Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction / Gravitation Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Loves... ❯ Soubi Agatsumi ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Not much to say about this one, the idea was concocted by Kura and me.
Summary: Shortly after the murder of her best friend Seimei Aoyagi, Kagome receives an off from his mother, Misaki Aoyagi, to move in with them to be closer to her school. Taking this as an opportunity to fulfill her promise to Seimei, Kagome agrees. During a conversation with Ritsuka one day, Soubi comes in through the window and meets Kagome, but soon learns that he isn't the only one keeping secrets.
Pairing: Soubi Agatsuma x Kagome Higurashi.
Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Loveless belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Yun Kouga respectively.
“Ritsuka, over here!”
Ritsuka turned his head away from Yuiko and toward where the voice came from. He gave a small nod to the girl calling him before turning back to Yuiko. “I have to go.”
Yuiko smiled at him. “Okay, I'll see you tomorrow!”
Ritsuka walked slowly to the girl that beckoned him over. She was smiling brightly at him, but he had never seen her without one. Kagome was one of the few seventeen-year-olds to still hold her ears, and when he was younger, he would have bet his life that she would have lost them to his late brother Seimei. The two were inseparable as kids and it was a rare occurrence to see one without the other. Seimei's death had hit them both pretty hard, and Ritsuka had taken to making as many memories with Kagome as possible. She was like a sister to him. “Hello Kagome. How was school?”
Kagome smiled and hugged him. “Wonderful thank you! How was your day?”
“It was good.” He replied.
She nodded. “Would you like to go for ice cream before we go home Ritsuka?”
“I would like that Kagome.” He smiled. “Thank you.”
“No problem!” She gave a small gasp and started to dig around in her school bag. “I picked you up a present while I was at lunch today. I've been saving for it for a while now, so I hope you like it.” She handed him a small box with a brilliant smile and waited for him to open it.
It was no larger than a shoebox, and wrapped in metallic blue paper. He stopped to unwrap it and gasped when he did so. It was a top of the line digital camera and black case that had his name stitched on it. Ritsuka smiled over at her and slowly leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek. “I love it Kagome. Thank you very much.”
She ruffled the hair on his head. “Only the best for you Ritsuka.”
Ritsuka and Kagome sat in his room, working on the scrapbook that they had created to put their favourite memories in. Ritsuka was adding the pictures that they had taken at the park, taking delight in watching Kagome cringe as he put the one he look of her just after a stray football hit her in the back of the head and made her dive face first into her ice cream. “It is a pretty picture Kagome, I don't see why you hate it so much.”
“Because my face is covered in ice cream. Is that really how you want to remember me when you're old and grey Ritsuka?” Kagome said, towel drying her hair.
Ritsuka smiled at her. “It doesn't matter, you are always going to be pretty Kagome."
Kagome ruffled the hair on his head. “You are too sweet Ritsuka. Tell me, who was that girl that I saw you with at school today? Was that your girlfriend?”
He blushed. “No! That was my classmate Yuiko, she is a very nice girl if a little ditsy. Naze?”
“Just curious.” Kagome walked into the bathroom to put her towel in the wash basket.
Ritsuka sighed and walked over to his desk to put their scrapbook away. He heard the sliding door of his balcony go and turned around. “Soubi, what are you doing here?”
“I came to see you Ritsuka, is that a bad thing?” Soubi asked. “I have been busy working on my project with Kio and haven't had the time to see you, and for that I am sorry.”
“Ritsuka I-“ Kagome walked into Ritsuka's bedroom and gasped. “Who are you and why are you in Ritsuka's room?”
Soubi looked at her with a blank face. “I should be asking you the same question.”
“I live here!” Kagome said, only a little offended. “Now, who are you?”
“Kagome, this is Soubi, he was one of Seimei's friends.” Ritsuka explained.
Kagome's eyes flicked to Ritsuka momentarily. “Seimei and I shared the same friends, but I have never met you.”
“I was obviously one that he never introduced you to.” Soubi said. “How did you know Seimei?”
Kagome gave a sad smile. “Seimei was my best friend. I miss him dearly.”
“I miss him also.” Soubi admitted. “He and I were very close.”
A shrill ring sounded throughout the room and Kagome sighed, pulling her cellphone out of her pocket. She flipped it open and read the text message before sighing. “I am sorry Ritsuka, but I have to head out for a while, will you be okay here without me?”
Ritsuka nodded. “If anything happens, I will call you.”
Kagome gave him a hug before slipping her jacket on. “You had better. I love you Ritsuka, don't forget that.”
“I thought that you hated hearing that?” Soubi said.
Ritsuka shot him a look. “If it comes from anyone other than Kagome I do. But she has been telling me that for as long as I can remember. She tells me I am like her little brother.”
“And you are okay with that?” Soubi asked. “You don't mind being loved by her?”
“Of course not.” Ritsuka replied.
Soubi walked into Kio's apartment that evening to a very nice surprise.
“Itai! Kio that hurts.” Kagome whined.
Kio sighed and put the antiseptic spray on the floor before picking up the bandages. “Don't be such a baby, it's not that bad.”
“You aren't the one sitting here bleeding half to death are you.” Kagome growled.
“I told you that they were too powerful, but did you listen?” Kio said, wrapping the bandages around her torso. “Noooo, `we're powerful enough' you said, `we can handle a couple of kids' you said. Next time, I hope you listen.”
“Oh shut up Kio!” Kagome yelled.
Kio smirked at her. “Is that an order?”
Kagome opened her mouth to reply when she saw Soubi standing in the doorway. “Hello again, I never expected to see you here.”
Soubi nodded. “Same here, obvious question, but what are you doing here?”
“I take a pre-college art course at school and Kio is my tutor.” Kagome said smoothly. “We went out to eat and got into a fight.”
“With children?” Soubi countered.
Kagome scowled at him. “They were big kids.”
“I'm sure they were.” He said, smirking slightly.
Kio snickered a little but yelled when Kagome hit him. “I said shut up Kio!”
He sighed. “You should head home, you have school tomorrow.”
Kagome sighed, wincing as she got up. “I'll call you tomorrow.” She kissed his cheek. “Bye.”
After she left, Soubi smirked at his friend. “Now who has the Lolita complex?”
“Screw off Soubi!” Kio yelled. “Are we going to work on our project or what?”
“Tadiama!” She called as she entered the house. She heard a whimper from the kitchen and the sound of Misaki yelling. Her eyes widened and she ran in.
“What did you do to my Ritsuka!” Misaki yelled, delivering another kick to her son. “He was nothing like you!”
“No!” Kagome yelled and threw herself at Misaki, knocking her away. She picked Ritsuka up off the floor and led him upstairs to his room. She placed him on his bed. “Pack a bag and don't forget your memories. We're leaving now.”
Ritsuka nodded sullenly and moved to his closet with a wince.
Choking back tears, Kagome ran into her room and pulled the emergency overnight back she had prepared when she first moved in for situations like this. Dashing back into Ritsuka's room, she grabbed his hand. “Do you have everything?”
He nodded. “I do.”
“Good, we're leaving.” She replied and led them both out of his bedroom window. Throwing the bags down, she lowered Ritsuka down to the ground. She heard a yell from behind her and quickly jumped over the balcony, not caring where she landed. Kagome felt her wounds reopen and the warm blood seep into her shirt. Wincing, she pulled herself up as she took her cellphone from her pocket. Shakily dialing the number, she put it to her ear as she and Ritsuka walked away from their house. She heard the click of someone answering and began to cry. “Kio, come get me.”
“Kagome?” Kio said. “Where are you? Whats going on?”
Choking back a sob, she looked frantically for their whereabouts. “I'm at the end of my street. She did it again Kio, I had to get him out of there.”
“Alright, I'll be there in five minutes.” Kio replied and hung up.
Kagome closed her phone and wrapped Ritsuka in a hug. “It's going to get better soon, someone is coming to pick us up.”
Ritsuka nodded and hugged her back. “Thank you Kagome.”
A car pulled up beside them and Soubi got out of the passenger's side. “Put Ritsuka in the car and I'll get bags in the trunk.”
Kio looked at Kagome as she climbed into the back seat. His mouth opened in horror. “Kagome what happened to you!”
“I opened my wounds jumping from the balcony. It's nothing.” Kagome replied.
“My ass its nothing!” Kio yelled. “I almost lost you once today I don't want to have to go through that again!”
Kagome sniffled. “I'm sorry Kio, but you know that Ritsuka always comes first to me. I promised Seimei…”
Kio sighed. “I know, but you have to take care of yourself too Kagome. What good are you to Ritsuka dead?”
Kio closed his bedroom door, leaving Kagome to think. He sighed and looked to Soubi and Ritsuka. “Soubi, will you please go and comfort Kagome. I need to have a word with Ritsuka.”
Soubi nodded and walked into the bedroom.
Kio looked at Ritsuka. “You know, after Seimei died, she came to me in the same state that she's in tonight. She was devastated. Kagome made a promise to your brother Ritsuka she promised him that she'd protect you from your mother. I'm sorry but you have to go to the police this time. I won't stand to see Kagome like this any more, it hurts me to see her in this state and I'm sure it hurts you too.”
Ritsuka nodded. “I don't like to see Kagome cry, which is why I try and stay strong for her.”
Kio sighed and sat down on the couch next to Ritsuka. “I know you do, but now doing anything about it is killing her. She wants to respect your wishes, but she also wants to stay loyal to her promise to your brother. Do the right thing Ritsuka, tell someone.”
“Okay, but can I do it in the morning, I'm kinda tired.” The boy said.
“Of course. You don't mind sleeping with Soubi tonight do you? I have a feeling that Kagome's going to want me there.”
Ritsuka had made good on his word to Kio and gone to the police. Misaki had been arrested and charged with child abuse. It had hurt Ritsuka to have to do it, but he felt better knowing that his mother couldn't harm he and Kagome behind bars. They had just left the courthouse and were walking home when two girls came out of seemingly nowhere and looked at Kio and Kagome.
“Well, well, well, if it isn't Soulless.” The blonde one said.
He felt Kagome's hand tighten around his. “Who are you and what do you want with us?”
“A fight of course.” The blue haired one said. “System initiate.”
Kagome shoved Ritsuka away, puzzled when he remained in the fighting system. Kio moved to stand before her.
The two girls moved together. “We give you love. We bring men to their knees. We are Lust.”
“Enough talking. Kio restraint!” Kagome said.
Chains sprung from the ground restraining the blonde. The blue haired female looked at her companion with a shocked look on her face. “Maya!”
Maya placed her hands on the chains around her neck. “I'll be fine Akira, just take them down.”
Akira nodded. “Right. Needles fall from the sky like piercing rain!”
“Sunlight surround to dry the rain.” Kio countered, forming a ball of light around Kagome and himself, protecting them from the needles.
“You are good Soulless, I'll give you that.” Akira said. “Wind slice like the breaking of a thousand beating hearts.”
Kagome gave a sharp cry as the wind skimmed her cheek and chest, tearing her shirt and revealing the mark above her left breast.
“Kagome!” Kio cried. “Moonbeams surround and protect from evil, fall down on it like dragons touch!”
Maya screamed and fell to the ground out cold. Akira turned to Kio and Kagome with an angry look on face. “You have won this round Soulless, but we will be back!”
The system fell and so did Kagome. Ritsuka ran over to her and hugged her tight, mindful of her wounds.
Soubi rounded on Kio. “Why didn't you tell me you were a fighter?”
Kio ran a hand through his hair. “Because it was none of you business and you would have thought I was crazy.”
“I would not have thought you were crazy Kio!” Soubi shouted. “Why did you let her fight? Why didn't you just forfeit? Kagome could have been seriously injured!”
Something tapped Soubi on the shoulder and he turned to see Kagome. “Do you think we could have this discussion when I'm not standing in the middle of the street, half naked and bleeding?” She said.
Kio walked from the bathroom to the hall, with the full intent of heading to his room. He stopped before his bedroom door and gave a weird look to the child sitting on the floor his ear pressed up against it. Kio tilted his head to the side and stopped towel drying his hair. “Ritsuka, what are you-“
“Shh!” Ritsuka whispered and placed a finger to his lips. “Soubi is just about to tell Kagome that he loves her.”
Kio crossed his arms across his chest. “If that's the case.” He whispered. “Move over so I can hear too.”
Ritsuka shuffled over so Kio could crouch down beside him. Both pressed their ears to the door in tome for the confession. “Because.” The heard. “I love you too much to see you hurt Kagome.” There was a small gasp and it went silent. Kio reached up and turned the doorknob slowly and silently. They both peeked their eyes in and saw Kagome trapped in Soubi's embrace as he ravished her lips. Placing their hands over their mouths to cover the snicker that so desperately wanted to escape and closed the door as silently as they opened it. Getting up from the floor, Kio turned to Ritsuka with a wide grin on is face. “So, you in the mood to eat out?”
Ritsuka nodded. “Sure!”
Owari x
Hope y'all liked this!
Much love always
Squishy xxx