Pokemon Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Ninja ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 3
< Well, well… what have we here? >
Satoshi jumped. Red merely looked bored, while Kasumi looked somewhat frightened. The woman who had just addressed them smirked. She was wearing the light green Jounin vest, over a dark red minidress and matching shorts. Fishnets covered her forearms and calves. Her hair was long and dark, falling to mid-back, while her eyes were a strange brownish shade.
< I'm your Jounin instructor, Natsume. >
“Pleased to meet you, Natsume-sensei.” Red said quietly. Kasumi hastily copied their gesture, not wanting to make their teacher angry, while Satoshi hissed inwardly.
Red was sucking up again!
Natsume switched to normal speech, seeing as her telepathy was frightening them. “Well, why don't you tell me a bit about yourselves? We'll start training tomorrow.”
“Like what?” Kasumi asked, feeling a bit more relaxed.
“Well, you know. Your likes and dislikes, hobbies, even your dreams… that sort of thing.”
“Me! Me! I'll go first!” Satoshi said, determined to make an impression. Natsume nodded, while Red did not comment and Kasumi looked slightly irritated.
“Very well.”
“My name is Hiroto Satoshi! I love instant ramen! I also like Kasumi!”
Kasumi twitched.
“My dream is to become the Hokage so everyone will acknowledge my existence!” Satoshi cheered. “I don't have any hobbies, except maybe playing pranks!”
“Very well.” Natsume said.
“But what about you?” Kasumi asked. “Will you tell us anything?”
Natsume smiled. “Very well. My name is Himera Natsume. I don't have many likes and dislikes, and at my age you have no time for hobbies. However, I am fond of reading romance novels. My dream is not your concern.”
Kasumi nodded. “I'll go next then. I'm Aoki Kasumi. I like…” She blushed and looked away from Red. “My dream is…” She looked at him again, turning even redder. “And I don't like Satoshi!”
Satoshi wilted.
“Last one then?” Natsume asked, apparently not at all disturbed by Kasumi's confused speech.
“Nakamura Red.” Red said quietly. “I have no time for hobbies. I like order and I dislike chaos. I do not have a dream, but a goal - to kill a certain man.”
Kasumi stared at Red, starry-eyed. * Red is so cool… *
Satoshi shivered. * That man isn't me, right? *
“Well, that looks like everything.” Natsume stifled a yawn. “Meet me at 7 A.M. at the third training field tomorrow. We're going to start with survival training.”
Red nodded, before he walked off. Kasumi debated following him home, but decided against it. At least Red was starting to pay attention to her!
Satoshi trudged home. Survival training? They had done that at the Academy. It would probably be a piece of cake…
“Long day, Natsume?” Wataru asked mildly, taking a seat next to her as he called the waiter over and ordered salmon teriyaki.
Natsume shook her head. “Not really. I met my new genin cell.”
“Ah,” Matsuba grinned. “I'll bet five hundred yen that you won't keep them.”
“They didn't seem particularly impressive.” Natsume agreed. “So I'll take the bet. But…”
“But what?”
“Two of them are… interesting. Nakamura Red and Hiroto Satoshi.”
“Hiroto Satoshi?” Karin asked, from the next table over. “The one with the-.”
“I don't envy you then.” The woman said, taking another sip of green tea.
“Nakamura Red.” Wataru said thoughtfully. “He has potential.”
“I know. He was at the top of the graduating class this year.” Natsume agreed. “But he seemed a bit too polite.”
“And your third student?” Shijima asked.
“Aoki Kasumi.”
Shiba groaned. “I had her sister Sakura on my team a few years back. Needless to say, she never made it to Chuunin. I don't think Yuri or Sumire did either.”
“I know. I'm not expecting much out of her.”
“More black sesame rice balls?” The server asked, approaching Natsume.
“No thank you.” She said. Wataru smiled as his order arrived, and dug in, filing away the useful information in the back of his mind.
Nakamura Red… one of the two survivors of the Nakamura clan massacre…
He wondered how the boy had turned out. The Meiji clan and Nakamura Clan had once been allies, but ever since then…
Well, he was sure Ibuki checked in on Red every so often, but Genji was still a loose cannon, and it was better not to draw his attention. After all, a second massacre would only make things worse.
Well, it was not his immediate concern. He watched, amused, as Shiba and Shijima began to arm wrestle over at another table, and closed his eyes.
It was really Natsume's business, not his.
Red carefully checked his weapons before he went to bed. It was difficult, living by him self, but he'd had five years to grow used to it. It was nice of Ibuki to visit though, she came at least once a month and often helped him with things he didn't like. Like cooking and cleaning…
He nodded, satisfied that they were all sharp, and went to bed. If they were going to be training tomorrow, he'd need a good night's sleep.
Kasumi eyed her dinner distastefully, before pushing it away. She had six pounds to lose to beat Yellow, and she was sure Red liked slender girls!
She carefully brushed out her hair, wishing for once that she had taken better care of it instead of the unruly side ponytail. It wasn't a very attractive style.
Maybe she would try something new tomorrow.
Her parents were watching television, but the sound was soft, and since the triplets had moved out, the house was a lot emptier. Kasumi went to take a shower.
Satoshi slurped his instant noodles happily, before yawning. Training tomorrow? He'd show them all!
He was Hiroto Satoshi, after all, and he didn't admit defeat, ever!
Wait till they saw how cool he was!
End Chapter
Completed 3/2/07
And now I have to sleep so I can't write any more… *Sniffles* and I have to cram for my organic chem. Midterm too. Grr…
Japanese to English names for some of the minor characters
Takeshi = Brock
Machisu = Surge
Karin = Karen
Shiba = Bruno
Matsuba = Morty
Daigo = Steven
Mikuri = Wallace
Shijima = Chuck
Sakura/Yuri/Sumire = Daisy/Lily/Violet
Ibuki = Clair
Genji = Drake