Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ MST-- "Humanity"~ By Digifan3:16 ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is not my Fic. My friend Digifan3:16 gave me permission to MST it. I do not own anything, but the MST. I do not own Taichi, Sora, or Yamato. This Fic is called "Humanity" and written originally by Digifan3:16. I only own myself. Read and Review. Thank you. I also don't own Sean Biggerstaff....~_~

*The shadowy figure of a girl is seen sitting on a large royal purple couch. From what you can tell, she has a large smirk on her face. The outline of a tall boy is sitting next to her, lounging back. *

Girl's voice: I'm bored....So we invited a few people torture for my amusement.

Guy's Voice: I thought that is why I was here TG-Chan?

*The light go on and you now see a very angry red head. The bright lights beam off her orange tinted goggles. She seems to be dressed in a black mini skirt, flame printing along the hem of the skirt and along the slits that ride up each side. Her shirt is a black halter, with ruby studs forming the word "Joshin". Her hair which is red, as mentioned before, is down out of her normal ponytail. The boy, who is deathly afraid and confused, has short brown hair. He looks about 16 and is in black cargo pants and a gray clinging sweater. *

Guy: I'm sorry! Don't kill me!

TG: Well, since I am revealed....So shall you! This girls, is Sean *Biggerstaff* Yaw know....The one who played the delectable character Oliver Wood in Harry Potter.

Sean: No autographs please!

TG: Ack! *Shudders* You sound like Yamato...WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY BOREDOM REMEDY!

*TG claps and a strange popping, exactly three, is heard and in the middles of the room a screen pops up. On the large screen in front of the pair we seen a bewildered blond kid, a brown-eyed goggle boy, and last a red haired girl; all sitting in a dark room. Each look about 15 and from season two, with the exception that Taichi has his goggles still. *

TG: WELCOME DIGIDESTINED! *Her voice echoes through the dark room in which the digidestined now sit. *

Sora (Clinging to Taichi in the seat to her left): What was that!?

TG: That was me!

*The lights in the dark room, where our trio is seated, Go on dimly and the screen pops on showing TG and Sean Biggerstaff sitting on the couch. TG seductively traces a finger on his chest and an arm around his neck. She turns with a very energetic face expression towards the victims*


*ZAP! *

*You now see TG with a very futuristic looking remote control. *

TG: Every time you get hysterical I will zaps you....I have a button for each of you.

ALL three: oo; Scary...

*Yamato howls and jumps from his seat, obviously he had been zapped again*

Yamato: What was that for!?

TG: *looks at him innocently* Finger slipped...>>

Taichi: Shut up Ishida.... Are you a new digimon? Where are we? And why are we here?

Sean: *Looks lovingly at TG* I'll take that question. *TG nods and lets him continue* No, we are not Digimon. I am Sean and this is a Digimon FanFic Author known as Taira Takenouchi (Taioragirl) or TG for short. You are in a theatre, inside TG's household.

Sora: I know her! She is Evil!

(A/N: These are not my muses......)

TG: I am not! *Gives Sean Big Innocent eyes* Am I Sean...*Pouts lips*

Sean: *Melts*No...You're not Joshin....

TG: *Squeals* You guys are here to amuse my boredom. You're ganna watch a Fic that my friend wrote. He said...GO WILD! TEAR IT TO SHREDS! Obviously this isn't one of his proudest fics.....*Shrugs*

Taichi: It can't be that bad! Why would reading a Fan Fic be so bad...

TG: *Smirks* Okay then...

Sora: I don't like that look.....

*At that moment TG holds up the remote and pushes a button. The screen goes white, and a light behind the digidestined goes on and they turn to look. Sure enough they see TG waving at them and smiling. On her remote she pushes another button and the fan fic comes to life in full detail on the screen. The words of the fic that narrate appear on the screen. A screechy noise is heard and TG's voice is heard*

TG: Also, if you close your eyes in here your eyeballs will explode. There is no escape...

All three: O.O;

*The light where TG was dims and the screen begins to show the Fic*


Sora: Doesn't sound that bad....



Taichi: Looks like a digimon fan...Guess this could be enjoyable

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, Kids WB, 4 KIDS productions, Nintendo, and Game Freak does.

All: O_O Huh?

Yamato: Pokemon? Is that a rip off or something.....

Sora: Not a POKEMON fic!

Taichi: *Shudders*

It wouldn't do any good to sue me anyway, I'm broke.

Taichi: At least you admit it....

"The mediator between brain and muscle must be the heart." --Metropolis


Thea Von Harbou

Yamato: I'm confused...What was the point of that exactly....

Taichi: You're always confused..

Sora: I'm guessing it is a favorite quote of his....or it has something to do with the story

Our story begins when our mysterious, hazel-eyed character, with brown hair, is walking through a forest, when all of a sudden, a net falls upon him. "What's going on?" He asked.

Taichi: If a net fell on me...in the middle of the forest...I think I would do more then just ask calmly...

Yamato (Stranger):" Nothing just thought I would catch you in a net, I'm sorry sir..."

Then a voice said, "Be quit, you'll find out!"

Yamato: Be quit? How can you be quit...?

Sora: I think he meant "be quiet, and you'll find out."

Yamato: Oh...I knew that....>_>

The last thing our character saw before being knocked unconscious was a big red R.

Taichi: Interesting...He referred to the main character as Character... how original...

2 hr. Later…

Sora: Once again...correction for the Authors sake.. "Two Hours Later" it's Improper to use a number when it's not so large that it makes a paragraph. Small numbers like that should be spelled out, and he forgot to make hour plural.

*Taichi and Yamato Both turn and look at her strangely*

Sora: What? I learned it from Koushiro...

Taichi: *shakes his head*

"So, you're finally awake?" Was the first voice our character heard when he woke up. "Huh?"

Taichi: *Blink*... "Character" is once again used...and not even two lines have passed...


*Sora is just about to open her mouth when she gets a look from the guys*

Sora: I was just ganna say it should be "Where am I?"

Taichi: Maybe he did that on purpose.

Sora: I'll stop...

He asked, then he saw his kidnappers face. "I know you! You're Giovanni, the Viridian City Gym leader!" He said.

"Smart kid," Giovanni replied, "it looks like our random human picking idea worked."

Yamato: Random human picking idea?

Sora: Show how much effort Pokemon Master minds put into their jobs...

"Huh?" Our character asked.


"Call it bad timing." Giovanni answered. "If someone else arrived before you, another person would be the subject of my experiment."

Sora: Isn't this guy nice.


Taichi (Giovanni): "I need your brain for my latest creation.....FRANKENSTIEN! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Yamato (Character): NOOOOOOO! I NEED MY BRAIN!

Sora: o.o

"Oh yes, the experiment. You are to become the first B.R.I.AN. , a Bio-living Robotic Intelligence ANdroid."

"A what?"

"A cyborg."

Sora: Don't you just hate it when Authors do that...

Taichi: Yeah, you never know who is talking...

"Oh." "And you will do what I say."

Yamato: I'm confused...Was that one person talking and just different quotes like "Oh, and you will do what I say. Or Character saying "Oh" and the evil sick-o saying "And you will do what I say"

Taichi: Probably the last one. *Shrugs*

"Did you escape from Bellevue? Because you're nuts!"

Yamato: So is TG and Sean...*ZAP! *YEOW!

*Intercom*: That wasn't very nice YAMA!

Yamato: Sorry TG! *ZAP!* 0_0! AND SEAN!

*Intercom*: Forgiven!

"Oh yeah!" Giovanni said, as he was about to flash a mirror in front of his "experiment."

Yamato: Character now has a name!

Sora: I don't think "Experiment" counts baka...

Taichi: I wonder what he wants to add.

Yamato: *glares*

Sora: *thwacks Yamato*

"What the? Its… it's a brain! My brain!" The last thing the future B.R.I.AN. saw was scientists working on his body, then he blacked out.

Taichi: Okay...Now I'm all confused. What just happened here?

Sora: *Blinking at the screen* He just like lost me as well....

Yamato: He just skipped a lot. How did his brain get out?

*Both Taichi and Sora shrug looking very confused. *


*The lights for TG and Sean back royalty seats come on. And the pair is engaged in a little private make-out session. Taichi coughs, Sora hops the seat and knocks on the glass. TG looks up, presses a button, and all three digidestined jump getting a mighty zap. *

TG: Never interrupt me!

Sean: *who is just sitting love struck, glares*

Sora: The chapter is over!

TG: So soon!? Oh well....There are more chapter where this came from!

Sora (Narrator): And the peasants REJOICE!

Yamato and Taichi (Peasants): Yay....

So what did you think? Rate and send me your opinions.

*They turn and see the last line*

Taichi: No comment...

Sora: Could use some work

Yamato: It sucked! *ZAP!*

TG: HEY! He is my friend and it's the best you can expect from a Pokemon fic.

Sora*whispering in Taichi's ear*: Bet Yamato get brain damage from all the shock treatment!

Taichi: *smiles at Sora*

*Taichi and Sora start laughing*

Yamato: What's so funny?

Sora: Nothing..*stifles a laugh*

*TG claps and a buffet is lit up in the far end of the theatre*

TG: While we take our break have some food and a beverage! See you all soon!

*With that the room goes dark where TG and Sean were. The digidestined begin to eat and talk*


End chapter one. Next chapter up soon!