Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The I Don't Care About This enough to bother with a Name Fic ❯ “My clothes don’t match! My clothes don't match! I'm out in public and my clothes don't match! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Dis... Claimer... You figure it out. I don't own "My clothes don't match! My clothes don't match! I'm out in public and my clothes don't match!" It belongs to NICKELODEON and Jimmy Neutron.

Author's Note: This, like all my fics, was incredibly fun to write. I don't hold anything against Ash, though I am a HUGE TR fan. In fact, he's one of my favorites. Rich the Biyatch and The Poorly-Dressed Satan-Spawned Biyatch, however, are a completely different story…

The I Don't Care About This enough to bother with a Name Fic

By Short Rochester

Misty POV…

As I laid there listening to the light, even breath patterns of Ash's new best friend, I wished for the a-thousandth time that it would stop, And that I'd be the one to stop it. His face is surrounded by ugly, misplaced hair… No, wait… That was Ash… Here we go. His face is surrounded by ugly, discolored, misplaced hair, his ugly clothes, his annoying voice… wait, that's Ash again… his annoying, child-like voice, and his stupid, unintelligent PokèMoN…

Richie POV…

Wakes up "Hello world! It's me. Yawns. It's so good to be alive! Tra la la la la! I'm not taking' a shower today, I'm not taking a bath, HOORAY! I went to bed and got bed-head, and it feels less authentic then a toupee!" Dances around. "Oh! Look! It's Ash!" Maybe we can all dance and sing my song! "I'm not taking a…"

Ash POV…

Wakes up. Yawns. Stretches. Notices Richie's dancing. "Uhh… Richie?" "Yes, Ash?" "What're you DOING?" "I'm dancing!" ^__^ he said, exaggerating each syllable. "Okaay… Where's Misty?" "I don't know, I'm dancing!" ^__^ "Okay, Rich. I'm gonna go find her, though I don't know why…" Richie Is really startin' to scare me…O__O

Misty POV…

I wonder how long I've been in this forest. Spots a wild Pidgey "Yes! That's it! It's standing between me and Ash!" Devours the live bird-PokèMoN. "Now. I'll have to make all the evidence point to someone else…"


Where is she? This isn't like her. Normally she tries to stay as far away from forests as possible…

Wait! Maybe she's not really like that. Maybe it's a trick! She taught me that everything could be a trap, to constantly stay on my guard. She's also continuously raving about how awful Team Rocket is. I don't really think there's anything wrong with them, but this… psychic… FORCE… kinda forces me to hate them. Where IS she? "Misty!" "Misty!"…

Richie POV

Whoo-hoo! I'm dancing! "My clothes don't match! My clothes don't match! I'm out in public and my clothes don't match!" (And they didn't…)

Misty POV

Moves some stuff around. "There. Peeerrrfeecccttt…"


Is that her?" No, that's some spiky orange stuff on a vine...

Richie POV

"Wow! I didn't know a Rattata could DO that…"

SR: Now, upon arriving at the end of this short, short chapter, we find ourselves wondering, "Will Ash ever find Misty?" and either not caring or hoping beyond hope that he never does. Another question might be, "Umm… what exactly WAS the Rattata doing?" and becoming somewhat apprehensive. And, lastly, the question of "What exactly did the vine with spiky orange stuff look like?" and the answer, you must realize, is either very much like Misty, or nothing at all and Ash really didn't wanna be out there searching. But if you must know, I'm doing a fanart as soon as the scanner's fixed.