Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Jess' pokemon journey ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters
The rocket's eyes were glinting with anticipation and need. “What kind of game?” The man questioned.
“You tell me what I want to know,” Jess then lowered her voice and edged close to him in a very suggestive manner, “and I'll give you what you want…whatever it may be” Jess smirked at the look her gave her. Although she did not look it the teen was extremely nervous at the moment, and had no desire to let this man have his way with her, as he, no doubt, would want to. “Now, tell me, what is the true purpose of Team Rocket?”
“To collect all pokemon.” Replied the grunt, an obviously automatic answer. Jess leaned still closer to the rocket, pressing her round breasts against his chest, she whispered into his ear.
“Why do I not believe you?” She persisted; the rocket in front of her stiffened but offered no further information. “What're you afraid of?” Continued the young woman, pushing her hips against his in an attempt to dull his wits with the lust that was currently coursing through the entire lower half of his body.
“I cannot tell you.” The black figure al but growled, obviously annoyed that he would obviously not receive what he wanted from her this day. Jess sighed in a mixture of both relief, anger, and exhaustion at her wasted efforts, before turning away from the rocket. Before she could move on to making a plan B however, she heard Gyarados' agonized cry of pain, and was immediately off, sprinting toward the beast that still resided in the river. All thoughts of Team Rockets deceit pushed from her mind.
Gyarados had felled this trainer's first pokemon easily enough, but had quickly been tried as a Pidgeot came at him from the skies, the serpent had fended the bird off only by teasing it enough so that it lost its wits and dove into the water after him, there he held the winged creature until it passed out, quickly sending it back to the surface once his goal was achieved. The next and one he was currently facing was a Jolteon, as soon as it was free of its Poke ball it came straight at Gyarados, hitting him with a powerful thunderbolt, causing the serpent to scream out in agony. The Jolteon smirked at the Gyarados as it slowly sapped its hp by electrifying the water around it. At last the Gyarados could take no more and fell to the ground on the verge of consciousness, his crimson streaked eyes glaring at the pokemon trainer angrily as he readied an ultra ball for him. Jess' serpent splashed the Jolteon weakly with its tail and hissed in its Pokemon language.
I have a trainer… The yellow electric Pokemon could hear the pleading in this water pokemon's voice, and felt a tug of guilt of having to fetter such a magnificent beast who had likely than not done no wrong. The Jolteon hid his feelings, however, keeping his seemingly tough facade as he replied:
Master Gary wants you, and what Master Gary wants, Master Gary usually gets. He growled, the water/flying pokemon roared once more in anguish as the ultra ball sped toward him, but before he felt it hit his flesh, the all too familiar sensation of being drawn back into a well-known ball began to take over, and he knew he was safe from the clutches of `Master Gary.'
“Just what did you think you were doing!?” Shouted Jess at the young man, drawing everyone, including those inside the gym's attention. The boy glared at the girl who dared to catch such a beast, that Gyarados looked much healthier and stronger than the one he currently owned, the one that refused to fight for him any longer.
“I was catching that Gyarados before you so rudely interrupted.” Growled Gary. Jess could hardly contain the rage boiling up within her throat, and she clenched her fist ,anger making her blind to all reason as she longed to rip-out this boy's jugular. Jess closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and turned away from the boy, barely containing her rage for this boy. She turned half-way around and glared at him from half-hidden eyes. Whatever she was going to say died in her throat as rage again filled her eyes and caused her vision to turn red, the teenage girl then proceeded to the nearest Pokemon center, anger still plainly eminent in her eyes. The nurses rushed Gyarados to one of the back rooms to heal him, and Jess lounged back on a futon, still angry, but no longer uncontrollably so. Slowly the remaining anger throbbed away, replaced with worry for her Pokemon, it had been zapped in a large river, that can't have been good. And it was all her fault for leaving him alone out there so long, she mentally beat herself up.
Soon a smiling Chansey (sp?) bounded up to her, handing the Pokeball back, the teen thanked the pink egg-carrying Pokemon, and turned to leave, only to see none-other than that Ass of a trainer from earlier. Biting her tongue she did nothing to acknowledge his presence, other than the brief moment of hesitation, it was as if he were invisible to her, as she walked right out the door he held open with no pause in her step whatsoever. The trainer lifted an eyebrow at her retreating figure as he gave the pokeballs containing his two fainted pokemon to the nurse.
Jess came back into the gym, Gyarados safely on her hip, and glanced around at all the rockets, she had been gone a while, she would admit that, but why were they staring as if they had never seen her before? She shrugged it off as a weird coincidence until a grunt approached her.
“The boss wants to see you.” He snorted as she passed him by, she suppressed a shudder it seemed every rocket in the room was staring at her, but she had to be imagining it right? It wasn't possible for them all to be staring at her. The girl ignored the voice in her head that told her to turn and look, and hiked toward the boss, Giovanni's office. `Oh my god, what if that guy told Giovanni that I tried to find out what they were really up to? What if they really are a secret organization of womanizing men who rape unsuspecting girls?! No, that's impossible, Jessie was here and she seemed perfectly ok, I'm just overreacting…yeah…' Jess stopped in front of the large overly-decorated doors that belonged to Giovanni, and knocked timidly upon them.
“Enter.” Barked the man on the other side of the oaken doors. Jess complied and stood, her bead bowed in a sign of respect.
“You called for me?” Questioned the frightened teen.
“Yes” He paused and she blushed as she realized he was checking her out “…I have a favor to ask of you.” The boss Giovanni halted once more seemingly lost in a debate within his own mind. “I need you to travel into the Viridian forest to retrieve something a Grunt has left. It is very valuable, and rare. I would send somebody more experienced however, I am expecting a strong trainer in today, and need all the certified members I can get.” There was obviously another motive behind this request, but Jess was not one to ask questions.
“Of course, what is this item I am supposed to find.” Jess straightened herself and stared Giovanni in the eye.
“An egg. A very precious egg.” Giovanni showed her a picture of a beautiful silver spotted egg, “I want you to have this egg back to me before it hatches for research purposes.” The Gym leader eyed her once more “you are dismissed.”
“Of course, sir.” She responded before leaving the office and heading toward the Gym exit/entrance. She would not screw this up!
End chappie 3
Well I FINALLY got around to posting this one >< I now understand why people go for months at a time without posting! STUPID WRITERS BLOCK!! Anyway, I'm gonna try to be better at this but balancing this with school and tests and my other fanfics, it may be well over a month! Anyway reiview if your happy and if your not then review anyway and yell at me. Enjoy my other