Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon Adventures: Kanto ❯ Dream Battle ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pokemon Adventures: Kanto
Just to let you guys know, this fan fiction is called `Pokemon Adventures: Kanto', because I plan to make a sequel of Johto and Hoenn. I have received 0 reviews. Please review. Please!! Thanks, and enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 3: Dream Battle
Current Pokemon on Garen's Belt:
It was getting quite dark in the forest, so Garen and Tommy decided they'd camp out. Using the map on his pokedex he found a clearing up ahead that seemed suitable for camping. When they got there Garen sent out his Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Aipom, and Pidgey, while Tommy sent out his Bellsprout and another pokemon he had been carrying-a Elekid. Tommy clicked the button on Elekid's pokeball and the little yellow pokemon with black stripes appeared. “No way! Is that an Elekid? I hear they're very rare!” exclaimed Garen. “Yeah, but my pop gave me one for my birthday, mate,” Tommy explained. The pokemon were pretty tuckered out from their day so they quickly went to sleep. Tommy said he'd go look for firewood, so Garen took the chance to check his pokemon's levels. He pointed the pokedex at Bulbasaur to find it was now level 11. He pointed it at Aipom and saw that it was now level 9. He knew Pikachu's level was nine from checking earlier and instead pointed it at his Pidgey to find it was level 7. He sat around for a while until Tommy finally came back. Garen watched as Tommy quickly built a roaring fire. “Learned lots of survival training from my pop,” Tommy explained as he added more wood. For a while they sat in silence, just staring at the fire before them. Finally, Tommy spoke up. “So, what's it like where you come from?” Garen sighed. He really didn't want to talk about his hometown but he figured it would be rude not to answer so he began to talk about Pallet. “It's okay, I guess. Though I've never really liked it. I never made one friend except for a Prof. and an aide of his I know. My life has been pretty crappy, as nothing exciting ever goes on there. When I was a kid I always wanted to explore outside of Pallet, but my mom never let me, `cause there's wild pokemon everywhere,' he said in a girl like voice, imitating his mother. “So that's when I vowed to one day get a pokemon and become a pokemon trainer. So I can explore unknown lands, travel to the far distances of Earth, ride on the back of a Dragoni…” he stopped realizing he could go on and on and really bore Tommy. He was about to ask Tommy about his hometown when he saw that Tommy was snoring away, already asleep.
Garen groaned and decided to go to sleep too. He returned his pokemon to their pokeballs and laid down. Although, technically, he wouldn't be asleep. He would be in a dream like trance and be really at the Temple. Or, at least, most of the times he slept he went there. He was about halfway in the trance when he heard the noise of something crawling on the ground. He quickly shot up and was about to wake Tommy when he saw a small, red, worm like pokemon appear before him. “Oh, it's just a pokemon,” he said sighing. He pulled out his pokedex. A picture of the pokemon appeared on the screen and the pokedex's robot like voice came on. “Wurmple, the bug type pokemon. This pokemon is small but quick and usually sleeps in trees.” Garen grinned and pulled out the pokeball containing Pikachu. “Lets get this Wurmple, Pikachu, go!” Garen pushed the button on the pokeball and Pikachu appeared, yawning. He glared at Garen, frowning. “Hey, come on, Pikachu! I didn't mean to wake you up but I need your help to capture this pokemon. Are you with me?” Garen asked. “Pikachu let out a small, “chu And nodded its head. “Alright, then let's start of with tail whip!” Pikachu ran at the Wurmple, slapping it twice with its tail, lowering its defense. “Now, quick, thundershock!” Pikachu squeezed its cheeks and shout out dozens od volts of electricity at the Wurmple. The Wurmple cried in pain and glared at Pikachu and charged after him. Wurmple tried to use its Tackle on Pikachu, but the electric pokemon jumped up to dodge the attack. “Perfect! Now use an aerial thundeshock!” Garen shouted, urging his pokemon on. Pikachu began collecting electricity in its cheeks, but Wurmple shout out tons of thick white thread that wrapped all around Pikachu. Pikachu fell to the ground with a plop, the thundershock attack useless as Pikachu couldn't aim the attack anywhere being covered in thread. “Darn! Pikachu, try to break free!” encouraged Garen. Pikachu began struggling with the thread. A few small popping sounds could be heard as the thread began to break off. But the Wurmple wasn't letting Pikachu get free as it charged at him, preparing for another tackle. Pikachu began struggling frantically. The thread began popping louder. The Wurmple was only a few feet from Pikachu. `Darn, Pikachu won't be able to break free in time. And he can't move with that string covering him. I got to think' Now Wurmple was only a few seconds away from Pikachu. Its eyes glared at the little mouse pokemon. Finally, Garen got it. Pikachu's tail wasn't covered by the thick thread! “Pikachu, use your tail to stand up and dodge to the side!” he shouted. Pikachu used it's tail to stand up off the ground, then quickly dodged to the side, narrowly missing a roaring Wurmple. Instead of striking Pikachu the Wurmple struck a tree that was behind Pikachu instead. He fell backwards, his head having a big lump on it. Pikachu finally broke free from the thread, and glared at the Wurmple. “It's ok, Pikachu, it doesn't have any fight left in him,” Garen said to the anticipate Pikachu. Garen tossed the ball at the little worm at the pokemon was caught. “Good work, Pikachu. You can go back to sleep now,” Garen said to smiling Pikachu. Tommy had woken up from the racket and asked what was going on. “Nothing,” said a grinning Garen as he returned to his spot.
Garen sat under a tall willow, and took of his jacket, as it was quite cool now. He laid up against the trunk and returned to his dream like trance. After a few minutes, he found himself at the Temple. The white room made Garen feel safe. He waited a while, until finally the same tall robed man appeared, bearing a book entitled, `Unknown mysteries of the Unknown', Garen knew that there was a large Library here that contained thousands of books. “Ah, welcome back Garen, how has your journey been?” Garen told him all about his journey so far and all the pokemon he had caught and about Tommy. “Well, lets see how good they have become,” said the tall man. Garen gave him a puzzled look. “Who?” he asked. The tall man laughed. “Why your pokemon, of course” Garen laughed and explained that he didn't have his pokemon and that they were still at camp. The tall robed figure told him to look at himself. Garen reluctantly looked down and gasped. He was still wearing the clothes he was wearing on back at the campsite, and his pokemon belt with pokeballs was there, too! “But…how?” Garen asked. “Well, when you sleep in pajamas they are with you when you are here, too,” said the robed figure. “But I...I…” Garen whispered. The tall figure explained that whatever Garen slept in always came with him to the Temple, even his pokemon. Garen nodded. “So, you wanna see my pokemon in action?” he asked, grinning. “That is correct,” replied the robed figure, “A 3 vs 3.” Garen smiled. “Okay then say hello to my little friend,(don't think of that movie, thanks!) go, Wurmple!” Garen tossed out the pokeball, forgetting that Wurmple had yet to be healed. “Oops, I forgot, Wurmple isn't ready for battle yet, sorry!” But when Garen looked at his Wurmple, he was completely healed. “What the…?” The robed figure spoke, saying that whenever he brought his pokemon here, they were immediately healed. “Oh, so this place is like a super pokemon center, ay!” Garen laughed. He stored this info in the back of his head, as he could always come here to heel his pokemon when there wasn't a center nearby. `Alright then, lets get this battle started!”
The robed figure sent out a Pelipper, a large water pokemon that was a bird in shape and had a large beak that stretched to his stomach. Garen was about to take out his pokedex to find out more info on the pokemon when he realized his pokedex was in his jacket, which he had left beside him at the campsite. He groaned. “Oh well, I'll start this one off, Wurmple, tackle!” The Wurmple charged at the Pelipper, who flew up to dodge the attack. The tall figure commanded a water gun from his Pelipper, who shot out a large spray of water all over Wurmple, knocking him backwards. Wurmple looked dizzy, but Garen knew he wasn't out for thew count yet. “Wurmple, nows your chance, use string shot!” Wurmple shot out the thick thread, which covered the bird like pokemon's body. The Pelipper fell to the ground. Garen was about to order the finishing move, when Wurmple suddenly glowed a shimmering white. “What's going on?” Garen shouted. The tall figure grinned, saying that the Wurmple was evolving. Garen gasped as his Wurmple was gone and a white cocoon with one eye appeared. “That's a Silcoon. It must have reached level seven when it was battling my Pelipper. Unfortunately for you, while it's in this stage, it's a sitting duck!” the tall figure shouted. Suddenly the Pelipper broke free from the threads. Garen realized the tall man was right as his Silcoon was just wobbling, trying to get away from the approaching pokemon. “Silcoon, return!” Garen said, holding out the pokeball, which shot a red beam out that struck the Silcoon and returned it to its pokeball. “Wise choice,” the robed figure said. Garen quickly returned the Silcoon to his belt and sent out Bulbasaur. “Bulbasaur, use you leech seed!” Garen commanded. Bulbasaur shot out the seed, striking the Pelipper and sending vines all around it. Garen didn't hesitate. “Finish him! Tackle!” Bulbasaur struck tackled into the pokemon and hit home- the Pelipper fainted. The robed figure congradulated him and tossed out another pokeball, this time revealing a little gray pokemon that looked almost like a kid. The tall man explained that it was a Tyrouge, a fighting type pokemon. Garen nodded and ordered a vine whip from his Bulbasaur, but to his surprise, the Tyrouge grabbed the vines, pulling the Bulbasaur close to him. Then he used them to fling Bulbasaur to the ground multiple times. Bulbasaur finally gave up, a dizzied look on it's face. `This is a lot harder battle than I thought,' Garen thought to himself, returning Bulbasaur to its pokeball.
Garen thought hard about his next pokemon to use. He knew Pikachu had already fought tonight and was tired, so he sent out his Aipom instead. The purple monkey appeared, yawning loudly. “Alright Aipom, I'm depending on you buddy, lets beat this pokemon!” Garen urged his pokemon. Aipom smiled, but that smile soon turned into a glare as it looked at the Tyrouge. “Aipom, tail whip!” Aipom charged at the Tyrouge, and tried slapping its face with the large hand on its tail. But to Garen's and Aipom's horror, the Tyrouge caught Aipom's tail, too. `What does this guy have, super reflexes or something?' Garen thought. The Tyrouge flung the Aipom to the ground, knocking it out cold. Garen fell to his knees. The only pokemon he had left was his Silcoon, but he was useless. “Well, you have one last pokemon, send it out,” the tall figure said. But he could tell Garen thought the match was already over. “You'd be surprised Garen, even the pokemon that seem the weakest can definitely be the strongest.” Garen was turned by his strong words, and, grinning, sent out his Silcoon. An idea suddenly pooped up in his head. The tall amn ordered his Tyrouge to punch Garen's Silcoon, but that was exactly what Garen was hoping for. `Silcoon, harden!,” Garen shouted. “Silcoon's cocoon gleamed and when Tyrouge hit the pokemon, it had no effect. Garen ordered another harden, and Silcoon's cocoon gleamed again as its cocoon got stronger. Tyrouge continued to strike the Silcoon, but soon his fist hurt very badly. Garen didn't know if a tackle would work but he figured he'd try anyway. He ordered a tackle from Silcoon, and to his surprise the pokemon managed to hop up and hit the Tyrouge on the chest-hard. Garen grinned and commanded his Silcoon to keep using tackle. The Tyrouge tried to defend itself, but its attacks were useless, plus it only hurt his fist more. Finally, Tyrouge fell to the ground, knocked out. Garen leaped for joy, hugging his Silcoon with all his might, he knew he couldn't hurt him anyway. But the tall man grinned and said that the battle wasn't over yet.
The tall man sent out a green snake like pokemon. He told Garen it was a Huntail, his strongest pokemon. But Garen only grinned. The robed figure ordered a bite from his Huntail, but the attack was useless on the strong-coated Silcoon. Garen was laughing loudly when his Silcoon began to shine again. This time, a beautiful multicolored butterfly appeared. The tall man nodded. “Ah, yes. The Wurmple family tree is one of the fastest evolving pokemon. You have a Beautifly.” Garen grinned. “Awesome!” Beautifly was quickly flying around, ready for action. “Ok, Beautifly, use tackle!” Garen shouted. Beautifly charged at the Huntail. The tall man commanded a whirlpool from his Huntail. The snake-like pokemon shout out lots of water that circled around the Beautifly. “Beautifly, fly up and away from the water!” Garen said. Beautifly flew as high as he could and the whirlpool missed him. Realizing that the pokemon was part water, Garen wondered if the Beautifly had learned any grass techniques when it evolved. He ended up asking Beautifly, who nodded. Suddenly Huntail was glowing, and Garen thought that it was evolving or something, but then small green dots were flying towards Beautifly. Garen realized that Beautifly was using absorb, a grass attack that absorbs the opposing pokemon's energy! Soon the Huntail was knocked out cold, all of its energy drained from it. Garen shouted happily and hugged his new Beautifly. The tall man congratulated him on his victory, and said that his pokemon were getting quite strong. Garen nodded, but said that his strong advice was a major part of it, to. The tall man smiled. “Well, it seems it's time for you to return. I'll be waiting next time, goodbye.” Garen waved to him, and trees and shrubbery and a worn out fire were appearing before him. He smiled and saw that it was morning. He decided to let Tommy sleep for a little longer, and went to explore.