Other Fan Fiction ❯ Test upload ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Three days into the campaign, Sotvan Meji started wondering why they were even bothering. The Coalition didn't expand its borders. Its volume was a single sphere extending to the edge of the farthest point from Arconis' primary the farthest moon of the farthest planet reached. That was a considerable distance. It didn't need to fight over any ground; it had all the territory it needed.

Really, he was concerned not for his own wellbeing but for the costs of the campaign. This sort of thing didn't mesh well with the Coalition's economic model. It was unnecessary expenditure to obtain what could be gotten elsewhere.

It was on principle, really, and that was another problem entirely.

Principle should not have had anything to do with why he was slogging through mud on a cold planet (though, he heard it was nicer at the equator, where many of his comrades were deployed). Why they couldn't just call in some Combine spaceforce ships and blast the surface to dust, he had no idea.

He was the lone patrolling soldier of grid square P-3; the one just off the "troubled" grid squares of the primarily-subarctic continent the assault teams had dubbed Coldsnap. With the bulk of offensive capability extinguished, they didn't really need more than him. The next square over had another lone Arconisse - he believed her name was Abeyt - and approximately three squares away was the command section for this continent.

His armaments were myriad, but only one was needed if hostilities stayed warmer than guerrilla resistance for much longer. In the meantime, he was enjoying the comparatively low gravity; it made him feel like a kid again.