Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Trainer ❯ Unknown Paths ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter One: Unknown Paths
"Noctowl, I choose you!"
The crimson and ivory sphere struck the air within a sharp hiss, an exotic beam of scarlet light releasing like spilt milk upon the arena's wooden clasped boards, an unusual owl-like creature plunging its talons among its presence. Its eyes gave a golden jeer toward its fire struck opponent, mahogany feathers gleaming broadly to the newly approached sunlight.
The lizard-like Pocket Monster standing before it outstretched its dagger claws to the roof of its paws, cerulean eyes piercing Noctowl's vision to a daze.
A crimson tail outstretched from its exterior, orange and scarlet flames grasping the air like invisible hands in a snowstorm. The flames would flicker within a short sound of crumbling wood, then would extend to the ground as ashes like dying fireflies at the creature's immense clawed feet.
A growl parched its throat as the owl howled to its voice's expensed sound, wings jettisoning itself a few feet above the ground, a short stabbed shadow guarding its path.
"And Ash Ketchum has chosen Noctowl, the flying nocturnal Pokémon of the sky!" The announcer's booming voice echoed throughout the crowded stadium of students like a screech of an abandoned Zubat, the retorts of the crowd's battling commands repeating throughout Ash's ears.
As his eyes shaded into a deep mahogany of oak wood, his eyes caught a distance of his new rival…a beautiful blonde haired girl by the name of Mikashi Ono; a new student from the streets of Goldenrod.
Her stone cold eyes caught up to his; a grim smile on her face as electricity shocked through the coldness of her eyes.
Immediately through blood instinct Ash knew this new student wasn't what she seemed.
It was very rarely that he would ever see a child of stone eyes, and when he did, although, Brock and Misty would just stare at him in doubt, saying that a different color was to be named.
It confused him beneath his skin, but he learned to accept the fact that everyone saw things different. Besides…wasn't he acting kind of paranoid about some innocent girl that hadn't even spoken a word towards his own eyes?
Ash's mouth suddenly fled into dust, his cough echoing his attack to his partner. "Noctowl, Hypnosis attack! Aim for Charmeleon's eyes!"
Mikashi's mouth formed into a grin that cracked the sides of her lips; her eyes gleaming like those of an Umbreon. "Charmeleon, Flamethrower."
A flame cowered sphere flooded Charmeleon's large mouthed jaw, ashes flowing from its mouth as the flame deluged its crimson bulged tail. As it's breath encountered the flame, a river of blaze snatched across the air like a tidal wave among the beach, flames flickering throughout the air like frolicking birds.
"Noctowl, dodge now!"
The owl's immense wings fluttered themselves into the air at it's fullest speed, the wave of fire snapping a few of it's thermal wafted feathers to crisp ashes.
A scream howled across the stadium of Noctowl's massive impact of pain, the remnants of the wave smashing Ash into the chest within a colossal collision of a punch.
Smoke collided within the fire, a cage of smolder surrounding the young trainer.
The crowd of students gasped at the sight of the opponent's monster attacking its rival within awe and horror, an expected scream waiting to be heard.
But surprisingly, none came out of the young trainer's mouth. Only Noctowl's tremendous scream could be heard.
As the smoke began to drift away like the mist of a rain shower, Ash's silhouette could be seen throughout the blackness of the smoke's cascade.
Standing, he remained.
Blaze flickered and chewed at his clothing, but did no damage. It was as if trying to burn metal. No effect of the fire could change his position.
As his breath coughed smoke from his throat, his hoarse voice whispered the next commands, his right palm slashing away the flickering flames among his shoulders. "Noctowl, do the attack I ordered."
Noctowl's eyes approached its trainer's, its mahogany wings fluttering in horror.
Its trainer's eyes now resembled icy bullion that could most likely shatter ice, anger pushing outside of his body like blood veins.
Something was definitely wrong with him…although it couldn't put down what it was…but as its wings fluttered to its shoulders, a familiar legend tumbled down into its mind.
"Noctowl, do your attack! Now!"
Staggering into the air, the owl-like monster jettisoned once again into the air, rainbow and silver coated spheres abandoning its gleaming eyes of russet.
They stretched outwards towards its fire-beaming opponent, the spheres glowing into silver rings.
"Charmeleon, burn the attack with a Fire Spin!"
A strung rope of fire escaped the Charmeleon's throat, collapsing into the air within Noctowl's attack, leaving the silver attack crumbling and flickering to ashes.
Ash's golden-rimmed eyes widened in terror, the wind flickering his ebony hair strands into the air like the fire among his skin.
It couldn't be…how could he be loosing to a brand new student?
Noctowl's Hypnosis continued to stretch as the fire sustained to burn, its blaze soon confronting and pushing Noctowl to the ground within a thud and a flight massacre of feathers.
Mikashi's thin lips developed into a smile, Charmeleon's cobalt eyes of thin ice gleaming to the arising sun, growls still parched beneath its throat.
"Looks like it's over, Ash Ketchum. I win." A chuckle released from her lips as his golden eyes pierced a stone hard glare. "I guess I'm no rookie to you anymore, am I?"
Ash placed a wrist-guarded palm among his crimson plated hat, his voice speaking low and raspy to his anger. "There's something unusual about you, and that something I will soon discover."
Mikashi's smile transformed into a frown, her eyes gleaming softly to the brewing morning. "And what about your secret, Ash?"
Ash's right hand flipped his Pokéball's switch to return his injured partner, shadows cowering above his transforming mahogany eyes. "What the hell are you talking about?"
Mikashi sighed an ice cloud, emerald eyes blazing within fire. "You know what I'm talking about…and if not, I'll make sure you do."

"I told you Amanda, there's something really unusual about that Mikashi girl! I mean, I've been here at Pokémon Tech for two years now, along with four years of training with Misty and Brock, and here a rookie is taking me down in two attacks!"
His right hand grasped a golden moon shaped charm that strung around a silver-coated chain at his neck, oak wood eyes gleaming within a milky light.
"Ash, if you're saying Mikashi is the one who is acting unusual, you should look at your own victories. I actually think you're the one who's acting weird."
Her mahogany hair pushed down to her scrawny boned shoulders, cerulean eyes giving a stout glare that made Ash's eyes flicker. "Besides, she wasn't the one who was shouting at her Pocket Monster, and actually went right through a flamethrower attack."
Ash's eyes squinted. "I have bad tantrums when I get mad. I can't help it. It's been a problem since I was a little kid…my mom actually had to restrain me from kicking the wall down when I was five."
"Uh huh." Amanda shut her metal crimson bent locker, the slam echoing down the hallway. "Now that you've covered that part, what about the fire? Don't go telling me it was a dud. I know fire by fire. I'm a Blaze Master, as you know."
"Hm…" Ash's eyes flickered once again, his fingers running coarsely through his ebony hair. "I don't really know, actually. Things just happen…" He grinned. "Maybe I'm just special."
His face dug in his locker as his hands grasped among his doodle covered History book, his right foot pushing against the bottom locker within a short impact and an immense clatter. "I still think there's something unusual about that girl, though. I don't care what you or Misty will say about this, or how much you're saying I'm a poor sport…I know I'm right."
As he walked off within a few short gestures, notebook and accessories stuffed under his left arm, Amanda's head went downward into the shadows. "How come I'm the only one who can't seem to control you?"

Caro stared helplessly at the remnants of the shattered pocket watch at his feet, his eyelids closing themselves into darkness.
He was going crazy…wasn't he?
"Akane, how much time in precise to we have left till the ice shards cover his body?"
Akane froze for an instant, her eyelids fluttering within a split second to the pacing of Buraku's footsteps. "I'd say an hour by the most…maybe forty minutes."
"Hm…seems like the right amount of time to get to Syaocale Village and back. I'll see if I can find an antidote there from Gatem…if there's anyone who knows curing spells, she does."
He pressed his bare boned fingers to his mouth to let out a shrilling whistle that echoed among the shattering cavern. "Gyro, come over here!"
The shadowed Pocket Monster drifted down from the cavern's top ledges, it's ebony and silver shades running like flowing veins among its body.
It mewed in Caro's presence, its long rubber band like tail thrusting the air within every stroke of its four pawed feet.
Caro grinned brightly, the sides of his blistering lips cracking drips of blood. "Gyro, transform to a Fearow…I can understand you in that form."
The shadowed Mew began to blaze vibrantly, feathers fit to bust from its flimsy leathered body within a composed pace. Its nuzzle crushed into a lozenge-stiff beak that squealed a new name, a row of skull feathers bulging from its silky-furred brow.
As the glowing darkened into a deep mahogany, a Fearow stood strong in the room screeching its new name.
"Good work, Gyro."
Caro's paces headed toward the transformed Mew, his blonde hair rushing across his forehead.
"I'll be back soon, Akane, and I'll make sure the cure is within my grasp."
As he jumped upon the russet groomed bird of the sky, Buraku's feet placed in Gyro's way, his foxtail standing straight to his back. "I'm coming to, Caro."
Caro's cerulean eyes flickered vibrantly, his eyebrows forming his pupils into a snappish glare. "Why is that, Buraku? So you can stop me from reaching Gatem in time?"
Buraku shook his head steadily, his ebony ears flattening tightly to his flat-ended skull. "No, Caro. I want to go so I can help protect you. I'm a lot stronger than Gyro is, and since I'm a Pokémon, I can easily trick anyone who tries to stop your path. I wont get in your way…I'll just be the other's distraction."
His feet shifted upon the cavern's shifted rock, his glossy eyes still in the midst of sparkling to his words. "Besides, I figured that if I helped you, you might just grant my wish to be human."