and sees the 2 British Guards) Well on the plus side I get to toy with these clowns. (Moves around up and down the guards with every word) Hello, Hello, Hi, Hi, Move, Move it, Obey me, and Move, Lazybitches, Jackasses, Neoyuppys, Suckbags, Move already.
British Guards 1 and 2: …
Foamy: Hmmm tough case… I know (Pulls out 3 long sharp knifes) Attention all I shall juggle these very sharp knifes sence this is my first time and I want to start with this before I juggle flames or something stupid like that (Throws all 3 knifes into the air)
British Guard 1: (Knife scratchs the forehead and hits the ground) …
British Guard 2: (Knife goes into chest and stays there) …
British Guard 1: (Knife goes into pride and stays there) …
Foamy: For the love of, What do I have to do to make you move! How about these MAXIM and Playboy magizines (pulls out magizines and waves them infront of the guards)
British Guards 1 and 2: …
Foamy: You cheap bastards…oh wait wait whats this (pulls out a laptop) it's a Smellbrat Laptop. Look at these images (shows computor screen) heres one of me burning your flag, how about this on with me hypnotisting your Parilment, this one with me going to kill your King, and (shows all of them in front of capital building) this oh wait that's not important! How about that you fuckers
British Guards 1 and 2: …
Foamy: Last chance you lazy jackasses! Either move or face the distruction of your whole country with this (pulls out nuclear warhead) unless you move the whole country will blowup in 5 minutes
299 seconds later
British Guard 1: Should we do something about that.
A Map appears of England. First it's green then a bunch of smoke covers it and when the smoke clears the country is brown.
Foamy: Take that you Fuckingneosuckbags. This explosion has been brought to you by Foamy
Foamy: I promise to rule with Squrrally Wrath. All hale the Lord and Master of England, Foamy!
End(For real)
Specific Notes: I have nothing against the British or England, I just used it for the story. If you have any reviews or story ideas e-mail me at Myonge@nycap.rr.com.