Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon Colosseum: A Real Battle of Life ❯ Celeste ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pokemon Colosseum

A Real Battle Of Life

By Rezu Dreams of Ice Crystals

Chapter Two


Destiny arrived in Phenac City about half an hour after he left the Outskirt Stand. Willie was right; Phenac was beautiful. But he had no time to think, he saw two shady fellows a few feet away from him. They were carrying a wiggling, squirming, and talking sack! Destiny's eyes narrowed as a frown came across his lips, they looked like thieves.

The two shady guys were laughing; when they turned they saw Destiny staring at them. They both stopped laughing when they realized he saw what they were doing.

"Who are you?! Oh, forget it! I'll just take your Pokemon after I win!" one spoke, before throwing out two Pokeballs.

And so the battle began… Shady Guy Folly wanted to battle, so Destiny took out Gem and Bre's Pokeballs and threw them out as well. Out came the two Eons, after came Folly's twin Whismur. Destiny laughed at this and commanded an attack.

"Confusion, Gem! Then Bite the other one, Bre!"

Gem and Bre nodded, Gem attacking first. His eyes began to glow once more as the Confusion attack took effect. The first Whismur was out of here! Bre bit the second one, but it wasn't so easily defeated.

"Whismur! Use Uproar!"

Whismur began to cry, then cried even louder! Destiny covered his ears, then yelled.


Gem nodded and let out the attack, Whismur finally stopped due to fainting. Destiny grinned, then smirked. He let Espeon and Umbreon back into their balls and glared at Folly and his friend.

"Leave now, or be defeated in battle once more."

Folly gulped, then ran off with his buddy, leaving the sack. Two people who were watching came up to the sack. The boy dressed as an Athlete looked at the sack and saw it moving.

"Oh, yuck! There's someone inside there!"

The boy and the woman bent down and tried to open it, but the knot was much too tight.

"Darn it! It's tied up good!" the woman said, giving up.

Destiny blinked and walked over to the sack, bending down and pulling with all his strength. The knot had finally untied! The sack stood up and out came a girl with bright orange hair. She wore a bright blue jacket with a purple sleeveless and a white skirt.

"Huh? Where am I?" she asked, looking around.

"You're in Phenac City, the city of waters and where the Pre Gym in located." The woman spoke, grinning. "You were tied in there pretty tightly, Girl… You should be glad that this boy was around before something bad happened!"

The girl looked at Destiny, seeing his very long and zipped, dark blue jacket blow in the wind as it blew by. The girl blushed and bowed.

"Th-Thank you for saving me… If you don't mind my asking… Did the people who tried to kidnap me use any strange Pokemon in any way?"

"No… They were two Whismur and they didn't look very strange…" the Athlete spoke, looking at the sky.

Destiny blinked as the girl looked at the ground with a sad look.

"Is there anything wrong with that, Miss?" Destiny asked, making a concerned look for once.

"No… No, nothing's wrong…"

"Hey, why don't you go see the Mayor? He's a nice man, I'll bet you anything he could help you!" the woman spoke, smiling.

"You think so? Well, OK…"

"Umm… Miss? What's your name? Mine's Destiny." Destiny spoke, smiling.

"My name's Celeste. Nice to meet you …" the girl said, smiling. "Destiny, would you mind if I tagged along with you? I wouldn't want to get kidnapped again."

Destiny looked at the ground for a moment, thinking. Then he looked back up at Celeste and smiled again.

"Sure, why not? But we better get you to the Mayor's house."

Celeste smiled back and walked behind Destiny, ready for Destiny to lead the way to the Mayor's house. Destiny sighed and walked around the fountain, up the stairs, around a circle-shaped building and to the west of the city. They walked toward the only house in the west side of town, then a strangely dressed man with white hair appeared and smirked at Destiny. Destiny just narrowed his eyes as the man spoke.

"Fufufu… I have a feeling I may see you again somewhere."

The man left after saying this, then Destiny and Celeste headed into the house. A rather round man got up from his chair and walked over to them.

"Hello Children! I am Mayor Es Cade! What can I do for you?"

Celeste stepped forward and looked at the ground nervously.

"I… Um…"

"Come now, Child… You can tell me, I shall listen."

"OK… I-I saw a strange Pokemon with a black aura around it! It-It even attacked people!" Celeste admitted with fear in her voice. "The trainers of that Pokemon knew I had seen it, so they tried to kidnap me!"

"A Pokemon That Attacks People?! How?! And The Trainers Tried To Kidnap You?! I shall search for information, Young Lady! I will make sure the trainers of those Pokemon who attack people go to Jail!" the Mayor spoke, making a brave look and walking back to his desk.

Celeste bowed her thanks. She and Destiny were about to leave when the Mayor spoke once more.

"You Children must be tired… Do sleep up stairs for the night, I usually wind up falling asleep in front of this desk anyway."

They turned back around to face the Mayor, Celeste smiled, but Destiny wasn't quite comfortable. He forgot that having a partner of the opposite sex meant that he had to sleep near her. He gulped, but nodded, walking up stairs with Celeste following behind him.

Once upstairs, there was a girl the age of 21 there. She smiled at the two.

"Hey there, Lovebirds… I'll bet my Dad let you stay here, right? You two sleep in that bed in the corner, this one's mine."

Destiny and Celeste blushed, now they were both VERY uncomfortable. They had to sleep in the same bed for crying out loud! This would be scary! Destiny couldn't take the pressure, he looked to Celeste and spoke.

"I'm Gonna Sleep On The Floor!"

Celeste nodded, still blushing.

"O-OK… G-Good night…"

Celeste got into the bed, taking off her shoes and going to sleep in her clothes. Destiny took a deep breath and put his sleeping bag on the floor in the corner near the stairs. He took off his black boots, then took off his dark blue jacket and the arm-shaped machine he had put on his arm. He put them directly against the wall behind the sleeping bag. He now just wore a dark blue T-shirt and black pants. Destiny got under the covers of his sleeping bag and turned on his side so he faced the staircase.

`Maybe I should rethink this Partner thing…' he thought before drifting off to sleep.

To Be Continued…