Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon Adventures: Kanto ❯ Battle for the Moon Stone ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: Battle for the Moon Stone
Ok, thanks guys for continuing to read my fan fic. And thanks for reviewing. I don't know why but every time I see a review I get this urge to start writing another chapter (hint…hint…) So thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the chapter! Oh, I've been thinking of which pokemon to let Garen catch soon…but I can't decide! Help me by posting ONE on your review!It can be any one!(not the really rare ones, though!) Thanks, and the winner will be reviled next chapter.
Current pokemon on Garen's belt:
Garen had one his first bade, the Boulder Badge. Thou it was only a small stone it was a small step into becoming a pokemon master to Garen. So, he headed out into the land known as route 3. Garen began to notice that the terrain was becoming less grass and more rock. Checking his map, he saw that Mt. Moon was coming up. He also saw that it was pretty far ahead, so he decided he'd take some time out to train his pokemon. He sent them all out and trained them one by one, fighting the weaker pokemon that hung around Route 3. With a couple hours time he had his pokemon significantly leveled up. Bulbasaur was now level 15, Pikachu was 13, Aipom 12, and Beautifly 12. Garen knew he had a strong arsenal of pokemon who could easily win pokemon battles for him. After letting his pokemon rest from their training he returned them to their pokeballs and continued down the road. But soon up ahead he saw many people wearing lab coats gathered in one spot and they seemed to be shouting. Garen walked up to them to find they were all fighting over some strange moon shaped rock. Garen managed to calm down the screaming people and asked what's up. One of the men spoke up. “We are all scientist from Pewter City. We all came down to Mt. Moon to find a Moon Stone. When we did we all wanted it so know were fighting over it.” Garen nodded. “We'll there's no reason to fight over it. Why not have pokemon battles to decide who wins it?” The scientists began to nod amongst themselves and finally agreed. “But, just to make it fair, I get to participate too,” Garen added. The scientist agreed, figuring they could probably beat him anyway. So the match was set.
Two scientists started off the series of battles. The woman on the left sent out a Snuball, a little pink dog like pokemon. Then the man on the right sent out a Magnamite, a round pokemon with magnets at its sides and one eye. The woman ordered a tackle, which the man's Magnamite easily dodged. Then the man ordered a thundershock and the poor Snuball was hit hard, but he wasn't out for the count. The woman ordered her Snuball to use Scary Face, and the little pokemon made a huge scary face, which momentarily frightened the Magnamite. The scientist lady knew this was her chance so she ordered her Snuball to use take down and the little dog pokemon hit Magnamite, hurting him badly. “Now, Snuball, finish him! Rage!” the lady shouted. Snuball hammered into the Magnamite multiple times, until finally the Magnamite was knocked out. The lady cheered and the first match was over.
Next was Garen vs. a Scientist with glasses. The man sent out a Slakoth, a sloth like pokemon that is very slow. Garen sent out his Aipom. The man ordered a yawn from Slakoth. Slakoth let out a loud yawn, and Garen was about to laugh when he was surprised to see his Aipom get knocked over. Garen growled. “Aipom, tackle!” Garen shouted. Aipom charged at the sloth like pokemon and hammered into its side. But the pokemon didn't seem to notice any pain and yawned once more, sending Aipom flying, then rolled over to its side. Garen was really angry know. “Aipom, use tail whip! And keep hammering away until he faints!” Aipom charged at the Slakoth, and began repeatedly using its tail whip. But Slakoth didn't mind and turned over so his back could get a massage. Garen was going crazy now. “Just keep it up, Aipom!” he shouted. Aipom continued to whack away at Slakoth for five minutes. Garen was about to give up when he saw that Slakoth was already knocked out! “Huh?!” But then he realized that while everyone thought he was sleeping, Slakoth had indeed slowly been losing! Slakoth was out for the count and Garen won the match.
Next up two male scientist faced each other. The one on the right sent out a Vulpix, a dog like pokemon with many tails while the one on the left sent out a Natu, a little bird that had psychic powers. The man on the left ordered a peck from its Natu, who pecked away at Vulpix. But the man on the right ordered a Ember from his Vulpix, which nearly fried Natu. The man on the left ordered his Natu to use psychic on Vulpix, and Vulpix was picked up with Natu's psychic powers and flung to the ground. Vulpix wailed in pain and the man on the left told Natu to use confuse ray on Vulpix. But before he could get a chance the man on the right told his Vulpix to use quick attack, and Vulpix charged into Natu hurting him badly. The man on the right took his chance and ordered his Vulpix to finish him by using ember. But the man on the left took action and shouted for his Natu to use teleport. Just before the fire struck Natu he disappeared and reappeared on a rock. Vulpix tried again but Natu disappeared once more and reappeared behind Vulpix. “Now, Natu, psychic!” the man on the left shouted. Natu used its powers and Vulpix was sent flying, knocked out. The match was over.
Next up was a younger scientist vs. a really old one. The younger one sent out a Chikorita a grass type pokemon with a leaf sticking out of its head. The older one sent out a Houndoor, a black and white dog like pokemon. The younger scientist ordered a razor leaf from his Chikorita, but Houndoor swiftly dodged the attack. The older man retaliated by shouting for his Houndoor to use Bite. The younger man ordered his Chikorita to use poison powder to stop the Houndoor. Chikorita sent out lots of purple seeds, which stuck to Houndoor's body. Houndoor began to slow down. Garen knew that the poison was slowly draining Houndoor's health. He thought of the berry in his backpack and decided he'd give it to the older man after the battle. But the older man wasn't out yet, as he shouted for his Houndoor to quickly use ember. Garen winced. He knew that fire had an advantage over grass. But to his surprise Chikorita used its large leaf on its head to block the fire and send it away. Garen realized that it was pointless for the old man to go on, as the poison would eventually knock out his pokemon. The old man realized this too and said that he'd give up. Garen handed the old man a berry that eliminated poison and the old man thanked him. The battle was over and the semi-finals were to begin.
The first match was Garen vs. the lady scientist. The lady scientist sent out Marill, a round water pokemon with a ball on the end of its tail. Garen sent out the beautiful multi colored Beautifly. Garen decided to start the battle off and ordered his Beautifly to use absorb, as grass was strong against water. But the lady quickly ordered her Marill to use tail whip and Beautifly was smacked by the large ball on the end of Marill's tail before she could pull off the attack. Beautifly glared bitterly at Marill. “Beautifly, tackle!” Garen shouted. Beautifly charged at Marill and struck him hard in the stomach knocking him back. Garen ordered another and Marill was struck hard once again. The lady shouted for Marill to use water gun, and the stream of water brought Beautifly down to the ground. The lady realized this was her chance and ordered Marill to use rollout. Marill began rolling its body and rolled all over Beautifly who cried in pain. “Beautifly!!” Garen shouted. Marill continued its onslaught when Garen got an idea. “Beautifly, harden!” Beautifly's skin shined as it's body became hard. When Marill rolled on Beautifly again this time it made a clunk sound and Marill was sent souring into the air. “Quick, Beautifly, absorb!” Beautifly concentrated on Marill and sound the round pokemon glowed green and small balls of energy came streaming towards Beautifly. As Marill was a water type, the attack was twice as fast and when Marill landed on the ground he was knocked out. Garen thanked the woman for the battle and the next round began.
Now it was the younger man vs. another scientist. The younger man sent out a Flaffy, a pink sheep like pokemon. The other man sent out a Tentacruel, a water and poison pokemon with dozens of tentacles. The man ordered a poison sting from it's Tentacruel but the younger man told his Flaffy to use thundershock to stop Tentacruel. Flaffy shocked Tentacruel and then the other man told his pokemon to use Constrict. The Tentacruel wrapped dozens of tentacles around Flaffy, but that was just what the younger man wanted. “Flaffy, thunder wave!” Flaffy let out lots of electricity but instead of hurting Tentacruel it paralyzed him so he couldn't attack. Flaffy hopped out of Tentacruel's grasp and glared. “Perfect! Now, Flaffy, use thundershock to finish him off!” Flaffy used thundershock and Tentacruel was done for. In a lightning fast battle, the younger man had one and now it was the final match.
Now Garen had to Face the younger man in the final battle for the moon stone. The younger man sent out a Minum, a little electric pokemon that looked like a Pikachu only it had blue stripes. Garen thought about which pokemon to choose. He finally decided his starter would do the trick. So he sent out Bulbasaur, who was smiling ready for battle. Garen told Bulbasaur to use vine whip, so Bulbasaur went out its vines to strike Minum. But the little pokemon was fast and he swiftly dodged the vines and headed Bulbasaur's way. “Bulbasaur, try stopping him with a poison powder!” Garen encouraged, but the little pokemon dodged that attack to and rammed into Bulbasaur, using a tackle attack. Bulbasaur growled angrily, and Garen shouted for him to use leech seed. Bulbasaur shot out a seed which stuck to Minum's fur and sent vines all over him. But the younger man only told Minum to use spark to get the seed out of fur. Minum shot out a little bit of electricity on the seed and it popped out along with the vines. Garen gasped in amazement and tried to think of another attack. But the younger man was quicker and ordered his Minum to use thunder wave. Before Bulbasaur could dodge Minum's thundershock struck him and he was paralyzed. Garen gasped. Everything was going downhill!
Garen shouted for his Bulbasaur to use tackle but his parlyzation forbid him. Now the younger man took action. “Minum, use charge!” Minum began to glow and Garen knew in seconds he would give the finishing blow. Garen couldn't think of anything to do. He was really going to lose…But suddenly, Bulbasaur began to glow a brilliant white, and in seconds a new pokemon appeared in Bulbasaur's place. The pokemon had a flowerbud instead of a bulb and sorta stood on its hind legs. Bulbasaur had evolved! Garen shouted with glee and quickly pulled out his pokedex. “Ivysaur, the evolved form of Bulbasaur, the pokedex stated, “Ivysaur begins to stand on its hind legs in this stage. Its flowerbud is soon to bloom.” Garen knew that Ivysaur was more stronger and powerful, and best of all the paralyze was gone from him! Before Minum could attack Garen shouted for his Ivysaur to use sleep powder. Ivysaur shot out lots of maroon seeds, which Minum only managed to dodge a few. Minum wobbled around, almost asleep. `Now, Ivysaur, finish him! Tackle!” Ivysaur charged at Minum and the attack sent Minum soaring, and the match was over. Garen ran to Ivysaur and hugged him all he could. “We did it!” he shouted happily. All the scientist except the younger one left, growling. The young scientist walked up to him. “Hi, I'm Prof. Windtoss. That was a great battle. Here's your prize.” Prof. Windtoss handed him the moon stone. Garen looked at it with interest. “Oh, and take this,” the Prof. added, “it's some egg I found while I was exploring around here. I have to much work to do to take care of it, so why don't you?” He handed Garen a white egg with red and blue triangles. Garen thanked him greatly. The Prof. nodded. “And if you ever stop by Saffron, come say hello,” the Prof. said, and then they parted. Garen walked onward. Soon he saw Mt. Moon ahead. He hurried forward.