Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Prophecy Book 2 ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimers: Someone other than me owns Pokmon. ^ . ^ The idea for the story
came from something I drew, a dream and the fact that I hate drawing
characters in their cannon clothes therefore everyone will be wearing different
clothes ^ . ^ And new characters are mine. (That means Lisala, Linn and
Ley etc. . . .)

This is a dark fic and something of an AAMRN, though you won't know it
for a while. ^ . ^
I'd like to thank my Proofreader Dalanar for helping me with grammar.
(Even though she knows nothing about Pokmon.)
And I'd like to thank SynXIX for helping me with everything ^ . ^


Ash = 20
Brock = 27
Duplica = 23
Gary = 20 1Ú2
Kaijin = 20
Lara Laramie = 21
Ley (Ashley) = 4
Linn (Ashlinn) = 4
Lisala = 21
Misty = 22
Delia Ketchum = 38
Ritchie = 20 1Ú4
Samuel Oak = 70
Suzie = 27 1Ú2
Tracey = 23

The Prophecy

The Ship will steal the world.
The Hero will not be found.
The Rival will fight.
The Waters will rise.
The Quarry will fall.
And all will be lost for want of the Hero.

The world is still in turmoil, but all is looking brighter. Team Rocket
still holds sway, but the resistance is fighting back. The first order
of business for every one was to make sure the Pokemon Master was healthy
enough to fight. That was taken care with a weeks rest in the fortress.

He and his kids got to know (and reacquaint, in Ash's case) everyone.
Delia Ketchum took over taking care of her grandchildren saying "I have
not been in their lives, I need to make up for lost time." She then shoed
Ash out saying, "You go have fun with your friends, I get to play doting
grandmother for the next week or so." So Ash had no choice but to listen
(anyway what child can resist his/her mother, even grown children?)

Ash rested for a week and in that time Squirtle went off and found a very
welcome face to Ash, a young Lapras who joined him on his journey when he
was 11. He explained what he wanted to her and she went off to talk to her
school. When she returned she had a school of Lapras with her 100 strong.
And now we resume our tale a week after Ash returned to being Ash.