Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Trapped ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I do not own OS or any cracters featured except for Jay and Cale.
Chapter 6
Ok, is this the control room? I've been wandering around here for a while. Good thing I tied up Jay, he might be awake now.
I walked into the room, and there was lotsa controls. Most of them I didn't recognize, but I could recognize a few.
Like the navigation, and the weaponry.
I walked over to the navigation, to see if I could find a way to get to Gene's ship. I looked at something that *looked* like a tracker, but I couldn't be sure.
I was deciding whether or not to check out the other deivces, when the *tracker* started beeping. I looked at it, and saw that there was a ship moving towards us, now, how to figure out what ship it is...
Jay easily slid out of the ropes, the kid couldn't tie very tight, that was for sure. Well, most likely he headed for navigation, so I might as well head there.
I was looking through the window, when I saw a ship.
"Hey guys, I think that thats the bounty hunter's ship!" I shouted to the others.
Aparently it was. When we got closer, I was surprised that it hadn't started to fire on us.
When we were close enough to dock, we did. I went throught the door, carefully, not sure if I'd see Jay anywhere. Melfina was staying in the ship, so Suzuka and Aisha went with me.
I came to a door, and though 'maybe this is the control room.'
When I burst through the door, I nearly fell over, becuse It wasn't Jay at the controls, It was Jim.
Then I *did* fall over, becuse Aisha fell over me.
Jim looked up, and said, "Guys! I'm glad to see you. I have no idea how to work the controls."
I stood up and said, "Where's Jay? How'd you escape?"
After a bit, Jim explained the whole thing.
Meanwhile, outside the door, was Jay. Listening, and waiting to strike.
"That was a good idea kid. but we should go back to the Outlaw Star before Jay gets loose." I said.
JIm apeared about to reply, when I heard the door open, and felt a pain in my arm.
I was about to reply, when The door opened. My eyes were probobly a lot wider than what they had been origionally.
I started to warn Gene, that it was Jay at the door, but then Jay raised his gun and shot Gene in the arm.
"Gene!" I shouted.
Aisha glared at the man, and charged him. Not exactly smart.
I watched as he and Aisha fought. What surprised me was that Jay wasn't using his gun.
I guess I spoke too soon. Jay had just fired his gun, foretunatlly, it missed Aisha, but unfortunatlly, it *did* hit the control panel.
We all heard a hissing sound, and I realized that he panel must be messed up.
Jay ran over to the panel, tring to fix it.
Some lady with a wooden sword, Aisha, Gene, and me took the opertunity to leave the room.
We were about to get on the ship, the hatch closed. cutting off our way to the ship.
The others and me turned around, and saw Jay.
He smiled, and said, "Do you really think I'm going to let my bounty get away that easily?"
No one bothered to reply to that. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Gene starting to pull out a gun, but before he could pull it out, Jay pulled a gun out and pointed it at him.
"I don't think so, Starwind. I'm getting the bounty, one way or another." He said.
Than he grinned, and I realized what he was about to do.
I watched as he started to pull the trigger. I was already running to Gene.
I glared at Jay, then I realized what he was gonna do. He was going to shoot me. Most likely kill me.
"Sorry Starwind, but I can't have you around for this," He said.
Then, I saw him pull the trigger.
It seemed like time was slowing down, yet I felt frozen. Is this what people ment by having your life flash before your eyes?
I saw the bullet, and the next thing I know, is something knocking me over, keeping me from being shot.
I glanced down, and saw that it was Jim who had saved me. He looked up at me. and said, "Are you alright Gene?"
I said, "I'm fine. Not to happy, but fine."
I then looked up at Jay. He didn't look to happy either. He was frowning, and looking like a dog who had rabies. Without the foaming mouth.
Jay raised his gun again, but Suzuka knocked it away with her wooden sword.
He then glared at us.
He ran over to a control panel I hadn't noticed before, and punched a couple keys. We all heard an alarm then.
Then we noticed Jay was laughing. He said, "You fools, This ship is going to destruct very soon. If I'm going to die, I'm taking you all with me. Now, you all die."
I felt chilled to the bone at that. what he was saying was true though. We would end up dieing, unless we could get to the Outlaw Star.
I saw Aisha yell, and charge at him. While she was attacking him, I heard the ship say, "5 minutes till self-destruction."
I went over to the hatch, trying to open it, I noticed that Jim was fiddling with the controls next to it. I was even moree startled about 4 minutes later, when the doors suddenly opened.
I glanced over at Jim, and realized that he must have done that.
"Hey Suzuka, Aisha! Come on!"
Suzuka was over here at once, but Aisha was still fighting Jay.
Than we all heard the ship say, "30 seconds till self-destruction."
"Aisha! Come on!" I yelled, noticing that Jim yelled something similar. Aisha ran over, and Jay followed, intent on destroying us all.
I ran up the ramp to the Outlaw Star, and Suzuka and Aisha came up as well,
"Hey, Where's Jim?" I asked, noticing that he hadn't come up the ramp.
I looked down the ramp, and saw Jim Struggling with Jay.
I ran down, kicked Jay, and pulled Jim to the ship, just as I heard the ship say, "15 seconds till self-destruction".
We were pulling our ship away, just as Jay's ship exploded, throwing debris everywhere.
Authors Notes: Well, I finally got the 6th chapter up. There will be more chapters, considering the fact that Lowe hasn't been seen yet since the 1rst chapter. Well, Please Review!