Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 50_Prompts: Theme Set #1 ❯ Summaries for all the themes ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


01 Impulsive - shonen-ai, 1 page, Lance heals Red after he saves a kid
02 Chance - shonen-ai drabble, Lance flies away and Red chases him
03 Memories - fanon drabble, SA
04 Whisper - ficlet, shoujo-ai, Lance appears in Red's room at night, injured, Sailor Moon-esque verse
05 Bittersweet - ficlet, shonen-ai implied, Lance comforts Red at a friend's funeral, implied het too, though the girl is not named
06 Lies - ficlet, implied het, shonen-ai, Lance sleeps with Red and Misty with Lorelei, adultery and friendship
07 A Night Like This - ficlet, shoujo-ai, Silver Millennium Sailor Moon-esque, a masquerade dance
08 Once Again - 1.5 pages, shonen-ai, Kanto/Johto civil War, Lance authorizes pokemon to fight
09 Fear - 2 pages, Red and Lance steal the Eternal Stone from TR, destroy it, and then Red gets nightmares and sleeps in Lance's room, Shonen-ai
10 This Bond - shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, Queen Delia wonders why Uranus and Neptune are so close
11 No Time - shonen-ai, POTO-verse, Red chooses to stay with Lance at the end of the musical, 1.5 pages
12 Far Away - 1.25 pages, shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, Uranus and Neptune kill a daimon, talismans mentioned, Pluto watches
13 Façade - het, Red pretends to be confident and Lance pretends to be a boy
14 Thank You - Zensho-verse, shonen-ai, Lance rescues kidnapped Red and Red kisses him, fluffy 1.5 pages
15 Aftermath - shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, Post-Galaxia, Uranus and Neptune apologize for killing Pluto and Saturn
16 Impress - implied shonen-ai, Lance scolds Ash for falling off the roof after a bet with Gary
17 Taste - shonen-ai incest ficlet, Lance strokes Red while writing legislation
18 A Smirk - Special-verse, SA, Red sees Lance, pre-romance
19 It's Alright - shonen-ai ficlet, Lance killed Red's `friends' but Red doesn't mind, Special-verse
20 Honesty - shonen-ai ficlet, Red asks Lance to be honest, and if being gay is wrong
21 Rash Decision - shonen-ai, 1.25 pages, Red `kills' rockets, Lance distracts him with sex to make him forget
22 Flames - 2 pages, shonen-ai, smut, Red becomes Champion and Lance gives him oral, Zensho-verse, Charizard
23 Opposites - shoujo-ai ficlet, Sailor Moon-esque, a game of tag, fire and water, and then duty calls
24 Strengths - shonen-ai ficlet, Lance heals Red and then wishes he could be strong enough to confess his love
25 Right Now - shonen-ai ficlet, Green catches Red and Lance together
26 Run Away - shonen-ai, one page, Red runs away from home to Lance's house
27 Lost - shonen-ai, PWP, Ash gets him and Lance lost, Lance `rapes' him, bastard! Lance
28 Misunderstanding - shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, Lance meets Ash and remarks on her purity, Ash thinks she's a boy
29 Perfect Timing - 1.5 pages, shonen-ai, a meeting where Lance strokes Red and then sucks him off while President Goodman is talking
30 Tears - ficlet, shonen-ai, Lance is a dragon
31 Beginnings - ficlet, shonen-ai, Ash x Lance, Ash notices Lance is pretty, Orange Island Champion has to stay…
32 Hidden Emotions - Red goes to Orre to search for Lance and discovers he's in love, shonen-ai, 1.5 pages
33 Open Your Eyes - Shonen-ai, Red wakes after a month of sleep, vampires, incest ficlet
34 Forget-me-not - shonen-ai ficlet, Red wakes up with amnesia and has forgotten Lance
35 Hold Onto My Hand - shonen-ai, 1.25 pages, Red and Lance hanging off a building, VS Team Rocket
36 Something To Remember - Special-verse, SA, Lance is dead, Red remembers him with a locket and curses Yellow while Yellow spies on him, Specialshipping-bashing
37 Déjà vu - shonen-ai fanon ficlet, probability-wise, Red remembers being in love with Lance at least once…
38 Sleepy - smut drabble, Lance sexes Red while he's asleep, shonen-ai
39 Already Too Late -shonen-ai, Lance heals Red's daughter, ficlet, angst
40 Autumn - shonen-ai incest, 1.5 pages, Lance and Red plot to kill Annabelle
41 Teamwork - shonen-ai, 1.5 pages, Red and Lance get locked in a cave, Lance sexes Red in a hot spring when he's high, and they escape. Evil! Bruno
42 Reasons - fluff drabble, why does Lance love Red? SA
43 Eyes - shoujo-ai, AU, Sailor Moon-esque, Uranus and Neptune meet Moon for the first time
44 Like A Drug - ficlet, shonen-ai, being in love with Lance is like marijuana, Red thinks
45 Other Intentions - dragon! Lance and kitten! Red, implied smut, ficlet, SA
46 Game Over - Lance is a VR character, shonen-ai, 1 page, Red doesn't want to lose him by losing a game
47 Under The Stars - ficlet, shonen-ai, morning after sex, breakfast in bed
48 Aim High - 1.25 pages, shonen-ai, Red wins Championship and his mom goes mad and tries to kill him, Lance takes care of him
49 Scarred - ficlet, shonen-ai, Lance is scarred and wears a mask but Red still hugs him
50 Forever - drabble, shonen-ai, the End of the Pokemon World, fanon (Last fic!)
#2 (11/15/06 to 12/5/06)

01 Alone - Lance adopts Red after Delia dies, friendship, angst, 1.5 pages
02 Strengths - ficlet, SA, Lance patches Red's bruises up after training with Green, and Red wonders what his strengths are
03 Happiness - Red searches in a dictionary for happiness, Lance kisses him, shonen-ai drabble
04 A Bet - shonen-ai drabble, Misty breaks Red's heart, Lance plays nurse
05 Move Forward - shonen-ai, 1 page, Special n' fanon, Lance uses a virus to kill the humans, Red becomes Destiny
06 Second Chance - fanon, post Theme #19, Charlotte and Lance talk about love, and Lance quits loving Ash. Oh dear
07 Future - shonen-ai, fanon, 1 page, Red uses the Sacred Sword and Shield to save the world
08 Seeing Red - shonen-ai, Special-verse, Lance watches Red, canon League battle
09 Pure - shonen-ai, 1.5 pages, Zensho-verse, Red connects to the master computer and Lance sexes him
10 White Smoke - ficlet, Special-verse, Future! Fic, pokemon melded with their trainers, shonen-ai implied
11 Savior - AU, Red becomes a dragon trainer, same universe as Theme #1
12 Three - 1.25 pages, fanon, Mary-Sue bashing
13 Feelings - shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, ficlet, Lance leaves with Ashline, Red is unhappy about this, Silver Millennium
14 Everyday - Red visits Lance's grave daily, Special-verse, anti-Yellow, ficlet
15 First Meeting - 1.25 pages, shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, Red sees Lance as Neptune but doesn't recognize her
16 Rejection - shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque ficlet, Ashline breaks Lance's fins…
17 Close To You - Ash chooses Misty, Lance becomes a boy, Red marries her, AU, 3 pages, het
18 Carry On - shonen-ai, Special-verse, 1 page, Red nurses Lance after Cerise
19 Simple Reason - anti-Palletshipping, SA, Crystal talks to Ash and kills him, fanon, 1 page, takes place after Theme #31
20 Yesterday - Zensho-verse, Red feels antsy about girls flirting with him, Lance reassures him, shonen-ai fluffy ficlet
21 At Least Once - shonen-ai implied, takes place after Lance and Charlotte meet Ash, Lance reflects on their relationship, ficlet, after Themes #23 and #39
22 Goodbye - shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, 1.25 pages, Uranus and Neptune VS Moon, they lose due to the Crystal
23 Jealousy - anti-Palletshipping, Lance sets fire to the Plateau after he catches Ash and Gary cheating on him in their room, 1 page shonen-ai
24 Under The Moon - Sailor Moon-esque, SJA implied, Neptune loses to Galaxia and becomes one of her servants, ficlet
25 Voice - ficlet, Lance killed a man once and never speaks, Red cuddles him
26 Warmth - shonen-ai ficlet, Red sleeps in Lance's sleeping bag, and Lance is `cute'
27 Myself - fanon shonen-ai ficlet, the Id, the Ego, Superego and guardians
28 Indulge in the Moment
29 Blue Moon - Sailor Moon-esque, Red reacts to Neptune's death, ficlet, SJA
30 Promise - Charlotte kills Lance because he wishes it, drabble, SA, takes place after Theme #21
31 These Words - 1 page, at Lance's funeral, Charlotte gives Ash a talking to, SA, Crystal goes hunting for Ash, post Theme #30, anti-Palletshipping
32 Only You - Special-verse, shonen-ai, 1 page, Red watches Yellow and the League go to their deaths, after Theme #18
33 Worries - Red doesn't worry, Lance does to protect Red, fluff ficlet, SA
34 Pride - 1 page, Red is Pride, Lance is Wrath, Special-verse, Yellow comes to find Red, Red kills her while Lance strokes him
35 Top Of The World - 1.5 pages, shonen-ai, Red finds out now he's President since Goodman is dead
36 Lucky - Special-verse ficlet, fluffy, SA, Lance and Red in Seafoam, Red falls asleep in his arms and Lance feels lucky
37 Silence - ficlet, Palletshipping-bashing after the fact, SA, Lance is insane inside his head and Ash can no longer reach him
38 Light Rain - 1 page, implied SA, fluff, Red sees Lance while seeking shelter in Celadon during a rainstorm, and gets a bit of a crush
39 If I Could Change The Past - ficlet, SA, takes place after #23, Ash sees Lance in a coffee shop as a businessman
40 Spring - shonen-ai, Zensho-verse, ficlet, Charmander, Red and Spring (First fic)
41 If You Smile - shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, Red feels sad after she and Lance fail to save a kid, ficlet
42 Reach Out - Shonen-ai drabble, Special-verse, `doll' Lance
43 Do Anything - shonen-ai drabble, takes place after Theme #19, ficlet, Destiny takes over once Ash is dead
44 Alcohol - shonen-ai ficlet, Isopropyl alcohol and mending cuts
45 Heated - shonen-ai ficlet, AU, Lance saves Red from being burned at the stake, Hakuryuu used
46 Signs - shoujo-ai, Sailor Moon-esque, Red comforts Lance after she loses her fins, ficlet, Charlotte watches from the Time Gate and decides that Ashline is impure
47 Pull Through - shonen-ai, 1.5 pages, TR injects Lance with Mew DNA, Red sits by his bed after surgery, fluff
48 Differences - introspective fic, Misty (Mars) and Whitney (Venus) talk about the Outer Senshi, Sailor Moon-esque, SJA, 2 pages
49 First Impression - Zensho-verse, shonen-ai ficlet, fluff after Red beats Lance
50 Epilogue - (Last fic!) post Theme #6, Red laments losses, implied shonen-ai