Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Timetravelers: Time of Danger ❯ The Ingrevation Problem ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer for the lazy: I don't own Pokémon or anything to do with it.

Note that a wrinkle is when Time has changed from what it was.

The Timetravelers: Endenflare
Part Three: The Ingrevation Problem

June 7th, 2006
TT HQ, 6:30 p.m. It was another day back at the HQ. MK was filling out the report, which was now… a wrinkle report. She talked to herself as she filled it out.

"Hmm… let's see… it was the first of June, two-thousand and six. New enemy unknown to the Timetravelers appeared. Sends two into psychic comas. It is known fact that one of them…" Mk looked up for a second "… my father…" (of course she didn't write that) "had never gone into one in his life. Therefore, this is a wrinkle…"

The Team Rocket alarm went off. Jonathan Giovanni was behind her.

"Hello Nayana. Have you ingrevated yet?"

"NO! Gurr! Don't mention that!" Turning around, she tried to punch him out. Unfortunately, he moved, then stuck out his tongue at her. After that he tossed her against the wall.

"Aw, this isn't fun at all Nayana. I heard it was fun to get beaten down by you." He looked at her, lying on the floor, looking pathetic for once in her life. "If I'm beating you down, at least make it fun!"

"Screw you buddy! I'm not going to make it fun!"

Jonathan Giovanni smiled and kept tossing her against the wall. Mk couldn't defend herself; he was too strong. Soon he stopped.

"*sigh* I guess you aren't good enough for me. You aren't in my league. What a shame. I'd always hear rumors about you, and I'd fear you because of them. You seemed to be the only one with the power to beat me. But I guess I was wrong. You're just another wannabe superpsychic. And you call yourself that. You call yourself the strongest and smartest psychic ever. But you aren't. You don't deserve that title! Hahahahaha!" Satisfied, he teleported away.

Mk looked at the ground. He was right; she didn't deserve to be called those titles anymore if he could beat her down like this.

A long time ago, everyone called her the most talented, the smartest, the strongest psychic ever. But she knew it wasn't quite true. Jonathan Giovanni had taken the title from her. But there was still one who can take the title from him.

And that person… was the Mika-Nayana.

Who you ask? I tell.

It was last year when Mk/Nayana learned of it. She was assigned to read a book that mentioned that legendary figure. There was a prophecy about her (yep, it's a girl) in Johto somewhere. They said that she was the smartest and strongest of them all. Of course, there were certain qualifications that had to be fulfilled, and Mk/Nayana had learned the big ones.

"But anyone can have extraordinary talent, lose their memory, get called Mika and have an evil mother," Mk thought. "If only we knew who this person is and where she is, I'd bet my life that she'd beat J.G. down so bad, he'll never forget it! Too bad I'm not her. But I don't fit the Mika and memory parts, and I'm assuming that she'll be 10 when she ingrevates… that is, if she even does. I will only go to 9 when I finally ingrevate."

Mk then sat down to finish her report.

"Wish I was ingrevated… J.G. would have never caused this much trouble. Never… now where was I? Oh yes, I just need to fill out the rest of the form…" She grumbled. It was hard work.

"One day, I'll be ingrevated and J.G. will wish that he was dead."

-To be continued…-
The other disclaimer: Don't own Pokémon… but do I own legend idea? Not sure. It'd be fun if I did.
Which reminds me… of other story… need to post with this. Has more about legend thing in it. I wrote the story in one day. It's short, but good.

I've liked the reviews that I've gotten so far on this. I like compliments. Really!

Man this is short. But I wanted to write more about Jonathan Giovanni and how he and Mk are always (or at least going to always) fight(ing)… and…
It is now official: anything can happen! The end of the series might not match the beginning… ooh…