Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Stranded ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 10

(DBZ Dimension)

Bulma was trying her hardest to get everything ready for for the dimensional portal to be used. All of the machines were repaired, and the generators were being warmed up. Most of the other systems were under preliminary tests, and everything appeared to be working.

Someone had to go trough that could help Gohan and Kuririn out. Tien, Chaotsu and Yamcha were out searching for Dr. Gero's base of operations, so they were out. Bulma really didn't want to send Goku, because Chichi would be madder at Bulma than she had ever been. It really didn't seem like she had much of a choice.

She found Goku sparring with Piccolo. She called Goku down, and Piccolo came down as well. She explained Gohan and Kuririn's situation. "...and I thought it would be safer for them to send you in there to help them." she finished.

Goku nodded with a serious look to his face. "From what I've heard from our friend from the future, we'd be better off not to take any chances if they are Dr. Gero's creations."

Piccolo grunted at Goku. "Well, I guess I'll go and meditate until we can get back to our training." Piccolo said with the ring of dissapointment in his voice.

Bulma remembered something and stopped him. "I knew you would want to go, so I took the liberty of designing this," she said as she handed Piccolo a small device.

Piccolo looked at it. "How's this going to allow me to help?" Piccolo asked, perplexed.

Bulma smiled. "It will allow you and Kami to exist in different dimensions, regardless of the link." she told him.

Piccolo was rather surprised. "Great!" he yelled, before he quickly caught himself and his mood changed into his characteristic solemn attitude. "This will be very useful." he said in his usual low voice, hardly able to contain his resulting smile.

Bulma's attitude turned serious. "Remember, if one of you dies, the other one does too, same as before." Piccolo gave her a slightly dissapointed look. "Hey," she responded. "I'm not a mircale worker."

They walked back into the capsule corp. building while she explained how to operate the new communicator.


(Pokemon Dimension)

Gohan and Kuririn ran to the area the dectected the high Ki spike with Ash, Misty and Brock in tow. They found the evil presence near the pokemon center, with most of the surrounding buildings destroyed. Ash's face was one filled with horror, which was mirrored on Brock and Misty. Gohan and Kuririn, however displayed looks of determination, anger, and revenge.

A person of some sort stood alone atop one of the remaining standing buildings in the area. It was too far away to make ot any details, so they were not able to identify the man. It turned around and spotted them, and flew closer to the five of them.

When it came closer, it was apparent it wasn't human.It was around the height of an average man, but it had blue skin, had two horns on te sides of it's head, and had a tail. Parts of its arms, legs and body had think platelets of armour. It's face and hands resembled a human's but it's feet bore a striking resemblence to Frieza's.

"Maybe it's a pokemon..." Ash thought aloud as he took his pokedex out to see. He pointed it at the now stationary humanoid to get a reading.

"Error, unable to compute life form." it responded in its unemotional digitized voice. Ash looked at the device in shock. Apparently, that had never happened to him before.

The unknown creature laughed aloud at witnessing Ash's confusion. "No, I'm not a pokemon, you imbecile." it said with a deep voice. "I am a biological hybrid between pokemon and other sentient species. I am so much more than pokemon or either species. I was created by Dr. Gero to seek revenge on Goku. You just interupted a test to determine my power. The lives of you insects are of no consequence to me."

Ash was angry to hear such disregard of life, and summoned his pidgeotto. "Pidgeotto, take Pikachu and show that monster who the insects are!"

Pikachu jumped on Pidgeotto's back and rode up to face the humanoid. "Pikachuuuu!" Yelled the little yellow mouse as he launched a thunderbolt at monster.

The monster didn't even move when he was hit with the bolt of electricity. In fact, he was hardly fazed by the attack. A look of disgust formed on its hideous face as he shot a small, weak ki blast at the Pidgeotto and sent Pikachu flying throught the air. The bird pokemon wasn't hit as hard as Pikachu, but it was obvious that it couldn't continue the battle. Ash quickly recalled Pidgeotto, then wished that he could do the same for Pikachu.

As Pikachu almost hit a nearby building, Gohan zanzokened behind it and caught him before he hit it. He flew down and gave the seriously injured yellow mouse to Ash. "I think you should leave this battle to me and Kuririn." Ash, Misty and Brock gave Gohan a shocked look as he flew over to Kuririn.

Kuririn turned to Gohan and said, "You ready for this Gohan?" he asked, not sounding overly confident himself.

"Yes." Gohan replied with determination filling his voice. "Let's go!" he said with little hesitation.

Gohan and Kuririn lunged at the monster with punches. The monster easily dodged them and responded with a kick at Kuririn's face. The battle continued with a fury of punches from the three of them. Both Kuririn and Gohan landed some rather strong punches, and it was obvious they were superior in strength and speed. Gohan and Kuririn slammed him into the ground and waited for him to get up.

The monster got up and snarled at Gohan and Kuririn. The creature quickly calmed down, then even began to smile. "Not bad. Not bad at all." he called at Gohan and Kuririn. "But if you think that was my best, you two are sorely mistaken!" As he finished talking, he suddenly grew twice his previous size.

Gohan and Kuririn gasped, and before they could react, they were both punched and kicked, and were plummeting towards the earth. The monster threw several ki blasts after them as they fell. Gohan and Kuririn crashed into the ground, creating small craters.

The monster was laughing at the two fighters as they slowly got up out of their holes in the pavement. Before the creature could attack again, Gohan and Kuririn opened fire with a steady stream of ki blasts. They stopped after a minute of firing, and saw that their attack had little affect on the beast.

Gohan and Kuririn zanzokened to either side of the monster, and prepared to attack.

Kuririn put his hands to his right side and began to draw energy. "Ka...me...ha...me..." Kuririn chanted as he drew power into his awaiting hands.

Gohan put his hands over his head and also started bringing his ki together. "Ma...sen...ko..." Gohan forced through his clenched teeth.

"HAAA!!" Kuririn and Gohan screamed in unison ans they launched their ki beams at the offending creature. Before they hit, however, the creature zanzokened several feet away. The two beams hit one another, and Gohan and Kuririn cut off the power they were feeding to the attacks before they were drawn into a power struggle.

The monster used this distraction as an opportunity to attack. He grabbed Gohan and threw him into a nearby building. While this was going on, Kuririn wasted no time. he had his palm flat out above his head, and was preparing his trademark attack. When the monster turned around, Kuririn shouted 'Kienzen!' and threw his energy blade at the monster.

The monster realized the potential of the attack as it was about to hit him, and he did his best to dodge it. He wasn't quite fast enough, and it sliced off his tail.

The monster was furious. "You'll pay for that!" the monster yelled as he shot a beam of energy at Kuririn. Kuririn tried to dodge it, but it was no use. Kuririn was thrown into the ground from the force of the attack. Kuririn tried to get back up, but was clearly incapacitated.

Gohan wasn't is as bad of a condition as Kuririn, but he really didnt think he was able to fight much longer, and was groggily getting back up from the rubble of the building. He saw what happened to Kuririn, and knew that he had to fight alone for the rest of the battle.

The artificial creature looked around with contempt in his eyes for the short battle. It was obvious that he wanted more, and it was apparent that Gohan and Kuririn couldn't supply the needed resistance to make it interesting. After scowering the demolished buildings, he noticed the only other people around: Ash, Misty and Brock.

The three were in awe of the preceding battle, and in shock. They noticed the creature looking in their direction, and they quickly snapped out of their stupor. The trainers called out their rested pokemon and sent them out in a hopeless assault against the monster.

One by one, the pokemon fell unconcious from even the weakest of the monster's attacks. The monster was getting bored fast, and the pokemon were all on the ground, unable to even show signs of being alive.

Gohan was about ready to try to fight the creature one more time when he saw it getting closer to Ash and his friends. Gohan started after it, but not before the creature started to charge a one-handed ki beam. The creature shot a large stream of glowing red energy at the three helpless humans.

Before the beam could hit, Gohan zanzokened in front of Ash, Misty and Brock and used a two handed ki attack in order to try and stop the ki beam from commencing any farther. When the creature realized Gohan was fighting his beam, he increased the power of the beam and started wearing Gohan down.

'I don't think I can hold out much longer,' Gohan thought to himself. 'I was hoping that my dad would have gotten here before things got this bad, but unless he shows up within the next minute, It won't do me much good.' Just then, the strength of the enemy's beam increased yet again. 'No!' Gohan yelled in defiance inside his own head. 'I have depended on everyone else for help before, and I haven't been able to help out in these fights much myself. They have never been able to depend on me to hold my own in these battles. I have to prove my worth to my father, my friends, and most of all, myself!' Gohan screamed inside his head.

The red ki of the beam suddenly increased, and threatened to engulf Gohan. Before that could happen, Gohan yelled, "Noooooo!" as a aura of yellow ki appeared around him and started battling the beam back. Gohan felt power flow through him as his hair turned a golden blond and the hair on his head lifted off of his shoulders and flowed out behind him. His eyes turned an deep green colour to confirm that he was, indeed, a super saiya-jinn.

Gohan found fighting the beam of energy no longer a struggle, and shot it back at the offending monster. The creature wasn't prepared for it, and was thrown back 50 feet from the resulting explosion before he had been able to regain ontrol of himself. The monster was about to launch another attack at Gohan when it realized Gohan was no longer in front of him. He slowly turned around as he realized where Gohan had appeared. The creature's mouth dropped as he felt the imposing presence Gohan now gave to the vicinity. Before the creature could even think of retaliation, Gohan pointed his palm at the monster and incinerated him with tears treaming down his face.

'What he did was unforgiveable.' Gohan tried to console himself. 'If I let him go, he would have hurt more people. It was the only answer.' He flew over to where Kuririn was, and flew him over to Ash, Misty and Brock as they tended their pokemon. They were about to ask hundreds of questions about how he was able to do any of that, when Gohan just fell over and his hair turned back to its usual black colour.

(End of Chapter 10)
