Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Let Love Be Your Energy ❯ A Dream Achieved ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One - A Dream Achieved
by cultnirvana


"Look at this place." Ash just stared into the room. "It has everything."

The others entered and looked about themselves in amazement. It was the most luxurious place they had ever seen; large, comfortable and with every frill imaginable.

"I can't believe this place," Ash uttered, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him.

"Believe it, Ash," Professor Oak began. "Now you have become one of the Masters, be prepared for the top accommodation possible. It's five star here on in."

Brock let out a laugh, and bent down to Misty. "I think we should stick with this this guy, Misty. Just think of staying in this kind of luxury everywhere we go. No more camping, no more sleeping on the hard ground ..." he joked.

"...No more bugs," Misty added.

"Well, we better leave you kids to get ready," the Professor told them. "Your victory has probably already been announced and we all need to prepare for the initiation ceremony later."

"Great! A party." Brock and Misty shouted in unison, high-fiving at the thought.

"We'll see you later."

"Bye honey," Delia cheerfully said, enveloping Ash in one of her famous hugs. Looking up into his face (a few months previously the situation would have been reversed. Thank goodness for growth spurts), she continued, "And remember to change your you-know whats before you put on your good clothes."

His face turned beet red as all other occupants of the room let a brief chuckle slip. "Mum, I'm nearly sixteen. I know about that," he whispered, before wriggling out of her tight embrace. "Bye mum."

The Professor and Delia, waving as they excited, left the young trio alone.

"I'm going to start to get ready," Misty told her friends, swinging her red draw-string bag back onto her shoulder.

Brock looked at his watch. "But the party won't be for hours."

"Yeah, but you know how long it takes us girls to get ready," she replied, winking at them both.

"Ah, girls," both guys signed in unison, both falling into the large sofa, switching on the oversized television infront of them..

"You boys may complain about us taking so long, but you never complain about the results."

"She's got us there, Ash."

Ash didn't respond. He just watched Misty leave, her animated movements not failing to put an even wider smile upon his already gleeful face.

With a smile, Misty opened the door to one of the bedrooms, immedatly claiming it as hers, and left the living room.

Throwing herself onto the double-sized bed, burying her head into the pillows, she attempted to come to terms with what had happened today.

Six years of travelling, six years of trying and now it was finally all over. Her best friend had achieved his dream. She knew he could do it. She may not have always been his best supporter, but she had never lost faith, even during all of the many arguments.

But what did it mean for the future? Ash would be travelling around the world, competing in the top contests, battling to become the Supreme Master. He would be one of the most famous people in the world, the media would always be close to his heels. Would he truly have time for her?

She reached into her bag and removed a small book. Flipping the pages until they settled where she had placed several pieces of paper, she withdrew a slightly tattered photograph, a photograph taken several years before. It was of the whole group, including many of their Pokémon. If she remembered correctly, it had been taken over five years ago.

God, we were so young back then.

Her eyes focusing upon the pre-teen Ash, a wide smile placing itself upon her face. He had even been cute at that age. Looking at the photo, it seemed to her that she was looking into the past. She understood the lesson it was teaching her. She couldn't live without him now. He was a indispensable part of her life. She couldn't remember a day they were apart since they had met. But she knew she might have to comes to terms with the fact that it may not be that way for much longer.

The smile diminished. She didn't like it, but that was just life. She would have to swallow the emotions she had been carrying for many years, the emotions that she had always dreamed she would one day share with him, and begin a new chapter in her life. It would hurt, but it was what she had to do. They're journey was at an end.

Feeling tears welling up in her eyes, she pulled herself from the comfort of the bed and began to get ready, hoping that at least for a few hours she could forget those feelings and just enjoy her last little while with him.


Ash sat upon his bed, legs crossed, eyes closed, and tried to calm himself a little.

It was the day he had been waiting for for so long. He was about to be proclaimed to the world as one of the Masters. He was scared, but at the same time ecstatically happy. In mere moments he was going to have to go down there and show his face.

He was probably the only trainer this year who would receive this award, so it generally was a big event, and with him only about to reach his sixteenth birthday, it was going to be even more of an affair, which terrified him even more. Everyone was relying upon him to prove to the world how good you truly have to be to become a Master. He knew he would also become the hero of many young trainers, starting out on their quests, just like other Masters had been his idols not that long ago.

Also, Pallet Town's hopes were residing upon him. He would put the small town on the map, and help it to grow and mature. It seemed all the pressure in the world was on him, and he just hoped that he would make everyone proud. It was the beginning of his career in the public eye, and even though he knew he would do his best, the little bit of doubt that had always plagued him told him to be prepared if he did not shape up.

His mind clouded with mixed emotions, he just lay back and forgot his control. His feelings of triumph over rode his anxiety. He couldn't hold them back. He just screamed at the top of his voice, "Yes!"

Just then a knock came at the door. Regaining his composure and getting up of the bed, he answered the door.

Misty was standing there, dressed in her kimono, ready for the ceremony. "Was that you?"

Ash pondered what she could be talking about for a moment before realising she meant the yell. He looked a little embarrassed. He didn't mean to shout that loud. "Ahh, yeah. That was me. I just got a bit overexcited."

"You're always overexcited. It's rare to actually see you on the level." She walked into the room, seating herself upon his bed.

"Well, I have reason to be happy. I'm about to achieve my dream."

"You beat the Elite Four several hours ago, you have already achieved your dream."

"I know, but this is the last piece of the puzzle. Being crowned as one of the best Pokémon Trainers in the world. The vast majority of trainers never make it this far. Hell, most don't even get through their first year. I thought being able to stay a trainer for several years was good, but now I have gotten to the final level. I have attained my dream, and I'm only fifteen."

"Your a brilliant trainer, Ash. You shouldn't be so surprised. I've always known you would become one of the elite."

"But ever since we met, you've teased me, telling me I would never get anywhere, and that all the badges I got were because gym leaders felt sorry for me."

She was a little taken back by the appearance of melancholy upon his features. "Ash, I only thought that when we first met. After that, the only times I said things like that was because I didn't want you to give up your dream, your destiny. I realised that when I said things like that, you just tried harder because you wanted to show that what I was saying was wrong, to piss you off a little. You know I didn't really mean any of those things."

"Yeah," Ash came to the realisation that his friend was right. "I guess so. I just liked to annoy you by showing you how great a trainer I was."

"Ash, remember, humbleness is a virtue of gods."

"I'm sorry, it's just I've just achieved my dream, and I can't help being a little hyperactive."

She give him a friendly smile. He had become so much more mature over that past little while, but still he had the same impulsive and passionate nature that he possessed when she had first met him, when he was still a kid. He had become a mixture of seasoned maturity and childish humour, and with him, the combination seemed to work. She give a little chuckle thinking about his complexities.

"Hey," Ash responded, with a hurt tone to his voice. "Don't laugh at me. I'm allowed to go a bit mad."

"I know, and I am so happy for you, Ash." She stood up from his bed and give him a hug.

Ash, confused as to what to do, put his arms around her and returned the embrace, but a little too over eagerly. He picked her up from the ground and pulled her tighter.

"Ash," Misty said, with a large smile on her face. "Let me down before you drop me."

Ash looked up towards her with a semi-serious look on his face. The smile from her face disappeared to be replaced by a confused expression. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing at all. I just want to thank you for being with me over the last few years and always being there to rely on."

"That's what friends are for. Now, can you put me down."

"Sure." He didn't particually want to. Holding her body close to his, feeling her warmth and smelling her scent, he didn't want to let her go. But logic won over. Ash, you idiot, what are you doing? he thought to himself. She's a friend, nothing more, and she never will be anything else. Wise up and stop thinking about her in these ways. He slowly set her back down upon the floor. "Sorry, I just got a little over excited."

"Don't worry. I'm used to it." She looked up into her friend's face. She couldn't believe how he had changed over the past few years. He was no longer the naive young boy she had first fished out of the river that flowed near Viridian. He had grown an inch taller than her, and she was sure he would still grow taller. His body had become toned and his shoulders had broadened. His black hair now hung slightly longer and was not as unruly as before. Much to her relief, he now preferred wearing black combats and a T-shirt, rather of his old clothes (although at the moment he was dressed for the occasion in a blue kimono). But still the old cap remained, but he always had it turned backwards, in a way more suited to his age.

His personality had also altered to suit his age. He still was bold and brash, but was also much wiser and more mature, and understood more about life, and not just about things connected with Pokémon. But with all the differences there still remained a few constants to remind her of earlier times, and they had always been her favourite features - his cheeky grin and innocent, dark eyes. Time, as with everyone, had changed him, and she did approve of its alterations. She couldn't help but admire everything about him, but also noticed that many other young women were beginning to think the same.

She knew that she shouldn't become jealous, but she couldn't help it. Her closeness to Ash grew every day they spent together, and going back over the length of their friendship, that was an incredible number. She also had realised that as they had matured, her feelings became stronger, moving far past friendship. Misty had always known that she had a crush on the young trainer, even on that first day, but it hadn't been until recently that she had admitted to herself that she was falling in love with her friend, something she was eternally paranoid of him finding out. She knew he did not return her feelings, and was afraid of what might happen to their current relationship if the truth were known. She was nothing more than an older sister to him, someone to help him when times were hard, and like a real sister she knew that she would have to let him go sooner or later, and endure the pain of any future relationships he may have with other women. But perhaps she may not have to experience that. With what was happening, she was unsure whether or not they would be together for much longer.

Misty stirred herself from her daydream. Realising that she was staring at him too intently and too gravely, she spoke. "We better go. It's almost seven o'clock."

"Yeah. If you're ready then." He offered his arm to her, and she accepted, wrapping hers around his. They then left the room and walked down to met the others in the banquet hall.


"Today is a special day, a day when a new Master will be crowned. This day marks the start of a new life for him, a time when he will have to deal with new challenges and new triumphs." Lance indicated for Ash to take a step closer and to kneel in front of the Dragon Master. He did so, and Lance pinned a special platinum badge to the front of Ash's clothes. It was the Master's seal, the most sought after badge in the League. And now he was its poccessor. As he rose, the crowd began to applaud. He was the new master, one of few. He had achieved his dream.


Ash didn't particually feel comfortable. Everyone was crowded around him, asking him for autographs. He was the newest star in the Pokémon world, and knew that this was how his life was going to probably be until he retired, but still it unnerved him to have this many people all vying for his attention at one time. The only thing that he didn't mind so much was that most of the crowd were young women, around his own age or a bit older. Maybe he would enjoy this fame thing a little more than he expected, and he had expected to enjoy it a lot.

But his attention was distracted from the gathering and onto someone much more important to him. Misty had left the room and had strayed out onto the balcony. He could clearly see that she was upset, so he apologised to the audience and left the throng to join his friend.


"I can't believe the little twerp did it," the woman in a black-and-white waitress outfit said to her partner.

"Well, he isn't so little anymore, Jess," he, also wearing a waitress' outfit, answered, looking at the young man leaving the reception room.

"Little or not, he has a history of screwing up everything we do, James."

"You don't think he will be able to mess up the boss' new plan?"

"There is no way. He and his friends wouldn't have a chance."

James stared down at his high-heeled shoes and muttered, "Jessie, what do you think of this plan? I just kept getting the feeling that...it's just not right."

She replied with a stern attitude, but not before hesitating. "We're Team Rocket, of course it's not right. We've based our whole career on doing what is wrong. And besides, if it works, we'll never have to try to steal that blasted Pikachu again."

"I'm up for that one."


Ash walked slowly until he was behind her, and spoke softly so as not to startle her. "Misty, you okay?"

"Ah, yeah. I'm okay, Ash. Why?"

"You just look a little upset, that's all." He came closer and stood beside her upon the balcony, but he didn't look towards the beautiful scenery below, where Misty had cast her eyes. He just stared at her, looking for any sign that would tell him what was wrong, but he couldn't understand her expression. All he knew was that there was sadness within it. "You can tell me what's wrong. We're friends," he said in an effort to comfort her.

She remained silent for a moment before swallowing heavily. "It's just, where do we go from here? You have achieved your dream. You have become a Master. Until you decide to retire, you'll probably be travelling non-stop around the world, meeting new people, competing in competitions. You won't have much time for me and Brock."

Her voice was full of sorrow, he could hear it. She truly believed that he was going to abandon her. "Misty, I'm not about to pack up and leave you. Your my friend, you have been since we were kids. I'd never do that to you."

She shook her head. "But you have no choice. That's part of being a Pokémon Master, and you can't deny that."

"Yes, I'll be competing all over the world, but there's not competitions all times of the year, and when I do have to travel, I intend to take you and Brock with me. Anyway, we can't part yet."


"Because I still owe you a bike." When he realised what he had said, he immediately thought up a way to change the subject. He was too familiar with Misty's wraith not to at least try to escape her violence. Luckily, all she did was laugh at the thought. "Also, you need to start collecting your own badges. You've had plenty of training, and have won a couple of competetions. I'm sure you'll easily beat the gym leaders."

"I guess you are right."

"Misty, I'm never going to leave you," he voiced sincerely. "You can count on that. We're too close as friends to let anything like that happen. You're more important than anything." He lifted his hand and placed it on top of hers, which had been resting upon the ledge of the balcony, and gently squeezed it.

Misty looked at her friend and saw the genuineness on his face. She knew he wasn't lying. With a smile she asked, "Friends forever?"

He squeezed her hand again, and answered, "Forever."

They just stared into each others eyes for a few moments, both knowing that they would never break that promise.


Back in the hall, Brock, Pikachu, Professor Oak and Delia watched the two on the balcony.

"It seems the two of them have been getting pretty close to one another lately," Oak said to the group.

"Well, they have stopped fighting so much in the last while, and I think there is a mutual attraction between the two, but so far nothing has happened," Brock told them.

"Pika," Pikachu agreed, disappointed. There was nothing in the world that the little rodent wanted more that for his two favourite people to get together, but he knew that the two were just too afraid to admit their feelings for each other.

"Why not?" Ash's mother inquired.

"Maybe they're just too stubborn, or maybe too scared. Having feelings for a friend is a very confusing situation to be put in, and neither of them have much experience with these kinds of problems. They're probably also worried of being rejected or ruining what they already have. I don't envy them the situation."

"Oh, that's so sad," Delia sadly commented. She had always loved Misty and would have enjoyed the thought of her and Ash together. She alread considered the girl a daughter she'd never been able to have.


On the balcony, realising the length of time they had been staring at each other, Ash and Misty separated hands, and looked into the distance again, at the full moon, and the plateau illuminated by its bright silver light.

Ash now knew that the emotions that he had been feeling lately were not the result of uncontrolled teenage urges. It was something deeper. Having looked into her eyes, and held her hand, he knew he wanted them to be together more than anything. But still he was unsure of how she felt. Certain looks, certain words spurred him on, but the thought that his unexperienced mind may be misinterpretating the situation held him back. The only way, he knew, that he would find out if the future he yearned for was at all probable was to ask her how she felt, but one circumstance held him back from asking the ultimate question - the fact that there was about a ninety per cent chance of him being slapped across the face and her to run away crying. Then again if he didn't know the answer, the chances of him losing his mind were defiantly at the certainty mark.

For his own sanity he had to ask her. Who knows, he thought, she may say yes and we might end up spending the rest of our lives together. Well, at least I can dream. So he took a deep breath and said, "Ah, Mist?"

"Yeah, Ash? What's up?"

"You look really great tonight." Not what he wanted to say, but a compliment couldn't hurt.

She blushed. "Thanks."

"Ah, Mist, would you, ah, I mean, will you, ah." He began to awkwardly scratch his head and shut himself up, knowing that his nervousness was evident. With that realisation, all of his built up courage seeped away from him, and he knew he couldn't do it, not after stuttering like an idiot. Instead, he took in another deep breath, and made a more subtle move. "Would you like to dance?"

"Sure," Misty replied, still unsuccessfully holding a blush from her cheeks. This time she grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor, much to the resentment of the young women previously vying for his attention. For at least a few moments, he would be hers.

The song playing in the hall was fast and upbeat, a perfect melody for the two teenager's moods. The couple danced, not taking the situation seriously. They just enjoyed the music, and didn't care about much else.

The next musical choice however was much slower, and more sedate. Both looked at each other for a moment, unsure of what to do until Misty settled the awkwardness. "I'm sure we'll be able to dance to this one. Love songs are easy." She took his hands and placed them upon the sides of her belly, and wrapped her own around the back of his neck. The two then just swayed in time with the music, enjoying the constant closeness.


Over at the side of the room, Brock stood alone, looking towards his friends, smiling. He didn't know how each of them felt about the other, but hoped that it was more than mutual attraction.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I was wondering if we could talk."

Brock instantly turned in the direction of the soft voice that had startled him. Standing next to him was a beautiful young lady with long, dark, purple tinted hair, vivid green eyes. She looked to be, he guessed, either in her late teens or early twenties. He recognised her from the ceremony. She had been sitting on the stage with the other dignitaries. She was the Mayor of Virdian's daughter. He felt the familiar rising of temperature in his cheeks that almost always occurred when a cute young lady was in the vicinity.

"Ah, hi. Ah, no you're not disturbing me." He coughed, tried to regain his composure and offered his hand. "What's you're name?"

She took the hand and shook it. "Hello. I'm Kiyoko, the Mayor's daughter. I was hoping to invite you and your friends to dinner at my place the day after tomorrow, to congratulate Ash for his accomplishment. I know it won't be as grand as this, but I just want to do my part."

"Oh, we'd be delighted. It's very nice of you to invite us."

"It's no problem. I'm really happy you're coming. I know today has been a little hectic for the three of you and hope that you will enjoy a humble meal at my home. Where are you're friends?"

"Over there dancing, but don't worry, they'll be okay with me agreeing for them. So, are you enjoying the party?"

"Yeah, it's great." She looked away from Brock and into the crowd on the dance floor and saw the others. "Are they both...together?"

"Everyone thinks that."

"Understandable. Just look at them. They seem to be a little to close to just be friends. So they aren't going out?"

"No, but they would make a cute couple."

Kiyoko laughed at Brock's comment. "You're right. Ah, I'm sorry to chat and leave but I need to speak to my father. Here's my address." She handed him a piece of white paper with a few lines of purple writing printed on it. "So about eight o'clock the day after tomorrow?"

"No problem. That sounds great. We'll be there."

"Are you sure you're friends will be alright with it?"

"Yeah, don't worry. Ash's mum and Professor Oak are leaving tomorrow so that will be no problem and the rest of us will be staying in Viridian for a few more days. I can't see any reason why Ash and Misty would refuse."


"No problem." With a smile, Kiyoko walked away from Brock.

He continued to stare at the young woman walking away from him. "Mmm. Very cute. Maybe there's a possibility there."


"Oh, I need to sit down. My feet are killing me." Misty pulled him from the dance floor to the chairs at the head table, both almost collapsing onto them. "We haven't partied like this for a while."

"Remember," Ash began, "it's my birthday in two weeks, so get ready for another party."

"Don't worry. I will be." She placed her exhausted head upon his shoulder, and closed her drowsy eyes. "God, I can't believe you're nearly sixteen. Where has the time gone? It feels like only yesterday we met. Now you're nearly all grown up."

Wondering what to do, he lightly placed his arm around her, in what he hoped was just a friendly embrace, and laid his hand on her arm. "What do you mean 'nearly'? I am grown up."

"Not for another two years. You can still get away with crazy stuff. Once you reach eighteen everyone expects you to be mature and sensible," she mocked.

"I haven't seen any change in you since you're last birthday. You still a crazy, red-headed juvenile who can't control her anger."

"Hey! I'm not that bad-tempered," she almost yelled, opening her eyes, glaring at him.

He just laughed. "Yes you are. You've just made my point for me."

"Well, okay, I am." She began to laugh too, leaning closer to him, letting her eyelids fall again, wishing she could sleep right there, in his gentle arms. "God, I'm tired."

"You better not be too tired. We've still got a lot of dancing to do."

"I'm sure those girls who have been staring at you all night would like a chance to dance with the Master. You don't have to only dance with me."

"Yeah, but you're the only girl I want to dance with." He smiled down at her, and she returned the look, a little taken aback by what he had said.

One minute he says something that seems like a come on, but the next he just acts like a friend. I wish I could just find out what he thinks of me, then I could finally relax. This confusion has been going on for so long. I wish I just had the courage to say something.


"Is everything ready?" the man asked the Mayor.

"It's all planned. We will all be in place by ten o'clock the day after tomorrow as the boss intended. Everything should run like clockwork."

"He is worried about this boy. It is not a particually good time for another Master to be declared." The two looked towards Ash, sitting with Misty, laughing together, oblivious of what was being discussed less than twenty meters away.

"He will be no problem."

"The boss does not share you're ease. The boy and his friends have been known to cause trouble before, even where Team Rocket is concerned. They're not the type to stand by and watch things happen. If he calls to the people, they will listen. A Master has higher regard among the public than anyone else, higher than you, the Prime Minister, even the Emperor himself. Maybe we should deal with him now."

The Mayor panicked. He was all for the plan, but didn't want to be partly responsible for the death of a young man. "But Mr. Nakamora, he's just a fifteen-year-old kid. If he does cause trouble we can easily deal with him then. At the moment he is only an innocent civilian and should be treated so."

"Okay. We'll do it you're way, but if you are wrong, don't expect us to go easy on the boy, no matter his age."


After the celebrations were over, Ash just lay on his bed, still in his formal clothes, barely able to move. He tried to move his arm to reach the TV remote on his mattress, but it was slightly out of his reach, and, too tired to move the short distance between him and it, he just gave up. Anyway, he needed to get some sleep and the TV would just keep him up all night.

His eyes began to drift shut and the familiar warmness of sleep passed over his weary body. He just surrendered himself to it without a fight, and fell into dreamland. A knock at the door, however, prevented him from falling too far. "Who is it?" his voice attempted to say at the loudest volume he could manage.

"It's me, Misty."

At recognition of the name, Ash, using energy he didn't realise he still possessed, sat blot up on his bed and stared at the door. Trying to hide the stunned tone to his voice, he told her to come in.

The door slowly creaked open, and Misty entered. She was ready for bed, wearing a sleeping gown over her night dress, her long red hair flowing over her slender shoulders. She looked as tired as him, yawning and scratching her fatigued head. "I just came to say goodnight." She came over to him and sat down on the bed. "It was a wonderful night, wasn't it? Pity you couldn't get crowned everyday."

"Hmm," Ash halfheartedly replied.

"God, you're absolutely exhausted."

"I should be. I was up really early yesterday."

Misty looked at the digital clock on the TV. "It's five. The sun should be coming up soon."

"Five twenty," he muttered under his slow breath.

"Hmm?" she wondered, not understanding the meaning of what he had just said.

"Yesterday the sun began to rise at about-" the explanation was interrupted by a yawn. He continued when it stopped. "About five twenty. I watched it come up from the Pokemon centre's balcony."

"I didn't know you were up as early as that yesterday. I guess you didn't get much sleep because of nerves?"

"Yeah, and whatever you do tomorrow, don't wake me up. I'll wake when my body is back to normal."

She let out a small giggle at how tired he looked. He could barely keep his eyes open. "Don't worry, I won't. Where's Pikachu?"

Ash scratched his head, confused. "I think he's in the bathroom, but I'm so tired I'm not altogether sure. I can't remember much since coming back to the hotel."

She looked down at his tired body and realised he was still wearing his kimono. "Aren't you going to get changed before you go to bed?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't think I have enough energy to move anything but my mouth at the moment. If I did try to get changed, I'm sure I'd fall asleep standing."

"Well then, I think I'd be best leaving you to get some sleep. Hopefully you won't be acting like a zombie tomorrow." She stood, about to leave, but then turned to her friend again and bent down so that her face was directly in front of his. "Ash?"

"Yeah, Mist."

"Thanks for saying that stuff tonight. It really helped me. I guess I had gotten a little depressed over the past few days because of what I thought would happen."

"Don't mention it. All I did was tell you the truth. You're too important for me to ever dream of leaving you."

He just started into her blue-green eyes for a moment, and then realised to his shock that she was coming closer to him. She turned his head slightly to the side with a hand upon his chin, and softly kissed his cheek. He closed his tired eyes against the pleasure, while her lips lingered on his cheek for a long moment. When she removed them and turned to look into his face again, she noticed that he was blushing. Another little giggle left her lips, to which Ash opened his eyes, and discovered to his horror what the laugh was in response to.

"You're a real sweetheart, Ash Ketchum." With that she stood and made her way back to the door, beginning to blush as well. Before she left she turned back to him once again. "Goodnight, Ash. I guess I won't see you until tomorrow afternoon?"

"I'll hopefully still be in my bed at that time. Goodnight, Mist."

With everything said she left his room, but before she could get very far she just leaned up against the living room wall and continued to laugh to herself. She had made him blush. What does it mean? Was it just because of the kiss, or was it because the kiss meant something to him? Did he have feelings for her, feelings that until the events of the past evening she had thought impossible?

Does he like me?

She couldn't be sure, and wasn't willing to take the risk of revealing her feelings for him, not without solid proof. But until she knew for sure, whether for good or bad, she still had a little piece of hope to hold onto, to give her comfort. She would be able to remember his warm blushing cheek under her soft lips, his cute, embarrassed look, and the fact that the blush was her own doing. For the moment she could dream that all of the signs from that night pointed towards the fact that maybe her friend had feelings for her, and that this dream would help to keep her company tonight.


Back in the room, Ash still sat on the bed, blushing, but a smile had replaced his awkward grin. His cheek still felt warm from her kiss, and his previously tired form found new energy in what had just happened. He raised his hand to touch the spot where she had laid her lips. He was almost giddy with excitement. He fell back onto his bed, sprawling himself from corner to corner and just lay there, staring at the bland ceiling, thinking about what had just happened. Like Misty, he puzzled over the situation, not really understanding what it all meant.

Does she like me?

Just then he heard the door open from the bathroom. Pikachu exited from the en suite, and jumped onto his trainers bed. "Pika pi? (Who was that?)"

"Oh, it was just Misty," he replied dreamily.

The rodent give a curious look at his trainer's changed state. Before he went into the bathroom, Ash had been totally out of it with exhaustion, but now he looked fully awake, his cheeks flushed red, with his hand settled upon one of them. Bewildered, the Pokémon asked, "(What just happened?)"

"Oh, nothing at all."

"(Come on, Ash. I know you fancy Misty, and now I find you acting like Brock. What's happened?)"

"She kissed me."

Pikachu was instantly shocked. This was unbelievable. "(On the lips?)"

"No, just on the cheek. And she called me 'sweetheart'."

Pikachu sighed. "(Oh, Ash, if you have feelings for her, just tell her)." The Pokémon had become a little annoyed at the fact that the two keep denying their feelings and just hoped the situation would eventually be resolved.

"I don't want to get rejected and hurt our relationship by doing something like that. She's too important to me."

"(But if you do ask her and she says yes, wouldn't your relationship be better?)"

"Yeah, but it's too dangerous. What if she doesn't feel the same way?"

"(Ash, you're not known as one who takes the easy way out. You are always taking risks. How strongly do you feel for her anyway?"

Ash paused. How did he feel?

"(Do you love her?)"

"I don't know. I'm still trying to work that one out for myself. It's definitely something more than an attraction, but I'm not sure of how deep it does go. And until I know, she is to know nothing about this." He looked straight towards his Pokémon, with an accusing look, "Understand, Pikachu? If I do choose to tell her, I want to do it myself. I don't want it coming from someone else."

"(Okay)," Pikachu replied, with a slight aspect of guilt to his tiny, yellow face.

"Just make sure you don't slip up. If you do tell her anything, I'll just say that you are trying to get back at me for something."

"(Okay)," he said a little sadly. With that the little Pokémon lay down on his small bed on the floor, and tried to get some well needed sleep.

Ash just lay on his, thinking, until the excitement eventually passed and his mind began to slip once more into unconsciousness.


She had been knocking at the door for over a minute and had still received no response. Misty had promised that she wouldn't disturb him but if he was wanting to see his mum and Professor Oak before they left he needed to get up. She slowly opened the door and walked into his room. She saw him laying sleeping on his bed, asleep, but dressed in his normal clothes, with Pikachu laying on his stomach. He must of already been awake at some point.

He also had a pair of earphones over his ears, and even from a distance, she could hear the hum of the music. He looks so innocent, she mused, staring at his weary, but handsome body. Misty raised one of the earphones from his ear and listened to the beautiful melody. It seemed to be a heavy ballad song. She picked up a couple of the words, from what she guessed was the chorus; 'If you're willing to change the world,
Let love be your energy.
I've got more than I need,
When your love shines down on me.'His eyes began to flicker and then after a short moment opened fully.

"I know I promised you I'd not wake you up but your mom and the Professor are going soon and we were going to get a bite to eat before they left."

Pikachu, looking towards the other trainer, jumped from his belly and ran into her arms.

"Hello, Pikachu."


"Ah, it's okay. I was up but I must've dozed off again. What time is it?" Ash muttered through a yawn.

"Four o'clock." She stood and began to walk to the door, still holding Pikachu, but realised he was still lying on his bed. "Are you coming?" she chuckled.

"Yeah," he slowly got up. "I'm coming."


"Make sure you visit soon, Ash." Delia turned to her son's two human friends and Pikachu. "You guys too, okay."

"Don't worry, mum. We will. We'll come as soon as we can."

"Make sure you do. Pallet Town is anxious to welcome it's son after his victory," Professor Oak commented.

"We'll get him there, especially if there is another party planned," Brock promised.

Ash's mother grabbed and pulled him tightly to her, so tightly he was sure he was going to suffocate. "Goodbye, Ash, I guess I'll see you soon. And remember don't forget to change your-"

His friends burst out laughing, as Ash tried to separate himself from his mom. "Mum, why do you have to keep saying that and embarrass me in front of my friends. I told you I'm old enough now to take care of myself."

"I know you are, but don't think for a second that is going to stop me worrying about you."

"I know, mum. We'll all see you soon."

"Bye," the others added.

And with that the two left.

"Well, we better go back to the hotel. I need to get some more sleep."

"Oh, Ash. That's all you do, sleep and eat. I can't believe I'm-" She stopped suddenly. She had come so close to saying it. Damn, I'm so stupid. I nearly ruined everything.

"What, Misty?" Ash asked her. "You just kind of stopped mid-sentence there. What were you going to say?"

"Ohhh, nothing. It's not important."

He shrugged. "Okay." Changing the subject, he continued, "So, how about we all go back and take advantage of some of those luxuries."

"Yeah!" the others shouted jubilantly.