Pokemon Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Pokémon: Sora's Journey ❯ Primeape Goes Bananas ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Episode 16: Primeape Goes Bananas

Before this chapter starts, I want to tell you from a review that I recieved that Sora will have a Ghost Type Pokémon on his team, but that's going to be when he heads off to Saffron City when he faces Sabrina. Now let's get this over with.

Over at Professor Oak's lab, Butterfree along with Zubat and Beedrill were breezing through the air. Vulpix was taking a small nap and while Psyduck is holding his head as he had a headache. Krabby spent his time with Professor Oak serving him some tea while he wrote poetry. But at the same time, he had a bit of a hard time getting a handle on Rockruff. As soon as Rockruff arrived, the little puppy Pokémon was just plain rambunctious, but the Professor was pretty impressed by how Sora just happen to come across a Rockruff since they're pretty rare outside of the Alolan Islands.

He had to admit, it has been a while since he heard from Sora since he asked to retrieve his Sandshrew.

In Viridian City, Kairi's grandma is sitting in her chair reading the latest letter she received from her granddaughter. She was amazed on how Sora had gotten better since then. Like on how Sora caught some Pokémon along the way and won his third gym badge. And in her latest letter describes the Alolan nine.

"I'm glad that you're doing well, Kairi," Kairi's grandmother said in her thoughts. "And I'm happy that you made some more friends along the way."

Over to Sora, Kairi, and the Alolan nine, the group were enjoying a hearty lunch. Sora was amazed on the differences on the Alolan forms of some of the Pokémon he had seen before. He was amazed on how different Sandshrew is since he looked more like an igloo with claws and a tail, and how it can't roll into a ball because of it's appearance; and how its types are Ice and Steel. And hhow Raichu is when he saw that it can float in the air like a surfboard. And how Rattata and Raticate appear and the it being Normal and Dark. Sora was even surprised that Lillie has a Vulpix of her own, but it's an Ice Type. She even nicknamed her Vulpix "Snowy." And of course, Kairi saw cute Snowy is and gushed over her. Over the course of the journey, Lana demonstrated her fishing skills to the group and caught herself a Goldeen, it was a bit like Misty's but it was a little bigger, and it had a smaller horn since it's a female.

Mallow even caught herself a Bellsprout when it attempted to take some of the food she and Kairi had planned for lunch. Kairi was making some riceballs along with the sandwiches.

The group were enjoying themselves as they ate. Kairi was always happy to see her friends enjoy the meal she had prepared, especially Sora. But then.

The group turns when they rustling in the bushes.

"What was that?" Sora asked.

"Pika?" Pikachu added.

The group got their answer when a Mankey came out of the bushes.

"A Mankey," Lillie recognized.

"Aren't they usually angry?" Lana asked.

"Only if you do anything to infuriate it," Lillie said.

Mankey hoped over to Kairi. Mankey hops and up and down. Kairi looks at the riceballs sitting on her lap and put two and two together.

"Are you hungry?" Kairi asked the pig monkey Pokémon. Mankey nodded as she held it out for it. "It's okay. You can have one if you want."

Mankey sniffed the riceball and took it from her hand. Mankey hopped about through the group, jumping on Kiawe's Marowak. The Marowak became angred by that.

Marowak grabbed his bone and prepared to attack the newcomer. Mankey hopped on the top of a nearby boulder and happily ate the riceball.

"Well Mankey likes what you make, too," Sora said. "And I know I'm not one to talk."

"Just as long as Mankey is calm, we should be alright," Kairi noted.

"Marowak! Don't!" Kiawe called grabbing the groups attention. Marowak threw his bone at the Mankey whom threw the riceball at the bone. The bone went through the riceball; Makey jumps off the boulder before it hits. Mankey became angered as it leered at Marowak. Marowak stared back.

Marowak charged at Mankey holding the bone with both hands prepared to strike at Mankey. But Mankey jumps out the way before Marowak assaulted it. Marowak accidentally rams into Sora as the chain of his necklace became undone and the necklace itself goes flying. Mankey looked at the necklace with interest, Mankey's eyes sparkled as it picked up the necklace.

"Ow," Sora groaned. "That really hurt." Sora regained his balance, but just in time for him to witness Mankey holding his necklace. "My necklace!" Sora realized as he placed his hand over where it used to be. "Give that back!" Sora demanded. Mankey shook its head refusing to comply. "I said give that back!" Sora tried to grab the necklace only for Mankey to pummel him. Mankey jumped up into a nearby tree and swung his rear at the spikey-headed boy.

"Sora!" Kairi called as she ran to him.

"Is he okay?" Illima asked.

"Well he's not dead," Hapu joked.

"This isn't funny," Kairi scolded.

Sora got up and sat up.

"That Mankey took my necklace!" Sora exclaimed. Sora ran up to the tree trying to climb up. "Give me back my necklace, you little thief!"

The Alolan nine just looked at him, and wondered why he's making such a big deal over a necklace.

"Sora just let that Mankey have it!" Kiawe said. "It's just a necklace."

"It's not to me!" Sora shot back.

"And I thought girls went crazy over jewelry," Sophocles joked. All the girls glared at him. "I'm going to shut up now."

"What's the big deal, anyway?" Hapu asked. "What is so important about a piece of jewelry?"

"That piece of jewelry was handed to him from Sora's father," Kairi answered.

"Sora's father?" the Alolan nine asked at once.

"That's right," Kairi nodded. "Sora told me he's actually descended from a long line of knights in the old days. The necklace was worn by all the boys in the family, so they were viewed as knights in the eyes of the people. The necklace is a family heirloom. He had it for as long as he can remember."

"That's pretty amazing," Mallow said.

"So Sora has a knight's blood flowing in his veins," Lillie said in a whisper. She looked over to Kairi and remembered the tale of how those two met. She smiled as she instantly thought of Kairi as a damsel in distress. "So romantic!" Lillie said in her thoughts.

Sora managed to get to the top, only for Mankey to jump off by bouncing off his head. Mankey hops next to Kairi and nuzzles her hand affectionately.

"It looks like that Mankey likes you, Kairi," Acerola said.

Kairi looked at Mankey continuing to nuzzle her. Mankey then jumped into Kairi's arms, clinging to her.

"It likes you a lot," Sophocles laughed.

The rest joined in the laughter. Sora managed to climb back down and march over to Mankey.

"Give me back my necklace!" Sora demanded. Mankey jumped out and pummeled him again.

Watching in the distance, Team Rocket had spotted the group.

"There they are!" Jessie proclaimed. "And they're distracted."

"And this will be golden opportunity for us to capture Pikachu!" James added.

"Granted that we actually do it," Meowth said.

After a few seconds later, Team Rocket approached the group.

"Hello there," Jessie greeted sinisterly.

"Team Rocket!" Kairi exclaimed.

"What you doing here?!" Kiawe snarled.

"Aren't you glad to see us?" Meowth asked.

"NO!" Kairi and the Alolan nine said at once. Just then Mankey goes over to Team Rocket curious at the newcomers. They all had annoyed looks on their faces.

"What's the deal with this one?" Jessie asked.

"Buzz off, fur ball!" James said before he kicked it.

Kairi and the Alolan nine gasped when James did that. Lillie knew too well Mankey are easily angered. But she was too afraid to find out how angry Mankey will get.

"You shouldn't have done that," Lillie said.

"We just want to borrow Pikachu," Jessie said. "Permanently."

"Hand over Pikachu or else!" James demanded.

"Make us," Kiawe said.

"Marowak," Marowak said getting his bone ready.

"I'm having my own problems right now, so why don't you guys make like a Beedrill and buzz off?" Sora stated.

"We're not buzzing anywhere until we get Pikachu," Jessie said.

"Well if you want to want Mankey to deal with, then be my guest," Sora said.

"Mankey?" Jessie asked. "What Mankey?"

"You don't think it's that thing I kicked out of the way?" James asked nervously.

They all turned and saw Mankey glaring at Team Rocket. Mankey then started to glow as it started to evolve.

"Uh oh," Sora said.

Once Mankey was done evolving, it has its own appearance as a Mankey, but it has messy white fur that covers its round body which also has arms and legs that are brown in colour. Around its wrists and ankles there are metal shackles. It also has some sort of stress mark on the left of its forehead.

"Crap!" Team Rocket gasped. "It evolved!"

"No you dumbasses done it!" Sora exclaimed. "It's a Primeape now!" Sora took out his Pokédex to identify Primeape.

Primeape, the Pig Monkey Pokémon

The evolved form of Mankey

Type: Fighting

Primeape are known for their intensely bad temper. When Primeape becomes furious, its blood circulation is boosted. In turn, its muscles are made even stronger. However, it also becomes much less intelligent at the same time.

"Start saying your prayers because you're about to get it," Sora gulped.

"This thing?" Jessie sneered. "Please!" Jessie threw her Pokéball. "Ekans! Go!"

"Go Koffing!" James called throwing his Pokéball as well.

The Pokéballs opens to let out Ekans and Koffing as they charge into battle. Pikachu positioned himself for a battle when Primeape came up behind Jessie and smacked her in the back. Jessie is sent flying through Ekans and Koffing. Jessie goes face first into the same boulder that Mankey had previously ate lunch upon.

"How dare you do this to my beautiful and sexy face you furry sack of shit!" Jessie roared. "Ekans! Koffing! Forget about Pikachu! Get that Primeape!"

Ekans and Koffing did exactly that going after Primeape.

"Aren't we here to capture Pikachu?" Meowth reminded them.

"Team Rocket puts beauty before duty!" James stated grabbing Meowth and joins Jessie, Ekans, and Koffing in the brawl with Primeape.

Kairi grabs Sora by the hand as she drags as she, Pikachu, and the Alolan nine starts running. Sora saw the necklace on the ground.

"Wait! My Necklace!" Sora called out.

"Pika!" Pikachu said as he stopped in his tracks. Pikachu runs up to the necklace about to grab it when Primeape noticed and jumped in front of Pikachu. "Pikachu!"

"Don't look at Primeape in the eyes!" Lillie warned Pikachu.

"Chu," Pikachu did his best not to look at Primeape in the eyes and focus on Sora's necklace, but his efforts were in vain as Pikachu got an accidental glimpse of the primate Pokémon's eyes. Pikachu backed away slowly. Primeape picked up the necklace once again and marveled at the shiny object.

"What's Pikachu's doing?" Mallow asked.

"Now he's scared," Lana said.

"What was that all about not looking Primeape in the eyes?" Sora asked Lillie.

"Well I heard if you look at a Primeape in the eyes, it'll chase after you for the rest of your life," Lillie explained. Sora stared wide-eyed at the blonde feeling scared now. "But don't worry, just as long as we don't do anything to further anger it, we'll be alright."

Sora, Kairi, and the Alolan nine nodded as they agreed as they slowly backed away not wanting to infuriate Primeape further. But Marowak just charged at Primeape once again.

"Marowak! Come back here!" Kiawe called to Marowak. Too late, Marowak's bone formed a shadow aura and smacked Primeape in the face.

"Oh great!" Sophocles said. "Now it's even madder!"

Primeape comes charging at the group as ththey all knew that they were in trouble. They ran pass Team Rocket as they got right up.

"It looks..." Jessie started.

"...like Team Rocket's..." James added.

"...blasting off!" Meowth finished.

Over in a nearby canyon.

Team Rocket dashed off as they took a shortcut around the group to catch them off all ran as fast as their feet could carry them, but Kairi tripped to the ground. Primeape eventually caught up to them. Kairi was caught off guard as Primeape just ran pass her.

"Primeape isn't interested in me?" Kairi tilted her head. She got up and dusted herself off and ran after the group.

Back with Sora, Pikachu, and the Alolan nine, Primeape is still in hot pursuit as Sora got an idea.

"We have got to split up!" Sora said. "Maybe we can lose it that way!"

"Good idea!" Illima said.

"Right!" Hapu agreed. Mina nodded. Illima, Lana, Mallow, Acerola, Lillie, Mina, and Hapu went one way as Sora, Pikachu, Sophocles, Kiawe, and Marowak went the other way. Primeape still chases after the three boys.

"Primeape isn't easy to lose," Lana said.

"Well let's just hope they don't look at it in the eyes," Acerola said.

Kairi managed to catch uo with the rest and stopped to catch her breath.

"I finally caught up," Kairi panted. "Where are Sora and the other two?"

"They went that way," Mina pointed in the direction they went.

"We should get to them before they get hurt," Kairi said.

"Agreed," Mallow said. They all followed the trail. Over to Team Rocket, they begin digging another pitfall for the group to fall right in.

"They should be passing through here at any second," Jessie said. She was right because the three boys and their Pokémon came running in as they fell right in the hole.

Primeape stopped chasing them as it looked in the hole. Koffing set off a Smog attack feeling the pressure from the group. They all started coughing as they couldn't breath. The smog cleared up as they started to breath again.

"What the hell is a hole doing here?" Kiawe coughed.

"Koffing you imbecile!" Jessie yelled.

They all looked at Team Rocket as they were just shocked to see them.

"Not you again!" Sora exclaimed.

"Don't you ever give up?" Sophocles asked.

"Hey Pikachu! How about a ride on my head?" Jessie asked.

"No way!" Sora snapped at her.

"Marowak! Shadow Bone!" Kiawe ordered. Marowak's bone emitted a shadowy aura once again and swung the bone at Team Rocket and their Pokémon with one mighty swing.


Primeape jumps down in the hole, while Sora climbs back out. Primeape jumps out in front of him. Glaring right at him. Sora knew for sure Primeape wasn't going to stop and keep causing trouble for the group. So there was only one option. Sora stood up out of the hole just in time for Kairi and the rest to show up.

"No more running," Sora said. He took out a Pokéball and pointed it to Primeape. "The only way to stop you is to catch you!"

"Catch Primeape?!" Lillie gasped.

"Primeape is too dangerous to be caught," Kairi said. "You'll only get hurt."

"Primeape is never going to stop," Sora said. "It's just going to keep causing trouble for us if we don't put a stop to it now! So a Pokémon Master would never turn away from a Pokémon."

"He's not serious is he?" Mallow asked.

"I think he is," Kairi said. "And he's right. Primeape will just keep chasing after us. And so the only way to stop him is for Sora to catch him. So I have to have faith that he can do it."

They were skeptical, but they knew she was right. They had to watch as Sora threw his Pokéball.

"Squirtle! Go!" Sora called letting Squirtle out.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle said entering battle.

"Water Gun!" Sora ordered. Squirtle fired his Water Gun attack at Primeape. As the water hits Primeape, the attack only makes him even more angrier as he turned red. "Squirtle, return!" Sora calls Squirtle back to his Pokéball. "Bulbasaur! Go!" Sora shouted as he threw another Pokéball.

"Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur as he entered battle.

"Razor Leaf! Let's go!" Sora ordered as Bulbasaur fired Razor Leaf at Primeape. Primeape punches through the leaves. The group gasped as they all witnessed their attacks has no effect whatsoever. Sora drew out another Pokéball. "Come back, Bulbasaur!" Sora said. "Go get 'em Charmander!" Sora threw Charmander's Pokéball letting the lizard Pokémon out.

"Charmander!" Charmander said.

"Flamethrower!" Sora ordered. Charmander fired his Flamethrower attack. Primeape ran towards his opponent dodging the fire attack. Primeape starts pummeling Charmander silly. "Charmander! Hang in there!"

"Charmander," Kairi said worried.

"Look!" Lillie said pointing to Charmander. A red aura began surrounding Charmander's body and the flame at the tip of his tail began burning even more fiercely than normally. Sora was even surprised by this outcome.

"What's going on?" Kairi asked.

"Blaze!" Lillie said.

"Blaze?" Kairi asked not understanding.

"It's Charmander's ability," Lillie explained. "Charmander's Fire Type attacks goes up whenever Charmander is on the ropes."

"That's great!" Kairi said. "Sora! Charmander! I'm rooting for you!"

Sora looked at Kairi and smiled as he nodded.

"Okay Charmander! Flamethrower again!" Sora ordered. Charmander fired Flamethrower again. The attack launches again only for the attack to miss; in the midst of the confusion, Primeape drops the necklace. Pikachu runs over to where Primeape had dropped the necklace, but just before Charmander launched his assault. Charmander's mouth began to emit fire. Charmander jumps right at Primeape and gives him a fiery bite on Primeape's fist. Sora was surprised by the sudden new move that Charmander had just learned. "That was Fire Fang! Sweet!" Charmander fired one last Flamethrower right at Primeape. Primeape falls to the ground beaten.

Sora throws the Pokéball at Primeape, taking him inside. The Pokéball wobbles back and forth and stars swirls around the Pokéball confirming the catch. The Pokéball wobbles again surprising everyone as the catch is confirmed with another swirl of stars.

"Gotcha!" Sora stated. "Primeape is as good as mine!" Sora held up the Pokéball with pride.

"Pi, Pikachu!" Pikachu said.

"Char, Char!" Charmander added.

The Pokéball transfers over to Professor Oak's lab. Sora wondered how Professor Oak could handle Primeape, but shook it off since he knew Professor Oak was a trainer back in his younger days.

Over to Pallet Town, Professor Oak had just recieved a new Pokéball from Sora.

"My, my it looks like Sora got himself another new Pokémon!" Professor Oak said. "I wonder if it's another rare one."

Professor Oak got his answer as Primeape popped out and started to pummel the Pokémon professor.

"Ow! Ow! Take it easy! Ow! Stop it this minute! Ow!" Professor Oak said as Sora's other Pokémon just watched the new Pokémon just beat him. Primeape just looked around saw the other Pokémon. "It's okay, Primeape," Professor Oak said. "These are your new friends."

Primeape looks at the Pokémon in front of them. Rockruff sniffs Primeape and licks his hand welcoming him. Primeape started to smile as he felt accepted.

"Not even I was expecting that to happen," Professor Oak said groaning.

Over to Sora, Kairi, Pikachu and the Alolan nine, they finally made it to Celadon City. It was a happy coincidence that Primeape had provided them by giving them a good chase. Sora was very close to winning his fourth Gym badge for sure.

But over to Team Rocket...

They fall somewhere in the canyon and they end up being surrounded by a troop of Primeape.

"Why does this feel like déjà vu?" Meowth asked scared.

Before Jessie and James could answer, the Primeape troop starts to beat Team Rocket and their Pokémon because they came crashing down in their territory.

Over in Celadon City, a small owl-like Pokémon starts flying in and looks around. It then spots the group who had just entered the city. It has round body and short legs. Its plumage is primarily brown with a white underside andfacial disc. The facial disc itself is in the shape of two overlapping circles. It has large black eyes and a stubby beak. The top part of its beak is white, while the lower half is an orange-brown. Its feet have two forward-facing toes and one backwards facing toe; they are the same color as the lower half of its beak. Two leaves sprout from its chest, arranged so that they resemble a bow tie. Additional leaves line the undersides of its wings and form its tail. A Rowlet.

"Celadon City," Sora said. "We made it."

"We should head to the Pokémon Center before we hit the Gym," Kairi said.

"Good idea," Sora said. "Charmander could use a tune up after that fight with Primeape. And the others too."

As the group entered the Pokémon Center, he starts thinking up a strategy to win. How will Sora do it? Just wait for the next Chapter and find out.