Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Japanese Anime Names Mean ❯ Chapter ichi ( Chapter 1 )

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HELLO!!!!!!!!! This is mi fic. ALL MINE!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oops, sory ther. I just went crayzee. Wel, ineeway on with mi fic. Oh, and I spel bad. Oh wel. Hav fun!!!!!

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Thee first thing I wil doo is an old joke. Aneeway, let us git going.

Pokemon = stupid americans will buy anything.

Funee huh? Thee next wun is done bi mi mom. (I'm giting desperate huh?)

Yugioh = idiotic westerners are easy to brain-wash

Wel that's it for tooday. I can't kum up with anymore so I can't continyu withowt peoples ideas in ther reevyuws. Bi bi!!!!!!!!!!!!!