Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon Evolution ❯ The Return of Laurence III ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

JohnnyChaosZ: Wuz up. This is my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't, repeat DO NOT own Pokemon. I do own Alex, Laura, Mark, and Samantha. But I don't own the powers they use( You'll find out what I mean when you read the story).

Pokemon Evolution

Chapter one: The Return of Lawrence III

At sea, outside of Rustboro City, Laurence III is aboard his cruise ship reading an ancient history book that tells about an ancient race of people that carried the traits of pokemon. It told about how they were able to use all the powers of pokemon, how certain people were different types such as fire, water, electric, psychic, ect. He turns the page and notices a diagram that looks like the back of an ancient mew card.

Laurence III: What's this?

Laurence III notices some instructions on the page next to it.

Laurence III: Interesting. If I follow these instructions, I should be able to obtain every pokemon power there is! (chuckles evily)

Computer: Master Laurence, the group you sent for has assembled in the lobby.

Laurence: Excellent.

Down below one floor, casual conversations are being held as they await the person who called them there. Among the group are Jessie, James and Meowth.

James: Jessie, tell me why we're here again?

Jessie: Because we need money to pay off our debts!! How many times do I need to remind you?!

Meowth: Remember Jessie, this is James we're talking about.

James: Can it fur-brain!

Jessie: Shh! Both of you look up there.

The entire crowd goes silent as a chair comes down the beam in the floor.

Meowth: Say…

James: …don't we…

Jessie: …know him?

Laurence III: First off, let me introduce myself. I am Laurence III and I'm a collector of sorts.

James: (whispering) Jessie, it's that guy that tried to capture Lugia.

Jessie:(whispering) Wonder what he wants now?

Laurence: Let me get straight to the point.{Laurence presses a button on the armrest of the chair and a screen rises from the floor}Upon the screen you'll notice seven orbs. Basically this is a treasure hunt. Anyone that can find any one of these gems will be well paid. The only info I can give you concerning their location is that they are somewhere in this region.

Man1: Sounds like a kids game.

Man2: I don't care as long as I'm paid.

Woman: What are we waiting for? Lest go!

Everyone begins to leave including Team Rocket.

Laurence: Hang on you four!

Jessie, James, Meowth, and two other guys stop.

Laurence: I have a special job for you four. Take these manual and special trackers. Those manuals will explain what I want you do.

All four: Yes Sir.

They each grab a tracker and a manual and leave.

Laurence III: I can only hope that there are some of those people still around that I read about.

(Laughs evily)

JohnnyChaosZ: Wonder what those devices are for? Hope you enjoyed it. Please review. Thanks!