Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Dweeler ❯ Bio ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Dweeler

Ok this is an A/U fanfic so don't reply with crazy stuff!

Anyway, in this story pokemon or as I usually like to call them, Pocket Monsters, are now savage beasts that roam around one of the major cities in the world. Scientists though have came upon a solution. By bioengineering some of the worlds most deadliest Pocket Monsters, they have produced a powerful breed of half-monster, half-human creatures.

The monster's mission: To seek and destroy all or any Pocket Monsters that may or have already put harm upon a human being.

After a few weeks the monsters built in command will fade and it will begin to grow it's own conscious mind. A mind that had long been deleted now being brought back. This led to even more powerful monster roaming the city, so instead of creating another killer, the scientists mainly commanded the creatures to kill them selves and never put harm to any human being….until now……


A cry rang out among the city as a huge Charizard began to destroy building after building, smashing its large talons into glass windows and roaring madly. Unknowing to Charizard, an army helicopter hovered above waiting for the right moment to strike the huge beat. "I don't understand, from my studies Charizard's should easily since our presence. I don't see what could possibly be wrong!" a young scientist asked an army officer. "The Charizard is merely to busy destroying the city. It's having so much fun it really doesn't care about us," the officer answered without thought. Suddenly the officer turned to his recruits and in a much more stern voice he yelled, "PREPARE TO FIRE!" The recruits pointed large guns that had been filled with a powerful injection poison that should be enough to stun the Charizard. "FIRE!"

A stream of bullet shaped containers with sharp needles patruding from all sides flew down towards the Charizard hitting the creature directly on its large muscular neck. The Carizard let out an ear-splitting scream then fell towards the ground shaking the Earth.

The Charizard awoke to find itself in a tank. 'Why am I here?' Charizard asked itself as it looked beyond the tank and stared at the humans who seemed to be studying him. Instead of feeling a violent anger, the Charizard felt somewhat calm. A painful sting erupted in Charizards head. He immediately fell unconscious.

The scientists began to work. They took the genes from human appearance and placed it into the evolutionary ability of Charizard.

Then they worked tirelessly at turning Charizard from a human-killing machine into a monster-killing machine. After adjusting the human characteristics a few scientists agreed that The Charizard was finally ready. Ready to battle.