Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Just Three Dollars ❯ Ch 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey just a little something I thought would be cute. I hope this will make you go aww how cute. This is supposed to take place in book 8 so if you haven't read it there may be spoilers. You have been warned.


Just Three Dollars

By: Megalabisia


She knew she should just get over it but she couldn't let it go. `Why? Why would Toji do this to me? I love him so much. How could he do this? What happened?' Momo wept, as she lay curled up in a ball on her bed. She hadn't been to school in almost two weeks. It just hurt too much to see him or `her'.


`That Bitch… that Bitch… That unbelievable Bitch how could she? Why would he? She must be better than me if Toji, my Toji, chose her over me.' She continued to cry.


She momentarily stopped when she heard the neighbor's dog barking at something. With hope in her heart she got up and ran to see what it was. `Maybe it's Toji. He's come to tell me everything is alright and we can be together.' She secretly hoped.


And in front of her house she saw a very handsome man but not the blonde one she was hoping for. `It's only Kiley.' She sighed to herself.


With a look of disappointment she turned to go back inside. "Wait up Momo." He yelled. "You haven't been to school yet. You have to come back sooner or later, and I'd prefer sooner." He said with a friendly smile.


"Like I have told you every day go home and leave me alone." She said in an irritated tone.


"I'm not leaving without you today." He responded.


"What?" Momo looked surprised.


"You need to get out. Come with me. You'll have fun I promise." He said.


"I can't go out looking like this." She responded.


"Don't worry about it you look fine." He said grabbing her hand and dragging her along.


He gave her his coat and dragged her to a mall. "Hey lets go in there." He pointed at a dress shop.


"I don't know it's awfully expensive in there." Momo said.


"It doesn't cost anything to look." Kiley said winking.


With some reluctance Momo went in and proceeded to try on dress after dress until she came across a very hot little black number. Kiley hooted and hollered for her as he secretly went to pay for it.


"Come on lets go some where else." He said.


"Wait what about the dress?" She looked confused.


"I already took care of it." He smiled.


"What? But I can't let you…" She stated to say.


"I will have none of that today is my treat."


He managed to finally convince her or she just gave up protesting. They moved from store to store. Momo became Kiley's own beautiful living Barbie doll.


It cost a hell of a lot but if it was for his Momo Kiley didn't mind at all. He final got to see her laugh again and to him that was priceless. He complemented her again and again. She was starting to blush and laugh.


As they walked back to Momo's house they came across a little vendor's cart. He was selling cute little mood rings.


Momo stated to play with one. "How much are they?" She asked the man.


"Three dollars." The man said.


Momo tried one on. Kiley picked one out to. As she took it off her finger Kiley grabbed it and placed it on the counter. "I'll take these." He said.


"But I can get it." Momo protested.


Kiley only smiled at her. "Don't worry it's not a big deal." He said.


He handed the ring to Momo who placed it on her left pinky finger. Kiley placed it on his left ring finger.


They spoke very little the rest of the way home. Kiley said good-bye and told her he would see her in school tomorrow or at least he was hoping he would.


Momo went in the house to think about the day she had with Kiley. She had to admit she was happy with Kiley. He had this strange energy about him that made her feel alive and happy.


Again she heard the dog bark and as if a conditioned reflex she ran outside. As she was running she heard a soft clank.


Again she saw Kiley standing out there. "Do you want me to come by to get you tomorrow?" He asked.


Momo couldn't take it anymore. She started to cry. "He's never coming back is he?" She began to sob as Kiley wrapped his arms around her.


He held her close to him. "Don't worry I'll be right here for you." He soothed.


Momo started to calm down and suddenly realized "My ring. I lost my ring. It must have slipped off when I ran out here." She said now frantically trying to find it.


Kiley helped her search and after a few minutes he found it in front of her door. "Got it." He said as he held it up.


"Oh thank you." She said.


"It was nothing." He replied.


"No I mean thank you for everything. You've been so wonderful to me. I don't know what I would do without you." She said leaning against his chest.


He took her left hand in his and slid the ring onto her ring finger. "You see this Momo? This is a connection between us. Keep this as a reminder that I will always be here for you. I'll always believe you. And I'll always love you." He said kissing her forehead.


She wanted to cry but from joy now. She wanted to kiss him but decided that should wait for another day. She stroked his face "I love you to Kiley." She said. "I'll see you tomorrow bright and early." She turned and walked into the house.


Kiley looked confused and ecstatic all at the same time. He happily walked home.


Later Momo sat on her bed and looked at the things she had collected today. Even though everything was so much more extravagant and expensive this simple three-dollar ring was the kindest thing she had ever received from anyone. As she thought about Kiley he future looked brighter and her mood ring was dark blue.




The End… Unless you people need more.

Author notes: I know it didn't follow the book exactly I didn't want it to. I just thought it would be a cute little non R rated story for me to write. As always Read and review.