Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Get Those Hedgehogs! ❯ The Mysterious Cave ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. Ash, Misty, Brock and all the Pokemon belong to Pokemon. Sonic and Amy belong to SEGA.
At Station Square, all was quiet as another normal day was passing by…Well; it was almost quiet, if it wasn't for Amy chasing Sonic. Now THAT was pretty normal, normal enough to get our blue hero pumping for any sign of Eggman.
“Amy! For the thousandth time! Stop chasing me!” Sonic said, running, purposely going slow so Amy could get agitated as he sped up when she thought she had him.
“Only if you marry me!” she replied, attempting again, but failed.
“No way!” Sonic replied as he sped off in a light of blue.
Amy slowed down to a stop. “Oh, I'll never get him!” she whined as she stomped off.
Meanwhile, Sonic had accidentally run into a forest on the outskirts of Station Square.
“Whew, that Amy, she never gives up!” he said as he kicked a stone.
The hedgehog looked around. “A forest? Where did this come from?” he wondered.
Sonic started walking deeper and deeper into the forest.
Back at Amy's apartment, we find Amy relaxing on her couch, eating potato chips.
“Nothing's on,” she said as she turned off the T.V.
The pink hedgehog sighed as she got up. “I wish Sonic were here…” she said.
“Where is he anyway?” Amy wondered as her mind drifted off to the recent events.
“Oh, I remember! He traveled toward a forest!” she stopped. “A forest? Usually it's another town everywhere you go, but no forest.” Amy thought for a moment.
“Maybe it's Eggman, and if it is, I'd better help my darling Sonic!” she said happily as she skipped out of her apartment.
Back to Sonic, our blue hedgehog had just found a cave.
“ *whistles* What a cave…Hello?” Sonic asked. Hello…hello…hello… was the echoed reply.
The hedgehog smiled and walked into the dark cave.
A few minutes later, Amy herself found the mysterious cave and stared into it.
“It's so dark in there…” she said.
“SONIC?” the hedgehog yelled.
To her surprise, a scream came from the cave.
“That sounded like Sonic!” Amy said before she dashed into the cave.
Amy ran and ran and ran and ran. She searched in vain for her blue hedgehog.
Soon, she came to a light part of the cave, and there she saw Sonic, wrapped in a vine from a giant plant! The only worse thing is that Sonic was slowly being carried to the plant's mouth!
“Sonic!” yelled Amy. That aroused the plant's attention. It quickly grabbed Amy in a vine also.
“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” she screamed.
“Amy! What are you doing here?” Sonic asked.
“I went looking for you!” the pink hedgehog replied.
“Oh, well, nice try on the rescue,” Sonic replied sarcastically.
The plant let out a loud roar that shook the cave. Soon, rocks started to drop from the ceiling!
The plant let go of Sonic and Amy as a huge one landed on his head.
“Amy, run!” Sonic yelled.
The two hedgehogs ran together, side by side.
“An exit!” Amy exclaimed excitedly as she saw light.
“Brilliant!” Sonic said as he grabbed Amy and took her out of the cave as fast as he could.
Funny thing was, once they passed the exit, it wasn't a forest that they saw. Nope, instead, they saw a bright light shine. They had to cover their eyes, it was so bright.
Sonic was the first to open his eyes.
“Uh, where are we?” he asked, noticing that the cave wasn't behind him and Amy.
Amy soon uncovered her eyes as well. “I don't know,” she said, noticing they were on the edge of a forest.
While they discussed what happened and where they might be, little did they know they were being watched be two people, and a tan-colored cat.
“James, check this out, I think I see two new Pokemon!” A pink-haired girl said.
“Where?” James asked his dark-blue hair twirling as he looked around.
“There!” the girl pointed to the two hedgehogs.
“Oh, they look like a female Pokemon and a male Pokemon, but the question is,” James looked up from his binoculars. “What Pokemon are they?”
The tan-colored cat said, “Well, they look like rare Pokemon, if you ask me!”
“Meowth, do you think Giovanni will like these Pokemon?” James asked the cat.
“I think so…” Meowth said.
“You stupid-heads!” the girl said, slapping the two males in the face.
“Those Pokemon should belong to us! We found them!” the girl said.
“Jessie's got a point,” Meowth commented.
“Don't I always?” Jessie said, patting her hair.
“Uh, Jessie, one problem…” James said.
“What?” Jessie and Meowth said simultaneously.
“They're gone!” James said.
James was right; Sonic had decided to ask where they were, so they could get back to Station Square. And he left with Amy to the nearest town.
Anyway, Bluebird here! I wish I could change my username to Bluebird, but I can't…
Oh, well, anyway, I am stopping my little thing of you sending me an email having your fanfic and the name you want to go by in it, so it can be up here. Yea, I know, it's mean, but, I am doing something different. I am writing a series called Adventures on Mobius. It's about three kids and their adventures with the Freedom Fighters. Now, if you want your made-up character in that series, just review! In that review, put the description of your character, it's bio, what animal it is, it's personality, and so on. I don't want you to send me an email because it's a lot of work, I would rather have you review than email. Now, also in that review, make-up a penname so that your character can belong to you, and that penname is what people will know you by on Media Miner. I might make a picture on it and put it on my FanArt, if I really like your character. Just a couple of the things to put in. Anyway, SEE YA LATER!!!!!!!!