Pokemon Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Pokémon: Sora's Journey ❯ The Water Flowers of Cerulean City ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Epidsode 7: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City

Before we start with this, I will be making some changes to this one as well. For starters, instead of Team Rocket being the main villains in this one I have decided to have the Invincible Pokémon Brothers as the bad guys and they just attack Pokémon owned by other trainers out of random. Once again a cross with Pokémon Chronicles. Enjoy!

Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu had came down from Mount Moon, and after thwarting Team Rocket once again, Sora sets his sights on winning his second Gym battle.

"So what Pokémon type is gonna be used for this gym?" Sora asked.

"Well, Brock did say that the Gym leaders uses a different type. But, I heard this gym specializes in Water Types," Kairi explained.

"Guess it means Pikachu has the edge in this one!" Sora beamed.

"Pi Pikachu!" Pikachu said.

"Well Brock also said it wasn't that easy," Kairi reminded him. "So don't get overconfident."

"Right," Sora said as they continued towards their goal.

Sora and Kairi made it to the Pokémon Center in Cerulean City. Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu along with the other four Pokémon had their dinner after being treated by the local Nurse Joy (which happens to the Pewter City's second cousin twice removed). Sora wondered if all the Nurses were named Joy.

Later that night, a woman in her late twenties is walking a fox-like Pokémon with six tails (Vulpix). The Pokémon is tied with a harnest so that it wouldn't go running off. Unknown to her, a trio of young men dressed in Chinese-style clothes came out the shadows watching the woman and her Pokémon walk by. One was tall and lanky, one was fat, and the third was short.

"Hey look!" the tall one pointed.

"A lady walking her Vulpix," the fat one said.

"Let's have some fun, guys," the short one said. "Soon all of Cerulean City will know and fear the Invincible Pokémon Brothers!"

The very next morning, Sora woke up bright and early feeling like a good breakfast. He got up and noticed that the top bunk was empty.

"Kairi? Where could she be?" Sora asked himself. He woke up Pikachu, but carefully since he didn't want to get shocked. Sora stepped out of the room he and Kairi were sharing when he saw a bunch of Pokémon being brought in like crazy. The Pokémon Center was busy, busy, busy!"

Not only injured Pokémon and their owners, but the local police as well. Kairi was tending to an injured Mankey wearing pink ribbons, crying from her injuries and Kairi doing what she could to calm her down.

"Kairi," Sora called to her. Kairi turned to face him to have tears in her eyes.

"What happened?" Sora asked.

Kairi didn't answer, but the Mankey's owner, a man wearing an apron and hat indicating that he works at the local supermarket answered for her.

"Some delinquents sent their Pokémon to attack my Mankey!" The man said. "My Mankey didn't do anything to anybody! What kind of Pokémon trainer would just send their Pokémon to attack others for no reason?!"

Sora started to get angry at the very thought. It was bad enough that there people who would steal Pokémon out in the wild and from other trainers, but trainers who ordered their Pokémon to attack other Pokémon just for fun. Sora clinched his fist wanting to put them in their place.

"Now don't cry, Mankey," the marketer soothed. "I'm sure that the police will catch them!"

Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu were about to take their leave of the Pokémon Center when they spotted another familiar face. It was Officer Jenny.

"Officer Jenny?" Sora asked in surprise.

"Huh?" Officer Jenny turned to them.

"What are you doing here? You a got a transfer from Viridian City?" Sora asked the policewoman.

"Actually the Officer Jenny you're referring to happens to be my little sister," Officer Jenny explained. "If you know my little sister, then you must have some dealings with the police," she said looking at them suspiciously.

"Well actually, she helped out us get to the Pokémon Center in Viridian City," Sora said.

"It's true, officer," Kairi finally spoke. "It was because his Pikachu was hurt and she helped us get there."

"How do I know that you're not criminals?" She asked the both of them.

"Maybe my Pokédex will clear it up," Sora handed her the Pokédex.

Officer Jenny looked at the Pokédex nodding showing her his Pokémon license. The policewoman got wide eyed for a reason.

"Sora Ketchum?" Officer Jenny asked.

"Y-yes," Sora answered.

Officer Jenny looked over at Kairi with a smile.

"And I take that you're Kairi," Officer Jenny assumed.

"That's right," Kairi nodded.

"I apologize for being suspicious of you," Officer Jenny said. "It's just with what's going on it would seem everyone is a suspect."

"You mean the random attacks going around?" Sora asked her.

"That's right," Officer Jenny answered. "It's been going on for weeks now and we've haven't any luck getting lock on them."

"Who would do such a terrible thing?!" Kairi asked in disbelief.

"I'm not really sure, young lady," Officer Jenny answered. "Witnesses said there were three delinquents and they were wearing Chinses clothing and they have Fighting Types in their possession; a Hitmonlee, a Hitmonchan, and a Hitmontop. And the attacks only occur at night. We had advised the citizens to contact the police if they're seen. So I advise you do the same."

"Of course," Sora said. "Are we free to go?"

"Of course," Officer Jenny said. "You can go."

Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu took their leave of the Pokémon Center. They made their way into the local diner having a pancake breakfast. Kairi was still sad for the Pokémon brought in by their owners. She barley ate her pancakes. Sora was very quick to notice. And he knew very much what was bothering her.

"Kairi," Sora spoke up. Kairi didn't answer him. "You okay?" Kairi still didn't answer. Sora just looked at Pikachu wondering if he had any ideas.

"Pika," Pikachu said shaking his head.

"I didn't think you did," Sora said bluntly. Sora looked to Kairi still sad for the injured Pokémon. Sora took a pretty big sigh. "Hey Kairi," Sora spoke up. "I know you're thinking about the Pokémon from earlier. So am I." Kairi looked up to him. "Even if Pikachu, Butterfree, Beedrill, Zubat, and Pidgeotto were affected by this I'd feel the same way as the people there. But my Flying Types can whip those Fighting Types if they tried to do that. And Pikachu can do that too!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu beamed.

A smile finally came onto her face. Kairi wiped away those tears knowing that she can rely on Sora.

"You're right, Sora," Kairi said. "It's just, I'm sad for those poor Pokémon that I just wish I knew what could do to help them."

"I know," Sora said. "I do too. But you should eat up your pancakes before they get cold," Sora said. "Or I'd eat them myself."

Sora grabbed his fork and moved it towards Kairi's. She playfully smacks Sora's hand away from her pancakes.

"Eat your own!" Kairi told him.

Sora and Kairi started laughing. Sora had finally made her laugh today. Some of the patrons were looking at the two of them. They seem like such a happy couple. Among the patrons is a girl that seems to be the same as as Sora and Kairi with her orange hair tied in a ponytail on the side, wearing a yellow shirt that exposed her midriff, blue short jeans with red suspenders was about to leave when she spotted the trio on the table across from her. She walked up to them.

"Excuse me," the girl said grabbing the attention of Sora and Kairi. The two kids and Pikachu looked at the new girl when she spoke. "Does that Pikachu belong to either one of you?" the girl asked.

"He's mine actually," Sora answered her.

"Pikachu is so cute," the girl said. She said when she started to hold up the Pokémon to hug him Sora and Kairi was about to warn her when they saw Pikachu liked being cuddled by the girl. That made the two of them pretty jealous. She placed Pikachu back with Sora. "You did a good job of raising it," the girl said.

"Thanks," Sora said. "I guess?"

"But you should be be careful letting it wonder around because of.." she said.

"We already know about it," Sora said. "And I already know my Pikachu and my other Pokémon can beat those guys."

"Well, I don't doubt it," the girl said. "Especially how took such good care of it. Anyway, my name's Misty."

"I'm Sora," Sora introduced himself. "And this is Kairi."

"It's nice to meet you, Misty," Kairi said nicely.

"Same to you," Misty said. "So what brings you two here?"

"Sora's here to challenge the Gym Leader of the Cerulean Gym into a battle," Kairi answered.

Misty blinked twice at Kairi's answer.

"Is that so?" Misty asked.

"Yup," Sora said. "I just got a badge from the Pewter City Gym."

"But I was worried about you losing," Kairi said. "But you came through."

Sora smiled at that.

"Yeah!" Sora beamed.

"You shouldn't get ahead of yourself," Kairi reminded him. "Is that right, Misty?"

There was no answer. Sora, and Kairi, and Pikachu turned to see that Misty was longer present.

"That was weird," Sora said tilting his head.

"Pikachu," Pikachu agreed also tilting his head.

"I wonder where she went," Kairi asked.

"Better not dwell on it too much," Sora said. "We should finish up and head out to the gym."

"You're right," Kairi agreed as she nodded. "Just keep your own fork at your own plate."

Sora and Kairi laughed again as they resumed eating. As soon as they were done eating, they set off to the Cerulean City Gym for Sora to win his second badge.

Up ahead, the three young men from before were sitting in alley planning their next move.

"One wimp after another!" The short one kicked an empty can.

"Calm down, Kim," the tall one said.

"Kail is right," the fat one said. "We'll just have to head to the Pokémon Center and do something serious damage. It's full of weaklings."

"Not challenging enough, Kai," Kim said. "Also the cops are there. We need a real challenge! A challenge that is worthy of the Invincible Pokémon Brothers! A challenge that will grant us fame throughout the world! A challenge-"

"That's already coming this way," Kai cut Kim off. Kim went to Kai with Kail following. They spotted Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu across the street from them. They mostly looked at the Pikachu sitting on Sora's shoulder.

"A Pikachu," Kail said. "Along with those kids."

"Never seen those two before," Kai pointed out. "Where they come from?"

"Who cares? We're going to have some fun with this!" Kim said smiling evilly.

"Let's get 'em then," Kail said.

"Yeah!" Kai agreed.

"No," Kim said. Before the two could ask why not Kim answered, "Let's just follow them. And judging where those two are going, it'll leads us to even more fun."

Sora, Kairi, and made it to the Cerulean City Gym and they saw that it's a domed building with a yellow and pink striped roof and it has a sea-lion like Pokémon over the sign.

Once inside, they came to a pool to where there are a bunchbof people spectating a performance.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer started. "Please welcome the stars of our show: Cerulean City's own synchronizing swim team: The Lovely Sensational Sisters!" Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu looked up to the diving board to see three young women within their late teens to early twenties, one having long blonde hair wearing a red bathing suit, another with long indigo hair wearing a green bathing suit, and the third with shoulder-length dark pink hair wearing a yellow swimsuit. The crowd cheered for the three girls when they roared their names as they waved to the crowd.

"Daisy! Violet! Lily!" The three girls jumped off the diving board with elegant grace as soon as the music starts. The crowd just how graceful they had swam. Sora was just plain confused, he couldn't tell if it was a gym or not. Kairi just stared at them with awe with her eyes sparkling like the sea. As she watched the performance she could have sworn that they were real mermaids. Kairi never seen such grace and beauty in all her life. When the music ends the performers waved.

A few minutes later, Sora, Kairi and Pikachu walked around looking for any signs of the Gym Leader, but no such luck.

"I just can't quite put my finger on it," Sora said. "Shouldn't we have seen the Gym Leader by now?"

"Well the Gym Leader shouldn't be too far," Kairi said.

Sora got wide eyed when he saw that there's also an aquarium right in the gym as well.

"Is this a Pokémon Gym or an aquarium?!" Sora asked him disbelief.

"We could just take a break and take a look around for a bit," Kairi said. "Please?"

Sora turned to Kairi and he saw her make a face that said I want to some sightseeing. Sora just didn't have it in his heart to refuse. So he sighed.

"Okay you win," Sora said caving in.

"Yay," Kairi beamed doing a small clap.

Sora and Kairi looked around in the aquarium just amazed not just the Pokémon inside the water tanks, but at the other sealife that came with it.

Just outside, Kim, Kail, and Kai had followed their potential victims to the Pokémon Gym.

"So that's where the kids with the Pikachu went," Kai said.

"This has just gotten better," Kim said.

"We'll be the top dogs of Cerulean City!" Kail said.

"And soon. Top dogs of the world," Kim said.

"Invincible Pokémon Brothers! Attack!" they all shouted making their fighting poses. "HIYA!"

After four to five hours of exploring the aquarium, Sora, Kairi, and, Pikachu resumed with their search for the Gym Leader starting with the pool. By then, it was already empty.

"Well if we're gonna track down the Gym Leader, we might as well try the pool," Sora said.

"Pikachu," Pikachu said.

"It's a good as place as any to look," Kairi said.

They looked around and spotted the three girls from before. The girls were patting themselves on the back for the performance they had displayed. They spoke as they were teenage stereotypes.

"I guess we should ask them," Sora said.

"Yeah," Kairi said.

They walked up to the three girls talking among themselves and Sora spoke up.

"Excuse me ladies," Sora spoke up. The girls turns to them. "I was-"

"I'm sorry," the pink-haired girl said sarcastically, "if you want an interview, you have to like call our manager."

"It's not that," Sora said. "I just wanted-"

"We don't do autographs," the indigo-haired girl said. Kairi felt disappointed with that one.

"Don't want one!" Sora said shaking his head.

"Then what do want?" the blonde asked. "And make it good, we don't have all day."

"Well for starters," Sora began. "I was wondering if this is a Pokémon Gym."

"It sure is," the blonde replied.

"Well We're looking for the Gym Leader," Sora said.

"That's right," Kairi said.

"Pika," Pikachu nodded.

The three girls just looked at each other for a moment before the chuckled to themselves. The one with with the pink hair did her best to keep from from laughing while the one with the indigo hair shushed her. Sora and Kairi were about ask what was so funny when the blonde spoke.

"Well you're looking at them," the blonde said when she stopped chuckling. Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu all tilted their heads at what they were just told. "We're the Gym Leaders of the Cerulean Gym."

"You three are-" Sora started.

"-Gym Leaders?!" Kairi finished.

"That's right," the blonde nodded. "I'm Daisy."

"I'm Violet," the indigo-haired introduced herself.

"And I'm Lily," the pinkette finished.

Sora just got wide eyed at the fact these three synchronize swimmers were the Gym Leaders of the gym. Daisy, Violet, and Lily just chuckled at Sora's shocked expression.

"If you're the Gym Leaders here, then why all that swimming?" Kairi asked for him.

"It's like our hobby," Lily said. "We just love to perfrom."

"We pool our talents to make a big splash!" Violet added. The Sensational Sisters laughed at the pun. Sora snapped out of his shocked and laughed along with them.

Kairi just rolled her eyes while Pikachu just facepalmed. Sora stopped laughing and he points his finger to the Sensational Sisters.

"Well we came all this way so I want to say is I challenge you to a battle!" Sora announced.

The girls just looked at them and laughed nervously.

"Uh...no," Daisy said.

"No way," Lily said.

"Not," Violet finished.

"Why not?!" Sora exclaimed.

"We just don't feel like battling anymore," Daisy said.

"It's because we just gotten beaten by three kids from this nowhere place called Pallet Town," Violet said.

Sora groaned as he hung his head with an anime sweat drop running down is head.

"Why am I not surprised?" Sora sighed.

"It was just one loss after another! My eyes were totally rolling from all the defeats!" Violet said.

"So we had to rush our Pokémon to the Pokémon Center," Daisy added.

"And this is the only one left," Lily took out a Pokéball and lets out a white fish Pokémon with a horn and orange markings on its fins and dorsal fin. Sora pulled out his Pokédex and pointed it at the fish Pokémon.

Goldeen, the Goldfish Pokémon

Type: Water

Goldeen is a very beautiful Pokémon with fins that billow elegantly in water. However, don't let your guard down around this Pokémon—it could ram you powerfully with its horn.

"A Goldeen is all you have?" Sora asked putting his Pokédex away.

Goldeen is called back into its Pokéball.

"If it evolved into a Seaking, we could use it," Violet said. "But all the moves it knows is Peck, Tail Whip, and Water Sport."

"So we don't do battles anymore," Daisy said.

"And ever since that we stopped we gotten all the time to make ourselves more beautiful than ever!" Lily said.

"So I came all this way nothing?!" Sora groaned.

"I wouldn't say that because, I know what you want," Daisy said. "Seel!" Daisy called clapping her hand. A small white seal-like Pokémon with a small horn on its head. Seel jumped out of the water and stuck out its tongue with a badge that is made into a dew drop. Daisy took it and held it up. "The Cascade Badge. This is what you want? You can have it."

"Are you sure?" Sora asked."It dosen't feel right just taking it without a battle."

"Yeah," Kairi agreed. "What's the catch?"

"No catch. Just take it," Daisy said. "A badge is a badge."

Sora was skeptical for a moment. He felt like it was something that had to be earned and not handed to him. He earned his first badge because he battled for it. Sora just walked to Daisy when...

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A familiar female voice called out. They all turned to see Misty standing on the bleachers.

"MISTY?!" Sora and Kairi exclaimed.

"Cha!" Pikachu chirped.

Misty jumped off the bleachers and glared at her.

"I knew I couldn't trust you to be in charge!" Misty said angrily.

"Wait a minute!" Sora said confused. "What's going on here?!"

"Sorry for leaving high and dry like that, Sora," Misty apologized. "I was just training for our battle and it took longer than I planned."

"Don't tell me that you're..." Sora paused.

"That's right," Misty said. "I'm the Gym Leader of the Cerulean City Gym! And I'm the fourth Sensational Sister!"

"There are only THREE Sensational Sisters and one runt," Lily teased.

A vein bulged on her forehead at remark.

"You mean you're not the Gym Leaders at all?" Kairi asked them.

The Sensational Sisters blurted out laughing. Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu just looked at them wondering what was so funny.

"That's right we're not," Violet admitted.

"We were just having fun with you," Lily added.

"But the look on your face when we told you that we were was priceless!" Daisy said.

Sora puffed his cheeks feeling so stupid and embarrassed by how he and Kairi just walked into that one.

"I didn't think that it was funny," Sora pouted.

Kairi just facepalmed feeling so silly by their trick. They stopped laughing to catch their breath.

"Anyway sorry for tricking you like that," Daisy said. "Our sister Misty does the battling for us and she's been training to getting better."

"She just spends time battling with the challengers instead of trying to look beautiful like us," Lily said.

"But it totally dosen't matter beacuse we're more talented and beautiful than she is," Violet teased.

Misty growled at that and Kairi just frowned at how their would ruthlessly tease their little sister like that.

"There's more to it than trying to look pretty all the time!" Misty yelled. "The reason that I got to be Gym Leader is because you three aren't responsible enough for the job and that's why that mom gave the position to me!"

"Chill out, little sister," Daisy said. "What's the big deal if we just gave the kid a badge?"

"He has to earn that badge in a battle before he gets it," Misty said. "People are going to think we're a joke of a Gym if I don't take it seriously!"

Sora saw the determination in her eyes. He knew she was right. People would think it'll be an easy win if the Gym badges were just handed out like that. And Sora didn't want to contribute to wrecking the Gym's reputation.

"I'll battle you, Misty," Sora said. Misty and her sisters turned to him surprised. "You said it yourself, I have to earn it. And that's what I'm going to do!"

Kairi smiled as she agreed.

"Are you ready to rumba, Sora?" Misty asked.

"I am more than ready!" Sora said determined.

Unknown to the group, Kim, Kail and Kai were spying on them through the window. And they were grinning to what they had overheard.

"This kid just wants to earn a badge?" Kail laughed.

"Let's rush them now!" Kai said.

"Not yet," Kim said. "We strike after the battle!"

"Right!" Kail and Kai agreed.

The battle between Sora and Misty was underway. Kairi sat in the bleachers along with Violet, Lily, and Seel while Daisy acted as the referee for the battle.

"Alright!" Daisy started. "The battle for the Cascade Badge is about to begin! Sora of the Town of Pallet has challenged Misty the Cerulean City Gym Leader to a battle. Both trainers will be using three Pokémon each! But only the challenger will be allowed to make substitutions! The battle is over if all three of either Pokémon are unable to battle! Choose your Pokémon and start battling!"

"Okay Pikachu! Are you ready?" Sora asked Pikachu. Pikachu just shook his head.

"Pikachu," said sadly.

"Why not?" Sora asked.

"Chu, Chu," Pikachu answered.

"You don't want to battle her because she's your friend?" Sora asked.

"Pikachu," Pikachu answered.

"Well I won't force you if you don't want to," Sora said patting Pikachu's head.

"Pikachu!" Misty called. "You're a Pika Pal!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu suddenly perked up.

"Thanks for the moral support, Pikachu," Sora said under his breath.

"Do you think Misty can win this?" Lily asked.

"As if," Violet scoffed. "She already lost to three trainers, so this kid is totally gonna mop the floor with her."

"You really don't believe she can win?" Kairi asked them.

"Nope," they both said.

Kairi just sighed at that. Kairi couldn't believe they don't have faith in their sister. Kairi was glad that was only child if she wouldn't want siblings like them.

"Misty calls: Goldeen!" Misty threw her Pokéball and lets out her Goldeen!"

"Zubat! Let's go!" Sora said throwing the Pokéball letting Zubat enter battle.

"Goldeen! Horn Attack!" Misty ordered. Goldeen charged at the bat Pokémon with such speed. Goldeen jumped out of the water ready to make a hit.

"Zubat! Wing Attack!" Sora ordered. Zubat rushed at the fish Pokémon with his wings glowing. Goldeen's Horn Attack did hit as well as Wing Attack. "Use Air Cutter!" Zubat fired the Air Cutter flapping his wings.

"Goldeen! Dive in the water to dodge it!" Misty called. Goldeen dove into the water and narrowly avoided the bladed air. "Now use Waterfall! l" The water starts charging at Zubat with such speed hitting the bat Pokémon Zubat starts falling but rgains balance before he falls in the pool. That was a close one for Zubat as Sora sighed. "Move in for Horn Attack!" Misty ordered. Goldeen charged at Zubat with the same speed. The attack hit made its mark.

"Use Bite!" Sora called. Zubat bit Goldeen carrying the fish in the air and threw it. "Now use Supersonic!" Zubat fired Supersonic right at Goldeen. The sound waves makes its way towards Goldeen.

"Waterfall!" Misty called. Goldeen charged at Zubat and cancelling out the attack. Zubat barley dodged as the attack hits Zubat on the side by a bit.

Kairi, Violet and Lily watched with so much anticipation.

"Come on, Zubat!" Kairi cheered. "You can do it!"

"Looks like Misty just got lucky," Lily said.

"Totally," Violet added. She turned to Kairi. "So is he your boyfriend or something?"

Kairi blushed at that question and shook her head repeatedly.

"No-no-no!" Kairi said frantically. "He's just my friend! I mean he is a boy and my friend, but not my boyfriend!"

Violet and Lily just grinned as they whispered to each other. They clearly saw her face all red.

"What do you think, Lily?" Violet asked her sister.

"He's totally her boyfriend," Lily smirked. "I could tell just how she's rooting for him."

"But you gotta admit that he's pretty cute for a kid," Violet said.

"Would you date him if he was old enough?" Lily asked playfully.

"Definitely," Violet said. "You?"

"Oh yeah," Lily admitted.

They both chuckled.

Kairi's cheeks puffed in jealousy as she just heard them what they were whispering about. Violet and Lily knew that she was getting jealous.

"Goldeen! Use Water Pulse!" Misty ordered as Goldeen forms a water ball and sends it to Zubat. The attack came too fast as Zubat is struck by the move. Zubat starts flying in circles.

"Oh no!" Sora yelped. "Zubat's confused! Try to shake it off!"

Zubat kept flying around trying to regain his senses. Misty smirked as she saw the chance to wrap this round up.

"Okay Goldeen! Charge at Zubat with one more Horn Attack!" Goldeen obeyed its trainer by charging through the water. Zubat flew and flew until Zubat regained his senses.

"Now dive in for Wing Attack! Make it a good one!" Sora called out. Zubat charged at Goldeen again. Zubat took the hit from Goldeen and Goldeen from Zubat. Zubat fell right at Sora's feet while Goldeen made a splash. Goldeen floated up with eyes all swirled.

"Zubat and Goldeen are unable to battle! This round is a draw!" Daisy called.

"You did great Zubat," Sora said pulling out his Pokéball. "You should rest up." Zubat returns into the Pokéball.

"Goldeen return!" Misty said calling Goldeen back. "You fought hard and I'm proud of you. You did great Sora!"

"You too Misty!" Sora called back.

"Now it's gonna get serious!" Misty said pulling out another Pokéball. "Misty calls: Staryu!"

Misty threw the Pokéball and it lets out an orange Pokémon that is shaped like a star with a red jewel in the center. Sora pulled out his Pokédex and analyzed it.

Staryu, the Star Shape Pokémon

Type: Water

Staryu apparently communicates with the stars in the night sky by flashing the red core at the center of its body. If parts of its body are torn, this Pokémon simply regenerates the missing pieces and limbs.

"That's a cool Pokémon, Misty!" Sora complemented.

"Thanks Sora," Misty said.

Kairi's cheeks puffed up again at how he complimented Misty's Pokémon. Sora drew out another Pokéball and threw it.

"Butterfree! Go!" Sora called as the Pokéball lets out Butterfree.

"Ree!" Butterfree chirped.

"Okay Butterfree!" Sora called out. "Start up with Tackle!"

Butterfree obeyed his trainer by charging into his opponent. Butterfree hits Staryu with one Tackle after another.

"Staryu! Rapid Spin!" Staryu spins at rapid speed and charges at the butterfly Pokémon.

"Dodge that!" Sora called Butterfree. Butterfree floats into the air. "Now use Psybeam!"

Butterfree hits Staryu with Psybeam hitting Staryu right in the core. Staryu is sent flying back.

"Use Water Gun!" Misty ordered.

Staryu gets back up and fires Water Gun hitting Butterfree in the process. Staryu fires Water Gun at Butterfree, but Butterfree dodges the attack, but gets hit from time to time.

"Butterfree! Blow it away with Gust!" Butterfree obliges by flapping his wings fast creating a strong wind.

"Jump in the water!" Misty ordered. Staryu obeys by diving in by the side. "Now use Rapid Spin!" Staryu spins its body again and hits Buterfree repeatedly.

Kairi just watched as she knew Staryu had Butterfree on the ropes. Butterfree would definitely have the upper hand if he knew Grass Type attacks.

"Now finish it off with Swift!" Staryu fired a barrage of stars. Butterfree tries to get away but ot was no use, because the stars hits Butterfree and knocks him out.

Daisy announced, "Butterfree is unable to battle! Staryu wins!"

Sora drew Butterfree back into the Pokéball.

"You should rest up Butterfree. You've earned yourself a good rest," Sora said through the Pokéball. Sora took a look at Staryu and noticed how tired it just got. Sora started to smirk as he knew which one of his Pokémon would be fast enough. He pulled out another Pokéball and threw it. "Pidgeotto! Go!" The Pokéball lets out Pidgeotto.

"Staryu! Use Water Gun!" Misty ordered. Staryu fired the Water Gun at Pidgeotto, but Staryu got a bit sluggish from the battle with Butterfree.

"Pidgeotto dodge and use Quick Attack!" Pidgeotto obeyed and moved with speed. Staryu tried to avoid the attack, but the attack came too fast and Staryu got hit. Staryu falls into the water and Stayu's core starts glowing.

"Staryu is unable to battle!" Daisy announced. "Pidgeotto wins!"

"Way to go Sora!" Kairi cheered. "Just one more to go!"

Sora looked at her and gave a thumbs up.

"Staryu return!" Misty said calling back Staryu. "You battled well. You deserve a good long rest." Misty took out one more Pokéball and threw it. "Misty calls: Starmie!"

The Pokéball lets out a Pokémon that was similar to Staryu, but a bit larger and the core was more of a gem. Also it was purple and has what looks like another star on its back. Sora took out his Pokédex and pointed at the new Pokémon.

Starmie, the Mysterious Pokémon

The evolved form of Staryu

Type: Water/Psychic

Starmie's center section—the core—glows brightly in seven colors. Because of its luminous nature, this Pokémon has been given the nickname "the gem of the sea."

"So Staryu's evolved form," Sora thought to himself. "That means Starmie is stronger than Staryu. I know that it won't be easy, but I have got to pull through. I have to."

Kairi was definitely worried. The last time she felt like this was when Sora battled against Brock's Onix. Starmie looks like it has more experience than Pidgeotto does. She had to have faith in Sora, no matter strong the Pokémon was.

"I know you can beat it," Kairi said.

Violet and Lily just grinned as they looked her smiling face.

"Alright Starmie! Bubble Beam!" Misty oredered. Bubbles are fired at the bird Pokémon.

"Pidgeotto! Dodge it!" Sora called. Pidgeotto flies into the air avoiding the attack. "Now use Gust!" Pidgeotto flaps his wings at a rapid pace blowing the Bubble Beam away. The Bubble Beam blows back to its owner as the attack hits Starmie hard.

"Starmie!" Misty called to it. "Shake it off. Use Psychic!" Starmie's core starts glowing as Starmie manipulates the water and sends it towards Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto tries to dodge, but the attack came too fast as Pidgeotto is hit. "Now use Swift!" Starmie shoots out stars as well and they hit Pidgeotto hard.

"Pidgeotto!" Sora cried out. "Pidgeotto took a pretty bad hit! I need to rethink by strategy! But how am I gonna-" Sora stopped when he remembered how Misty's Staryu hit Butterfree with Swift. And that gave him an idea.

"Starmie! Use Bubble Beam!" Starmie obeyed firing Bubble Beam at the bird Pokémon.

"Pidgeotto dodge and use Steel Wing!" Pidgeotto dodged the move and charged right into the star like Pokémon. That wasn't very effective. Violet and Lily wondered what he was up to, not even Kairi knew what was up.

"What is he waiting for?" Kairi thought.

"Use Rapid Spin!" Starmie span its body at Pidgeotto, only for Pidgeotto to block the move with his wing. Starmie bounced right back with another Rapid Spin. "Now use Swift!" And that was what Sora was waiting for. Starmie fired the seeking stars at Pidgeotto. Sora just grinned when he just got what he was waiting for.

"Pidgeotto! Fly around the Gym! Make the stars chase you!" Pidgeotto obeyed by flapping his wings as fast he can go. The stars followed the bird all over the place.

"What is he trying to do?" Misty thought. "You can't outrun Swift! It cannot be done!"

Pidgeotto flew around and around but the stars were gaining fast, but when got to Starmie's position, Misty gasped as she knew what could happen. Then Pidgeotto moved out of the way before the attack could make contact. Starmie took the hit instead.

"Starmie!" Misty cried out. Starmie was still standing, but suffered some serious blows.

Kairi started to cheer some more that Sora and Pidgeotto managed to make a comeback, bigtime! Even Misty's sisters were surprised by that.

"Way to go Pidgeotto!" Sora called. "Now wrap it up with Quick Attack!" Pidgeotto flew as fast as he could fly. Then speed started to build up, this was the first time that Pidgeotto had flown that fast. Starmie tried to move out of the way, but it was too injured from the Swift backfire. With one final hit, Starmie was sent flying right towards the wall. Starmie's core started blinking the same way as Staryu's did. Starmie tried to get back up, but it too weak to do so. Starmie was beaten.

"Starmie is unable to battle! Pidgeotto wins!" Daisy announced. "The winner of this match is Sora of Pallet!"

"Yes!" Sora cheered. "I won!"

"Pika, Pika, Pikachu!" Pikachu shouted.

"He won!" Kairi cheered.

"He won?!" Violet and Lily gasped.

Kim, Kail, and Kai watched the battle with interest. Even they were surprised by this.

"That kid is better than I thought," Kim said. "Let's show the winner a good time, boys!" Kim took out a Pokéball.

"Yeah!" Kail and Kai agreed also taking out their Pokéballs.

Sora and Misty stood by pool and shook hands.

"That was a good battle," Sora said.

"It sure was," Misty said. "I've gotta admit that the way your Pidgeotto lead my Starmie's Swift against it wasn't something I'd expect. That took me completely by surprise."

"Thanks," Sora said. "And I gotta say, it takes a good trainer to raise good Pokémon."

"That's true," Misty said. Daisy walked over to Misty and handed her the Cascade to Misty for her to give to Sora. "So I will grant you this Cascade Badge as proof of your victory at the Cerulean City Gym. Congratulations."

"Thanks Misty," Sora said as he took the badge.

Kairi was happy for Sora for winning his second badge. Before she could congratulate him she spotted a bipedal Pokémon that looks like a boxer was making its way towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" Kairi shouted. "Look out!"

Pikachu turned to look and saw the Pokémon charge with its boxing glove. But Pikachu dodged before the punch could hit. Another Pokémon with what looks like springs on its legs jumped out of nowhere and tried to kick Pikachu. Pikachu moved out of the way. Then something spinning fast. The spinning object appears to be another Pokémon that was standing upside down. It was brown and it had blue body with a triangular pattern on its chest.

"A Hitmonchan, a Hitmonlee, and a Hitmontop," Misty recognized.

"Where did they come from?!" Sora asked.

"They came from us!" A male voice called out.

Kim, Kail, and Kai jumped into the scene doing their kungfu style poses.

"Who are you?" Sora asked getting angry. "And why are you attacking my Pikachu?!"

"We're the Invincible Pokémon Brothers!" They all said at once.

"I am Pokémon Brother, Kim!"

I am Pokémon Brother, Kail!

And I am Pokémon Brother, Kai!"

"We make ourselves known! We will pick a fight with anyone and everyone! So you should fear us!" They all said at once.

"You're the ones that are attacking innocent Pokémon, aren't you?!" Kairi snarled at the newcomers.

"So what if we are?!" Kim asked arrogantly.

"I must say the way you use your Pokémon to attack others out of random is unforgivable!" Kairi said almost yelling.

"Well cry us a river!" Kim shot back. "We do whatever we want! And that's the message that we're gonna send. And that goes to that kid and his little Pikachu, too!"

That got Sora even angrier. He didn't like how they had just openly admitted they would go around and terrorize someone's Pokémon and get away with it. Sora just stared at the three trainers with his eyes burning. Sora clutched his hand into a fist having enough of this.

"So you're just a trio of bullies," Sora said in an angry tone. They turned to look at him. Kairi, Misty and her sisters looked at Sora just his anger was raising up. Kairi had never seen Sora this angry. It scared her greatly because she was used to seeing him so cheerful. "You just go around beating up others just the bullies that you are. That makes you three cowards in my book!"

Kim, Kail, and Kai got offended by that remark.

"What did you call us?!" Kim asked getting angry.

"Cowards!" Sora simply answered.

"You little worm!" Kai snarled.

"Nobody calls the Invincible Pokémon Brothers cowards and gets away with it!" Kim shoured. "Nobody! Hitmonchan! Mega Punch!"

"Hitmonlee! Mega Kick!" Kail ordered.

"Hitmontop! Triple Kick!" Kai shouted.

The three Fighting Types charged at Pikachu with their attacks.

"Pikachu! Dodge!" Sora commanded. Pikachu obeyed as Pikachu moved just before the attacks could hit their mark. "Iron Tail!" Pikachu swung Iron Tail with so much strength hitting the three Pokémon sending them flying into the swimming pool. "Now use Thunderbolt!"

"PIKACHU!" Pikachu's Electric attack shocked the "Invincible" Pokémon Brothers and their Pokémon making them scream in pain. They flew out of the pool and right into the bleachers all dazed from the eclectic charge.

It didn't take long before the Cerulean City police came and arrested the three brothers for their crime. Officer Jenny was reading them their rights.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say CAN and WILL be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, an attorney will be appointed to you. You understand these rights as I read them to you," Officer Jenny told them.

"I guess we owe you one," Daisy said.

"Totally," Lily agreed.

"Not only you won your badge, but you saved the city's Pokémon from future attacks," Violet said.

"It was no big deal," Sora said as he put his hands behind his head.

"We're just glad we could help," Kairi said.

"Pikachu," Pikachu said.

"And I'm glad that you're okay, buddy," Sora said.

"Well if you're going to win your third badge, you should head to Vermillion City," Misty said. "And while you're down there you should check out the port there. It's very beautiful."

"Sure thing," Kairi nodded.

"We should be going," Sora said.

"Take care!" Sora and Kairi said as they took their leave. They waved goodbye to Misty and her sisters.

Misty watched as Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu leave.

"There's no shame in losing to you Sora," Misty said in her thoughts. "You're a really good trainer. You have a heart that is as big as the ocean. I'm sure that's what Kairi loves about you. I know you and she would make a good couple."

Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu made a quick stop at the Pokémon Center to heal up Butterfree, Zubat, and Pidgeotto before they set off. Sora had five Pokémon on his team, so he decided to send at least one or two of them to Professor Oak if he wanted to catch more.

Sora saw the teleporter next to a phone, so he decided to give the professor a ring.

"Aw Sora," the professor greeted. "It's been a while since Viridian City. How are things with you and your Pikachu?"

"Just great, professor," Sora replied. "In fact I won two badges on my journey."

"How wonderful!" Professor Oak smiled. "You're already on the right track! And how are things between you and Kairi?"

Sora blushed.

"She's been good," Sora said. Sora had to change the subject fast. "But the reason I'm calling is I have five Pokémon, so I thought that I send you two of them.

"Is that so?" Professor Oak asked. Sora nodded to confirm it. "Well I'll be happy to hold on to them for you. But remember, if you need them again, just be sure to give me a ring."

"Sure thing," Sora said as he placed Beedrill's Pokémon on the transporter first. The Pokéball disappeared in a flash. Then a flash came into Professor Oak's lab.

"I have just recieved your Beedrill," Professor Oak said. "But which of your other Pokémon are you sending me?"

"That would be my Zubat," Sora answered. He placed Zubat's Pokéball on the transporter. The Pokéball disappeared in a flash. A flash came to the professor's lab again.

"Your Zubat made it with no problem," Professor Oak let out Zubat and Beedrill. They look onto the screen.

"Thanks for taking care of them for me," Sora said smiling.

"Of course, my boy," the professor said. "Be sure to catch more Pokémon on journey."

"I'll do my best," Sora said. He looked at Beedrill and Zubat as he smiled. "Just make sure you two do whatever the professor says, okay?"

Zubat and Beedrill nodded.

"Be sure to keep in touch," the professor said. "And do your best to treat Kairi right," Professor Oak laughed. Sora blushed again as he and the Professor hung up.

Sora went right to bed. When he entered the room he and Kairi were staying in, he saw Kairi asleep on the top bunk. She slept so soundly, she looked beautiful to him. He had a powerful urge to kiss her on the lips; just like in Sleeping Beauty" but he decided against it and dug into the covers of the bottom bunk. Pikachu was sound asleep. Sora slowly closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

Beedrill and Zubat are transferred to Professor Oak. I did it so that Sora could have room for Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. But with Sora's success in the battle with Misty concluded, only six more gym badges remain. Until next time.